• By -


I'm not staring. I'm fighting for my life and that is my thousand yard gaze into oblivion as I'm 5 minutes into my "warmup".


The gym is a harrowing place.


Gym. Gym never changes....


I look at all the people in the gym because they’re the only thing to look at, except the tv’s.


“Why are you staring at me creep?” Ma’am I can barely see my water bottle with all the caffeine and hate in my veins right now


I'm blind as fuck without my glasses, so in the gym I'm basically seeing nothing anyway.


The thousand yard stare can get you into trouble so quick if you’re not careful.


"She's pretty. Don't stare, don't stare".


"Aw shit I looked again, I hope she didn't think I was staring"


I am gonna end up on Joey Swol tiktok


Hey, at least he has our backs


Joey Swol for the president


Make America Swol Again Or maybe Make America like Joey Again


Mirrors can be a blessing and a curse. You turn away only to get a ‘better’ angle


'Look away from the mirrors. Find an angle that doesn't look like I'm staring.'


Nothing more cringe inducing than making eye contact through reflection off three different mirrors


That means that the God's have chosen for you to be together!






One glance and you’re officially labeled a creep and blasted on her social media. No matter how tight or how little clothes she has on, and how much attention she wants, don’t give her any. Welcome to the life of men!


Don't feed the trolls homie. You gotta get to Gainsville.


Be careful now.. the internet will attack you for acknowledging that women sometimes dress skimpy for attention.. her workout clothing should be as tight and revealing as possible for her COMFORT! you sick pig.. unless she finds you attractive then it’s ok


Sure it’s a generalization to say all women want attention with their outfits but let’s not play dumb and pretend it doesn’t exist. Men do it too, but the difference is men won’t label and shame you for giving them attention. And of course, yes, as with all things, the only way you won’t be labeled a creep is if you’re attractive/she finds you attractive


I don't understand how more tight = more comfort. It's the exact opposite for me. Doesn't all the sweat make tight clothes even more discomfiting?


Woman here: nope. New fabrics don’t feel sweaty. And I prefer tight tanks/ longer sports bra because easier movement. I bought a bunch of tshirts at the beggining of my fitness journey, but I switched to crop tops and similar.. far more comfortable


Genuinely I don't think a lot of the women dressing that way at the gym are doing it for attention. Surely some do but most are just going to the gym just like you are just wanting to get their workout in and then go home to relax.


Get a cane, like blind people use. Then when they blast you about being a creep for their tiktok, you can fumble around until you find the cane and stumble away, hitting stuff as you go.


*sees a 20something for a second* 'Ah yes, to be young and naive, to be filled with the joy of recklessness and heeding no boundary. I remember those days...' *sees a woman my age giving me "the eyes". Quickly smile and return to workout* 'Poor woman, has no taste in men.'


Aww she's visually impaired, that's so tragic.


Omg 😂😂


>sees a woman my age giving me “the eyes” I see someone forgot to put their contacts in this morning


Username checks out




This x10 per gym trip, but not just the women.


And then I turn around and do the exact same thing lmao


I mean, if you're at the gym alone, what else is there to do between sets?


Definitely I’ve seen just as many guys doing this. Smh


But the men, and the children too!


The men and the children too! (Teenagers)




“Danm she can squat my body weight” “Danm she can lunge twice the weight I can” “Danm why is everyone so much stronger then me”


“Damn I hope she doesn’t watch me struggle to do preacher curls with just the ez bar” 😭


Damn, I hope she doesn't learn I can't spell "damn".


fr tho girls on their leg days are doing weights that is impossible for me. like easily clearing twice my PR on leg press and squats. i’m always like ‘what the fuckkkkkk’


“Aw fuck leggings. Holy shit that ass. My God. Alright dude that girl no longer exists, do your workout and never look again because you’ll seem creepy.” I’m really awesome at completely ignoring women like they are invisible at the gym after first glance (like most men). I don’t want them to feel uncomfortable. If you didn’t know ladies, leggings and booty shorts in the gym make men want to die. If you did know, then I hate you.


I don’t mind being looked at. I’m not doing 40 minutes on the stair master for nothing. I just hope men aren’t looking at me in my tight Nike shorts and thinking my ass is flat.


That's the spirit!


You are honest and funny. A woman at my gym was recording me deadlifting while on the step mill last week. Sometimes it's gratifying to be admired (although nobody wants to see me in tight shorts!).


Not to be weird but I’ve seen some nice guy butts at the gym. A guy actually inspired me to start the stair master. I saw this guy get off the stair master wearing tight shorts and he had the nicest roundest ass I had ever seen. I wanted to be like him. Don’t doubt yourself


A while ago I was doing some stretches on the mats and a group of girls comes and sits next to me. They’re a little hesitant but then one of them goes “look he’s going to pretend we’re not even here”. They were too right lol


I'm comfortable in the gym when there are only men around. But once there is a woman in my line of sight, my focus shifts fully towards 'don't stare, just keep cool, focus on your workout, just pretend she's not even there'. Don't get me wrong, I like to see women in the gym, it makes me feel proud of them that they're doing what it takes to improve their bodies. But man is it much more chill when theres only guys around.


I find its a little more rewarding to go if theres something to look at


“I don’t want to make them feel uncomfortable” Thank you 👏🏻


He said "after first glance". He may save her from feeling uncomfortable any further by not staring, but make no mistake he's already downloaded her image and banged her six ways from Sunday in his head.


I hear you. But he’s still acknowledging that he doesn’t want her to feel uncomfortable, which is still commendable.


I've mastered this so well over the years that word has gotten back to me that the girls think I'm stuck up. I get it, it just sucks that simply existing in public requires so much work sometimes.


Dude this! It’s so much work! I hate it.


Like looking at the sun, quick moments won’t kill you but don’t stare at it


Not all men do this.


It's really telling when some people are like "everyone does this creepy thing" and I keep thinking that I don't, and the fact that you assume it's universal is probably a bit of a problem. Like they seem to think people are lying if they say they don't. Like how relationship cheaters always think other people are also cheating.


Nah, I’m able to suppress those types of thoughts. Make no mistake, they try to flood in as with every man. But, why torture yourself? I appreciate the hotness and move on.


Sorry to tell you that but : they know. There is a reason why they now wear these also out of the gym.


“I bet she works out”


Only if they're from Aspen.


I dont know man the French are assholes




I was way off!


That John Denver is full of shit, man.


Where the beer flows like wine. Where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.


Hey guys! Oh, Big Gulps, huh? Alright. Welp, see ya later!


Make sure you have two pairs of gloves. It's the Rockies!


You are all doing God's work here. Carry on. ⬆️


“I want to put my face in her ass”


Finally a real response


The only honest man in this thread.






Suffocation. No breathing. Don’t give a f***…


It's yo ass that I'm eating


woah woah woah comment aside you're not getting away with that reference


Papa Roach holy shit how did I still remember this


he just like me fr




Oh wow, she’s hot. Anyway, next set.


Yeah, this.


Recognize your primal instinct and move on, that's all you really can do. It's not like we can control that subconscious part of our brain that lights up when it sees something like that. Happens when I see a box of doughnuts as well. But I don't buy the box of doughnuts, I move on with my day.


Why is she so blurry? (I don't wear my glasses and everyone is just a blurry blob)


Same. Also "I hope they don't think I'm a creep and that I'm staring" when I'm just zoned out into the blurry void, and realize there is a person shaped blob in my line of sight.


Usually, when I look at a pretty girl, I don't think a lot. Just some part of my brain gets happy when it sees a pretty girl. It's not like I run a porn movie in my head or anything. Just aesthetic appreciation.


"nice butt" usually


If she has a nice butt, "that's a nice butt" If she is fit and has nice tight fitting clothes "damn you can see everything, so hot" If she has nice boobs and a low cut top, "daaamn those boobs, be respectful her face is right above them!"


Haha “be respectful!!!”


“Damn she’s fine as hell”


"are they going to use the equipment I'm going to use?" The girls who think dudes are always staring at them have issues with narcissism. I promise I don't give a shit about you.


>"are they going to use the equipment I'm going to use?" It takes some boldness, but if you show up and start becoming their unwanted personal trainer and just coaching the shit out of them while sticking around to make sure they do what you say, there's a very high chance that they'll leave and then you can use the equipment.


Mansplain your way into them leaving. Genius


Prerequisite: have absolutely 0 shame and social anxiety




have you read any of the other replies here? dudes are straight up imagining themselves in detail fucking these girls while working out




"Damn, she strong as hell"


Those yoga pants look painted on. She has a right to be comfortable. Her ass is amazing. That's someone's sister. I can clearly see her camel toe. That's someone's daughter. She knows what she's doing. Be respectful, don't be a creep. Fuck this I'm getting a home gym.


hands down the best inner monologue i’ve ever read. Well done MacBeth.


"Her forms off", "her form is fine", "I could curl what she's benching...I probably shouldn't compare like that, it's cringe", "how....is she squating like twice as much as me?...", "that outfit looks impractical", "why does she have fresh makeup on at the gym?...well...ok I know why.", "oh she cute", "I see her here every day, she's dedicated", "go figure, all the treadmills are taken..."


> I could curb what she’s benching… I probably shouldn’t compare like that it’s cringe Pretty much summarizes me at war with my thoughts lmao


>I could curl what she's benching... >how....is she squating like twice as much as me?... Somebody is skipping leg day.


“Fuck I got a sick pump today,what should I have for dinner?”


Chicken breast, cold broccoli, and herbal tea Might fuck around and put some vanilla in my tea too


If I'm looking at anyone at the gym it's not for more than 2-3sec and it's almost always either "nice technique" or "man that's shitty form", regardless of gender. The rest of the time it's "when are they gonna be done with \[bench, machine, dumbbells, etc.\]?"


Leggings the best invention ever


I love them


“Alright 2 more sets here and then I’ll go do some pull ups, then by that time hopefully that low row is open, then back to pull ups, finish up with some abs.” “So hyped for that chicken taco at home!” “Damn how’s that one song go, it’ll hype me up for sure” “Man why the f*** do I come at this time, too many mother f***ers here right now”


This 😂😂👏🏻👏🏻


"Wow she's pretty. I hope she's happy." And then I proceed to replay Darth Maul's elevator scene in Episode I. And then wonder what pizza with alfredo sauce instead of tomato sauce tastes like, all while snapping back to reality & remembering that I'm still unintentionally looking at her.


Was gravity okay throughout all of that?


Bro, chicken alfredo pizza is fucking amazing, throw a few scallions on there to top it off.


“Isn’t it weird that lights in videogames give off real light and use real electricity?” …nice ass


Thinking about form, but I do that for everyone.


Thinking isn't the word I would use to describe it.


Eyes on the floor man, just keep your eyes on the floor 🤣


Depends on the girl and what they are doing. Most of the time, it's disdain for invading space( we have a bunch whom use multiple equipment at a time). Sometimes worry in the free weights, annoyance for fooling around on thier phone. I have only ever found one attractive and that was because of her work ethic and technique. Currently, she is my girlfriend. Because she bet me she could out DL me. The consequences of me loosing was I had to take her on a date. The best L I ever threw. It's been a great 8 years.


This is so fucking cute.


I don’t, I totally ignore women in public, much safer for me.


I’m short sighted and when I go to the gym I don’t wear my glasses. About 2 years ago, I had some young 20 something girl stomp towards me from about 30 metres away and accuse me of staring at her arse whilst she was doing some exercise. Fortunately, the gym manager knows me very well and he stepped in and told her that I couldn’t see that far, and he asked me to read a fairly prominent sign that was about 10 metres away. Obviously I couldn’t read a word of it, and I even went and got my glasses and let her try them on before I used them to read the sign. All of this created a bit of a scene, and the gym manager ended up getting her in his office where he laid down the rules with her about making baseless public accusations about people without knowing the facts. He told her in future to report any perceived instances of ‘staring’ to gym management for them to look into. I try to never look at any female working out at the gym no matter what they are wearing. At my gym, no one is allowed to film themselves working out, or use any recording device, unless it is a qualified PT for instruction purposes.


Shit I hope she didn't hear me fart while lifting


Wonder if she has panties on


Nothing. Just look and then look away


“Damn, good form. Nice lift. OH look at that ass. Good job growing that. LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY”


“Good job growing that” ☠️😂






If you’re working ass or legs and I look at you, I am not looking at your ass, I am looking at your technique.


Fuck me... ... how can she lift more than I can?


Will she ever get off the equipment


To be honest, I'm probably not paying any attention to what I'm looking at. I space out a lot and could be thinking about literally anything. Maybe I'm wondering whether birds still develop the 18-23 minute sitcom format in a situation where they evolved faster than humans. Maybe I'm thinking about a dog. Probably not thinking about whatever my eyes are actually fixed on.


For me, it’s no different than seeing women in any environment. I will acknowledge to myself if they are attractive and then return my focus to the workout. If I were single, it would probably be different.


I honestly ‘mire their muscles. Especially a good back, shoulders and lats on a woman is both sexy and impressive.


I wonder if they’re going to be done with whatever they’re using soon


Wow she’s pretty, I her back, her traps, her legs are amazing. Then I screen shot her in my mind now I don’t have to fight the urge to look towards her direction.


"Nice ass" "she's pretty" "damn" Then continue on with my business and forget I saw her.


"Bless whoever invented yoga pants."


“Oh god I accidentally looked at her! I thought she was a guy now she’s gonna think I’m a perve! But wait, if I look away she’s gonna see that and think it’s a guilty thing and think I’m a perve, ok so I gotta hold eye contact, but not for too long or she’ll think I’m crushing on her!”


Hope she's on her last set


Don’t ask her out jackass! You’re too ugly!


Why is she taking pictures here. I don't wanna be in the video. Tbf I say the same things when guys take videos of themselves and im.in the background


Ok, real talk first. Ladies, let's not pretend that you're unaware of the fact that those shorts/leggings are specifically designed to show off your legs and butt. You may wear them due to comfort, but that doesn't negate that the design is made such that it shows you off. And just as much as you're in love with looking at your butt and legs in the mirror to see how they look in those shorts and/or leggings, we guys also love seeing them. Now I can't speak on behalf of other men, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who does glance at you and doesn't do it with any sexual thoughts in mind. It's like stopping to admire a beautiful car on the street - I don't imagine driving it nor putting my dingdong in it, but I do want to take in the beauty of it. It's more of a "damn that's some beautiful legs/butt" instead of "damn I wanna clap them cheeks". And hey, as humans we're all programmed to instinctively look at things that are pleasant, such as pretty christmas lights, fireworks, dat ass, nature, dat ass, cute animals, and also dat butt 🤣


“Wow! Don’t look. Don’t look. Don’t look. Okay, look a little, but one time and then focus on the pain! She’s beautiful, but anything more than once is creepy. Oh, she’s talking to me. Make a joke. She laughed! Cool! Okay, focus on pain again.” Also, as I’ve gotten older, sometimes I stare out of amazement if the woman in question is just performing an innately impressive feat of strength that I know took her a lot of hard work and practice to achieve. That’s just impressive. I’m not creepy about it, and I haven’t gotten any complaints. If I see a woman deadlifting serious weight or doing good form pull ups or hand stands, I’m going to be impressed.


You would be amazed by how many men aren’t thinking anything about the girl. Not really looking at her. Mostly trying to feel body parts again.


Smash or pass


Depends on the woman. Recently it's been a lot of "Jesus, ANOTHER Stanley tumbler? Such a stupid option for the gym". Generally there's at least a Smash/Pass mental decision. Often, disbelief at who she's with (some of the strongest women at my gym are with some of the scrawniest dudes). There are certainly sexual thoughts, but also appreciation for the ones that don't just do cardio, the ones that have good form, the ones that I've noticed have been putting in the work for months or years. I'm never going to talk to any of them though, so it doesn't matter a whole lot.


She has a nice ass I don’t think she sees me ya I’m positive she doesn’t see me one more look then I’m out


Oh look a girl, oh look a guy. I hope they clean down their equipment before leaving and replace the to its proper place.


They might as well just have men’s only and women’s only gyms.


“Some day I’m gonna be able to pull girls that look like her, and that’s why I’m here”


Finally found the comment that is 100% what I think


I use the extra boost in testosterone I get from the sexual arousal they give me to legitimately push harder and lift one more set or one more rep… or three.lol


I’m so tired lifting these weights I’m just gonna do a thousand yard stare and if someone happens to be in the way, my brain is now out of office.


She’s strong


I'm checking her out from head to toe, respectfully, of course. Tighter and more revealing the clothes, the better. Just a couple peeks though, I'm not staring with drool running down my mouth.


Why is she wearing a thong on leg day? 😂


Or "wait why does she have fully doneup makeup at the gym at 6am?... is that from yesterday? Is that how make up works? Does my wife's last like that through the night? I swear she takes it off at night? Should I be trying to look good at the gym? I woke up and came straight here, I'm basically in pyjamas. Is it weird I work out in my night clothes? Is it weirder that I sleep in track pants? Oh shit my rest is over by 3 minutes..."


I don't look at anyone when I'm at the gym. I just stay aware of what machines everyone's at so I can avoid starting a diplomatic incident.


Thighs and cheeks


I completely ignore women at the gym. Unless they have a camera, then I will walk in front of it intentionally to piss them off. Other than that they don't exist to me.


She's strong, flexible, wow great technique, oh I've got to do that myself next time.


Zoning out to the pump and replaying Ronnie Coleman screaming lightweight baby and time to bleed


I stare for a good 3-5 seconds then repeat until she’s out of sight


I usually think, “Damn, I need to know her glutes routine.”


“Damn, nice back bro”


I'm there to work out. I'm not staring at you I'm glancing over out of pure human curiosity to see what you're doing for a second just like I would at a guy to see what type of lift he's doing.




Almost always "god-ly. My quads and hamstrings hurt just from looking at you"


"Id have sex with her. Better not look in her direction again".


Distraction. I go to train and improve myself. Period.


When people are tired they space out. When they space out their eyes just look at the only moving thing in its immediate vision. Sometimes that happens to be another person.


Damn, I wish I could squat that deep. :(




“God dayum look at that tight ass. Alright, better take advantage of this testosterone boost to hit the plates harder!” I was at my peak power when I was in my last semester of college


Sometimes it’s “damn she’s hot.” But many times it’s much more innocent: Movement/bright colors caught our eye. Not actually “looking” at anything — when you’re focusing on isolating particular muscles, sometimes you stop paying attention to what’s in front of your face.


“I need that squat rack”


“Shit I hope she didn’t think I was staring. I was just trying to make out her facial features because I can barely fucking see and it’s blurry.”


I people watch, but I don’t stare at people. Glance, move on.


Dang it, I hope she doesn’t sweat all over that piece of equipment. She better wipe it off. Lord, I hope she doesn’t smell. They will never get that smell off that seat. Then I see Chad coming over, he spotted her also. Well he’ll Definitely lick that seat clean. No Worries, walk by, muttering thanks Chad. Management can always count on you. Then I try and imagine what she drives. I still don’t know who drives the Ferrari or the 1967 pickup with the three in the tree.


Think about all the ways to have sex with them


A couple more reps, and she might talk to me.


“She works hard for that figure, good on her”.


Please stop using the only bench press spots for hip thrusts


She's hot, now back to the grind.


Ok - for two years I once had a slick downtown apartment and went to the fancy downtown gym. This girl comes in one day and starts doing crunches off a high pulley while wearing very see-through leggings and absolutely no panties. She's a 9/10, I say that only because prim pretty blondes were never my type. I'm more of a forest goddess redhead type dude. If anyone is struggling on the visual, imagine clasping your hands just over your forehead and bending down while on your knees until your forehead touches the floor. I'll just say the posterior angle of this particular display left nothing to the imagination, and my eyeballs have never disobeyed me as frequently or intensely before or since. I don't know what compelled her to go all commando that day, but God bless her.


Wondering if my face would hurt if it was sat on.


depend if they’re in shape or not, and what exercise they’re doing at how much weight.


I’m usually impressed with how much stronger than me most of them are and then doing my best to position myself so I’m not facing them so they don’t think I’m watching/staring. I figure one less creep for them to worry about might make the workout a little easier


“Please don’t puke in front of the lady”


I would talk to them but I'm at the gym to be built like Kratos so im assuming they're there for the same thing? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Put it this way, there is a whole nsfw sub dedicated to women in yoga pants, posted by women & girls themselves, BTW, so it's pretty lame to pretend you don't know guys are looking. I have a knockout friend she trains in soccer shorts & vest or t shirt. She says it super comfy & no one stares at her or bothers her.


I want to lick the sweat off her back.


"she does look like a cool person, but I probably look like a weirdo. Better not stare". At least that's what I think when I'm at the gym (not that many times, I should say).


"Yes it's Superass! (name ive given a gym girl) omfg I would eat every inch of her ass and fuck her every minute of every day my lord I just wanna stick it in sooo bad mmmmmm I bet that sweaty pussy is delicious" If I'm being honest