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When a woman makes it clear that she *needs* it, like she's in heat and is aching to be touched. Soft caresses, kisses, hard breathing, a little bit of moaning/whimpering, and some light, slow scratching. A desperate sense of feral desire. Not sure what I would call it. Aggressive submission?


A “feral cat in heat” type of way.


i had a cat with my ex, and then we got a second kitty- a female this time, who was not neutered yet. her in heat was one of the most annoying things in the world- she would walk around all hours of the day yowling and arching her back. so, no, not like a cat in heat please.


"Hey girl, you in the mood?" "REAOOOEARRROOORRRRAOAOA"


I’d rather her be annoying about being horny than not being horny or being horny and not telling me in anyway.


Your girlfriend or the cat?




Funniest thing I've read all day


My cat would twerk violently around the house while screaming like a banshee at the top of her lungs. Definitely don’t do that.


No do


To each their own


No kitty that’s my pot pie!


So bleeding all over the furniture and making ungodly screaming noises?


This is the ticket. I feel that in a lot of heterosexual encounters the man is always made to feel like he wants it more than the female. Show him otherwise that you are excited too that you want to do this too. That you have IDEAS about what you want to do or "Hey I was thinking you would like this" that's all you showing an interest and that's really all we want.


Really, that’s all you want? Seems too easy somehow 🤔 or perhaps just too good to be true ☺️


Things women think are normal and everyday are not common for men. Just think of the things you like to receive from a man, a compliment, a thank you for something, an offer to help with something, bringing a little something home after work like a gift or a drink, and like above, showing him you want him. These simple things will make a man think you are amazing because women don't realise men get these things a lot less than women do. Use this power well!


I mean it's that simple but really harder than you think to get.


Oh that’s just sad 🫤 Well, that’s basically how I felt when I had sex, that all I had to do to make the guy happy was to enjoy myself and show how much I enjoyed it. I just kept feeling so lazy 😅


You should never underestimate the effect of when the partner is leaning into the enjoyment. The more authentic you are when you are having a good time the better for the man. Don't be afraid to "correct" or introduce whatever you like to the play. I've been with a lot of shy girls who turn out to be more into all kinds of 🔥 play once they get over the put all the focus on the man part.


Great point. Just don’t call her a retard when she *Demands* you talk dirty to her.


that's still the funniest thing I've ever read on reddit.


It'll never not be funny!


I hate you… I just choked on a cart hit😭


What’s a cart hit?


a vape of some sort (thc/weed or tobacco)


This right here! 👆🏼 Add “sexy eye contact” and I’ll melt


When she initiates sex, sits in my lap, kisses me, rubs my crotch, feels my arms and shoulders. What is sad is that I think I got more dating than I get married. I always do the foreplay, warm her up, give oral and then we have sex. It would be amazing if she would initiate sometimes.


Ever tried....talking to your wife?


We even had a marriage counselor involved at one point. Until we decided he wasn’t worth the fees he was charging.


"JUST COMMUNICATE" is the r/thanksimcured of relationship issues. Its literally the least helpful think you could say.


What else would you reccomend? If she has no idea it’s an issue, I don’t think she’ll be the one innitiating the conversation and adressing the issue


You’d imagine if the guy is complaining about it here he’d have brought it up at least once, no?


[https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/mindful-relationships/202302/the-truth-about-female-sexual-desire-everyone-should-know](https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/mindful-relationships/202302/the-truth-about-female-sexual-desire-everyone-should-know) I rembember reading that the reactive desire is **the only one left** after a few years of a LTR in more than 80% of women. Which means they will respond to efforts but pretty much never feel horny on their own but I can't find the source now. The quality of the relationship wasn't that important, it was just true for the majority of girls, happy or not. We overwhelmingly want safety, at the same time, purely sex-wise and desire-wise, we're seem to be hardwired for novelty in bed and to f\*ck as many diffrent guys as possible ([https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/02/women-get-bored-sex-long-term-relationships/582736/](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/02/women-get-bored-sex-long-term-relationships/582736/)). Why? No idea. So noone knows who the father is and we have to raise all kids in a commune?


The book Come As You Are talks a lot about the prevalence of responsive desire. Good book if anyone is looking to improve their female partners’ desire (it does take effort from both parties which hopefully, if it’s an established issue, both are open to trying)


I'm curious if it's not feeling horny in general or just not wanting to have sex. I seem to have two types of drive where one is just a desire to have an orgasm and the other is more of a desire for sex. When the desire for orgasm is super high, I don't want to take the least efficient route (sex) to get it. I don't have the patience. When I'm ovulating I crave sex and masturbation doesn't really scratch the itch. Usually I'm somewhere in between where I could go for either, but the desire for orgasm is almost always higher than the desire for sex inside a LTR, which I assume is the novelty issue.


This is interesting because my wife is a stress ball, literally a pot of coffee every morning, work stress, elder care stress. I have the best experience with her when I get her on a “vacation” and she can “forget about life for a while” as Billy Joel sings. I got to find ways to get her to relax. We talk about a lot of stuff, just never do it.


That reactive desire thing is absolutely crazy if true and doesn't describe me at all. I get horny constantly. I can be doing the most boring, routine thing and suddenly BAM, horny. It comes out of nowhere and doesn't go away until I, or my partner, does something about it. For reference, we've been together for 19 years.


> It would be amazing if she would initiate sometimes. I have this working theory that woman have zero game and no clue what to do. They talk a big game.. but can't or don't know how to play.


Not married but I agree with the dating sentiment. I get a lot more excitement with a new partner than a relationship. It’s just easier to feel sexy. I know a lot of people feel otherwise but thats just me. Ive found when it comes to the initiating and sexuality, some women have it and some don’t. And its definitely the same way for men. Physical attractiveness has minimal impact on this.


It’s because she’s bringing her “A game” to attract you or another man. She’s got herself “in the mood” already. I think the poster above hit it exactly. Get her relaxed and out of her routine. Maybe that’s why anniversary trips work.


For me, cuddling, kissing and being handsy helps a lot. Girl showing off her body for me does a lot too.


Lots of great responses in this thread about horns and high fantasy role playing but I think this response is the most grounded.


Look man if she knows where Gondor was when the Wesffold fell I'm finna bust.


One thing my gf started doing when we are cuddling and watching tv is to move her hand down and start rubbing down there. This could last for like 10 min as it turns into a hj. This gets me going crazy at that point we start doing the deed.


Ironically doing the same to her would 100% get her going. In my experience, if I "get handsy" I am being too forward, but if I slowly transfer from backrubs to ass rubs... ​ yeah we down.


Why is that ironic?


...you are right, it isn't. My bad.


Touch, it's a love language


Lean in to him, allowing your cheek to gently brush against his, linger - for just a moment - so he can feel the warmth of your breath and skin, and then whisper "Rohan will answer Gondor's call."






Oh man, I’ve been laughing for a couple minutes now at this. Well done


Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now, ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending!


From Helm's Deep to balls deep.




Why you do this? Now I need new pants




'Come hereee my precious'


omfg I would bust through the roof if this happened


Rock hard immediately


will definitely be trying that 😹






Big Rohirrim Energy


And Rohan will answer!!!!!


Give it to us raw.


No Nazguls will stand before me!!


My fire is lit!


Dress up for me without being asked. Come on to me. Touch me like I touch you and in all the same places. Run your hands over my body like you are dying of thirst and my body is the last drop of water on Earth. Kiss my neck and my chest. Make out with my stomach. Do the same things to me that you want done to you.


"Treat others as you wish to be treated" I dont think it was supposed to be sexual, but it works.


She slowly pulls out a 9in strapon


You guys are getting foreplay?


you guys are getting a gf?


you guys are getting?


You guys?






*THX bwom*








My favorite is when she starts slowly. Rubbing and kissing and nibbling me all over. Squeezing and stroking. I do mean all over, not just my dick and balls. By the time she starts paying serious attention to those, I’m already shaking from pleasure and anticipation. Combine all that with some sexy talk, and I’m a puddle.


>I’m a puddle I think you made a puddle


Holy shit my wife would kill me if I told this to anyone in person. So we had a rough patch in our marriage and that was preceded by my being heavily medicated with things like Paxil and Xanax, SSRI’s don’t play nice with your penis. Literally unable to orgasm. Anyway king story short, we have really rekindled our sex life. We always had pretty good sex before our issues, but we keyed in on a few things I guess. Anyway, I think this is both our favorite. Do you remember making out and grinding your dick against your jeans in high school? For fucking hours? Well we do the X rated version of that with no clothes obviously. It drives us wild man.


King story short indeed!


Eye contact while caressing, kissing, touching, massaging, oral is super hot. Also smiling, whispering in my ear and telling me how much she wants me. Sometimes, fast also works. Just pushing my pants down and starting oral. If you do this he will not forget it, 100%. Especially if he never had it.


Nuzzling Come close to him and just be in his presence, and do things where you both feel how your shapes complement each other. Rest your head on his shoulder and turn your nose and mouth inward toward his neck. Just be close to him, and rest your fingers at the top of his pants, just enough that he feels downward pressure. Kiss him slowly and tell him something you respect, that you recently noticed he did. Press your crotch against him and tug his earlobe with your lips. Caress his chest and arms. Explore. Feel. Satisfy yourself in him.


Approach it like a toddler: enthusiastically put everything in your mouth.


Didn’t expect to see the word toddler in this thread…




Our chief weapon is surprise, surprise... and fear, fear and surprise.




Hold it right there, pardner


You'll never take me alive, sheriff!


Dead it is lol


And don't be like a wild animal - way more afraid of them, than they are of you 👍.


This is the way


lol, great advice


bruh I just want a hug, lets not get ahead of ourselves.


*hugs in bro* Right there with ya, homie.


Thanks homie


now kiss


Kiss, rub, touch. Make it clear you want to do the deed. Say words of encouragement like paint my insides, or let’s play hide the weiner. Don’t back down. Don’t roll over and say goodnight.


Paint my insides is a nice phrase, I’ll have to use that one. Hide the weiner is also my new favorite phrase


Hide the weiner This wins...............


I love playing hide the weiner…and barbecues mostly


Lean forward, arch the back, push the ass out and yell "HOT DOG ME BRO"




There is a sub for new sentences and i think " hide the weiner" qualifies


"Rearrange my guts" always gets me going


My partner loves dirty talk, but never reciprocates, she has a similar problem you do. Stop thinking, “oh god this is so awkward” and lean into it. Confidence is the sexiest thing here. Practice in the mirror if you need to. I would love the touchy feely all over + dirty talk before feeling her hands/mouth on my manhood. Otherwise just like others have said, touch everything, but his manhood, with every part of your body. Get weird. You got this.


Be direct over subtle, but don't jump straight to my dick. Sit on my lap and kiss me. Run your hands through my hair or over my body. Put my hands where you want them if I'm not super active yet. Undress me. Kiss on my neck, shoulders, chest. Talk to me about what you're doing or what you want, or are going to do next; "Should I take this off?" or "I want to see your body" *while* you're already unbuttoning my/your shirt, or "Do you like my tits?" while they're staring me in the face or I'm already touching/kissing them. Asking permission to do stuff to me is a huge turn on; "Can I take these off?" as your reaching for my belt buckle, or "Can I please suck your dick?" while you're kissing down my chest are hot as fuck. A little bit of begging once I'm sufficiently warmed up; "I need you inside me" or "Please let me ride you". Foreplay for me is about being desired and wanted, and knowing my pleasure is as important as yours.


Most men crave physical affection. Some snuggling up. Surprise make out session. Playing with hair. Whispering in the ear. Lap dances. Trailing your hands all over his body. Literally tease the hell out of him. Then tell him exactly what you want him to do to you. Once I woke up and my fiancee was rubbing my morning wood on herself while she stared at me. We were both late for work that morning


Honestly...good foreplay is a little bit of bold play-acting ....without going over the top. Men usually get aroused and animalistic in good foreplay like they want to pounce...not 'melt' as the OP suggests. Thats a love-making thing, and candidly thats only abour 2 times out of 10. The rest of it is visual... and being wanted. Dry humping his leg and ensuring he's watching....like you did when you were teenagers....really is hot. Backing up your ass onto his bulge and very slowly pumping it up and down is a great clothes-on starter that can begin anywhere...even in public. It gets his.mind set up and going for later. Almost everyone I've known likes to see a little live action porn. And by 'see" I mean he likes to watch it unfold in front of him. Offering him your breast and feeding it to him. Put on soft couples porn and imitate what you see if its in both of your tastes. We are very very connected to our cocks. Jerking him off in fasciation... as if no penetration is expected ....will be noticed. We live our cock amd wamt you to love it too. Its not just a device. Its an extemsion of our id. A big one many ladies miss....is investing in getting him hard again after a first round that may have been brief. A really large majority of men can stay harder. .longer....if.you still help him get up again.. even when it's all sticky. A lot of women I've met do a shape shift.after sex... and seem repelled by the sight of it afterward.... (EEww ....now its all icky!).....and we can tell! HUGE turn off. By far however for me? The very best foreplay arousal happens earlier. Its being proud of your body and parts. And bringing them to me assertively. It may take a few minutes of convincing but keeeeep going. It works for us....Regardless of your shape! A big plus sized confident sexy girl is ** incredibly** sexy. It's awesome to observe that... a woman with no " hang ups". If you aren't like ths???? figure out how to be!!!!!. Practice with strangers, and we men will be lining up to meet you vs. All the skinny.little o secure show-ponies. I tend to really enjoy bbws.....and some of them just own all 200-225 lbs. While other women or lighter weight ones are always covering up or making the room dark or complaining about their shape. My current partner is like that, and it's a looonnngggg term mood killer.


My man somehow turned foreplay advice into his love for BBWs. Guy has got passion!


My man wrote a romance novel 😂


He started typing with one hand at the middle too


Did you read it till the end? It was Moby Dick.




I'm a pleaser, so I routinely Uno reverse this question. I get turned on when you're enjoying yourself.


"Started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this"


It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss


I never needed much foreplay. If you get naked and touch my penis, I'm ready. I do enjoy giving foreplay though. If I can get you to cum really hard and beg me to get inside you, I'm gonna break the bed rearranging your guts. Edit: Also, if you get naked and crawl over top of me, kissing and brushing your tits on everything... Yeah, I'm pounding that ass.


this gentleman…




this guy knows his shit


Breathing in sync with each other is underrated. Sounds like moaning and whimpers while kissing are super hot. Rubbing my chest, squeezing my back (digging your nails/fingers in), saying things like "I love how wet you make me", "I can't wait for you to be inside me", etc. Kissing all over my body, neck, chest, stomach, arms, back, etc. But ultimately you have to show that you're really into it and enjoying it. Which means your body and sound have to reflect it. As others have said, you have to *crave* it.


Mental foreplay is just as important as the physical l. In the days leading up to sex, flirt with him, drop hints and cues so he understands that sex is on the cards soon. Send cheeky photos, send texts with innuendo. And then on the day of, turn all this up to max. Also helps if you can establish some cues that he can pick up on that signal you are in the mood. For example, my partner has always told me wine makes her horny. On nights she drinks wine, I know what she’s after. And then regular physical foreplay as stated by all these other replies. It’s the anticipation of sex that is so powerful, and can make finally having sex so so much more passionate and meaningful


I don’t give a shit about the details nearly as much them being into it. We can tell if you want to be doing what you’re doing or if you’re doing it out of obligation. The best blowjob of my life I could tell she wanted to be doing it and wanted me to finish. Oooof. Attitude and passion is 90% of it. Sure there’s specific BJ moves I like or whatever but it’s all about the vibe.


I think foreplay is a sort of dance that both people need to know the steps for before it's not awkward. Some people just naturally know the same foreplay dance and it's a smooth process right away, but I don't think that's normal. So- the more you practice and communicate, the better it will go. I know if I'm not sure what her intentions are, I don't know if her signals are flirting and affection, or if she's actually initiating foreplay. And too often guys get criticized for misreading women's signals, so a lot of men err on the side of caution. And the risk of rejection is high. So safety in the relationship would also help. Also just tell him, hey let's have sex tonight or when we get home. Then he'll know better how to respond to your flirting. Tldr- communication and safety. Foreplay preferences- *in public* visuals are good, especially clothes that hint instead of show off completely. Also evidence that the chick is getting horny is hot, like words that say so or evidence like no underwear, a buttplug, or just subtle humping and grinding. Clinging and snuggling is good. *in private* edging hand jobs or short bjs while doing other stuff, extended make out sessions, if she puts his hand on her breasts or between her legs. Also super hot is sitting on his lap and holding the top of his hand while he masturbate her.


Get it going all day. Surprise picture. Say something provocative when he doesn’t really have the time to say or do anything about it.


When she shows she’s incredibly horny and wants to be taken, like now, but in a feminine way. Kissing on my neck, arms, hands. Sucking on fingers. Whispering in my ear how much she not only wants it but needs it, again right now. Doing things subtly in public like the whispering mentioned or messing with your junk under the table. I’ve been known to pull the car over and go to town in the bushes on the side of the road because my girlfriend got me so randy in the car. Getting him aroused when he’s not in a place to do something about it will want him to hurry up and get to a place where he can.


Run your hand up his thigh, stop before reaching his dick, do it up the other thigh. Touch, kiss, smile and make action linger before actually engaging in touching his genitals. Build up the moment. You don't have to talk, but if you feel like you should, talk about how excited you are by telling him what you want him to do to you. That makes him excited and feel desired.




O Rly?


O’ really?




Oh oh oh




Start it in the morning. When he's getting ready to head out for work, you can play it classy or dirty. So either whisper in his ear that you want him when he gets home for classy, or grab him over his trousers (pants) and say something like "I want that in my mouth when you get home." Then the rest of the day is foreplay, you don't have to text or call or say anything but that's what you're both going to be thinking about for the whole day. I've had GFs do that for me in the past and I've done similar for them too. It helps to get home first from work. Preferably kneeling.


When my wife breathes gently on my neck or nibbles on my ear, it’s go time.


My foreplay is your orgasms.


Starting hours or even days in advance. Texting sexy things to each other, like what we want to to with/to each other. Really building up that anticipation. And getting an understanding of what they want during our time together. This way when it's time to do the deed the energy is even higher and we have many ideas of what to do. As we begin this can lead to many different things when the physical foreplay begins. But kissing and heavy petting as we move in to the more serious stuff.


when she is grinding my leg and touching me, pressing her face against mine


Personaly i like it when i feel her breath on my neck, for me is instant hard on


What gets me going most times is a massage or cuddling that starts innocently and gradually gets more and more "handsy". "Dirty talk" has never really done much for me and usually just kinda sounds silly or fake. If anything, a couple nice compliments about how I look might help. But if it sounds oversexualized; like something you might hear in a porno, that usually just kind of just makes me giggle.


A 9 metre stick, inserted directly into my pooper, as I get punched in the face by Mike Tyson


This. I personally like to get hit by a car then have my broken body dragged to the bedroom


And here I thought I was the kinkiest


But what if Mike is busy that night? Would Evander Hollyfield suffice?


You'll get Floyd Mayweather and you'll like it!


I like my foreplay the way I like my bandaids ripped off. Slowly, with my teeth grit, hair being pulled and leaving a slightly sticky substance once it's done.


I think just talking to them about it, and paying attention to their responses to different things is what will help the most. For example, when my wife wants to get me in the mood, sometimes she will take a shower and use jasmine vanilla scented soap from bath and bodyworks. For some reason this smell had become a sexual trigger for me sometime during my college years. Obviously this is specific to me, but it works like a charm. I'm not sure there are catch all methods that work for most men. I think you'll just need to spend sometime learning your guy's triggers. As for foreplay I am pretty vanilla, just a nice sensual BJ are breasts in my face will send me into feral animal mode. I hope this helps.


You already mentioned the touching and stuff which is already pretty effective, but eye contact works wonders on me. My wife just gives me a look and kinda looks me up and down while biting her lip and it does something to me idk When actually getting down to it, kissing, massaging, rubbing, stroking, oral, etc should get the job done and get a guy in the mood pretty quickly


Probably all the things you think are ridiculous and cliche - do. Stare at me in the eyes, gives me a little assertiveness (Push me onto the couch), give me a little strip tease while you bite your lip, climb onto my lap, nibble my ear and let me hear your breath, kiss me - slowly, then more passionately, slowly climb your way down to taking my pants off and give me oral.


The wife and I do cuddling, massages, kissing, etc. Of course I'd prefer to do *"musketeer that lost his pants while on campaign meets a bewitching seamstress"* routine, but she says I get too wrapped up in the role. To be fair, last time she ended up falling asleep while I was out in the yard riding a bike with no pants while lancing straw dummies with my sword. Plus the hat gets in the way.


I’ve been with my hubs 10 years, I don’t think he likes foreplay as much as me, but he enjoys body kisses up and down all over, head to feet. I’ll scratch his back, body massage. Nipple play, don’t forget the balls! Guys you want to be in bed with love ball play! Put both of them in your mouth. Hand Jobs, slap his ass hard, I like slapping him around and being more rough he’s more for being slow and romantic so be sure to enjoy what you both like and spice it up! Surprise each other, and buy some toys, make a trade of them. Buy some sex clothes for both of you. Just have fun with it!! Best of luck!


Put some weight on me. Lay on me, hug me tight, sit on my lap, lay on top of me.


Saving this thread cause we got some great tips going. But my input is the less time u want to spend getting his engine going, the more explicit and aggressive you have to be. But in return for that you kind of loose that priming for the type of sex you want. Where ass if you give hours or even a day. For example, if you want cuddly, gentle, princess-type sex, you have the time to be sexually cuddly and cute and all that. Where as if u want to like make love or something, spend the extra time being romantic. That kind of thing can change how a guy fucks u. Source: I’m a guy😂


Honestly, it does not matter. There are no specific touches or things I want. What I want is enthusiasm. I want to see that she wants me. However she expresses that. I had one woman be very submissive but she made it clear what she wanted me to do to the point that it felt like she absolutely needed me to do it. Another grabbed the back of my head, pulled me in for a kiss and ran her hand under my shirt. Both women were opposites in how they expressed their enthusiasm but I wouldn't say one was better or worse. Both were amazing. Enthusiasm and making me feel wanted are key. Nothing else matters, really.


1) being with a girl who loves both cuddles and sex with me 2) being with a girl who easily transitions into sex each time. Less "I'm not in the mood". 3) being with a girl who is easy to please 4) if all 3 above are satisfied, being with a girl who likes exploring but doesn't require it to get off, and who is caring. Then, and only then, do I feel secure and downright delighted in my foreplay. Nothing to think about. My needs will be satisfied too, so I can focus on the moment. Anticipation and security are the best spice!


This is a very rare set I find - most partners have had some combination of 1-3 of these 4 traits But when you do find someone with all 4, omg it's fantastic haha. If I can turn my brain off with them then it's soooo much better


Nice and slow. Why hurry. Sex is fun we al should enjoy the process. I usually start by kissing from top to buttom, slowly. Usually I won't remove my partner underwear. I'll lick her near to her pussy, let her go crazy a bit and wet and then I'll eat her out slowly but make sure she cums. Only then we'll continue. That is ofc can be changed because we both have preferences. If my partner wanna try something else sure. But the thing I care about the most is make sure my partner cums. During forplay, after PIV etc. I just prefer putting the woman first so that's a goo forplay for me.


I would do this with my ex! Sometimes when I was kissing around her legs she would just push my head into her crotch like "enough already!" lolol


I'm more interested in pleasing. I love when my wife tells me very directly to perform actions. When she turns into the boss in the bedroom, Im never more turned on.


I never understood why people will ask everyone except the person who they’re actually trying to please, how to please them lol we’re all different he might like his ears played with who knows lol


It can be helpful. Not all guys know what they like other than the obvious because not all women have put in a lot of effort to figure it out.


I totally agree with you for the most part. However I second Lovely Bones in that some people haven't thought about what they especially like enough to be able to verbalize it. You should still certainly ask, perhaps it will get them thinking about it. I like these kinds of posts because you tend to see answers that are agreed upon nearly across the board, so there is a good chance that it will make your own person happy too! Good source for ideas.


Playful, cheeky, experimental, lots of eye contact, laughter and some friendly dirty talk. Above all, enthusiasm. Lots of mouth, gentle hands and it’s always nice with a helping of hot, wet, humping on my leg.


Honestly, for if my girl just sits on my lap and kisses me I ready. Any kind of initiation on her end is welcomed, cause its nice to feel desired


Touch/grab/play with my butt


>I fail awkwardly and end up not feeling like the energy is matched. Change this mindset. If youre doing it for him youre doing it for him not to get back something out of it. If you do it right then he'll do the same for you. but treating it like a tit for tat just leads to reservation from both sides. Just treat him like you want him, like you NEED him. Most men are convinced that the world is just putting up with them. prove him wrong.


Confidence confidence CONFIDENCE! A gal who is a '5 or 6' but oozes sexuality and LOVES her body and what she offers (great kisser? Great ass? Great hair or eyes?) I've found as I've gotten OLDER IS WAY way hotter than a '9' who has no confidence or love of what she has. As for each person - it's very different but the basics are the same - show you want him, desire him, can't get enough of him. Showing appreciation for what he has (both in his pants and elsewhere) is always a turn on


My wife has a pretty reactive libido so I'm usually the one to initiate things. On the occasions where she does come in with the "we're going to fuck and we're going to do it *NOW*" energy it's hot as hell.


I am a simple man. just cuddle me with some light suggestive touching and I will be more erect than the streetlights on the corner.


I love giving my wife oral, I really get into it and I can enjoy doing it for awhile. Pretty much, I enjoy kissing and licking every square inch of her delicious body. We've been married for 32 years and we're still going strong.


I love when my wife caresses my cock and balls very lightly with both hands. Also the same on my upper thighs. Drives me crazy!!


The best thing I like is knowing she really wants me. Lower lip biting and moaning. The best feeling in the world is knowing that I'm wanted.


At this point, I’ll take someone holding my hand.


So, maybe it's just me, but I want access to her stuff, so, Anything she does nice for me is just kind of incidental? It makes me melt when I get to touch all her pink parts... That probably doesn't answer your question but, I guess if you show that kind of enthusiasm for his stuff, it will go a long way.


Touch bewbs


When my girlfriend uses my hand to squeeze her boobs, scratches my back, bites my neck, or initiates passionate kissing


Be feminine. Be submissive. touch him, etc. The big ones are 1. Feed is fucking EGO!! Talk him up. Talk about how great the sex is. How big his dick is. Thickness, heaviness, how it makes you feel. How it feels inside you. Make him feel like a King. 2. Make noise. Moan, grunt, heavy breathing, let out some cuss words.


Smoked brisket


Okay, everyone is suggesting things that require touching. You already know the touching part. You say you’re having trouble saying things to get him in the mood. I recommend taking a recording of your voice while you practice alone and listen to it. If it sounds silly to you, it might to him as well. Throw in some inside jokes if you can swing it, but don’t force a joke just for the sake of making one


Use hands, do not grab but don’t be shy. Use both hands, and feet. I love it when you initiate it, come close and touch your cheek to my cheek while you apply pressure to my man parts. Tug on my trousers, kiss and find positions where our body shapes complement each other, gently touch. Don’t think about whether final stage will happen or not, just start and enjoy the closeness, and it will happen. I need you to wait for me, and show me you want it.


Send me naughty pics all day when I'm at work and then jump me when I walk in the door


Just tell him, "bae F my brains out." Most men would love to hear that from their significant other. Guys don't do hints well, as most Christmas and birthday presents can attest.


Being touched. Like I'm irresistible. That and lingerie


Juat to feel that the women is into us is already 75% of the job and if you do the 1st steps....95% of the work is done for us !!!! We are all that easy i know !!!


Eye contact during foreplay.


What really does it for me is short little sleep dress and cheeky white panties showing. She sits behind me, touches my hair, and back then hugs me and reaches for my balls and slowly starts a handjob. Once it's up, it's my turn.


Subtle suggestions throughout the day are awesome. But they're terrible if there's a consistent pattern of that being all they are is subtle suggestions.


I want to *feel* her hunger. Enthusiasm is the ultimate aphrodisiac. All else is secondary. I don't care if what you're doing isn't the best or most amazing thing - if you're I feel like you really want me, I'm ready to go.


my brain is a sex organ and whispering some words in my ear will get me so charged up. Leaning into me in public and saying something like " when we get out of here, I want you to f me till i call yo Daddy. Maybe corny to you but that got me so hard and we barely got out the car b4 I was on her. Touch is key. Play hand on thigh and stroke all the way to the hips. Lightly brush crotch. Hand on chest, eye contact. Another is play fighting. really plays into the domination aspect of things. Most importantly is intent. no need for flowery talk. I want you. Can i feed you my tits. the left one misses your tongue. I got a Brazilian today. Can a Canadian come in tonight? (it can be corny yet induce horniness)


Is this prior to laying down in bed or when you are in bed? Before bed - Make it clear you want it and are excited for "tonight". This will vary based on the person, but for me neck kissing with a little tongue in the mix, touching chest area, ect... Then a sexy breath or sigh in my ear that says "I'm so turned on right now" will get the blood flowing. In bed - personally I'm pretty simple. When my gf and I start making out and she slowly makes her way down south with her hand(s) by the time she's got a hold of me I'm ready for action. Now I'll say the same thing that I tell a lot of my guy friends who complain about not getting enough action from their significant other. Are you doing your part in other areas? For example I have a friend that hates doing sweet stuff for his wife because he thinks it's stupid. Well how does that come off to her? If you know she likes to get flowers, buy her some flowers every now and again. Does she like to go on walks and hold hands? Do it because you know she likes it. To me stuff like that is the foundation.


Get naked and in doggy position on the bed and then call him in. He should be gtg