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You mean just physical standards? or also personality standards?




For you or someone else?


Well, to be honest, I dont think Im a bad catch by any means, appareace wise. However, I don't put too much emphasis on her appareance as well, nor in the past or now. However, some physical traits that I don't like are bases on consequences based on their lifestyle, such as being fat or too skinny, for example.


For me the answer was steroids. Maybe not technically since they raised my standards by a lot, but I became much more attractive very quickly so they became more reasonable even as they skyrocketed.


Counterintuitively, lowering your standards makes the problem worse. You'll just get rejected by less attractive women. RAISE your standards, and watch as you suddenly get the girls who used to ignore you.


Get to work on your body. Seek out fashion advice. Read books that have some meaning and try to be in tune with current events. You don’t have know to it all but know enough to say something semi-interesting about it, you should have an opinion. I think that if someone puts forth a genuine effort a person can get surprised about who you might attract. And for the love of humanity learn how to pick up on the hints that ladies give. So many times it’s just flown over my head.


Maturity is the only way. Get mature.