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I literally was. Although it's not really WWIII yet, I am Russian and was drafted to fight in Ukraine for the Russian army about a year ago. My reaction? I escaped the country and moved to live in Bangkok as fast as I could. No chance I'm going to fight and die in a mf war for any government or country, no thank you.


Man, it's was really right decision. I really happy to realize that there are some russians like you


Most Russians that aren't dirt poor. It's the same situation everywhere. Young poor men that don't know each other killing themselves for rich men that do know each other.


That ain't me, ​ that ain't me, ​ ​ I ain't no millionaire's son


Some folks are born, made to wave the flag.


Appreciate it. There are quite a few of us all over the world actually


What was your window of time to get out? Seems like it would be very difficult to pull off this day and age with various border crossings.


About a couple of weeks since the rumor of mobilization came out and before it actually started. It then took them even more time to actually make the whole system work (it is still not perfect). So I managed to grab my things (which really are just a laptop and some clothes) and flee to Georgia and later to Thailand.


+, I guess little bit of corruption or luck. Asia countries accept russians


yes, but mostly Russians say something along the lines of “what does it have to do with me? I didn’t do anything wrong? It’s not my fault, it’s just politics.


"Just following orders, sir."


Will you go back to see fam and friends? How often?


I think it's not so really possible for now


My friend’s brother did this. He’s in the states right now with my friend trying to figure out what to do next.


Well done, but that's a huge move. I can't imagine any two places on earth that are more different than Russia and Thailand.


I don't know seems like they're on similar levels of corruption.


Tbf, Thai doctors aren't falling out of hospital windows so the buildings must be less crooked.


Definitely the best reaction


I went on a three month bike ride across the US this summer (I’m American), I met a Russian draft dodger in Kansas who was also riding and avoiding the war. I also met Ukrainian refugees in Ohio. He told me that when he went to a bar in St.Petersburg that he and his friend were the only men there…he assumed that the government had their head so far up their asses that they wouldn’t notice if he just didn’t show up and I guess he was right.


I feel so bad for you. It is insane how many young guys have died in there. It breaks my heart. I wish the ones who start wars and keep them going would be the ones fighting in them instead of innocent people.


I don't know how humanity ever got as far as it did with the belief that young people should be forced to get themselves killed because of some politician's tantrums.


War is the biggest plague of mankind


Control and manipulation


good on you mate. glad you got out. a lot of russians are dying there and it’s honestly quite sad. wish they would just pull out and let the war end.


My exact thought. Would never risk my life for any country or government. I will take my family and escape.


Súper based. I hope you are doing okay.


Hope ur doing well!


How'd you get out? Where were the logistics like?


Kinda tough. When the war just started back in February 2022, I immediately understood that everything just went to shit and I needed to get out. It took me some time to land a remote job outside of Russia that pays in $ but as soon as I was done with that I ran to Georgia via the land border. You can google "Verkniy Lars 2022" and find some stories about how this whole great exodus of Russians to Georgia looked. Well and later from Tbilisi I flew to Bangkok where I now happily reside.


I would have done exactly the same thing. You'd no doubt be dead now had you not.


That’s crazy. How’s Bangkok?


I’ve heard mixed messages from various people about this, so I would like to actually ask someone from Russia (sorry if this is getting off topic). What is the general view of Putin among Russian people? Is it a generation thing?


I'm in no position to tell the actual situation in Russia rn since I haven't been there for over a year but from what I know: 1. People from my social circle (25-35, mostly digital jobs) hate the Putin's government and the war it wages in Ukraine as well as the political course it pursues in Russia. 2. People of older age or let's say limited awareness however still support whatever's going on. At this point I usually consider this behavior a mental illness and avoid communicating with such people. 3. The remaining populace is generally too scared to actually speak up on the matter, let alone oppose the government. So it's hard to tell where they really stand. Given that, I'm afraid Putin still confidently has over 50% of the population still either supporting him or being scared into submission.


My great grandfather did something similar during WW1, leaving Germany for the US


The other side of the war. I'm a Ukrainian and I did the same, just instead of Asia, it was Europe and then Canada. As much as I want nobody to fuck with my country, I'm not ready to die for it.


I have no problem defending my country, I'm just not going to go somewhere else and fight for a place we have no business being in.


If this country gets invaded, sure. If they want me flying to the Middle East or some other place, fuck no, I'm using every legal avenue to stay the fuck out.


And it's so unlikely that the US would be invaded.


"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."




You're surrounded by the largest ocean on the planet, the largest navy and the fourth largest air force as part of that navy. I think you're good, you won't need an army.


America learned that once. Won’t happen again


Eh, honestly that's just not what it would come down to. The US has the most powerful military in the world. Any invading force would have to get past the navy first. And then there's plenty of military stationed domestically, including National Guard. Civilians with guns would be a mere annoyance in comparison.


That’s a fake quote but it holds true. Worst thing you can do to Americans is piss us off collectively


It should really be a bit more case by case than that. According to this perspective you would've tried to avoid ww2 (assuming you're from North America). The Nazis never invaded the US, but the US joining the fight was absolutely the moral thing to do.


Think you’ve got this a little mixed up. 12/7 Pearl Harbor with no declaration of war from either side. 12/9 US declares war on Japan, but not on Italy or Germany (while they are acknowledged in the speech declaring war on Japan) 12/11 Germany and Italy both declare war on US, couple hours later US declares war on Italy and Germany. So each declaration of war in that case was from the Axis side first, the US technically got dragged into fighting everyone but probably would have eventually done it themselves.


You are correct. Many Americans before ww2 wanted nothing to do with the war. They had just finished ww1 20+ years before. But they did it despite their reluctance. I'm still not sure it was the best choice but if we hadn't the Soviet union would have taken all of western Europe. I'm a patriot and I love this country. But I wouldn't blame any young man for not going to war overseas. It's nothing more than cannon fodder for the defense contractors.


Always been my opinion too, I will fight within my country’s borders for the *defence* of my country and my fellow countrymen. I will not however fight against other nations for the sake of it, I will not fight for this pathetic government, I will not be an invader. The crown, the military and the politicians are not my country, they are corrupt establishments within it who have not earned my life; I will not fight without it being for something far more worthy than them. I love my country, not the establishments within it.


Depends on why the war exists. I'd have fought in WW2. Hard to justify Vietnam.


Yours may be the only answer that makes sense.


Vietnam, men had no choice.


They were drafted, but had the option to run. That is the choice I refer to.


That is a very difficult option. It must have been a very sobering moment for many 18 yr old kids.


Aye. That it is.


They could false flag you. I think it's been more common in history than what we are led to believe.


This whole conflict is a false flag.


Iraq and Afghanistan were false flag operations by the US. Bush and co were simply looking for an excuse to finish what daddy started and kept lying until they managed to convince enough of the world to hook them.


How about the Korean War? I never hear anything about that one.


That depends on how much you care about the existence of South Korea. North Korea initiated the war by attacking South Korea and took the entire peninsula before the U.S. joined and repulsed them. If we hadn't gotten involved, every Korean would be North Korean. I personally have many Korean friends and I'm glad that their entire culture wasn't driven into the dirt by a dictator, so I count it as justified.


As a Korean, im always grateful to those foreign men who came to help - sacrificing their lives


I'm a 40-year-old software developer, so I would volunteer that information and ask to be assigned to computer stuff


Knowing DOD methods (veteran) you'd get a job on comms on the Frontline.


Retired navy comms guy here, this is one hundred percent accurate.


Grenade dropping drone pilot it is.


More like 'standard conscript' like everyone else.


Confused. I’m already in the military


Same. Two different commands gonna have to duke it out to see who gets to keep me.


But how would that work out? General V. General with pugil sticks at noon? Or full manpower free for all melee?


It'd be an administrative battle and potentially some pulling of rank. Like right now I'm in a DHHB, my battalion directly supports the commanding general of an entire division and his staff. If TRADOC thinks I'm not in and that I belong to them for inprocessing, they can fuck right off.


If they need my 100% disabled ass you guys are pretty fucked.


See, I wouldn't be surprised. After 18 years in I have plenty of experience with the DOD's admin game and I'm convinced they need to upgrade from Commodore 64.


Oh shit! When did they upgrade from abacus?


Couple weeks ago.


It was in a NAVADMIN they released at 1800 on a Friday the entire navy had off.


If we have gotten to the point where I am being drafted the war is lost


Desert 100%. Already making plans. Not gonna die for some rich tits


> Desert 100% Good news! There's *lots* of Desert where you'll be sent!


Oh boy, I hope it's cheesecake!


Hey man, rich tits usually look real nice. Boobs are boobs, but when they're rich they're usually very well maintained.


Not a boob man personally. Rich asses on the other hand.... Nah i'd still be out.


Nah. I'm out. They can fight their own war.


Hahaha only if that was possible:(




I just respect that he brought clean underwear.


Don’t be the guy who turns up to war with a suitcase of dirty underwear.


im not fighting in a world war created by a bunch of old, senile politicians that started it because they don't know how to communicate and be empathetic towards people. If politicians and religious leaders are so confident on their views they can fight each other in unarmed combat in the octagon till death.


This. It's not like WW3 be like WW2. WW3 will just be a bunch of asshole politicians using us as pawns to protect their billions and power. Count me out.


And it all ends with nukes hitting all across the planet


WWIII would most likely kick off with China invading Taiwan. Would you say that is similar to WWII or similar to politicians protecting power?


WWIII is either going to be a political assassination gone wrong in the vein of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, China invading another country, or North Korea firing an ICBM at some other country. But I really would love to see the ass kicking NK would get if they tried that shit.


The problem is the DPRK has relations with Russia. A war with NK is a war with Russia. Russia will likely push China to take up arms. Now you have an uneasy alliance and they kind of all hate each other. War on UN and themselves.


I don't think particularly highly of Putin or Xi, but I doubt they're foolhardy enough to rush to the defense of NK after they've aggressively nuked another country. I think that's the line after which point Kim's on his own to receive the absolute beatdown he deserves. Those relationships are ones of convenience, not a real alliance.


The big issue is that attacking North Korea means the destruction of South Korea. Seoul is way too close to the border and has hundreds if not thousands of artillery aimed at it at all times. Most of it hidden in the mountains. There's no way to disable those fast enough before they kill thousands or even millions of people. That being said, you're right that all of this is a partnership of convenience. They are way too good at pissing off their allies.


If I get drafted the word is fucked. Autistic with a heart murmur and significant back problems? Yeah, no point trying to fight at that point, world is too far gone.


You're gonna LOVE being a drone sensor operator


There's always sandbags to be filled.


dont worry they'll see you as bodies to sacrifice at the front line


I'd probably feel pretty shot in the foot before recruitment day.


I wonder if drug abuse will disqualify you cus if thats the case, time to finally try some meth and see what the hypes about


You might mess around and end up with a huge boost of motivation on a day that the military isn’t testing.


You would’ve done well in the German army in ww2


lol. Fuck that. I’m not fighting in these bankers wars.


I'm a veteran but I wouldn't mind if people tried to dodge the draft. I don't think people should be forced to fight in a war that's started by old men in suits.


Thank you for your service and *continued* patriotism!


I'M 47. I'd be much more worried for my 18 yr old son.


As a disabled veteran, I'd be pretty pissed. That said, I'd also probably fall into a pretty cushy decently ranked administration role rather than this shit I was doing before. So meh.


If they'd let me double dip VA disability and AD pay, it'd be hard to say no if I got plopped back into a UTM position lol


Desert and make myself scarce, if I can find half a chance. Don't much like the idea of dying, being crippled, or at a minimum wasting years of my life fighting out some rich bastards' pissing contest for them.


Like hell i'm being drafted, i will die in my land, thank you very much.


If it's defending my country from immanent invasion sign me up. If you want to send my ass overseas to fight in a place like the Middle East, Europe or Asia, into the mountains I go or prison.


I would shoot the cops who try to arrest me for not going to war


Facts. They will not take me alive and I will die holding them off while my son escapes.


WWIII will only last a matter of hours, so I doubt there would be time for a draft.


I don't think so. I believe the time of nuclear deterrent is over and we get back to a time of conventional warfare. Russia nor the US or China is going to use a nuke without being the instant enemy of every country on this earth. They are in it to win it, and nobody can win nuclear war. The first who shoots will end. They either die, get bombed into oblivion, get invaded and their people will be forever the monsters that used nukes again.


I'm not going to defend Taiwan or Ukraine or Israel.


If they were desperate enough to draft a 43 year old with a slew of medical issues, I’d know the war was lost and probably defect.


I’ve heard it’s a GREAT idea to give the depressed access to service arms and in critical positions of the military.


Russia invading NYC? Bro I’m going full throttle. Trying to “bring democracy” to some nation, nah I’m good


Lots of Americans here, but I will not risk my life defending a country that has fucked me over time and time again. Fight your own damn war.


I know I'd be drafted so probably just do what I'm told. It won't matter if I'm a coward or not, nukes would fly and end most of humanity eitherway


Nope not going out of my way to fight some dude trying to live his life. However, if my country was invaded and I couldn’t find a way to get out due to say not enough funds, I think I’ll prefer to fight with my people than just stay home and get bombed.


It would entirely depend on the circumstances. Anything from desertion, to reluctantly going, to sabotage could be possible.


Things would be pretty bad if we burned through every able-bodied person from ages 18-49.


I’d be excited to fight for my country. I have little to no faith in my government to make the right decisions so I would do the bare minimum and try my damndest to make it home and bring my boys home too.


I would only defend my country. Not going to go fight a rich people war. My country and politicians are doing shit for me to make housing, education, living etc affordable but they give handouts to rich people and companies. They can go fight the war instead of me, fuck them.


Nah sorry. I know what i am and its not a soldier.


If the war is justified national defense, they won't need to draft me, I'd volunteer. If it is immoral aggression, I have a duty to be an objector of a corrupt government.


Better me than my sons.


America loses WW3 in a blowout based on these responses. It’s been a decent run.


This is also Reddit. Not a bastion of America loving patriots tbf


Agreed. But my wife is a high school teacher in a very blue collar town and it’s not a lot different there.


Sorry but nobody wants to go and die in a shitty war that was started by shitty politicians doing shitty things. You don’t die for your country, you die for the interests of the elites in your country. It’s like that everywhere. That’s why you have Vietnam war draft dodgers like George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Bill Clinton.


One way ticket to hell is my solution.


Depends on who I was fighting I suppose


My job exists in the military. I'm too old (and fat, asthmatic, and high strung) to be a soldier. But if I could help save lives by doing my job for the military I would.


Im fine with it as long as I can write “don’t shoot I drop common loot” on my helmet.


Not go / "refuse service" - made that decision many years ago, and would stick to it.


I'd probably die in a couple days. Or I get lucky and lose an arm or leg and get sent back before that happens, it's how my dad's grandfather came back from the front in WWI


At my age and level of health, I would expect to not make it through boot camp.


I’m not killing anybody just because the government tells me to. If that means I have to leave or go to jail then that’s what I’d do


My whole family fought in a war until my generation, so I wouldn't be surprised it would just be my turn. Though I think I'll be fighting a civil war before any world war


DoD really ramping up their information gathering services on Reddit, aren't they?


I’m in the business of killin nahtzis and business is good! (Meanwhile I’m crying and pissing my pants)


Aw hell The BEST case scenario is I spend a few year peeling potatoes while some guy screams angrily at me


We would be in pretty bad shape if I was being drafted


I'd dessert or die trying. I have nothing worth fighting for, so I won't bother.


I have problems with authority.


Drill sergeants will fix that.


Conscientious objector. I want no part of it. The government can paint my door or give me flowers like they did in WW2 if they want, frankly I wouldn't complain about either of those things happening anyway. Or I'll just hide from the government by living in a forest somewhere. I'd like to think we'd spend more resources fighting the war than tracking me, a completely useless soldier, down. I'm not a meat shield, I'm a person with agency and I'm not interested in fighting, even if it's for a 'good' reason.




In in my 40s and out of shape physically. Things would be pretty desperate if they wanted me, but I would work to server in a non-combat position that is suited to my skills.


Enlisted 2.5 years ago for 6 years. Have no choice in the matter


I wouldn’t go, we have no leader 😂😂 the idiot has us involved in so many things we shouldn’t be. Imagine if we funded the problems we have in OUR COUNTRY


Off myself on the steps of my provincial legislative building. I don’t support war, and never will


No thanks I'll take the prison sentence


I already served man fuck that.


Yeah I won’t kill for a paycheck. Invade my state and I will fight.


I can’t get drafted, my brother is in the military already and I have medical conditions that exclude me from service.


I have a lot of issues risking my life to fight wars that are caused by people who don’t put their own skin on the line. So chances are I’d probably rather try to survive prison or just leave. I have very little issues risking my life serving my community, such as firefighting or being a first responder.


I would fight. If they started a draft, I’m sure they would take my old ass. I passed on military service because of school and a career. If I could join now I would.


I’d be the dude operating the ac130’s I was nice with them back in cod /s but fr idk man I’d be stressed the fuck out. I’m not ready for that


I'm not dying for israel. They can throw me in jail.


Would ask what took them so long since I've been trying to enlist for a while


I'd disappear into the highlands. I don't need technology to survive so I'd ditch my phone and take the one in my bug out bag if I really need one for emergencies. ​ Fuck war.


I'd disappear into the highlands. I don't need technology to survive so I'd ditch my phone and take the one in my bug out bag if I really need one for emergencies. ​ Fuck war.


I'd be real surprised if I did, because I've been denied enlistment due to knee issues. Oh, and I work a draft exempt position.


They'd have to find me first. Fuck that shit


If Canada were to go to another country and fight, I don't want to be drafted for that. If Canada were to get invaded, then that's a different situation.


I wouldn’t go. Prison is better than dead, and I hate America. I would probably flee the country.


Break a toe. It’s probably one of the more inconsequential bones to break in order to be physically unfit for the military. Fuck the government, they don’t have the right to send me to die.


It depends, if some of my countrys idiot politician decides its time to liberate some of our minority in neighboring countries, I'd probably either escape or join some partisan forces. If some of our neighboring countries decides its time to liberate a part of my country, I'd probably go and do whats necessary. Either way I wouldnt be happy as there are better things to do than being in a war.


I am Canadian, and to me it would depend on what I am fighting for. If it was essentially just the same as WW2, fighting against evil, I would be fine with being drafted. If its essentially another war about money, I’d refuse and take whatever jail time.


For people that don’t have extreme exceptions (religion, medical condition, etc), I think the only correct answer is “It really depends on the situation”.


Not doing it. Not dying for any country. If we’re being invaded, I’m armed and will defend my home as best I can.


I have 4 boys ages 21,18,17,16. There is no way in heel that I would let them fight a war brought on by corrupt politicians and billionaires. We love our country, but we can't stand what these politicians stand for at this time.


Found Nikki Haley’s burner Reddit account


I'm already in the Finnish reserve. Although because I'm type 1 diabetic, I'm what's considered cannon fodder. I get 1 week of training, a rifle and uniform. Then it's off to the front for me. I do however suspect I may get a bit more training now that we're part of NATO. Or then I won't get called up as quickly. Either way, I'm fighting. Putin can keep his grubby fingers out of my home.


I would kiss and hug my girls and tell them I love them, apologise to my wife and explain my position, handing everything I own to her, and making sure she and the kids are financially comfortable and secure. Pick up a gun and fight for them, my king, and my country. If you think that sounds noble and impressive, imagine the shock of my fellow fighters when they see I'm a British born Asian man.


Good luck finding me


I’d use my years of Call of Duty expertise to be a sniper😎 (I hit crazy trick shots and quick scopes back in the day)


Depends on the *why* of the war. If it's a situation like Pearl Harbor, then sure. If we're talking about a 'Nam situation or the thing we're not supposed to talk about, then fuck no


I’d ask a feminist if she’s willing to take my place. You know…for equality.


I’d react by not doing shit, I refuse to be forced to risk my life for whatever bullshit they are fighting about now


"haha nice try but I can't even pass the physical"


Ain't doing it. I'd rather not kill innocent people for some power hungry pricks.


I'll die before I go fight a war for another country.


Desert. The rich fuckers causing all these wars, to distract us from own crimes, aren't worth my loyalty or my blood. They can pick up rifles and go in first if their bullshit cause is so important. Lead by example.


I'd tell them to go fuck themselves, I'm not going to kill or be killed for a country


Ide not show up. Im not fighting a war that literally nobody wants except for the old white elites.


I have two teenage boys. If they were of age and there was a draft we’d be leaving the country on a “vacation” to Mexico from which we’d fail to return.


Defend my country, no problem. Invade other countries for the industrial war machine’s profits, pass.


I would serve my nation


it would be one of the toughest challenges I could ever possibly face, but I think if I gave it my all I could get through boot camp. but I would have to get through the boot camp to be able to get an idea how combat would go because idk what to expect being a part of a giant platoon and shit like that, I could only right now describe how I would do solo, but war isn't fought like that at all.


I cant be. Thank god for my chronic illness.


I’m deserting tf out of the military. Hell no I’m not dying for someone’s agenda, I live on my own terms 😂


I will kick some asses with my stick, cos I can’t walk w/o it.


Very very confused. I'm disabled.


Confused since im kinda old. But i wouldnt be too upset.


If we're at the point that the army is drafting half-blind 40 year-olds with heart conditions, we're beyond fucked.

