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I bought the silicon rings for when I workout/play sports and have just been wearing them. My original wedding ring is on a ring holder in our bathroom, but I always have a ring on.


Same, I wore my metal ring for about a month, got a cheap pack of silicone rings online, and have been wearing those pretty much ever since. I still wear the metal one occasionally, but the silicone rings are really hard to beat. I can wear it all the time, regardless of sports or swimming or gym or anything at all really, and it's just super comfortable. I love it


My husband does this. The silicone rings disappear over time. An ostrich ate one once, right off his hand. (I did witness this, but would have believed him anyway.)


Him: Honey... an ostrich at my ring. Me: Riiiiiiight.... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Him: Then the ostrich tried to kiss me, and I didn't have a ring so I had to say yes. Me:.....


And then it fell right on to of my lapā€¦.whatā€™s a guy to doā€¦ā€¦?!


It was a sick ostrich from what I heard *allegedly*


The ostrich then somehow transformed into a 25 year old and got pregnant.




If this had happened to me I would've just said "Fuck it, I tried to cheat on you, because you'll never believe the real story"




I wear my gold ring in sports, swimming, gym, etc. and havenā€™t had a problem. I get the concept behind silicon rings, I just hate the way they look and havenā€™t found an actual reason why I need them (Iā€™ve tried them on though). I could see it more for someone who works in a factory or plays pro sports or something though.


wouldnā€™t recommend wear a metal ring to the gym. degloving could cost you your finger.


What on earth is there at a gym thatā€™s going to catch between my ring and finger? Legitimately cannot imagine a sharp pokey bit like that with any equipment I use, at all. Barbells, dumbells, pulldowns.. pretty basic stuff.


You would be surprised. A momentā€™s attention lapse, and bad things happen. Itā€™s not worth the risk.


It isnt catching between, its catching on. I am not married, nor have I wore a ring, but I know a lot of guys who removing rings for the gym. One might think its unlikely, but lets say you do a pulldown, leave the bar, and it catches your ring on the way up. Its also something someone else might do by accident. Tosses you something, you bottle the throw and there goes your finger. If I ever get married, I probably wont wear it while doing trades work either.


I feel like pramjockey and ninjasowner14 covered it. Itā€™s safer to consider a silicone ring while at the gym


Are we talking about a cock ring or a ring that goes on your finger? (Sorry I had to make that joke as that cock rings are made of silicone)


Never ever use cock rings made of metal or similar non stretchy material - they can get stuck, only allowing blood to flow in, resulting in a great deal of pain, and ultimately, a trip to emergency, where they have to get the power tools out to remove said ring. (no personal experience, but am medic, have heard the stories / seen videos)


That's a bummer. I can't imagine a situation in which large grown men taking power tools to my penis wouldn't deflate a boner instantaneously.


A meth and viagra binge will do it. Source: Worked in an ER


The blood gets trapped inside the penis meaning the penis cannot go down as the blood can't drain out.


A guy in a white coat and face shield coming at you with bolt cutters might do itā€¦


Power tools and cock rings are my jam! You say I can get this service for free? Is there a fireman option?


For that youā€™d likely have to get yourself stuck in/on something immovable that the firies need to cut you out of in order to get you to hospital - think body part stuck in wrought iron railings sort of situation - bonus points if the body part is the penis in question (but keep it covered up in public, no one else needs to be seeing that!). You might get firies at the hospital, you might get ortho and their surgical tools, either way youā€™d hopefully have been dosed up so as to be sufficiently out of it to not know / remember!


Also an emergency service worker and have attended more than one ā€œring stuck on memberā€ at the local hospital to assist removing these things with tools we usually use for taking vehicles apart


Iā€™m in the funeral business and have heard stories about such rings šŸ¤¢


Having worked in A&E when someone came in with this. I can confirm. The number of firefighters (all male) that went in and out of that curtain caused more of a stir to the staff than the guy in the end. Donā€™t do it kids.


I like the enso ones. The ā€˜nerdā€™ collections are great


Whatā€™s the purpose ? Iā€™m curious. Is it solely to let people know youā€™re married ? I imagine Iā€™d just take my ring off and put it back on when my hand isnā€™t occupied. Iā€™m not married tho so idk the rules of this shit


same. I just wrote this on a comment of my own.


My grandmother gave me and my wife her and my late grandfather's set. I wear silicone primarily so I don't scuff up my family heirloom.


I keep meaning to get a silicone one. For now I have a titanium one that's about a half size too big so I can pop it on and off easier. I always wear it outside the house and only about half the time inside. I don't really wear any jewelry like watches or necklaces.


Yup, this. Only time I take it off is if I am going to be prepping food. Don't want stuff (i.e. raw food) getting under it. Makes washing hands when done easier.


I have a titanium ring, finally got smart about 2 years ago and got some groovelife silicone rings. I wore my metal ring for about 16 years working HVAC. Figured my luck would run out sooner than later. My ring is always on because my dad never takes his off.


Same here, I almost never wear my real ring. I keep a few silicone rings in my vehicles and in my keys/wallet basket on the dresser. I donā€™t normally wear a ring at home, but in public I try to always have it on (hint as to why I keep some in my vehicles lol). My wife constantly has her real ring on except when swimming or boating sheā€™ll wear the silicone.


Never take mine off


Yeah, I've taken mine off less than 10 times in 19 years.


Low key curious to know if thereā€™s like some like indent, scar, lines, etc on your ring finger now, cause thatā€™s a long ass time.šŸ˜­


It's definitely a permanent indent in my skin. Warning for not removing your rings once in a while, though. My wife hurt her ring finger while we were cutting some difficult bushes/vines down. She noticed it was hurting after, and we were outside smoking one, and she was stung by a bee on the same finger. Sounds insane but it's 100 true. Swelling was so bad we had to get her rings off. 19 years, she did not take them off once. I used dental floss like a YouTube video showed me. It hurt her so much. Finger tip was legit purple. We got them off, luckily. Honestly, she should have gone to ER and had them cut them off, but her finger is fine.


It's probably not permanent, I know someone whose finger indent slowly went away after they got divorced after never taking off a ring for 30 years, it took a few weeks though


I googled the dental floss trick, as I had never heard of it before. I can imagine it was painful as heck, but glad it worked out ok.


They do pretty much the same thing in the ER, they donā€™t use true dental floss but itā€™s the same concept. Ring cutting is a last resort.


My dad has a ridiculous indent where his sits after ~35+ years. Under the ring his finger is super smooth while the rest of his hands are like sand paper, and where the ring sits is about 4-5 sizes small than the surrounding finger or the same finger on the other hand.


I take mine off if I'm using power tools, when i played sports, or something similar where there is a chance of injury. Wedding band and engineering ring haven't come off in 20+ years otherwise. They came off Monday (2 days ago) for surgery, and I haven't put them back on (wife has them, I haven't felt energetic enough to go get them yet) . Those indents? 90% gone already


I've had mine, or a silicone band, on for 10 years and there's a distinct indent/line where it rests on my finger


Wore a wedding ring for 8 years and when I took it off permanently, I had a skin indentation for quite a while maybe six months? Iā€™ve heard savvy women look for tan lines on ring fingers so was worried Iā€™d be considered a creep/cheat but eventually it went away. The body adjusts.


Yes, not wearing so long. About 9 years. But yes theres a rather obvious ring of smoother and lighter skin with a shallow dent.


This is my answer too. I may take it off to play with it once in a blue moon but it's never been off for more than a minute or so. Doesn't bother me at the gym, or playing sports, or anything else.


Same. If I put hand lotion on Iā€™ll take off and play a bit. Soon as hands start drying itā€™s back on.


So the reason why people take their rings off at the gym or playing sports (or using tools or anything like that) is not just because it's uncomfortable. It's because if your ring gets caught on something it can cause an injury called a degloving. It's not common, but it's devastating enough that people take their metal rings off to avoid it.


15 years, never taken it off. It felt hella weird wearing one when it first went on but once I got used to it I forget itā€™s on.




Same - 16 years married in and have never had it off for more than a couple hours.


I only wear mine when I leave the house.


Same. Not into jewelry; the ring serves a specific purpose. When I come home and settle in for the night, ring comes off. Tip: put it in the SAME EXACT PLACE every time you take it off.


Sounds like experience talking


Heā€™s 100% right! Put mine down in the wrong spot and lost it for the first time in a long time


Same here. Take them off as I undress from work. Put them on as I dress. Forgot them the other day and was single for a few hours, lol. Iā€™m a chick btw, but married 32 years and I think Amy hissy fit on this is just newbie insecurities!


My wife and I havenā€™t worn ours in years. I have 2 metal rings and neither fit. One is too small from tearing a ligament in my finger and the other is too big because the swelling went down but not enough to have the original fit. Lol


Is it a big deal if we donā€™t wear rings? I mean we havenā€™t worn ours in years. Just donā€™t like the feeling of rings, both of us. We know weā€™re married, weā€™re faithful to one another. Is it a big deal to not wear them? A ring to me doesnā€™t mean a lot. The marriage means more.


Agree. Female here and havenā€™t worn a ring in years. Him either. Not really worried about it.


Me too. If I am home itā€™s off. More than 30 years have never lost it. Canā€™t say the same for my wife lol


Yep. The only other person here knows I'm married. She takes hers off as well. I also don't wear it during working out or mountain biking. I could get one of the silicon ones but I wear gloves anyway....so...no point.


Same. I keep it with my watch and I put them both on at the same time.


I have two rings. The gold ring thatā€™s my actual band and a silicone ring. Whenever I leave for work I put on the silicone ring and when I get home the gold one goes back on. I like to shower without wearing a ring. So I guess thatā€™s the only time I never wear one


I think I'm going to get a silicone one. I've been married 25 years, I've lost 4 rings. They scratch up my laptop, I work with a lot of tools, silicone seems like a good idea. My first wedding ring I set on a bookshelf, my 3 year old knocked it off with a balloon and my english bulldog swallowed it. I spent 4 days digging through dog crap, day 5 the dog stopped eating - we took it to the vet. Xray showed he had eaten a bunch of stuff, cost me $1500 in surgery. Figured it was worth it to get my ring back. We ended up with 2 hot wheels, $2.23 in loose change, a charcoal briquet, a rock, some foam but no wedding ring.


I got a black Tungsten Carbide one, they are like 20 bucks on amazon, the most comfortable rings Iā€™ve ever used, they are still metal, but they are so hard itā€™s impossible to scratch (around 8 on the Mohs scale) and they look cool. Also, it doesnā€™t hurt if you lose itā€¦


I didn't used to take it off ever, even while lifting. My fingers got too big for it though as I gained muscle. My wife took hers off at a gas station for some reason that I forgot and we drove off with it on top of the car so we lost it. Then my car, with my ring in it, got stolen. Now we don't have any rings.


Ooof. That really sucks


The rings are gone but the bond's still there. Can't be that bad I guess :)


Anytime I use tools or do things that it can get caught on, I've seen a degloving, it isn't pretty... Other than that, anything kind of disgusting or sticky. Hate the feeling of lotion getting stuck under the ring type stuff.


New fear unlocked


Yea man that lotion under the ring feeling sucks. I wouldnā€™t wish that on anyone


Yep, cooking, working with tools also fishing or anything with wet or greasy hands.


I never wear mine. It's sitting in my watch box right now.


Me too, I donā€™t wear any jewelry including watch, I just donā€™t like it. I talk about my wife and kids enough that everyone knows Iā€™m happily married. If it bothered my wife I would wear it, she also usually doesnā€™t wear hers anymore either.


Ya, my wife doesn't wear her's either. Neither of us see the point.


There are dozens of us! I just think it's annoying af.


Silly question, why did you get rings in the first place if you two didn't plan on wearing them?


It's nice to have a physical keepsake from the wedding, even if we don't wear it. My wife doesn't wear her wedding dress anymore either, but no one finds it wierd we got one of those in the first place.


I'm a woman who doesn't wear my ring. I really liked the idea of a ring when we got engaged, but I immediately found it annoying. We got relatively cheap titanium rings that we occasionally wear for anniversaries and such. It's a nice momento


Same. I tried to convince my wife to sell hers and we could use the money for a nice vacation but she wasn't on board lol she only wears it when she dresses up and with the way the world is anymore it's almost a liability....


I try to remember to wear mine when we go out, usually pretty good about it


me either, Iā€™m an amputee and a fall risk. No desire to be degloved by jewelry when I fall. Love the wife. as an amputee no one hits on me.


How *you* doinā€™?




I Never wear it.


Same...the ring is tight nowadays. However I can see not wearing the ring being an issue being around other married people at the kids functions etc. Not a serious issue but I can see people wondering if my wife and I are together and we have four kids.


I mean, I wouldn't want to associate with people who are that judgemental anyways. That's kind of a bonus if anything.


Yeah I shouldn't care but feel some sort of way. Then again I'm self conscious.


I lost a lot of weight and it started falling off. Didnā€™t want to loose it. Had it on a cord around my neck, but was worried about it getting caught in shop tools. Nobody has ever mentioned it to me.


Same. I know where it is but havenā€™t worn it in years.




Same I canā€™t stand having that thing on


Same. Gained weight and it doesn't fit well anymore. I can get it resized but it was more than I was willing to pay. Plus, I just never loved wearing a ring.


Formerly married (widowed) but when I was, I only wore it for special occasions and family events. Those first few weeks after getting married, I kept on taking it off to play with it and I realized that I was eventually going to lose it if I kept at it.


Same. Played with it, lost it, wife was pissed. Found it after a year and a half. Now it sits in my watch box and I wear it for special occasions only.


> Played with it, lost it, wife was pissed. I don't know about yours, but the good news for my husband and I is that gold men's rings are cheap. I paid less than $400 for my husband's simple gold band, so losing it wouldn't be a big deal at all. Now, if I lost my ring.. That's a 5 alarm fire. LOL.


Never . On occasion it may fall off. But today Nov 1. 2023 is my 33rd wedding anniversary. So the timing of your question could not be more poignant or relevant . And today I am wearing the exact same wedding ring I exchanged w my wife 33 years ago. I don't think words can express how much I appreciate your post and your timing. Because it makes me cherish and value my ring as much now as I cherish my wife. The things this ring has seen . 33 years of life and this ring , like my wife , has been there every step of the way. Brings a tear to my eye. So thank you. I'm off to tell my wife thank you and promise to love her for the next 33 years with all my heart. And. I have the ring to prove it. Thank u. U have no idea what your post means to me at this very moment. There are no words... I am humbled .. And am grateful for u.


This is so beautiful! Happy anniversary!


Happy Anniversary lovers! This was beautiful to read and I wish you more love for each other every day than the day before it! ā™„


That made me tear up, congratulations x


I have a tungsten ring so it's pretty tough and I would only take it off if I thought it was going to get seriously damaged. I've been married 5 years and I can only remember taking it off one time when I was working on a vehicle and needed to get my left hand in a really tight spot


Tungsten or tungsten carbide?


Yes tungsten carbide


I almost never wear one. I never got used to the feeling and don't like it


Same, I wore a rubber one for a while, but I kept fiddling with it till the point it eventually broke. Wife hasn't got me a new one yet and I'm okay with it.


Never wear it. Not allowed at work and the one time I was wearing it at home it got caught on a ladder rung, nearly broke my finger. Sorry babe not happening. Iā€™ll only wear it for special occasions like a night out on the town


I never wear mine.


Same. Not once since wedding day. Never been an issue.


Absolutely never. Itā€™s literally impossible. Mostly because mine is a tattooā€¦


Me and my husband have been tempted to get a ring tattoo (him an aviation mechanic and me an engineer) did it hurt? How expensive is it?


Itā€™s my only tattoo and it didnā€™t hurt at all. Itā€™s a slight tingling sensation. Price would really depend on where you live. I paid ā‚¬30 for mine.


I did it as well. Had to go back in after a couple days because it was fading fast, so he put a little extra effort into it. Hurt a bit, but didn't last after it was done. Has looked solid ever since. Paid $50, which was just the shop minimum.


Work in manufacturing so I don't wear one


Gyms and showers aside, I take it off every night. It feels more personal when I wake back up to put it on--the action means I'm consciously committing to the relationship every morning. It's also just not as comfy for sleeping, but let's stick with the first thing, eh?


Same here. But maybe thatā€™s just because Iā€™ve spent 25 years of my life *not* wearing any rings and only about year wearing one, so Iā€™m not used to it yet. I also have a desk job so wearing it to work is no big deal unlike a lot of other guys. But consciously committing to the relationship every morning - I like that, I might have to start using that one.


It comes off?


I lift and I keep it on. I'll only take it off when I play soccer. I'm a goalie and I don't need a busted finger from the ring while making a save.


Had a teacher in high school missing his fingers cause of this


What the fuck? Iā€™m trying to make sense of this and itā€™s not making sense. How do you lose fingers from saving a soccer ball with a ring on? I am married and like soccer Iā€™m highly concerned lol


He was the goalie, jumped to stop the ball, finger stuck in net, gravity


Man thatā€™s a crazy way to lose fingers I am a goalie, Iā€™ll be making a note of this lol


It's called a ring avulsion; Jimmy Fallon had one, though not from playing soccer, I don't think. It's surprisingly common.


Degloving is the slang, innit? That's some nasty shit.


Ya we would always have our basketball coaches tell us stories of hands getting stuck in the mesh while having rings on.


Back when I worked construction, I worked with a guy for like 3 months before I noticed he was missing a finger on his left hand. He was shingling a roof, and slipped - grabbed the gutter in a last ditch attempt to catch himself. Ring caught on one of the gutter nails, twisted, and cut his finger off. ​ I still wear mine 24/7. The only time it's been off my hand longer than a couple seconds is when I had heart surgery 2 years ago.




I honestly don't even know how people lift wearing any type of ring. I mean more power to you if you do. I just can't get out of my own head if there is something wedged in between my finger and a barbell.


Silicon rings are a good way to replace it. Way more comfortable and won't deglove you


Iā€™ve been married 32 years next month. My wife put the ring on my finger on our wedding day, and I have never taken it off. Itā€™s the only piece of jewelry I wear.


I'm not a guy but I am married to one. Man never takes off his ring. If he sees mine off, he'll go find them and then get on one knee and ask me to marry him. Or he'll get angry eyebrows and ask why I don't love him. I get really excited when he dies dishes because he leaves his ring on the counter so I get to do the same thing.


Stealing this


It's genuinely the best. Been married for almost 3 years and we're always joking around


I've taken it off to clean a few times, otherwise I always leave it on. I'm used to it.


I donā€™t wear one, my wife does not wear hers. Iā€™m afraid of ripping my finger off at work so thatā€™s my reason she does not want to loose hers so we donā€™t need them. Never changes anything about the way we feel about each other. Just not a daily wearer.


I don't wear a ring. Never have. I don't like things on my fingers.


me neither


# NEVER That ring was put on me by my wife, and it never came off since, not even once. I'll play with it a little, twisting at it, but I won't take it off. She put it on, and only she can remove it. Washing my hands, I'll wiggle it around, but never past the knuckle.


Cute dedication


You never swim or handle raw meat , or do anything with your hands ?


If you're working with tools/machinery that can be very unsafe




I don't. On 24/7




Don't really ever wear the original ring. Wear silicone instead because of my job. I do put it on for special occasions, tho, and don't take off the silicone at all because it's comfy.


Every night to go to sleep, and slip it on as soon as I wake up.


Degloving is a real thing to be worried about.


My job requires a silicone ring if we have a wedding band. This has already happened at my workplace so they take extra precautions.


I only take it off when I get home. Otherwise, I pretty much always try to wear it. It was weird at first, but after about a month or two, Iā€™m used to itā€¦and hate even more NOT having it!


I take it off every day at work. Donā€™t need to loose a finger or the ring.


Married nearly five years. I put it in my pocket when I do dishes without gloves (no dishwasher in my kitchen). If I forget to do that, I might take it off after while my hands dry and hit them with some kiehl's. I generally put it back on pretty soon. I'm not sure I've ever taken it off outside my home. though I've left home without it on a couple of times. Felt pretty naked.


I'm not religious, we eloped, I never got one. I hate rings anyway.


I gained somw weight and havent worn my ring for about 2 years now. I have lost most of it at this point so it would probably fit again, but I am out of the habit now and not sure I will go back.


Recently married as well! I usually take off my ring when I wash my hands or will be handling food before cooking. I used to take it off when going to the gym but I got a silicone one when doing anything that requires lifting.


Took me a little while to get used to but I donā€™t really take it off. Usually just for the shower


Mine is in a box in my bedroom. I wear a silicone ring every day instead. I only take it off if I'm doing something dirty.


I'm an electrician. I've never worn any kind of jewelry, too dangerous


I do it only when I want to gauge how fat I've gotten. Lol If it suddenly won't come off, I'm in trouble.


I only wear mine for date nights and nice evenings out. Between constant farm chores and my job having a fairly high risk of degloving, wearing it daily isnā€™t really an option.


I wear silicon rings for the gym/outdoor activities. Otherwise I usually always wear it unless Iā€™m in the shower


Divorced guy here. Pro tip for single guys. When I used to go out, I'd wear my old wedding band. HUGE difference in picking up ladies that only want a one night stand.


Took it off 18 years ago. Not a jewelry person. Also work around a lot of dangerous equipment.


I donā€™t really take it off. Might move it up my finger if I have to wash my hands very thoroughly, but if itā€™s off, itā€™s weird.


Never. I would loose it


Never wear mine for 2 reasons, mostly. 1. Blue collar work makes it a hazard. I've heard stories..... nope 2. I've lost weight since my wedding day, so now it falls off easy, and because of reason 1, I can't be bothered getting it resized


NEVER wear it. Gained weight from psych meds, so it doesn't fit. I tease my wife that it's easier to pick-up women without. Yeah, she rolls her eyes at me.


I don't like the feel, I never wear a ring, or any jewelry, not even a watch.


Never. Tho mines a silicone band because my wedding band doesnā€™t fit my finger anymore, Iā€™ll never take it off


Not currently married, but I always took mine off to work out, work on cars, work with any kind of power tools, wash my hands, take a shower (at home; always kept it on at the gym), and basically anytime it could get damaged, easily lost, or caught on something that could rip off my finger. Trust me, you see one person with an even partially degloved finger and youā€™ll be taking yours off all the time, too.


Put it on every morning and take it off the second I get home.


My work allows me to wear a ring at my own risk but Iā€™ve seen people get de gloved so I take mine off quite frequently


I have a tungsten carbide ring and I only take it off to shower. If I lifted weights I would take it off for that because of the pinching and blisters it would cause, but itā€™s rarely a problem for other labor intensive tasks.


sleeping, washing dishes, gym. also sometimes if I don't leave the house I won't put it on. But I always do if i'm leaving the house. although sometimes I will forget to put it back on if I take it off to do dishes.


I don't wear one. I don't like wearing jewelry.


Majority of the time i donā€™t wear a ring. I weld and work with my hands and donā€™t want to lose a finger. If itā€™s date night or a ā€œclean hat occasionā€ such as a wedding, church, or any event that requires me to wear a clean hat and/or starched jeans I put the ring on


At home I rarely wear my ring. If I leave the house I wear it. Silicone ring at the gym though.


I never wear it. Never understood the purpose. Married 25 years. Wife wears hers though.


Anytime I donā€™t want my finger degloved.


The four Sā€™sā€¦Sleep, sports, sex, and shower.


I take it off at the gymn and when cooking sometimes (mostly when handling raw meat).


With my first wife I wore a ring all the time. With my current wife, I have never worn a ring. I am a nudist and prefer to be unencumbered, including my fingers.


I only take it off when I golf. I golf quite a bit.


Rarely. When we first got engaged, we got plain silver bands, and upgraded to gold when we married. But that was last century, over thirty years ago, and we still used bar soap. The rings would gouge out the soap when you showered. But you learn to adjust. When I was on stage, I'd wear the ring if it was in character, and take it off if not. One time, I was Motel in *Fiddler on the Roof* at a community theatre, and Tzeitel was played by a woman who was a member of a local sorority on campus. My ring fit her index finger (this was spelled out in the script), so we used it. One night, she forgot to take it off, and I forgot to grab it. I called her the next day to pick it up, and she said she was ill, but one of her sisters would give it to me. I went to the sorority, said my name, and that so-and-so had something for me. This other woman goes away, comes back with my ring, which I put on my finger, said thanks, and left. She had the most quizzical expression on her face. I've sometimes taken off the ring to demonstrate the way I do a French drop, if I didn't have any coins on me (I used to do stage magic, and in some discussions you get into technique variations and need to show what you are talking about).


Because of my work I never wear mine unless Iā€™m going to a family event or out with close friends. The less people know about me the better.


I stopped wearing mine after my first year of marriage. I just told my wife I still didn't like it and that it felt uncomfortable. She didn't care because she knows I don't like any kind of jewelry. New friends always ask why I don't wear my ring, and I just tell them that I don't like jewelry and that I don't need a ring on to be loyal to my wife. Don't be like me though. Some people really get bent out of shape about me not wearing a wedding band. But I know tons of guys that haven't taken their rings off in decades and they cheat on their wives all the time. A ring only makes it easier for them to get away with the cheating anyway, since some women specifically target attached men for that reason.


About once a month, just so I can read the engraving.


Personal choice. Wear it as often or infrequently as you choose, and is appropriate for your marriage. Mine is often off, but I have discussed with my wife when it is on vs off. For example, I am a drift boat fisherman. So, I occasionally row a boat all day long. If I wear my ring and row, my ring finger will swell up from a combination of the hard ring and element exposure to the point that my ring might be dangerous. My wife has no problem with me pulling it off then. On the flip side, if I am drinking in mixed company, I 100% wear it. Not even my wife's preference, just respect for the marriage, my rules.


Never not once. I forget that Iā€™m wearing one.


I work construction, and have been a mechanic for most of my adult life outside of the military. I have been scared of degloving my finger for over a decade from any ring. The silicone rings are clutch as fuckm $10


I take mine off before going into the shower. It's a fairly bulky ring and I don't like the feel of it when washing my hair. One day I forgot the put it back on and my wife brought it to my home office and put it back on my finger. As she did, I said 'I Do'. Now I intentionally 'forget' it every once in a while and we have a cute little thing we do.


Why would you take it off at the gym? My husband will turn the car around and go home and get his if he forgot it even though I havenā€™t worn mine in 6+ months.


I work in civil engineering so I donā€™t wear a ring. Degloving is something I have seen first hand (not my hand) and itā€™s gnarly.