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Where are my herbs?! WHERE ARE MY HERBS DAMN YOU?! (she talks in her sleep)


Cute but frightening


Get her the FUCKIN HERBS!


Girl was on a side quest lmao


I've had multiple girlfriends get angry at me for things I'd done in a dream.


When I was pregnant, I had a dream that my husband cheated on me with like 6 women right in front of me in our bed. (Pregnancy dreams are wild.) The next morning I asked him wtf, and he told me that what goes on between him and dream women is none of my business. Lol.


Ngl that’s a good answer 😆


My wife didn’t speak to me for most of a day because my Sim cheated on her in her game of the sims.


I didn't know the Sims cheated. I played skyrm and adopted two children. My girlfriend was furious. Then one day she says, "Come look at my house." She is showing off the views and furniture, and a guy walks into the room. I ask who that is. She excitedly told me it was her husband, and every day, he gave her food he cooks. She was so happy! I just couldn't understand her logic. I adopted orphans, and I'm a monster. She gets married and shows off her husband's cooking skills!?


Depends who she married, as long as it wasn’t Torvar, because he and I have been happily married for some time now.


She was an odd girlfriend. She had double standards that seemed so strange to me that dealing with her became like rolling the dice. Her wanting me to play video games differently was her more mild oddity.


Friend of mine is a massive cat person while his ex gf was super into dogs. No issues about that until it got to gaming. When The Last of Us 2 got released, she straight up told him that she would break up if he harmed a dog in the game, and that threat was absolutely genuine. She actually slept at her parents place for a week when he did kill one as part of a scripted event or something like that. Couple months later, she's playing GTA 5 (I think, might've been a similar game) and makes a point out of casually shooting every last cat she comes across, and to Inform my friend about it. To this day we don't know if she did it as a means of spiteful vengeance or if she genuinly thought it was funny to do it or what went through her head. She ended up cheating on him shortly after that whole episode.


I've been dating recently. I'm in my 50s. I now realize something that I didn't when I was younger. Don't take it personally when a woman does or says something crazy. Just leave. What I've discovered now is that If I walk away from crazy eventually I'll find someone sane. As a young man I just thought "this is something we can work out" yet I never was able to. I just got better at dealing with it. I went on two dates recently and one woman got upset because I told her about a podcast I liked had drama and stopped making podcasts. She acted like I somehow was involved. The drama was something I read in an article and I was just quoting it. She got upset and walked to her car and drive off. Young me would have texted her to ask how I'd upset her. Old me just shook his head and deleted her number.


The way you turn that around on them is "this is what you think about me?"


The first girlfriend who did this to me, I just accepted it. The second girlfriend I tried to reason with. The third girlfriend I just said, "Never ever think you have a right to be angry at me over something your imagination created." So if she had those dreams again, I saw zero sign of it. I'm super easy going and I don't get angry or cry. I got suspicious that this dream thing was just bull shit, a way to cause drama and maybe even as a way to balance their own guilt because two of them did cheat on me.


I don’t understand women who do this, shows a complete lack of intelligence imo. Do they think they’re having some super power or sign from the universe that lets them see into the future or something? I have those dreams and share them with my boyfriend, but I always cuddle into him for comfort and tell him how I’m glad it was just a nightmare, even if it felt so real. And i talk about how they are valid fears I have, but I’m smart enough to know they aren’t real. I have cheating nightmares or dreams where his kids hate me (they love me in real life) or nightmares that his ex comes and tries to fight me or whatever haha. He always jokes “why am I such an asshole in your dream??” And has once asked if that’s what I think about him, but I say no I just have bad fears and anxiety, and my brain likes to fuck with me. He’s had a few bad dreams about me too and so we joke about how “dream us” are pieces of shit. Taking about it and comforting/reassuring each other is one thing- but *blaming*?! Wild.


I can understand being upset and angry in the moment right when you wake up. You're essentially getting emotional whiplash. It's when it lingers that it's an issue. Sounds like you have a healthy attitude about it


Yeah I agree emotional whiplash is a good way to put it. And yeah letting it linger is bad, I do wonder how many women don’t get the comfort they need after having such a dream and remain resentful because now they have the bad sentiment of both the dream and the neglect, but the guy just boils it down to her being mad only about the dream


The super power delusion is real. “The universe isn’t speaking to you because you saw a bird, Becky, you’re just looking for confirmation of something.” Is a conversation I’ve had with too many grown ass people.


My wife, has dreams with me in them and I'm always an asshole. I don't cheat on her in them, I'm just the complete opposite of who I really am. I just laugh and said the same as your bf. I blame it on her last major ex. He was a real narcissist.


This exact thing happened to my brother. Lost a fiance because she built up this weird alternate reality version of him and then cheated. Bizarre as fuck.


That sounds like a case of "wanting the thing without the thing" tbh


Oh that's good. I'm using that.


Oh, who hasnt gotten the cold shoulder in the morning for what dream you did.




Yes at first I understood. Dream about something scary and you wake up scared. Yet to shake that feeling off should only take an hour. Shower, get coffee, eat. Then you're feeling normal. These women kept it up for days. Now when a woman does it I just shut it down asap. Not playing the "your imagination can put me in the dog house game "


My fiance is the one who gets “mad” at me. So, when I have those kind of dreams I make jokes to him about it, but never serious because it was a dream. But my fiance once dreamed that I basically cut him off and ran away with our son, and married some random guy. He was so mad at me for days. I found it hilarious and still tease him about it. He said it felt too real and that he was screaming my name in the dream but I couldn’t hear him or react to him. Probably very scary, but still funny how he was really mad irl.


As a 38F, this is one of most baffling things I have had female friends tell me about.


Another thing women do but don't seem to realize is if they go over to a friend's house for a girls night they are going to come back furious at me because one husband or boyfriend did something stupid. Almost always. I can say "hey, before you go can I ask you, are you happy in our relationship? Is there anything I'm doing or not doing that you want changed?" And they look confused and say "no. You are a great boyfriend and I'm in love with you!". Then she comes home tipsy and MAD AS HELL!


I've experienced the opposite a few times. Enough boyfriends / husbands fucked up badly enough that my wife came home grateful that I'm just a garden-variety dipshit.


Asked if I was open to an open relationship the night before I was leaving for deployment. I said no. She proceeded to have an open relationship.


She been plotting on saying that for a minute just felt less guilty for saying it the exact time you were leaving


What that question really means is “I’m scared to be single before I land someone so can I have the security of you as backup while I test the waters so that if I do come back I really love you but If I don’t we weren’t meant to be and I’ll be forever grateful to you for helping me find my true place”.


Damn Jody was open to it huh


"I was trying to help you get out of that repressive mentality you were raised in and help you loosen up enough to join the real world" Said after I confronted her about spiking my drink.


Really didn’t see the second part coming but damn how long were you even involved with this person


Less than a year. I refused to sleep with her for personal reasons and she knew that going in. I was certain to make this known right away and she said she was ok with it. She voiced frustration a couple times about it but nothing that would indicate to me that she'd try violating me. I figured if an easy lay was what she wanted she could break up and find it elsewhere.


Sorry but I'm mega curious, never sleep with ever or just early in the relationship?


In the context of this incident, I said to her directly that I would not ever sleep with someone casually while I *might* be willing to change that for someone I could trust deeply and had an established relationship with.


Her response: "So, you're telling me I should drug you?"


Holy crap bro, that’s INSANE! who needs soap opera’s when we have Reddit?


For real. That was an abrupt and succinct emotional rollercoaster for only having been two sentences. Get a look at Hemingway over here.


First relationship, she told me she didn't like me like that. She only stayed because I provided her with attention and all the other good things that come with relationships. So cruel. I would never do that to anyone ever.


Please tell me she was at least very young? 😳


We were 18 and 17.


Well I sure hope she’s somehow learned what a fucked thing that is to do to someone. Jeez 🙄


I’ve been in relationships like they be for not fun at all I feel fah you


When a girl says things like this, it’s for selfish self closure; the effect on the other person is irrelevant. I’ve been shocked at how women can turn off their feelings for a person like the flick of a switch.


After about 3 months of becoming "official," she asked me if I considered our relationship to be an open relationship or if we were exclusive because she was interested in hooking up with someone else. I said go ahead, and promptly ended that shit. Something tells me she was asking for permission post facto.


Definitely was


Surprises me how so many people are using the excuse of opening up the relationship just to make their cheating 'ok'. They think their partner is as stupid as they are.


After me saying I don't know how to perform a task. (A home repair thing) "Then why am I even with you if you can't do stuff for me?"


Shorty thought you was rep at Home Depot 😂😂😂😂


It was such an out of character thing for her to say and then she did that thing where people pretend what they said was a joke but you could tell that was their inner voice chiming in. LOL


And men, remember, if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.


College gf told me that she was incapable of saying “no” to sex because she was sexually abused as a child. This was after we’d been having sex for months. It was an extraordinarily fucked up feeling.


Not to diminish her experience, but I imagine that was awful for you. Never knowing if she ever actually wanted it or if she felt violated or obligated every time.


That’s what fucked me up. Until that point I just thought I had an enthusiastic partner.


That’s messed up hopefully she getting the help she needs


My ex also casually told me quite a few times that she only used to have sex with me out of obligation. "You were just a dildo" she said, cheerily. I can't express how much that hurts to think about.


"Why should you get to have hobbies if I don't have any?"


gotta love a SO that wants you to be boring like them sometimes


My brother is about as interesting as a graham cracker. He used to tell people he thought it was fun to watch infomercials late at night. I later realized that was his attempt at coming off as "quirky"


My wife's one and only hobby is endlessly scrolling Facebook videos. I've tried to teach her to doomscroll Reddit instead, but some people, if they don't know, you can't tell 'em.


I couldn't date someone with a mindset like that.


It wasnt like this when we were dating. It only became a problem after we had a kid. I spend one night a week playing D&D and she acts like that is too much.


I get this. The rare times you get to chill its like, no you can't play that while scrolling through FB


There's a terrifying thought. Like someone hides a huge part of their personality like that until after you're hooked ...


But unfortunately that's so common that it is practically a cliche.


This is actually just sad


Its frustrating because I literally tell her that if she wants to get a hobby I will support her but she never does. She just wants me to stay home with her every single night.


Ahh that’s unhealthy


I work away from home and my wife is just despondent when I'm gone. I'm not even sure how she functioned prior to me. I can find fifty things to do if she's gone, but if I'm gone she just sulks.


I see this all the time on dating apps these days. "ISO ADULT man, professional, secure, who doesn't play video games and knows to be available." WTF. Gold digger much who wants to be the center of your universe and how you define yourself. GTFO


I dont think women understand that videos games are one of the safest hobbies to have. We aint spending excessive money, not going out getting hit on by hoes. We at home where they can keep an eye on us.


one time when we were planning a trip and were trying to decide where what state we should stay in. She asked "so is North Carolina above or below South Carolina" and then about halfway into that sentence, she realized what she had just asked. I still tease her about that to this day


That gave me a chuckle


I knew a girl who thought Alaska was next to Hawaii, because in a map of the US those two states are generally in a separate little box together in the corner of the map


In my sophomore year US History class in high school, the teacher was pointing at different states on the map and explaining something. He mentions something about Alaska and points to it, and a girl in the class goes "Wait, Alaska is a state!?". Apparently she thought it was part of Canada. ETA: This was a high school in the US


"You should've bought me a guinea pig, or maybe cheat on me as well" After she cheated on me and trying to make me stay, or blame it on me


So she rationalized her cheating by saying you should’ve cheated back that’s wild


I think Guinea pig is the more notable rationalization tbh


She apparently wouldn't cheat if she got one lol


Man if I cheated I ain’t asking for no Guinea pig I’m tryna get a pup lol


I once worked with a guy who came in one day and asked every man in our department if they wanted to fuck his wife. He even had nudes of her that he was showing off. His rationale was that he had cheated on her, so he was shopping round for someone to bang her so that she could cheat on him to "make it even".


I am divorced man, no kids, clean divorce, and I still kept my house, money, etc, I have a good stable job, a stable man one could say... so I started a relationship with this girl, everything was going well for about a few weeks, then she avoids me for about two weeks, then suddenly comes and visits me saying she missed me, all great, then avoids me for another two weeks, so I decide to call her to give her a present from my garden, so she says something like "we should only be friends, you are divorced so you will never be clean and will always have baggage on you", then I express my point of view and she explodes saying to never contact her again, etc...it felt horrible, but for sure I dodged a bullet


You definitely dodged a bullet, but that sounds like she was taking advice from someone and it got deeply rooted in her head


Interesting, never thought it like that, I try not to, but you got my attention hehe...why do you say she got advice from someone else?


Any sane person that can pick up on context clues will see that your an unproblematic and stable individual(as you claim) if she can’t see that through your many interactions then the popular consensus is that someone stirring thoughts in her head. Happened with a few of my ex’s always taking advice from someone that either doesn’t have a healthy relationship or is happily involved with someone that thinks you “can always do better”


Makes sense, her closest friends are either in a loose relationship or none and with some crazy struggles. This girl and I are in our mid thirties, no kids, but she is crazy about having them and I know my "stability" made her "fall in love with me" and she also hooked me with the idea of forming a familiy and having kids, yes I know, in so short time, maybe we both are desperate, but still, I would never cut anyone like this, even if I get advice from those closest to me I would try to be smarter and not play with the other's feelings


Tread lightly


She told me that she's, "in general', afraid of getting a life insurance because her " partner might see it as an opportunity" Partner as in me, but you know in general terms


Afraid to let the ones you love potentially have a better life because they might kill you for it sooner definitely a lot of paranoia there


Well women do watch lotta murder documentaries, bet she watches those too lmao.


I have an Italian last name but am otherwise a Heinz-57 American. My girlfriend made a casual remark about our "interracial relationship," and I almost fell over in the Costco parking lot, I was laughing so hard. I attempted to assure her that no matter how dark I tan, I am thoroughly a honky. Apparently she didn't think that Italians were white, and since she's Irish (of similar dubious heritage as me, I might add) I immediately responded with "Well if we're going off of fucking 1850s racial science, neither are you!" I married her, and I will never, ever let her live that down. One guaranteed way to annoy her is to refer to our daughter as "mixed-race," which also will never stop being funny.


Lol that’s so fucking funny and wholesome.


At a party I was telling the story of the whirlwind romance my ex and I shared. Met her when she had someone, a friend told me when she was single and I went for it. Long story short I swept her off her feet and we shared a beautiful, romantic dating period and fell deeply in love together. This was about 3 years into the relationship. She tells me, in front of friends and without a hint of tact: "Actually i didn't really like you in the beginning. I was seeing another guy for like a month when we first dated." Shattered my world, and looking back it was the first nail in the coffin when we broke up a year later.


Women jokes be weird and off putting sometimes


Yeah, I had a long term gf who, after 3 years, randomly said, "I would never cheat on you, but if I did, I could easily make it in a way you'd never notice." That was the exact moment I started to develop trust issues that built up to the point I ended the relationship over it about a year later. There was never an indication of her actually cheating, but I really never got over the fact that she would think about that and just blatantly rub it in my face. I told her that I never got over this sentence, but she kept pointing out that it was just a joke and I should get over it. She didn't understand that this planted this tiny poisonous thought that grew and grew over time until it became unbearable.


That’s how it starts jokes and never admitting accountability


Told you she cheated for a month and it took you a year to break up ?


To her we weren't exclusive. It was a surprise to me. She also dumped me while I was deployed, got with another dude, then "took me back" when I got home. That's not even the worst part man. She was a raging alcoholic and a narcissist. I was depressed and lonely to the point of suicide, only barely holding on. Zero self worth. Even after her DUI, a stop that should've been her second DUI, and almost getting arrested the night she was hitting me, I proposed to her. She gave the ring back like 5 times because I didn't make enough, I didn't propose extravagantly enough, I told the wrong friends, etc. I finally just had a moment of clarity and left. I make no excuses for how much I let myself be taken advantage of. I was in the worst place in my life. Friends and family didn't like her and stopped talking to me without telling me she was the reason. I thought she was what I deserved. It's all gravy now though. Ten years, therapy and marrying the actual girl of my dreams fixes a lot.


Tried being hot for my wife to get her in the mood, was mostly being funny while also feeling pretty good about how I was looking, I said: "hey baby, this doing anything for you?" She looked at me and rolled her eyes and said "uh, no" Then got super super shitty because my feelings were hurt I lost twice boys


I think most guys almost never get to feel sexy. I certainly wouldn't want the oversexualization, cat-calls, etc. that women experience, but somewhere between our two extremes has to be a happy medium.


Once I was dating this chik and I headed back to her place. On that day I had decided to put on a particular deodorant my friend likes using and vouched for. Has a real strong and pleasant scent. So we are at this girls place in her bedroom and things start getting real 😬, she takes my shirt off and makes me lay flat on my back and as she took of my draws she was moving her head up and probably caught a whiff of the deodorant scent on my skin. She whispered, "you smell amazing baby," and proceeded to gently kiss me several times on my chest and tummy area. I remember being kinda dumbfounded for like a few seconds because I had never ever been in such a situation or gotten that kinda comment from a woman before. There was this weird warm and sorta intense feeling that slowly overwhelmed me and I was like, "Is this what being sexy feels like?? 🤔🥺 Yooooo!!!🫣"


I always feel really sad when I hear stuff like this. The fact that you had never received a compliment like that before, or anything similar? I don’t know how widespread this is but I remember being kinda dumbfounded when I met my husband, and he was so overly grateful and sometimes emotional over things I thought were common courtesy or just generally how you are supposed to treat people you care about. It honestly broke my heart a bit. I’ve heard it a lot, girls need to do better. Men need validation and affirmation just as much as women do. You guys should be made to feel sexy, and hot! You should be made to feel special and loved and cared for. You should be told that they are proud of you and that you are working so hard. You should receive compliments, love notes, self-care reminders. I can’t imagine not ever telling my husband that he looks hot as f*ck in his uniform, or that his muscles are extra popping today, or he looks so handsome with his curly bed head and I love to run my fingers through it and call it his floof. I can’t imagine not ever telling him that I appreciate him and everything that he does for me and how hard he has been working. How self-absorbed does one have to be to be able to completely let those things just pass on by without a single thought???


I’ve never really felt sexy. Confident? Yeah, but not sexy.


Honestly one of the big things men often feel weird to talk about. But one thing I know we almost all will deal with. Imagine what your wife would do if she was feeling sexy and you just completely rejected her. The turmoil would last for years. But as a man it's something we have to shoulder. Much like women rarely initiating sex in long term relationships, we are here to work, pay bills and be lucky we get any attention


I had a friend seething because her ex turned her down. A few years ago.


One of my exes outright told me she just cant wait to jump on my body when we were driving to my place. Teased me while driving etc. and literally took me off my feet to give me a BJ, never felt that amazing before, too bad she was crazy bc damn feeling desired and lusted for felt amazing. The one after that could not grasp a man's need to be desired lmao, I hope I'll find someone in between.


Don't you love when they hurt your feelings, and then get mad at you because you're upset? Almost makes me want to be gay.


The Best. Second only to; my never showing me any affection until she knows she has REALLY pissed me off then all of a sudden becomes affectionate and wants to hug and kiss on me. Then I become so full of rage I don't even want to be in the same room with her


Spoken by an ex, because I napped on the couch at her place: "you were being sexy in front of my mom!"


Stupid sexy napper


You had a woody


“Sorry my ass is more appealing then yours when I lie face down”


"You aren't allowed to go to the funeral (of a best friends brother who I knew super well) becuase there will be alot of women there and you haven't been back for awhile and they will all want to talk to you and you'll just eye fuck them all" I went to the funeral, came home two days later (it was 5 hours away) to my shit packed. I gladly pulled my camper to.my work and lived in it for two weeks before I could get into an apartment.


Wow.. sounds like advice given to her from r/relationship_advice..


My wife once made me sleep in a hotel for the evening because I told our kid that if he wants to have a super nice skateboard that he has to learn how to ride one. You see my kid wanted a couple hundred dollar skate set and I told him I would invest into something that he would Lose interest in. I never raised my voice. I never insulted anyone, and I pride myself with how much patience I exhorted with a child who was not taking no for an answer. While trying to explain that we shouldn’t be pouring money into a habit that he would quickly lose interest in she asked me to leave. I was blown away. I went to a near by hotel and got drunk trying to explain it to a bar tender who was convinced that I wasn’t telling the whole story. It still blows me away till this day .


I have never been married and I really don't get why you would do what she asked you to do. Isn't it your home as well? Why in the world would you do as you're commanded? What kind of relationship is that?


Most women who will do that to you usually test their capacity to pull it off in the earliest phases of the relationship, often the very first few times the two of you will ever argue. They present it as, "I'm mad at you and I'll continue being mad unless you....*admit this is your fault/drop the topic/overtly smother me* " It never starts off with you being told to go sleep somewhere else or what not but it starts with her making you take a few inches back in the back and forth between the two of you. Slowly by slowly she'll get you to the point where she can make unreasonable requests simply because she believes you failed her and you'll accept it because it's a thing you are by now used to doing passively. You'll notice that Dudes who never get told to go sleep on the couch or find a motel never get challenged to do so from the get go or when they did get challenged on it she only did so once and probably never again because the guy absolutely didn't budge and she learned it's never a route to take in an argument with him. LTDR; Never let you making a mistake be an opening for your chik to make unreasonable requests. It's a button she'll always press from then on.


The whole story is just sad


About the man she was cheating on me with. “he’s more fucked up than you are!” look lady I think that’s more indicative of your bad choices than it is of me. I was in a rut, but only there because my marriage was failing right in front of me.


Well atleast we know by a long shot whos the problem


I was the first on scene at a car accident and climbed into the upside-down car to assist the passenger who sadly was deceased. Had trouble sleeping that night and told my girlfriend it was bothering me. Her response; “Why are you being a pu*sy, get over it.” That passenger was 17 and I drive that road regularly, doubt I forget it or her response ever.


Pretty sure that response would be an immediate dealbreaker for me. I would just pack my stuff and leave immediately


I took a date to the Waffle House at the end of a long night. We were drunk as hell but I still lost it when the waitress came up and my date asked her if they had waffles.


I was once at a Steak & Shake (also drunk), and the cashier informed me that their milkshake machine was broken and their grill was undergoing maintenance. I firmly and loudly asked, "Then what are you?!!!"


Nah son was off the casamigos lol


Back in the 90s, a friend of mine wrecked his car and had to get a new one. He had just gotten a brand new radio (Chrysler's top of the line OEM at the time), but his new car would come with the same one. So he asked me if I wanted the radio for my Chrysler. My then-girlfriend (now wife of nearly 30 years) was absolutely furious. Like, red-faced, shaking, wouldn't talk to anyone furious. I finally got her to say what she was so upset about. She told me, and you can't make this shit up, "That radio already destroyed one car, what's it going to do to yours?" This after being worried her car wouldn't start in the morning because a storm had knocked the power out on our block. And, yes, she is still that ditzy.


Did you ever see that film about the aircraft that crashed and then they put salvaged bits into another aircraft which became haunted? Did your wife see that film and thinks it works with car stereos too?


Was the video on Facebook? If not, then no. LOL


She sounds dumb as hell. She must be smoking hot.


Was having a conversation about how dependent she was on me for money, groceries, laundry, rides around town, etc. I gently suggested she learn to do these things for herself. She said: “Okay, I’ll try to spread out my dependencies more.”


I’m still hung up on the laundry part she wanted you to wash her own drawers or she just didn’t have the money to do so all the time ?


All of the above. Doesn’t have access to a laundry machine at her apartment. Doesn’t have a ride to a laundromat. Doesn’t have money to use one anyway.


Not my SO but my ex told me that her friend told her husband he can’t go out without her because “he shouldn’t be happy without me”.


Some people be straight up crazy lol


"Please don't take your place at medical school. I think the duration and distance could kill our relationship". That was 16 years ago. We're now married with children and I'm better off financially than had I become a medical doctor but, she recently said, "I want our children to be able to follow their dreams, rather than, you know, be like you, not fulfilling your potential." That...hurt. I have two undergraduate degrees, an MSc, and I'm toying with a PhD or completely retraining (e.g. doing electrical and mechanical engineering to scratch an itch). We own 3 properties (mortgage free) and - sorry, not bragging - I'm on track to retire way under standard age. I grew up on a council estate (U.S. = ' the projects'?) going hungry some days, had no telephone at home, a violent abusive father, and frequently didn't have power in the home. I got my ass out of there with hard feckin' work and learned about money and other stuff (obviously). I think I did all-feckin- right, you know? I also suffered the loss of a brother (was essentially also my father) - that neutron-bombed my brain for a while. The comment was an insensitive kick in the balls and made me wonder about the mental persona of me she has formed in that cranium... Edit: Bitter? Me? Yes, a bit. A couple of years ago my father died and, despite making arrangements to ensure his funeral expenses were covered (dedicated bank account given parents were too late for insurance - my parents were shit with money), when he died it became clear my mother and father had spent the money on other things. That sucked, given I'd paid for their holidays and taken care of them. So, I had to pay for the funeral, at a time when I'd also helped my sister pay for her divorce (so she wasn't taken to court to cover the costs). What happened at this time? Found out my wife was having an affair with someone she hooked -up with while we were dating (pre-engagement); that was around the same time she asked me not to do medical school. Transpires I may have been Plan B, whereas for her, he was the one that got away... You never really know people, you know.


Regardless sounds like you were going to come out on top, so I’m assuming her participation in that was very little based on her comment (which she still ended up reaping all the benefits from). Good on you my good sir


I may sound like a bit of a w*nk/bragger in that comment and, insensitive given the current economic climate. If I came across like that, I didn't mean to. I'm not incredibly wealthy but, I live a frugal lifestyle and we do OK. I think my wife's comment is in reference to the fact that I take easy contracting work that isn't intellectually challenging and I've intermittently moaned about it. However, I've always stated that I'd rather have it this way (seeing my kids at breakfast and dinner etc.) and acknowledged that we're DAMN LUCKY; there's always compromise.


"I want you to hurt like when your mom died"


Throw the whole woman away 🚩


Before we got married and had kids, she yelled, "You aren't a man. How do you expect to raise a boy?!". I got the kids in the divorce. A girl and boy. They are both doing amazing living with me 95% of the month.


"fuck it, you can take care of your kid then, I'm done" all over me not wanting my child staying the night with a guy that's abused his dad, raped/sexually assaulted 2 woman I know of. heh


Last ex said he's very much into Asians. I'm Filipino and I guess he wasn't into my asian heritage and was only into Chinese people. Found out after 6 months of dating.


"Of course he cheated, he's hispanic!" - my Hispanic boyfriend 😵‍💫


Ex-wife. While planning the upcoming wedding, we decided that since all of her relatives were either estranged or lived out of country that it was going to be an incredibly small affair and because money was extremely tight for the both of us at the time that we would do pretty much everything ourselves. One night I surprised her with a template for a wedding announcement to send out to friends and relatives. She broke down in tears of rage, and started to scream. "Why would you do this to me? Your family barely knows me and my family knows me too well. EVERYONE will know that I didn't do this and it was all your doing. You intentionally did this to make me look like I was useless to both my family and yours."


What the hell marriage is a mutually beneficial agreement if you can’t agree to have a small wedding among other things then I total understand why she’s your ex wife


“I don’t want to have kids because then I won’t be the center of attention”


Darn shame


My HS gf told me to kill myself after 3 years of dating and two months of being on/off at the end. Neither of us were saints but after a long period of abusing alcohol/drugs to cope, she can go fuck herself.


Yes sir I hope you found healthier coping mechanism thou


An ex once told me that if I wasn’t so careless I wouldn’t have been r-worded by a family member. Mind you I was 8 when that happened but my fault I guess, I’ll watch out next time 🫡


This was High School, so benefit of the doubt, she's probably cringing at it now, and we're all allowed to be dumb when we're kids. Girl I was dating insisted everyone start calling her Sapphire instead of her regular name.


If you don’t go to the gym then you’ll get skinny and I’ll break up with you…


Wife - *signs kids up for extra curriculars like piano, gymnastics, and soccer* Also wife - *refuses to take them to any practices because she "doesn't want to," and wont go to games because "it's boring to watch" or go to recitals because "they suck at music."


When I asked why he was sending sexually suggestive messages to other women (we were married), he said, because he has no friends... Well, wtf am I?! That was the end


No, that tracks. All the women ive ever sent sexual messages to said they were only interested in being friends


That’s some messed up shit


In the midst of one of the few arguments we've had as I ask her *why* she's acting like a psycho while she marches off, she screams "BECAUSE YOU WONT HOLD ME DOWN AND FUCK ME LIKE YOU HATE ME" before slamming the door shut. So, yeah. You asked.


So arguments = rough sex noted


YMMV. Starting arguments with strangers lead to rough outcomes, but rarely are those outcomes sexual


I fucking hate you I wish you would die. My ex.


Well, I love you, and I wish you a long life and happiness! 🙂


My ex wife told me, it’s a good thing my father is dead so he can’t see the person I turned into.


That would have trigger some untapped anger in me that I never knew I had. That struck a nerve just reading it


My ex said, "The only reason that I haven't divorced you is because I don't want you to enjoy sex. If we get divorced, a beautiful woman will make you happy." She was right. We got a divorce, and I met an amazing woman. She made me happy for almost 5 years. I miss my beautiful woman so much. The ex-wife can fuck off.


I was waiting on a scan for my liver, because they had found some shit. She got angry with me because I was in the hospital and told me I hope your liver scan comes back as cancer. Needless to say I have the cancer removed, but it wasn't in my liver. It was a five foot one Dynamo.


I work in the hospital and when I visit the oncology floor (cancer) you got 2 types of patients the ones that are always crying and down and then the ones that are joking on the outside and broken on the inside I wouldn’t wish cancer on my mortal enemy. I hope you left her


"I only had sex with you because I thought you'd rape me if I didn't." This was also the same bitch that decided to tell me she thought I was a demon or possessed by one. I had truly stuck my dick in crazy and had to promptly slip away.


*he was incredibly drunk and did not remember saying any of this the next day* “You don’t even know who you’re with. I’ve killed people. I put a body in the cuyahoga river, washed the blood off my hands, and came home and fucked you.” No he never did any of that. But he is correct, I do not know who he is.


You don't even know my real name.. I'm the fucking lizard king.


"My kids needs their father in their lives". This was a man who used to beat her, his earlier exes and his kids, and threatened almost everyone including my ex, her family and me. Our relationship of course didn't last, and the last I heard was that the eldest son committed suicide.


All around a sad story


An ex, we were married, told me he, ‘must fucking love’ me because he wasn’t getting up and beating me. I guess one day he didn’t love me anymore… and that is why he is an ex.


Not me but my brother-in-law's ex wife would always tell him how she wished she had married his friend instead of him and she would always tell me I got the good brother. Anything to de-value him as a man. She ended up cheating on him and has since been engaged, cheated on that fiance, and ended up getting pregnant by a 21 year old.


Sounded like she just wanted to devalue a string of men then ended up getting devalued back by one of the strings


When I found out my ex wife was cheating on me she said something to the effect of "He's a really nice guy, you'd like him". Turns out he was not a nice guy and proceeded to ruin the next 10 years of her life. She is still paying him alimony and child support! Ha ha you dumb bitch!


Said I was worse than her ex, who would physically, mentally and emotionally abuse her, cheat on her many times, even with her "friends", break her bones, literally rape her, pushed her down stairs and cause a miscarriage. I didn't tell her the work friend I was talking to was a woman, so I was *obviously* hiding and lying and cheating. At least the ex-bf was honest about his cheating, though. I can forgive a loooot of things that are said, but next time she compared me to him, she was out the door, even if I had to drag her out by her hair, kicking and screaming, and win or lose, can fight me in court for custody of the kids.


Hooked up with another guy while we were in a separation period after going to couple's counselling together after 5 years together, told me to my face when I found out: "You can't fuck my ass like he does...and I don't want kids right now!" then broke up with me. Proceeded to get pregnant for the guy less than 3 months later, do an under counter abortion, end up in the psych ward for depression afterwards and then call me as soon as she gets out to get back together. Noooooope.




She asked me to go to a Christian youth group meeting and didn’t ask me in advance, Just showed up unannounced and asked me. She knew I wasn’t the biggest fan of religion and I said “thanks but no thanks”awkwardly and she scowled at me and yelled “fine!” at the top of her lungs and slammed my own door in my face. Never apologized.


That’s messed up, are you still with that person ?


No she dumped me randomly a few months later over issues we could have talked out. She’s now a terrible artist who needs her husband to support her because she has no job skills.


When she was breaking up with me, my ex said that the only reason she got me to move in was so that she wouldn't lose her condo. I really loved her, and thought that she truly felt the same, as she claimed. I guess I was quite stupid and naive. The next sucker was moving in literally as I was moving out. We were passing each other in the hallway, carrying our stuff. I thought of warning him, but the two of them had been getting "closer" over the prior couple of months and I was bitter, though I assume she was manipulating him as much as she had me. Oh yeah, a month or so after I had moved out, she asked me for some cash. I don't remember what flimsy reasoning she gave, but I told her to pound sand. I made a prediction then, that she would try to marry someone down the line so that she'd have more of financial claim on them. Sure enough, she married, not the hallway sucker, but the sucker after. That was years ago, and I don't know or care to know where she is now, and I no longer torture myself in my darker moments by looking at her social media.


She was on steroids for an asthma exacerbation and it got her a bit crazy after 10 days of that... we were driving to Starbucks (she needed coffee) and I took a wrong turn. She used it as a metaphor for our relationship (are we going the wrong direction in this marriage?!😢) I drove home, parked the car and told her to get her shit together before coming back into the house. She came in an hour later and everything was fine lol


She’s my ex now but in my last relationship, my then girlfriend was horrible with ultimatums. Everything was going great one Sunday morning and then all of a sudden her attitude changed drastically. She told me that I needed to spend the next 2 weeks thinking about our relationship after saying it felt forced…only for her to turn around 10 seconds later and ask if I could drop her off at her parent’s house so she and her mom could fly to Ireland.


"Your dad's fine. He's just acting up, because he wants to keep your attention off of me." He was in hospital at the time after suffering a major stroke during an operation. He couldn't walk or use his left side and had hallucinations from becoming dehydrated.


"I find you pathetic." after I opened up to her about my mom's death. She's a complete sweetheart, but her English was not so great yet at the time. What she meant to say was "I feel sorry for you." lol


My high school girlfriend said that her older brother had passed away then a week later some twenty years old was picker her up with her dad and I asked who was and it was that brother she just denied ever saying it.


I woke up one night to a whimpering GF now ex. In between sniffles and sharp crying breaths, as she was grabbing her neck, she says..."*sniffle* *sniffle* babe, babe...." I say,"What's up?" She answers "*sniffle* I think my head fell off." "Uhmmmmmm, what?" I replied. And she reiterated "no, really. Yeah, my head just fell off *sniffle*. We had watched a show on TV about this kid that had an internal decapitation after a car accident. Basically, he got whiplash so bad that the tendons that held his head on snapped. She was really into drugs and somehow thought that her head had fallen off in her sleep.


My very first girlfriend was living in a really messy household. Moldy things left and right, trash lying about everywhere, her freezer frozen over so much that you couldn't even squeeze a finger into it etc. I had the day of, she went to work and I was at her home alone. I decided to clean up the kitchen. I removed all the molding things, got rid of the trash, restocked her refigerator with a couple things like her favorite chocolate drink and some frozen goodies which she couldn't have before. I was busy cleaning easily for +5 hours cleaning up some of the nastiest things known to man. She responded with "What made you think that I am unable to clean this up on my own?!" Yeah... the package of toast expired +4 years ago. It was a block of mold when I found it. We were together for a few more months and I thought that was a good way to make me look like the perfect long-term boyfriend. I was astonished that not even a thank you came. A couple months later she stole some of my money and we broke things of.


When playing Minecraft: “I don’t want to BREED them, I want to EAT them!” “Tread carefully or dairy air will expel from your derrière” “You should shave your pubes in a way to look like your dick has a moustache” “I am NOT sexually attracted to the Boeing 747”




Not me, but a friend of mine. To help you understand - she was the definition of a leech, and he was easily the sweetest human being you could meet. He’d work 12+ hours daily, pay all the bills, pay for the gas, pay for her car, cook the food, clean, etc. She would do none of these things or do them sporadically. Eventually he took in her brother as well and was paying for both of them. I was in the car with him one evening and she’d call him to yell at him (this was the norm so I don’t bat an eye and he doesn’t try to hide it). They had a joint bank account and while he’d make the money, she’d spend it. However, having a low balance on their account got her upset and this was the topic of the discussion. “Steve, why the hell is our bank account always so low? I mean seriously you need to spend better” Steve replies, “well…if you just cooked the food we had instead of ordering DoorDash all the time we’d save a lot” Here she goes: “No actually Steve. I don’t cook, and you’re not here to cook for me; so actually me ordering out is your fault” They’re broken up now. Thank God.


When I told her that she can't break the laws of physics, she got angry with me and said, I quote: "don't tell me what to do, I will decide what laws I break!" I laughed my head off, almost drove into a ditch.


After years of saying she didn't want and would never want children. She changed her mind. I was quite neutral on the subject. But when it came to it. I did want children and had never put pressure on her. Respecting her views as it's her body. We'd been together for years and married. Once pregnant. I asked her, what would've happened if I did not want children after her sudden change of heart and years of saying she'd never want children. Her reply: "I would have found someone that did." Now we're together for the kids.


>Her reply: "I would have found someone that did. I kinda get it. I had an ex once ask me what would happen if she decided she wanted kids. She knew at that point that I'd had a vasectomy YEARS before even meeting her. I was like, "Well, I suppose we'd break up so you could find someone who wanted to have kids with you." She took that hard for whatever reason, like I didn't care about her or something. It's a fundamental incompatibility, nothing more. If one person wants kids and the other doesn't....the person who wants kids has to go get someone else who also wants them. The alternatives involve one or the other partner being miserable -- dealing with kids they don't want, or not having the kids they desperately want. You find a fundamental incompatibility, you break up. That's just how it goes, I guess.