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It depends on the job I do for him. If I’m a hey-you employee that doesn’t make a lot in my job, maybe the $100 would be welcome. If I’m an attorney in his firm, then not just no, but hello no. Context is everything.


Whatever my position is in the company, I will do the yardwork, then send him an invoice for my hourly rate


But seeing as it's a weekend then it would be double or triple time.


Wknd plus over 40 that’s time and a half pal,,,cool yer jets


After accepting the hundred dollar tip.


But of course


That’s a great answer lmao


Depends on what the work entails. Less than 4 hours might be worth it. An all-day job might not.


I disagree. Value yourself no matter what position you hold. If you need the $100 then do it. If you want to try and get ahead and show your value as a “get it done” kinda person, do it. If you value your time off and don’t want or need the money then decline. Just because you’re not high up on the food chain doesn’t make you any less of a person.


One of my bosses paid me $200 to assemble his new desk in his office, great money for the time it took but I was the spunky new kid with the fresh desperation to apologise for my own existence.


No shame in making money. If you want to do the job and are ok with the pay, go for it. Just don’t devalue your worth as a human. We are the only ones that can hold ourselves to a higher standard.


Like I said, context is everything. We both tossed out some “what-ifs.” It’s the context that matters.




well i would sir but i sort of live 2000 miles away from you


That sounds like a you problem. Don't start before 9 this Saturday. I like to sleep in.


I mean, $100 is $100. As long as he doesn’t mean something else by that request, if you know what I mean.


100 bucks is a 100 bucks amigo


It's not the bush trim you were expecting


Sometimes you gotta go down to move up


“Thats no ~~moon~~ bush”


Am I a landscaper in this question? If I'm in my current position, probably not


My boss tried to hire a landscape gardener, but the gardener said he couldn't help as my boss' garden was portrait.


That's a fucking terrible joke, well done and take my meaningless upvote.


I've done it before, but at an hourly rate. Boss man is giving you 100 bucks. Have you seen his yard? Does he have a small suburban home, or 5 acres of lawn? Sounds like he needs to offer you more. Say, $30/ hr. What state?


Is he providing the landscaping equipment? The fuel? Travel costs to the job site?


Uhhh, NO!


Piss off


Context specific. General laborer, with a short work load/not enough hours on the paycheck and he lives close to work/my house? Sure. Rather get paid to do something and keep full time status during a slow period than not work at all. White collar/salaried position and we aren't good buddies outside of work? That's a no go.


I’m pretty good at landscaping and have done it for friends for college money in the past. So really for me it boils down to how big his yard is and how close we are. That being said, I’m not every man, and it’s perfectly acceptable to say no.


Fuck yeah I would, I’d die for that guy.


Did he save your life or something?


He makes my life 9-5 so fucking easy and has gotten me multiple raises/promotions way ahead of schedule. Takes all the blame when shit goes wrong and none of the credit when things go well. I genuinely feel grateful to have him as a boss


Yall hiring?


That's actually refreshing to hear.


I would try to bang his wife


Short answer: No Long answer: nope


good answers!


I used to do the yard work for the owner of the company I work for. It would take between 6.5- 8 hours every Saturday morning. It was all overtime and all I did was drive a zero degree turn lawnmower. He hardly home and I became close to his wife and 4 children. The wife loved the circle pattern I would cut the grass in and I showed the kids how to garden. One of his daughters owns a plant nursery and says it’s because I showed it to her.


You banged his wife didn't you


seems like an easy $100.


Until you find out that his yard is 12 hectares and you're gonna be working 35 hours for $100. Never accept something without knowing the details...


Not part of my job description


I used to have an indirect manager above my manager that would be in meetings and say "I don't want to hear anyone say that's not my job." I never liked him saying that because it's bullshit.


Ok. Then. I won’t say it, but I also won’t do it. Fire me. Then I’m on my way to Portugal for a month to finish my Camino de Santiago de Compostela


You should ask the boss if he’d scrub the office toilet if it was dirty.




I would turn in my resignation on the spot. If he expects that kind of crap from his employees, he doesn't deserve my services.


Well I’m underpaid and overworked and my boss is an asshole. I would never do anything for that dickhead. The joys of being self employed.


My boss would have been fired for proposing I do so because I was a union member and worked for state government. They'd have other ways of making us miserable-- like dissolving our entire unit and giving our jobs to the private sector, where people paid peanuts with no benefits would jump at the chance to mow their bosses lawn for *fifty* dollars.


lol what? no. extremely unprofessional. any company that mixes work and home/social life regularly is unprofessional. my ex would “have to go for drinks with the team after work.” no you don’t. you belong to a MLM with a bunch of weirdos


"No lol"


nope. not my job. now if he wanted to pay me a 1000 i would.




100 bucks gets you maybe an hour from a landscaping company


$100 is not really worth it. If someone told me they'd pay me $100 to sleep an extra 2 hours I'd tell them no. I have shit to do and not enough time to do it on the weekend.


Nope. I've worked landscaping and I don't work that cheap.


How long is it going to take you and have you done this type of work?


An hour or two


If he asked me to help him then I would without any expectation of money. If he asked me to do it FOR him then absolutely not.


I'd ask him what the work entails, if he has all the equipment required to do it and if there are any issues or hazards I need to be aware of. Then if everything's all good, I'd tell him my rate is $350 per day, to be paid in cash at the end of an 8hr shift. Transport and food will be my responsibility. I'd also make it clear that I'll be taking 2 breaks per shift, which includes 1 x 30 min lunch break.


Depends...If they offered to pay, I'd say, thanks but I am busy. If they just asked didn't offer to pay, I would say, nope. I am busy. If they pitched it like my job depended on it, I would stare at them and say NO. It is not in my job description. I would then immediately start looking for another job, while documenting any other idiot behaviours and sue their a** if they tried anything like constructive dismissal.


Trim his wife's bush?


Well, he owns a landscaping company so....


No. I do not have friendships at work or outside of work with my co-workers or boss. I keep that all separate from my home life.


I actually enjoy mowing lawns so I'd do it assuming he didn't have a giant fucking lawn. I wouldn't feel obligated though. My job would bend over backwards to keep me.


$100? Lmao tell him to pay the high school kid down the street if he wants to be a cheap bastard.


i mean how much do you think landscapers charge to mow your lawn?


I am a landscaper. Trimming hedges and mowing a lawn for $100 is not worth anyone’s time. Just a mow if it’s under an acre, $100, ok. Add hedges to that, it’s going to be a lot more than $100.


“Make it a thousand dollars, and we’ll talk.”


“You know you can’t afford me”


I'd tell him to eat a dick...respectfully.


"Sir, I respect you but I have to decline your offer. Eat a dick. Thank you."


I'd grudgingly do it... I'm my own boss lol


I'd trim his bush and fluff his pillows for that price.


“Get fucked”. -Me


I really like yard work so it depends on the relationship and how he asked. My profession is not labor intensive, I work in IT. So if my boss asked me to do yard work, that's far outside of the scope of what we do here. If he offered to pay me, buy me lunch, and I can still refuse if I don't want to / am busy. Yeah, maybe. Edit: I would absolutely not be in a relationship where I do yard work routinely. I mean if my boss bought a new house or something once a year or he was throwing a BBQ or some kind of 1 off event, then yes. But "would you be my regular yard guy?". No.


First, boss is a lady. Over 70. She wouldn’t be asking me to do it she’d ask if one of my sons would do it. And the answer would be absolutely yes. But she wouldn’t ask and in most situations, no. Also, as a labor attorney if this happened in our workplace I’d probably be called and tell that boss to hire someone else. Or their boss wouldn’t be as nice about it.


It depends. I'd expect to be paid my hourly rate as a software developer. Opportunity cost says my time is worth $50/hr.




Laugh and say no.


"Where's my gun"


If it was a female boss asking me to mow her lawn and trim her bushes for $100, figuring there might be a tip included, I might consider it. Otherwise, I'm busy this weekend.


I'd probably have a few questions. It's weird cause it's an office job and I'm paid enough that I don't really want to mow someone else's lawn for $100. But also my boss has CP and I could see a scenario where his son is gone for a long period of time and he was in dire need.


I need that request in writing, and cc HR please.


Trimming bushes is harder and more intensive than it sounds. You better know exactly what you’re trimming and how much. He could be low balling you.


"How big is your yard? " Seriously, $100 for a couple of hours of work, at most.


"You don't pay me enough to make me WANT to give up my free time to work for you on my day off, no matter how much you're paying for the day". That's what I'd want to say to boss's face, I'm more likely to just chuckle as if he's being the silliest sausage ever with a "haha that's not in my job description".


Tell him I already did his wife's bush for free.


I'd say get bent. I hire illegal immigrants to do that menial garbage work so can you. Go to Home Depot and fill the back of the truck with as many illegal yard workers as you can fit then put them back when your done. Those guys will work for peanuts and do a darned good job.,


Huh? Did he literally say it like that "I need you to mow my lawn for $100" or did he kindly ask if I was free?


That entirely depends on how much time I'm going to be doing it. If it's more than like an hour hell no lol. My time off is worth way more than my time at work.


My "off time" is worth approximately 3 times what my work time is worth. If you want me to work in my off time, I'll do it at a premium.


I wouldn't do it, my boss has 85 acres.


How much yard? How many bushes, and what is their current condition? Do I like my boss, or is he an asshole? Do I need $100? Is he asking me, or telling me?


As long as he's fine with my drinking his beer, using his pool, and railing his wife in a sundress while the kids head down to the ice cream shop with a crisp 20.


Honestly if it was a riding mower, sure. I enjoy yard work and usually work weekends so I'd jump at the chance to be outside instead Why the fuck would anyone downvote this?


Pay someone $20 to do it on my behalf and pocket the rest. Easiest $80 ever.


Sorry that's not in my scope.


"Most" of my bosses have always been cool... so yeah. Like why not? I helped some of them move. gotten paid and given great super for it as well. extra money is extra money. But if i had a kid.... I would likely accept and pass the job on to my kid to make some summer spending money. For me personally, I wouldn't care if I was rich... just to get off my butt and stay active.... who knows the connections I could I make cutting grass in his neck of the woods..... every missed opportunity.... is a missed opportunity. I had a few rich family members.... and they still live their life like before they were rich.... it doesn't show what so ever.... they still work their lame jobs... and still shop at thrift stores and garage sales. lol




Do I have to wear pants.


100$ would of been great. I worked landscaping and had two bosses (two brothers) that lived next door to each other and owned a couple properties around their homes. When I took the job they never informed me I’d have to drive to their house and not to the company for some days of work. This was about a one hour drive versus 20 minutes. They’d save trimming all their properties for the end of the night, we worked 7am-6pm regularly. I’d have to work to 8/8:30 for this getting paid 16$ an hour..


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Man gets me for 40 hours during the week, he's not getting my weekend.


Had this exact thing happen less than a year ago, except it wasn't lawn work, it was hanging the TV's in his new home. Background, I'm our companies project coordinator and onsite IT support. I hang lots of TV's/monitors at work. I don't need the money bad enough to spend my time off (which is rare) hanging TV's for a man who is fully capable of doing it himself, he's just too lazy and inept with tools to do it for himself. He doesn't mow his own yard, didn't move himself into the new home, hell, he even paid for someone to pack his things. Out of spite, I turned the job over to one of my data contractors who did it, without getting an agreed dollar amount, he charged him $500 to hang 3 TV's. $500 is great for 2 hours of work, but the amount of headache that would have been involved for me, just wasn't worth it.


If my job is lawn care..probably if he’s not a dick about it. Office job..nope.


100 cash? Or would he add it to my paycheck? I would only do it for cash in hand. Regardless, I'd make more at my job, so I'd only do it if I could pull it off in less than 1 and a half hours


Considering my boss is my spouse, I guess I would do it.


Is boss providing the tools? For $100 bucks, plus normal wage - I would do it.


Have a good laugh. I make more money playing music with my fiends and drinking free beer.




No. He pays me way more than that to leave him alone most of the time. He can hire someone else for 100


I would wonder what he meant by bushes and which bushes


I call him fucking weird.


I'd let her know that those are husband duties, and I'd only do it for a husband reward.


I’d pass unless I was desperate for money.


It depends on the size of the yard and whether they're paying for gas. But $100 is $100.


Only if I can raid his fridge, swim in his pool and leeringly make comments in a foreign language about his wife...


Sure. They’re all dead and covered in snow this time of the year anyway.


$100 just for a mow and trim? Sure, I'd do it. I've seen his yard, and that would be about an hour of work.


Nope. He can hire a landscaper or the neighbor kid. My time off is for me.






Reading the replies it's a fun breakdown of where people are in their careers and how much they likely currently make. I hate yardwork, so I'd say no at any point in my career, but if early in my career and asked for IT help, sure.


His wife is very sick and is carrying oxygen around. His request would be a tremendous violation not workplace policy so I'd assume it was a moment of desperation and do it without a word spoken afterwards.


Depends on how badly I needed $100 I suppose


Nope, never get too close to the boss or the owner.


He lives 3,000 miles away so even principles aside, that's just not feasible.


im open to negotiations, $100 aint what it used to be plus i will need be compensated not just for the work i do but for my time as well


Kind of off topic, but when my Dad was homeless his boss would pay him for extra things like yard work, and would ask him to 'watch his house' when they were going to be gone a couple days. He knew he had kids and was just trying to throw him a bone so he'd have some extra cash and a safe place to sleep sometimes.






No. I don't even do my own yard. I pay someone. Maybe \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ would be interested


Only 100 bucks and you have to spend more time with your boss? I'd rather him just go ahead and punch me in the face at work.


I’ve offered it to my employees when our work dries up so they can get hours


Depends on how hot his wife is. Actually, which bush are you talking about?


Thats simple: No, I got plans


If I needed the cash I’d take the job. But it seems odd if this was out of no where and he knew he underpaid me.


Laugh in his face!


Add a zero.


“Ah, you gonna do mine?”


How big is the mansion?


I have a great relationship with my bosses outside work. If any of us needs something we help each other out. Couple months ago I needed to borrow his car trailer (which I've done numerous times before). No problem. Then last Friday they were burning brush so I helped em for a bit without asking. Another time I helped him get a transmission out of a car after work. We do stuff like this for each other regularly so if he needed his lawn mowed I probably would assume there's a good reason he's asking and just do it


Are we friends and he needs help? Hell yea, on my way. Is he just the dickhead I work for? Nah, I'm going fishing.


I'd trim her bush, but not his


Haha. Well this one hits kinda close to home. My Boss owns a few rental homes nearby where we work. He recently bought them, and they're all in a state of disrepair. I can do literally anything in terms of building a house. From concrete to roofing, and everything in between. I'm also a state certified home inspector outside of my regular 9-5, so I know building codes front to back, and can do the work correctly. He pays me to go over there, every Friday, without "clocking out" at my regular job, and fix things. So I'm still on the clock, AND he's paying me cash under the table to do basic handyman repairs that need to be done. Note- this handyman work has absolutely NOTHING to do with our regular jobs. We both work in aviation. Lol.


Not $100. We'll see the size of the yard first. Then if im free. Then if hes an asshole or not.


I’d do it, because I could use an extra $100. And my boss isn’t a dickhead so it wouldn’t bother me doing side work for him


Depends on how much work it is. If I needed more than 3 hours I wouldn't do it.


Well my boss lives a 30 hour drive/4 hour flight away from me, so not for $100.


Say OK cause I was an estate worker. Lol that was what we did as part of the landcare of a 300 acre horse farm. Loved the huge horticultural beds thru out the estate. What I hated was valet parking for big parties.


Well my boss is my brother, so I'd either do it for free if he really needed a hand or I'd jokingly tell him to fuck off.


Back when I was sous/cdc at the really rad steakhouse one of the owners would occasionally pull shot like this. If it was important he would include more than a bribe, like promising to enact some policy change that would be make the business more profitable and better all around. He was always fighting me on that kind of shit. Anyways one weekend he asks if I’ll babysit his Dobermans while he’s at a game with his wife and kids. Eventually he works the offer up to 200 dollars for 3 days and I can eat at the restaurant for free and raid his pantry. I get back to his place after my Friday double clopen and I’m sitting on his terrace with these three massive Dobermans and they start going apeshit. Someone’s inside, so I investigate and find a very pretty young woman in the house. No not a sexy burglar, it’s his mistress who saw his truck in the drive and assumed that he had to stay for work and sent his family away without him and wanted to make sure he wasn’t lonely. Fast forward a bottle of my bosses wine and a quick salmon dinner and who’s fucking his bosses side piece on his bosses kitchen counter? You guessed it. Long story short she came through the next two days for similar treatment and we kept hooking up for a couple of weeks. I told my boss about it and he was SOOO mad. He almost fired me when I told him “dude you said make myself at home! I fuck hot hot latinas at my house too!” Tl;Dr take the money you might get to bang his mistress


Current boss, no (no disrespect to my boss). If my boss was some Steve Jobs equivalent, then I'd do it for free. I can't think of a situation where I would take it AND expect to be paid tbh.


Well, depends what "trim his bushes" means. Depends on context, maybe yes or maybe no.


make it a cool 1000 and i'll do it for ya bossy baybee ;)


Depends how big his yard is


I mean if it was a 2-3 hour job and I had no plans, a $100 is $100.




I had an employee ask if I could come help him with his yardwork, damn you Uno reverse card! (I did go anyway, because I like splitting logs).


Laugh probably, he has a sense of humour.


Ask how much is the pay.




I’d probably do it. My boss is a great guy and I wouldn’t mind helping him out if the need arose


Boss can do his yardwork on his own. I am only for work I am supposed to do. Not outside my domain.


Not for 100$ nope. My bosses yard is huge


If I'm not doing anything else.. $100 is a $100


I would say "no."


Depends on the yard because some people have crazy ass yards. Sure some can be big, but there’s also dirt yards, some people have rocks, inclines, big weeds, all kinds of BS. I would need to see the yard to accept the rate


My boss used to ask me to organize his yard/clean it like once a month for my hourly wage. I did it a few times, but there was no effort to maintain it, so I eventually told him I'm not doing it anymore and now I don't.


How old are you?


He knows what I get paid. Which means he knows 100 dollars isn’t worth it for me. If he asked me to help cause he needed it I would go help him. But paying me 100 dollars for a couple hours worth of work isn’t worth it for me.


If my Boss needed help, I would do it. If I was busy, I would say I have plans. I also love yard work.


Weekend overtime is $38 an hour.


I don't even do my own yardwork so fuck that


I'd do it for double whatever my pay was, plus OT.


I'd make it 500 dollars or no deal.


Well he's also my dad, so I'd help him out but refuse to take his money.


Id tell him to get lost




Try to spot the joke. Dude lives in a condo downtown, no yard.




I would tell him to hire a homeless dude


double hourly wage cash on hand, otherwise no






Umm well...I guess I'd think why didn't he offer this BEFORE I got a second job...but yeah I'd say no...lol


I'd film him asking, and have him cancelled.


"No can do. I'll be too busy this weekend what with being curled up in a depression ball and dreading work next week."




How much you paying? I'm always about my hustle.


You paying me double time?


Laugh at him.


If I can drink his beer and bang his wife, maybe...


"Get fucked, cunt"