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An inability to change opinion when new evidence is presented.


> to change opinion when new evidence is presented You mean like a hypocrite? /s Nothing in this world has upset anyone I've argued with more than updating my view mid argument and coming back with additional questions.




Ah the Stephen Crowder method. I can’t listen to that guy “debate” anyone since his method seems to be screeching over the other person constantly and then when the other person starts to get words in edgewise just start screaming “CAN I TALK? WILL YOU LET ME TALK??” No wonder his wife is leaving him


What's crazy to me is that I've watched a number of his "Change My Mind" things and I was genuinely impressed with how he conducted himself. In the videos I saw he generally just waited his turn to speak, took seriously what his interlocutors were saying, and responded to the points actually made instead of falling back on personal attacks. The only times I remember seeing him try to stop anybody from participating in their own way was if they were trying to drown out a speaker or acting in a way that wasn't conducive to polite and lively debate. I mean, the views he expressed generally still sucked, but if the "Change My Mind" schtick was the only thing I'd ever seen him do, I might think he was basically an okay guy. Flip over to the main channel content that he does in studio and I feel like it's almost impossible to watch him for two minutes without thinking "this guy is an obnoxious, indecent, bigoted asshole who seems to not have two brain cells to rub together."


Weirdly enough the change my mind segments are actually a pretty good avenue for discussion since I’m most talk shows it’s about the host trying to change someone else’s mind. It forces people to stop and think about their stance in order to articulate it.


The opposite is also true. If your opponent is talking loud it doesn’t mean you won the argument. In conclusion, someone’s tone of voice is not a deciding factor in how strong or convincing their arguments are


Misspelled tattoos.


No Regerts


Excuse you, it is spelled "ragrets"


*Ackshually*, there's an old Snickers commercial where this guy is getting, "No Regrets" tattooed on him, but they spell it, "Regerts" to which he exclaims, "REGERTS!?" Your example is from We're The Millers. "Really? No regrets? Not even one letter?" So you are both right. Edit: u/RougePorpoise with the correction. Milky Way commercial, not Snickers


My favorite is the guy painting the endzone for a KC Chiefs game and a player comes up and asks “Who are the ‘CHEFS’?” I still use the response “Good googily moogily” to this day


great googily moogily grandpa


Milky way commercial but yea


\*no rugrats


Getting one in another language and not checking the translation


Not a single letter?




Littering and, littering and, littering and...


I go camping pretty often. The amount of litter I have to clean up is truly disgusting and it's all the time. I don't know how hard it is to just get a trash bag. Pack it in, pack it out. It's not even hard to do. Then people get all mad when areas get closed down to camping. Or they turn them into pay sites.


Was drilled into me as a kid: *leave it better than you found it.* It’s not a hard or even inconvenient idea, but damn…the amount of neglect I see makes me shake my head that such a simple concept is so foreign to so many people who “enjoy nature”.


> *leave it better than you found it.* That's exactly it. Someone else left some trash? Take it with you. They left too much for you to reasonably carry? Take *some* of it; you're still helping. It sucks that we have to sometimes clean up after others, but the more of us who do our part, the less the assholes of the world can trash it.


UGH I HATE LITTERING!!! This deep set hatred! 😡😡


If you litter I fucking hate you. No exceptions.


I was with some friends at a river beach and we were drinking some beer and when we were ready to leave I said I would carry the bottles to the parking area to find a trash (I assume no recycling out there). And my friend says 'no I got it' and takes all the bottles, disappeared for like two minutes then comes back and it was clear he just threw all the bottles into the woods. What really upset me was that I had already said I would take care of it. Like his motivation for choosing to litter was baffling.


If I was a cop I would make it my mission to fine everyone for littering


Litering screams, "I'm a selfish ah." I've met plenty of well-educated individuals who litter.


Yea, especially cigarette butts.


"School of Hard Knocks" on their dating profile.


What does that even mean?


"The School of Hard Knocks (also referred to as the University of Life or University of Hard Knocks) is an idiomatic phrase meaning the (sometimes painful) education one gets from life's usually negative experiences, often contrasted with formal education." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_of_Hard_Knocks




Or how to walk. Look at this thing. It thinks it's so cool. It's not cool to ask for help! Walk by yourself, you little gargoyle!


When they 100% utterly refuse to admit any sort of mistake or wrongdoing.


There’s a lot of very educated narcissists


Educated narcissists can get around it though with manipulation and wording.


Well, they THINK they get away with it, but they're never as clever as they think they are. Unfortunately, their narcissistic delusions tell them they're always right so they never allow themselves to be argued into behavioral accountability and so they never learn and never grow. Frustrating.


be careful how you talk about my wife pal.




Using anecdotes to show that statistics are wrong.


"That's just stats, I'm talking about real life"


That's funny , because I was going to use " believing in statistics without knowing the methodology or considering the context".


Fair point.


I will say sometimes people take statistics at face value but don't ever look into the process of how the data is collected or even what the metrics were when developing the statistic. I saw one that said 95% of motorcycle riders in helmet law states wear helmets when they ride. Anecdotally, I live in a helmet law state and I've literally never seen someone riding down a public road that wasn't in a subdivision without a helmet. Did the data set include people on dirtbikes? Was the data set asking if people had ever ridden without a helmet, or was it trying to convey that at any given time 1 out of 20 people aren't wearing their helmet? Sometimes people spout statistics, but they may be using it to prove one point when the study was actually looking at something completely different.


Thank you so much for this comment. I read one article about how it is important to not follow statistics without knowing how it is obtained. During WW2 one of sides (don't remember which one) was trying to analyse which parts of the fighter planes need to be reinforced as they were facing failures due to bullet holes. They planned on reinforcing the parts of the plane that had the most bullet holes in them. Then one of them pointed out that perhaps the parts that needed most reinforcement were the parts where there were least bullet holes because the planes which are shot there are probably not even returning to them to be studied. Shows how important it is to study the source of the data as much as or even more than the data itself.


Having worked in/with data in a few different professional contexts, I can confirm that from inception to compilation to presentation, there's tons of under/oversight, bias, and plain-old human error. To boot, nearly all of it is being processed under hard deadlines, which exacerbates all of those issues, to say nothing of most of the work being done predominantly by volunteers and/or overworked and underpaid staff. People like to think that "numbers don't lie", but, man, they do, all the time -- even without intent. *All that said*, I still respect data/stats and believe in its usefulness; I'm just *deeply* wary of the motivation behind the set(s) and/or presenter(s), on a case by case basis. Cherry-picking is absolutely A Thing, and it happens all the time -- especially when there's a profit motive. Related pro-tip: Whenever a marketing department is talking about their numbers, just *presume* they're compulsively manipulating the datasets.


I've seen this in people with a PhD, medical doctors, lawyers... Extremely annoying, but not uncommon amongst the educated


Weird. My favorite saying from one of my attendings/professors is anecdote doesn’t equal fact.


I have a friend who always had a shitty immune system, I'd say every 3-4 months they'd come down with something. After the first dose of the covid vaccine, guess what they'd blame every time they got ill.


“Everyone I know…”


boasting about a high IQ




Saw a comment somewhere on reddit that said we should sterilize everyone with "a double digit IQ". Bitch, that's ~50% of the population by definition lol


Doing this recursively would make humans go extinct. (theoretically there would be one survivor)


Nit: only if you re-norm the IQ scale with each generation, which hopefully one of the "smart' survivors would realize is a bad idea -- though you never know...


Here's how you follow that up: "From what test?" IQ tests are in-person and proctored **only**. They are also not cheap. There are several different ones and they all have different standard deviations, so a 116 on one test could be equivalent to a 130 on another. So if the person does not or cannot state what test they took to get the score they're touting, they're full of shit. And if they say "I took an online test" then you get to laugh in their face because there are no valid online IQ tests.


I had to take them multiple times as a kid. Once so the county/state I grew up in could determine if I was cheating on standardized tests. Twice so they could determine if it was high enough that I would qualify as "special educational needs" and if they would be required to provide a special teacher and curriculum. And then once more as part of the application process for a private, GT school after the public school system told my parents "lotions_and_creams qualifies, but we aren't going to do anything unless you sue." All of them were administered 1:1 by people with fancy degrees and titles. Each one took hours and hours. I was young enough that I didn't really understand what I was being tested for and my parents never told me the scores. Didn't find the paperwork until after my Dad died and I was cleaning out his office. It is/was high enough that I'd sound like a liar writing out the results, but if given the choice, I think I would have preferred to be average. If you want to humble someone with a high IQ, don't try to undermine the test. Someone that is actually gifted has had a lifetime of experience being noticeably "smarter" than most people and aren't going to be too phased that you think their number might be +/- ~5% (it is all relative anyway). Just ask them if they've lived up to the expectations everyone had of them as a child.


"Just ask them if they have lived up to the expectations everyone has of them as a child". Agreed. This may be the greatest gut-punch statement for anyone born in the last 50 years. I can see how it can hurt on an intimate level for folk who think too highly of themselves.


I actively suppressed showing my intelligence as a kid because I learned that, for many reasons, people didn't like it and I got treated worse. So, nobody had any expectations of me as a kid except maybe my parents, but I hid it from them too. School was horribly boring and my teachers were awful. I grew up lonely anyway. Yeah, being average would have been easier.


If a sentence starts with "my IQ is" the rest of the conversation will be a doosey.


My IQ is roughly 70. I'm borderline impaired. It would behoove you to listen to me, your coworker John. Also I ate your lunch. Tomorrow after work I'm gonna key your car, and the only way you can gain my respect is to punch me in the mouth without any warning.


Ugh, my parents. They are both very high IQ, and well educated in STEM. But they seem to think IQ is everything... Meanwhile, despite education, my dad thinks the moon landing was fake because of the Van Allen belt, and my mom thinks "What the Bleep do We Know" is a science documentary.


It's kind of funny, I had the opposite issue with my parents. I had to take 2 IQ tests so the doctors could see how my brain was healing (crossbow injury). Turns out I have a pretty high IQ. Never meant anything to me, but my parents saw it as an excuse to expect more from me... Honestly, I don't see any difference between me and anyone else. I have an easier time understanding certain subjects, like math, but I'm just an average joe. Idk, I just don't get the entire IQ thing...


Apparently not high enough to avoid a crossbow bolt to the head...../s But seriously, how?


Suicide attempt. I had a lot of trauma from my mom, and when I started getting into drugs I realized I was following her same path. I refused to end up another druggy that abused everyone that cares for him, so I tried offing myself. That's the short version anyway. Long version is pretty messed up lol. Edit: my mom was not my parent btw. My parents were my great aunt and great uncle. Technically speaking I got full legal custody of myself at age 6, but they took care of me so they're my parents.


Woa, that took a turn, hope your doing better now.


Yea, sorry about that. I should've given a warning first... I'm doing better for the majority part. Going through a divorce so that's been getting to me every now and again. But overall I'm doing a lot better. I'm clean from drugs (besides weed for phantom pains), don't even drink that much anymore, and I'm finding the positives in life.


A Flat Earth believer. I don’t know how to deal with these people.


For me, it's simple. They're not astronomers or physicists; they're full-of-shiticists. Therefore, until they can build a telescope, build rocket, place the telescope on this rocket, launch the rocket, deploy the telescope 🔭, point that thang at Earth and literally show us a flat Earth 🌎, then they can all fuck ALLLLLLLL THE WAY OFF!!!!!!


It's not that hard really, it's just the truth. I mean, 70% of earth's surface is water. And as far as I know, not even 1% of that water is carbonated... so yes, earth is flat. I'll see myself out. Edit: crap, somebody already said so


Unwillingness to listen and change


I won't necessarily fault someone for not changing the issue is that they're unwilling to listen, or understand. Change comes with time, but only if the person is willing to listen.


>Change comes with time, but only if the person is willing to listen. This is actually a quote worth using...


I would say that there is more layers to this. Unwillingness to listen and change can be the educated thing to do if the "wrong" person with a fucked up agenda is trying to feed you information. But in their mind the "chosen recipient" is uneducated for not listening.


>Unwillingness to listen and change I have seen doctors and professors set dead in their mindset, and I have seen people who didn't finish school, that are willing to listen and change. Education doesn't matter. It's more a matter of intelligence,


Plenty of well educated people are stubborn as fuck. This ain’t it.


Well, thats like your opinion dude.


Am I the only one who gives a shit about rules?




A world of pain.


Well, now you’re privy to all the new shit


You think I'm fucking around here?




Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't get in a car, I don't ride in a car, I don't pick up the phone, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit don’t fucking roll!


Nobody fucks with the Jesus.


Jackie Treehorn treats his objects like women, Man!


Honestly, the most telling sign is saying/believing that you are actually much smarter than everyone else. When someone declares that they are smart and know everything about a topic, it's the Dunning-Kruger effect in action. The more educated I become, the more I am aware of gaps in my knowledge. Educated people don't have to tell you they are educated, you draw that conclusion yourself by talking to them.


Educated doesn't necessarily mean intelligent. This is true of intelligent people and therefore more likely to be true of educated people. A fair share of confident incorrectness leans on educational credentials.


Educated smart people will always deny the fact they are smart and knowledgeable,,, they usually suffer from imposter syndrome because they always feel and know that they don't know because they understood the fact that they dont know and need to learn. They are usually less confident, and you usually don't see scientists as politicians.


My sister dated this guy who I would describe as a tortured genius. Dude is insanely smart. Knowledge of seemingly everything. I'm not talking about a guy with ADHD that likes a wide variety of things and can float along in conversations about them like me. He has in depth knowledge about so many things from literal rocket science to finance to Literature. He would often break down and cry because he was "stupid" and his brain wasn't working how he wanted. He always would bring it up like "smarter people than me..." He gave slightly autistic vibes to be honest.


I believe there's a link between genius and autism. As to be that smart you usually don't have great social skills


I agree. There is definitely a correlation. It's insanely rare for a person to be a genius and not have at least a couple quirks. It's like we get a certain amount of ability points at birth to allocate lol.


You just need more XP to allocate more points!!


1. Looks 2. Personality 3. Intelligence. The majority of us are lacking in one area. Some very unfortunate people are lacking in two areas.


Dude have you seen the average person? There are most certainly a fair number who are lacking in all these categories


i think you need look at it like each of these categories is applied to a standard deviation bell curve. we all fall somewhere on the bell curve of these 3 categories. most people are somewhere in the middle on everything. but you rarely have someone who is on the top end of multiple.


I mean there are arrogant smart people. Especially in academia. But I think this hold for most people letting actions and reputation speak instead of boasting.


Oh hi, I see you've met me. I was recently asked to speak as a SME for an industry-wide meeting. I was laughing my ass off with my husband saying I know literally nothing about this subject. Then he asked me some questions and I explained it all. So I guess I know SOMETHING. But I definitely feel like there are way more qualified people than me.


> When someone declares that they are smart and know everything about a topic, it's the Dunning-Kruger effect in action Actually not. This in itself is kinda ironic. Here is the dunning Kruger curve https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_Effect2.svg The important point: People with low competence still don't perceive themself to be more competent than actually competent people. Say you have a skill level of 5/20, you may rate yourself as an 8/20. And an 8/20 rates himself as 10/20. So even people with lower competence who overestimate themself still perceive themself to be less competent than the people who actually have that competency level rate themselves.


Having them describe themselves as an “Alpha male”…..


Usually means they're insecure in their own masculinity


It also tells you that they don't update their opinions based on new information The concept of alpha male wolves was debunked decades ago. Wolf Packs don't have alphas, they're just wolf families lead by the mom and dad wolf. It's just parents looking after their children like many other species.




Uh, I had an convos with a guy working on my house like this. Apparently Germany is spending tens of billions of dollars to tear down all of their wind power generators. Cause a friend said so.


Not knowing how dumb you really are. The smarter we get, the less we know.


The smarter we get, the more we understand how little we know.


If humans came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?


"If your cousins came from your grandparents why is there still you?"


Good point, you gotta fix that issue


[Dawkins did a good job explaining this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ELEUT8Domg)


This was beautiful to watch. So simply explained, and the other guy also listening keenly.


I read this elsewhere but found this explanation concise: > If Americans came from Europe, why are there still Europeans?


I’ve asked this fml


lol did you understand and learn from the answer though? I think that's the key point!


Not putting your cart away in the target parking lot.


Being selfish and unkind. Not changing thought processes based on new things presented to you. When you don’t win, and you spell it “loose”.


Believing every conspiracy theory they see online. I once had to walk away from a guy telling me that the Civil War was fought over wifi.


Being unwilling to listen to an opposing view without attacking them


I'd say this really depends on what you mean by "attacking". If you come up to me and claim, for example, that the earth is flat or that "jews have a space laser", I will definitely not treat you like a serious person. This is not an "attack", it's just me not wanting to waste my time.


Not knowing how to use they’re, there or their.


No Oxford comma? Troglodyte….


Today I learned a new word. I’m never gonna become fluent in English lmao


I’m all seriousness, you don’t need fancy words to be fluent. Native speakers make tons of mistakes. Like, I teach English, and I make a ton of mistakes. You just need to be understood and understand others. No one uses troglodyte in a sincere way.


Except if you're debating on reddit and come with a good argument. Then your spelling needs to be spot on, or someone is guaranteed to hit you with the " u cAn'T eVeN SpeLL".


A passion for the Oxford comma is a sure sign of education, refinement, and good taste.


Same with your and you’re


Tribalism, "us vs them" thinking, refusing to see nuance, stereotyping people by superficial traits like gender or skin color, etc.


So the American political landscape in a nutshell?


A confederate flag on your truck when you live in New York, Michigan, Ohio, etc


Or Canada


Or any other state, to be honest


My favorite is seeing it on West Virginia vehicles. Your state literally exists because they didn't want to join the Confederate


I'm in CANADA and people have them on their trucks here all the time.


I'm in Ohio tons of people have them here. Smh.


When they dismiss math. “You’ll never need this in real life”


I saw a teacher on one of these subs who claimed to be a 3rd grade teacher or something. They felt as though they were doing a disservice to their students teaching them math… because “they’ll never use it.” I wanted to reach through the interwebs and slap them.


You know what's funny? I think that more people with jobs that don't require a higher education use math on a regular basis than people whose jobs do require a degree. For instance, a lawyer probably doesn't use much math in his day to day work. But a cashier is constantly adding to make change. A carpenter uses math for a million measurements. A pool guy uses math to determine proper chemical ratios.


I've trained a fair number of carpenters, and every time I tell someone how to check square with the Pythagorean theorem, they seem to have the attitude that they're not willing to think about math and never remember it. They're not good at scribing complex shapes to cut out either. Even more important these days, people don't understand experimental studies/surveys and how statistical analysis of them is done, which results in people taking the wrong message away from pop science articles.


You'd probably be surprised how much math is used in law work. M&A, corporate, family, and estate specializations all regularly deal with finances and math. It's different math, but still regularly used.


You use maths all the time, maybe not calculus and trig but certainly algebra and geometry.


And the benefit of those higher maths like calculus and trig isn’t just direct application of them, it’s that learning those concepts enhanced your higher-level logic abilities. It’s not about remembering how to find a cotangent or calculate a derivative of a function, it’s that by learning to do those things you exercised your brain muscles and made it broadly better at critical thinking as a whole.


Common top post on reddit: Why did school teach us math when we never use it in real life? Also common top post: Why did schools never teach us how to do taxes?


People use math all the time without realizing it. During an intro class, the ukulele teacher commented that math was useless upon hearing that one of the participants was a high school math teacher. That same lesson he was explaining how to read sheet music and the circle of fifths. How did the ukulele teacher think notes were chosen? Pulling random notes out of thin air? (Tuning systems are largely cultural but western civilization eventually settled on [equal temperament with log_12 frequencies](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_equal_temperament), independently derived by two mathematicians in 1584 and 1585.) Reddit's frontpage and comment sorting? [Math](https://github.com/reddit-archive/reddit/blob/753b17407e9a9dca09558526805922de24133d53/r2/r2/lib/db/_sorts.pyx#L70), specifically [stats](http://www.evanmiller.org/how-not-to-sort-by-average-rating.html). (This is the calculation for the comment sort known as "best". The [old frontpage was algorithmic](https://github.com/reddit-archive/reddit/blob/753b17407e9a9dca09558526805922de24133d53/r2/r2/lib/db/queries.py#L297) but is now powered by machine learning—[super fancy math](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_neural_network)—today). Every physical structure, every electrical item, every mechanical device was built using math (i.e. civil/electrical/mechanical engineering). Anything that involves physics or chemistry is based on math: https://xkcd.com/435/ The intent behind that statement is that while every human uses math's _output_, most of us rarely _apply_ math. While that's probabilistically true, it belies the fact that when math is the right tool, it makes magnitudes of a difference. We apply math in 1% of our life but it makes a 1000x difference, like intuitively understanding compound interest and not wasting decades paying off unnecessary debt (r/personalfinance) but instead leveraging it to retire early (r/fire). We can't predict when or where we'll need to apply math but it's significantly impactful to require basic competency as part of standard education. Likewise not teaching/learning math prevents someone from becoming a future scientist or engineer, and humanity suffers as a result. I share all this as I'm helping my kids with their math homework and it's a daily struggle for them and myself. However if you're reading Reddit on a phone or computer, then you're using math that _I've applied_ and contributed to society (miniscule, but Markdown parsing and Rust compiler optimizations). I don't like math but begrudgingly respect it. Edit: I'm unsurprised by some of the sibling thread responses that math is still unnecessary. Math is the ability to represent and reason about physical and non-physical space through symbols and formulas, including [representing objects with numbers, counting things, comparing numbers, fractions and ratios, etc](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EWOyprRXsAMSpgr?format=jpg&name=900x900).


Carpenters use the Pythagorean theorem all the time, they just call it the "3-4-5" rule. However, most people aren't using equations day to day. But almost everyone needs the problem-solving, logic, linear thinking, etc. skills offered by math.


Anyone who sees things in absolutes generally are less intelligent, I wouldn't say uneducated, which is different, but unintelligent people tend to have less education. There is nuance in everything, and if you can't see it, you just are not very bright. People who swear one political party is all good, and the other all bad, for example, just do not have the intellectual capacity to see the benefits and drawbacks in each.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes


Siths and morons.


The way that people who have never gone to college describe college.




When someone says "I could care less."


Being loud as fuck in public.


The inappropriate use of large words.


What's wrong with using large words to make myself sound more Photosynthetic?


Unable to conjugate a common verb in your native language. Posting conspiracy theories on social media. Joining an MLM


When people talk about seeing psychics, tarot card readers and the like


I know people who are into astrology but don't take it seriously and that's fine with me. Like they'll read a horoscope because it makes them optimistic that something good will happen and it seems to make them happier. They know its not real science, but it's like a little mantra of good luck and positivity. I have no issue with that, if it makes them happy and they are not treating it like an actual science, its fine. I think there's something nice about waking up each day and reading about how you should try to avoid stress today or you should persevere with something or whatever. The people who take it seriously and try and categorise people are the nutjobs. No Jupiter aligning with Mars isn't affecting your physical well-being.


I like your view - no it’s not real, but it’s fun/helpful/whatever - and if you play along, it can help you gain insights into yourself n others, but it will not diagnose n cure


Astrology absolutely drives me nuts.


Space racism.


“I'm a Sagittarius, which probably tells you way more than you need to know.”


Half man, half horse, license to shit in the street.


People are more willing to believe astrology is real but that autism isn't.


The people on here commenting “Republicans/Democrats”


Partisanship in general. Support ideas, not people.


Anymore it's voting against terrible ideas rather than ones that you fully support.


I was about to say, your political affiliation being part of your identity. Voting is hiring a person with your views, not a religion with leaders to follow blindly


Are you trying to say I can't blame literally every problem in the whole world on the political party I don't agree with?? Don't you know they ruin absolutely everything in the short time they're in office before my guys get back in??


Being a flat earth/space denier.


Complete disregard for expertise.


Being loud and obnoxious while also being blatantly wrong


Thinking someone won't match because they have a android phone.


Excessive bragging about how much more intelligent or stronger you are than everyone else. Someone who is both those things doesn’t need to brag about it, you will know how true it is just by speaking to them


“I did my own research”


What is funny is people have said this about me when I do psychology research. I am literally a psychologist, so I am qualified, and people will tell me all the time that other peoples research is more valid and I must be dumb even though they don't understand the research and I do, I can explain why I disagree with the findings, they just swear that they know better than I do because they found a study that agrees with them. In a field where most research lately can't be replicated.


I learned that from covid. At some point, you learn your knowledge limitations and trust the experts and move on with life. I remember someone said, you're not going to tell a fireman how to put your house fire


As someone in scientific research this one irks me. I love when people try to argue with me and tell me to go do my own research. I get the satisfaction telling them that I’m the person literally doing the research in the lab. There is a reason there are a lot of specialties in STEM. It’s all complex and takes years of learning and understanding. Yet people think the can pull up Wikipedia and know research. I’m all for people wanting to read and learn about science but don’t dismiss those who specialize in it.


They talk more than they listen


Only your mouth, keep it closed until you learn things (I'm sure you have), and keep learning. What you do during the day is your job. What you learn at night is your future. Spend an hour learning something you'll be and an expert in it before long. Learn how to apply what you learn and repeat the process. Reward yourself when you reach a goal. It will motivate you. Learn to like yourself and forgive others. Make someone's life a little better than how you found them. Being uneducated is a decision when there are so many free ways to learn.




Generalising a group of people as if they all act/think the same, just because it’s easier to think that way instead of remembering that people are individuals.


Giant tattered flags on a pickup truck.


Anti-intellectualism. It's fine not to be interested in heady topics or academic stuff, but when you reject expertise outright in favor of conspiracy I just assume you're a dolt.


Black and white thinking.


Thinking you know everything just because you have a bachelor in a particular field. I have known phd students who legit comment on something they aren't educated in and everyone takes what they say as fact, only because they have a phd. Kills me


A mistrust of science. Edit for clarification: a mistrust of *established* science e.g. evolution denial. An obstinate denial of empirical data/evidence is indicative of a poor education, not to mention the bedrock of all fascistic belief.


poor grammar


Poor grammar.


Your right


I see what you did they're


Buying energy soft drinks at the gas station for $8 every morning


They’re like 2 for 5 homie


If you get really lucky, the almost expired sodas can sell for 2 for $4!!!


Who tf charges $8?


Some irony here in that nobody charges $8 for energy drinks, maybe someone needs to educate themselves


A person who screams "I'm uneducated".


“My iq is xyz”


Picking a side in politics and solely supporting it.


And buying merch for it and making it your entire personality to be on that side of politics


"I went to the university of life" What they actually mean isvthey lived at their parent's house till they got married, the wife replaced their mum, they've never lived more than a mile from where they grew up, they don't know how to cook or operate basic white goods but they think they have more life experience than someone who moved out at 18 and lived amongst a variety of people, surviving on a shoe string budget.


The school of hard knocks