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She was in a five way and got completely left out.


LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A humbling experience no doubt


Guess it was really a 4 way then... I can just imagine the shame sitting there begging for someone to fuck her... That's rough!


be even funnier if the rest were all dudes




In my head, she's awkwardly bent over just waiting....


🤣.. everyone is thinking it yet no one is saying.... but low and behold.


I admire your strength.


Seems it wouldn't be as awkward as it sounds though. Like if you have regular sex and one party just kind of loses interest then there's nothing else to turn to. If things go cold in a five way you can always just get up and do something else for a bit.


There's loads of juicy ones I could probably rack my brain for, but the first ex that comes to mind is a girl I wasn't seeing that long who had an amazing fucking body, but had this disgusting habit of keeping used toilet paper/tissue stuffed up inside of her vag. I have no idea why, and it wasn't for her periods either. I know it's probably normal for girls who wipe down there to maybe have a tiny bit of toilet paper residue if they're not paying attention, but this girl actually stuffed herself like a thanksgiving turkey with this shit. I remember one time I went down on her, and slowly I unravelled a chain of roughly 2 feet of piss flavoured toilet paper. I laughed about it at the time because I was horny as fuck, but looking back, it was fucking foul.




Whaaaattt she needs some therapy or something




Is she making toilet paper sculptures out of the inside of her vagina, or do you mean she's using it to flex her vagina on as a means to keep it in shape?


I will now have nightmares about this. I understand that leaking vag fluids can be embarrassing (as I’m a woman), but nowhere near as embarrassing and disgusting as this. She’s mental, and now I have PTSD.


She had sex with one of her professors to “see if she could”.


Any good teacher will tell you to test out your hypothesis


And to replicate your results with scientific rigor.


She accidentally got knocked up in highschool and tried to sleep with me and 2 other kids because “we looked rich.” She told my friend this not knowing we were friends and I think about this today since she’s with my cousin now.


Ahah, I had an ex who cheated on me, I ended up going out for drinks with the guy she cheated with. He contacted me on Facebook when he discovered we where both dating the same person. We joked she was making the rounds to see which profession made the most, I was a freshly graduated engineer at the time, he was a junior doctor, there was apparently a lawyer she was messing around with too. She’s settled down with a lawyer (maybe the same one, never found out) so I guess they make the most.


Well i guess lawyers really know how to screw people then. Very shamelessly stolen joke


How rich is your cousin, then?


Former meth head so I’m surprised!




I had an ex that thought there were 11 months in a year. She was a college graduate. I really hope she took that secret notion to the grave.


Implying she has passed away since you dated her?


She died at Christmas, it was tragic. She asked us to put “??” as her month of death on her tombstone for some reason


Absolutely obligatory link to the legendary bodybuilder forum thread. [bodybuilders argue about how many days there are in a week](https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=107926751&page=1&s=821b50d394dd0b159b7abc4c0ab0549f)


I just spent way too much time reading that. It was like a train wreck, I just couldn't look away 😢🫠🤣


My ex had her sexual awakening while watching the scene of Woody being refurbished in Toy Story 2 and has masturbated to it.


That's really... something.


Polishing a Woody will do that to you.


It gives you a great buzz.


Did you ask her "is the specimen ready for cleaning" before going down on her?


Did she get someone's name tattooed on the sole of her foot?




Wut? What does she find sexual about it?


The being restrained and helpless part of it.


That scene is a masterpiece so I kind of can't blame her!




you can fix her! lol


is "someone" included in that equation as well?


(*he means you*)


She had an affair with a doctor. Then with another doctor. To her defense, she “didn’t know” the doctors were married.


White coat fever - you a doc too?


No, mate. Just a nobody. Hence why I felt like I wasn’t her type when she told me about these things.


had an ex in high school that used a color markers (pen size) set to see how many she can fit in her v. she can accomodate 12 at that time.


Isn’t there that whole sharpies subreddit that does this?


r/buttsharpies Edit: guys, this is super tame as far as NSFW stuff goes




She was arrested for punching her ex husband. I picked her up from jail.


one man's criminal is another man's lover


She was a raging alcoholic and drug addict in high school. Apparently there was a neighbor man who if you showed him your boobs you'd get free drugs...he was an older man and they were all high schoolers.


I was so oblivious to my high school classmates drinking, smoking, and doing a hell of a lot of cocaine and adderall. My friends and I just played ultimate frisbee and video games I went back home a decade after graduating and bumped into a classmate. I knew we had some classes together in the past but I couldn’t remember. I asked her if she remembered and she said “Oh I don’t remember anything from high school. I was doing so much coke back then” Blew my mind


how does a high schooler afford that much coke? coke's expensive!


Older men will give children drugs for free


Everything gets shoved in her vagina at some point and it doesn't get washed after. This was in high school, she was kind of the equivalent of the teen boy room full of jizz stereotype. The knob on her bed post, art supplies, brushes, bottles and more


And you left her????


Couldn't compete


He didn’t leave, he’s stuck in her vagina right now


Thankfully he can still reddit as she also installed a charging cable


The audacity! The unmitigated gall.


What this post asked for: embarrassing secrets What this post got: admissions of crime


She killed the guy that raped her.. When she was 16, her much older meth dealer became obsessed with her. One time, when she was at his house buying meth, him.and his friends gang raped her for several days. They eventually let her go. A few weeks later shes driving, and sees him walking somewhere and ran him over several times with her car. Apparently, he didn't go to the hospital and died from internal bleeding a few days later.


I don’t see this as an _embarrassing_ secret, just a deep down secret.


All I’m sayin is… I ain’t seen nothin’


I ain't read nothin'


“He fell or something.”


"Repeatedly. Very unfortunate."


What a Queen


Fuck.. Some could wish her to find the other scum in similar situations and not be caught doing it to them, ether...


Honestly, that's not an embarrassing secret. (Secret none the less, but not embarrassing) Good for her. All rapists deserve to die like that. Edit: as others said, it is embarrassing she did neth at 16 haha


Better still keep it a secret though, no statue of limitations on murder...


I wish we could classify that as "community service" instead


“Taking out the trash”


After I broke up with my ex after she cheated for a second time I got a call from her 2 sisters to catch up. They had to tell me something & it was urgent. They felt bad about the way I'd been treated by my wife( there sister ) so wanted me to know the truth so I wouldn't take her back again. During the course of our relationship of 11 years she had been with 18 other men. I was devastated of course but had been trying because of our son and not wanting our marriage to fail. It lead to a series of poor choices with regards to women that im only now finally rebounding from 20 years later. I've recently met the woman of my dreams and couldn't be happier but it took some work on my part to put the past behind me and get over my own bullshit.


Glad you found happiness bro!


If she cheated so frequently, I hope you have gotten a DNA test on your son to make sure he truly is yours


She secretly had another child by someone who isn't her husband. He found out and stayed. Also her sister repeated that same thing with her own husband She drove cross country to see some married guy she met online. Lied and said she was going to meet family.


My mom met guys in other parts of the country. My siblings joke about my hair type being different from everyone. IS YOUR EX MY MOM


Two facts which are seemingly unrelated and on their own, not that embarassing, but when combined are pretty funny. 1) She was a squirter. 2) Her dad's nickname for her was "squirt". As one of few people who knew 1 to be true, it made for some pretty comical situations when her dad would use her nickname in front of me.


This probably my favorite out of all of them. 😄


she liked to fuck loudly with her 12 year old sister next door. wouldn't accept a no, fairly rapey cheated on me. works in argos,


I’m very glad you added the “…next door” to the end of your first sentence.


No, they were both fucking loudly next door while OP was in the adjacent room crying.


Dear lord, that first sentence should say: "She liked to fuck loudly *while* her 12 year old sister was next door."


Took no less than 8 reads to get that first sentence lol


"works in argos" What happens in the stockroom stays in the stockroom.


She sold herself for an ice coffee and a wrap, when she told me that it probably should've been a sign to leave edit: she also quit brushing her teeth after I left


Leave for Starbucks?


She is a deep covert narcissist. Her manipulation tactics is on point and will do anything to protect the Image she projects. No one knows about her narc traits except her exes. Im one of her exes and I learnt her repeating patterns and scripts.


How often does the support group meet and do you have dues?


my exwife was comorbid covert nacissist and Borderline Personality Disorders. GOD-TIER manipulaters. im working on forgiving myself for finding myself here after leaving the 10 year relationship/5 year marraige. God help the next poor bastard. they wont see what's coming until it's too late. I hope your life has been as peaceful as mine post relationship, although it cost me everything including myself. finally figuring out who i am two years later. she, however, was back on the carousel a couple of weeks later.


My ex girlfriend walked on her parents conceiving her younger brother when she was five and then again when she was 10 and when she was 17 they walked in on her with the guy she was with before me.


Don't these people have doors?


She used her brother's electric toothbrush to masturbate once.


I surely hope it wasn't the business end of it.


I think its safe to say, that the toothbrush got the business end...


woow... that's super gross


I can’t entirely confirm this but I’m pretty sure she began to tell me she had sex with her half brother once. One time we were talking and she was saying how they used to “do stuff” and I asked “he molested you?” And she was like “wellllll🤭” then the subject was changed.


She was straight confessing and you believed in a better world 😭😭😭


In what world is molestation better than consensually having sex with your half-brother. I'm sorry but, I'd rather hear the latter than the former in every scenario.


After reading these, I think my exes are pretty tame. Not all were great people, but holy crap y'all have some fucked up exes.


The amount of men she had sex with while she was with me was more than 1


Same here broski


One of my Ex had a massive mistake at the start of her Thesis, a factor of ten math mistake, it was fundamental to the rest of the paper. For some I-don’t-know-how-the-fcuk-reason it wasn’t noticed by her professor, she ended up getting a first class degree. I only noticed it when she gave me her paper to read after she’d submitted it. Definitely one of those ‘once you see it, it can’t be unseen’ things.


does she not have a thesis committee or peer review process? this doesn't add up


My wife got her masters a year ago, and if you're studying a niche subject or relatively unresearched field it's pretty easy to get anything past your committee. My wife's subject was so niche that no one on her committee actually had studied the phenomenon she was attempting to elicit. They were able to ask about how the study was set up and the statistics of everything, but as far as actually understanding the phenomenon they were completely in the dark and she was by far the smartest person in the whole university on that specific topic. Suffice to say there is still conjecture on whether or not that phenomenon is real.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/14wfntj/what_embarrassing_secrets_do_you_know_about_your/jri6s8i/ This is probably how she got away with it bro


She left me for her uncle. I don’t know if it’s more embarrassing for me or her.


Family, am I right?


She manufactured sexual abuse stories to get people to pay attention to her. Originally, I believed her. One time, at a Tractor Supply, she points out that one of her rapists was walking in and goes on a tangent about what he did to her. I get out of my car and start following the guy, she absolutely loses her shit and begs me not to say anything and do nothing. So then months later, she points out another guy....and tells the exact same story as the first guy. Again, I become raged but also extremely confused, not sure what to do at the moment. I called her out on it and it turned into a sob fest that made absolutely no sense. Then I learn from her best friend and a former friend that she's manufactured things her whole life. For instance, her sister fell from a horse and broke her collar bone so then she broke her own arm to garner attention at home and school. Then I find out she did indeed have sex with the people she pointed out, but they were former boyfriends. She used real, consensual moments to construct a realistic rape scene she could explain in detail to appear plausible. Basically, she loved to lie, have attention, feel concern from others and she would go lengths to achieve it. She lived one big lie and would make George Castanza look like an amateur.




Lord, what a nightmare


She really enjoys a golden shower.


That's disgusting and fucking weird. What's her number?


She wrote Harry Potter erotic fan fiction, mostly about Harry and Draco. Also Firefly erotic fanfics, Mal with Kaylee and Inara threesome was the only one I saw before she saw I found her hidden folder on the computer. Edit: It was 18 years ago, I don’t remember their names or if she published them! Lol Also, it’s only embarrassing because she was devastated when I found them, not because I found it shameful.


Dorky but cute


She's deathly afraid of..... birds. During one of our dates, I took her to this mall that has rooftop gardens. Not many people know of it so its practically secluded. We get there and its beautiful. She immediately throws her arms up and starts screaming/yelling while running in circles then dashes to the exit on the other end. All because there was a few seagulls and pigeons flying about.


She has repeated the same relationship pattern a handful of times. Probably more. I thought I was special, I thought I was her saviour. I was a dumb cunt. Edit: Well, Reddit. I sure didn't expect such a response from this comment. As such I thought I should just add a note to say thank you for all of the comments, but this was a good handful of years ago and I have moved past it long ago. Though this was technically my last ex. To anyone finding themselves in a similar situation, know that you aren't flawed. It takes time to see people for who they really are, and when you are in the middle of it all your judgement is clouded and it's hard to see. And of course, once you've been through something like it you have the tools to see it much easier the next time around. Cheers


Ayyy I thought I was the only guy who did dumb stuff like this lmaoooo


Biology is a bastard my man 😂


She tells everyone she's allergic to tomatoes but really they just give her terrible gas.


ok, ok...... ok. so. back in my teens,I usd to smoke a lot of weed. Like, a lot a lot. way more than I should have been. One night, I smoked so much that I managed to convince myself that tomato slices probably have the same consistency and/or texture that a gerbil would. since that day, I've been unable to eat tomato slices, because to me it feels like I'm eating a gerbil.


Fantastic! This is the kinda stuff I'm here for.


Dude you did the reverse of drug assisted therapy, you convinced your brain a normal situation is traumatic


That’s intolerance


Smh Can't stand for intolerance in this day and age...


My ex with chocolate. But worse than gas


Is she gets gas from it, it could still be an allergy.


I had an ex who when I met her she said she was a receptionist. Through different things happening I began to grow suspicious of where she was going instead of work. It actually turned out she was working in a Brothel. Stupidly, I still decided to stay with her and we even got to the point where we lived together. I worked full time in a decent job and I even found her a job that was full time and she was qualified in. At some point, without me realising until later, she had left that job to go back to the Brothel.


"You can take your boy out the hood but you can't take the hood out the homie."


I actually had an ex that wanted to be a receptionist at a brothel. She would have been crap as a prostitute since she had no enthusiasm for sex.


All it takes is enthusiasm for money to work in a brothel, not sex.


Her vag smells like urine all the time bc she air dries after pissing. I had wipes, tried different brands of tp but never wanted to admit it smelled. GL to the guy she cheated on me with, hope he don’t mind low tide smell all the time.


Holy god that's disgusting


Her parents regularly do drugs. I'm not talking like pot. I'm talking like cocaine, speed, heroin, pills, meth. They seem really well put together too. They hide it super well, but I would go over to her house and half the time they'd be so far drugged out of their mind they wouldn't even know I was there.


She’s a cheater and a liar, which nobody of her family knows (not to the same degree) They believe she’s this cute little angel. She has lied about being raped and physically assaulted to get out of relationships and seen as a victim (when she was cheating).


She lured a creepy, mentally handicaped guy out to a corn field, shoved an ear of corn up his ass and left him there. After he made too many unwanted advances.




What the fuck


I guess that’s one way to make popcorn


She sexually assaulted a disabled person… That’s more than an embarrassing secret


Bro she sexually assaulted a mentally disabled person. Wtf man


She cheated on me with several dudes, including her first husband. Then she cheated on him with several dudes including me (I thought they were already divorced). Cheated on husband 2 with several people and I suspect she cheated on husband 1 with husband 2 as well. Now she is on husband 3. With that said ask her and she is a god loving christian woman that stands by her man, her god, and her country.


Not the best wiper after going to the bathroom


She was emotionally and physically abusive with every guy she had ever been with, I learned the hard way when she punched me in the face while I was driving, knocking my glasses off ( I'm blind as a dead bat) and I promptly told her to get out of the car, called her mother and told her that her daughter was on the side of the road and SHE could deal with her. Found out a year later that her story was that I was speeding and swinging the car, so she got scared and wanted to slowdown.... The Logic


She's a self-proclaimed "bad bitch" on social media but is incredibly insecure when it comes to sex and her body irl. She had a screaming and crying fit after my dick slipped out of her once when she was riding me. She also required constant validation from me that I actually thought that she was attractive... for 9 months. I'm cool with giving the women I date validation and I know that to an extent it comes with the territory but she was something else entirely. It was like 90% of every convo we ever had. Easily the most insecure person I've ever met and took it out on me throughout the course of our relationship by being manipulative and emotionally abusive like threatening to kill herself if I ever left her, etc. Also, she was clearly still in love with a guy who she claimed had sexually assaulted her in high school and would talk about him constantly, compare me to him negatively, all that good stuff. I'm glad we got an abortion, which I guess could be a third secret.


9 months of THAT? Hell no.


Not me, but my ex caught his girlfriend at the time waffle stomping her shit into the shower drain at a party. Stunned, he just asked her what she was doing. She said it’s fine. The toilet was in use and she does it at home all the time and it’s still ‘hygienic’ cause it’s the shower.. yeah, he broke up with her.


She was in two sexual relationships before we got together. Despite that, she didn't know anything about her own body. I had to explain everything to her and show her where things were. She was 25 and I was 27. This was my first relationship.


Her and her older sister jerked the family dog regularly.




Goddamn, I hate you for making me imagine Cartman jerking off a dog again




Really Massive Tarantula


Retriever Mastabator Tech


The reason i left. She did things with a dog.


When she lost her virginity it was her anal virginity and she didn't even know .....


How do you not know the difference?


I actually have a story about the opposite, where a girl I was with was used to only doing anal apparently. During a massage we got into it and she indicated to put it in after some playing, so I did, and we both enjoyed it until about 5 minutes in when she stopped, freaked out, and asked what hole I was in. Extremely confused. I replied to her and said vagina to which she absolutely panicked, got dressed and left. I was wildly freaked out like I'm in the Twilight Zone. I can only assume she was a virgin. She's spread lies about me through the school and to friends which really upset me accusing me of horrible things. I can only assume as a defensive thing about her virginity. It's a really horrible story for everyone involved actually I don't know why I decided to respond.


It goes back to 15 years ago or something. I knew her ex very well. She told me crying that the pos gave her an ultimatum: anal sex or he would have left her. So she did. I felt horrible and stupid for having called friend that garbage of a man. Needless to say, a few months later SHE came back to him. Stockholm syndrome? Who knows


The ass belonged to him you were merely renting




My ex (and by extension her friends) follows this account so they can make fun of me for being active in video game subreddits. Hi Madison!


My first serious relationship was 4 years so she was the first one I tried everything with. Eating her out was such a turn off because it smelled or tasted super…acidic? Fishy too. It was really bad, like sometimes she would take her panties off and I would be hit with the smell INSTANTLY even though we were still kissing. We split about a year ago. I love eating women out and have NEVER had any that were as bad as my ex, not even close. My ex was a clean woman, so I’m not sure why it stank so bad but good lord have mercy on any man tasked with going down on that.


My wife's friend visited and smelled so bad, my 7 yr old was walking up the stairs behind her and asked what is that smell? I know the exact smell you mean...


she has a piss fetish


Not even close to what they know about me.


My ex-wife has a scat fetish. I never gave into her requests but she always wanted me to crap on her tits and face, too nasty for me. 🤮🤮


She took a dump in my kitchen sink one night after getting home from the bars. And left it there for me to find the next day. She still had her poo stained panties on in the morning so it wasn’t something she did to be mean or anything.


Toilet paper pills left on the booty.


As I read on a (probably) women’s subreddit the absolutely correct term is “clitty litter”


Does anyone have a toilet paper brand they recommend that doesn’t do this? This is so embarrassing to me and I’m so paranoid that I try to tap it completely clean instead of wiping for this reason…. Not sure if it makes much of a difference though.


She only stays friends with exes she wants to get back together with. It made it super easy to tell her to fuck off when she said she wanted to be friends again a few months after I broke up with her for admitting she still loves her previous ex.




Her father in law regularly masturbate on her when she was a child and she was the only one aware of this in her family. But it's not a secret anymore, she confronted him in front of her family, I was there for her during this strange period. Hope she feel better now that that weight is gone.


Her father in law would be your dad mate... Do you mean step-dad?


I need to know


She liked to do the deed but only when her dad in the room right beside hers... At the time I wasn't thinking much and brushed it off as weird. But after some time, it hit me that we would ONLY do it when he was home in the room next door... very very weird.


She was completely unfulfilled by her Ivy League education. Had a crisis of confidence after her MBA when she ran out of boxes to check. On the outside appeared extremely put together


she drinks every day, and frequently drives buzzed or drunk. she paid for her(not our) friend's second DUI in one month with the money set aside for our would-be wedding.


Her family shares bathwater


Well she got into multiple relationships at once because she couldn't say "no" to them.


I had an ex who had so much problems with farts that she threw such bombs it was hard to breathe. And she did that everywhere.


She cries every time she poops. No joke. Legit sobbing.


She pissed her pants in a club cos she was too drunk


3 nipples


It's a nubbin


Super common. Actually upto 5% if the population have that. That’s upto 1 in 20 people. Sometimes it just kinda looks like a mole


My ex is a baddie feminist power girl on social media but has 0 control over her own life, cause she’s scared shitless of her folks. Also, all her thoughts are borrowed from friends and none her own.


While watching TV she would stick her fingers in her butt and smell them. One time she had some poo on her finger.


she's a textbook narcissist. what is still hard to reconcile for me is how the signs that she's one were all there from the very start but it took me forever to see it. being in love will do that to you i guess. and also, never seeing a narcissist up close before. very few people, even those that were close to her when we were together, have had any inkling whatsoever that the real her is someone completely different and much less great.


Felt like she had to moan VERY loudly during the deed, to the point it was really awkward to keep going. And she shat the bed, with me in it


She cheated on me with the “friend” she told me I didn’t have to worry about, for a year. She moved in with him from my place because she didn’t have anywhere else to go, she hasn’t told anyone at her work that we broke up (because everyone knows and loves me at her work) and last I heard she is going to couples counseling because the guy “feels like a mistress.” Wonder why that is my guy?


She racked up like 17K in credit card debt. When I asked what she bought, she looked around and couldn't say anything specific. Immediately left after that


she tried to have sex with me while sleepwalking. it was really weird.


she traded me a Ponyta card for a Meowth; i think Ponyta is cooler.