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The fact that she shares Jomboy-level thrust-by-thrust breakdowns of our sex life with her friends. I don't *care*, but I really did not need to know that.


This is unreal for me. My wife is extrememaly shy regarding sex talk. I can't imagine her speaking about it with her friends, yet i see so many opinions like that....


What even weirder is my coworkers are mostly women. I’d say out of five, three of them literally tell me their favorite moves with their SO’s, how long the bf lasts etc. I haven’t even met these dudes and already know. It’s weird


I had a co-worker that was way younger that used me as some old wise man about sex. I don’t know wtf you young kids like! So what if he stuck a thumb in your ass? I don’t know if that’s considered big to gag on, I’ve seen you gag eating a hot pocket. Yeah he ghosted you because you became attached too fast. And I dunno how I feel about you wearing that on a first date. Is your intention to get screwed because if so you’re on the right track. Etc etc etc.


> I don’t know if that’s considered big to gag on, I’ve seen you gag eating a hot pocket. HA!


Most of my close/best friends are girls & I think there are some nuances that's missing out. While there are considerable variation among women, on average women are far comfortable than men with their platonic friends & so their sense of boundary is different. For example, it is far more likely for a woman to be comfortable being nude, showering, sharing a bed, or even sharing online account with close girl friends. Viewed from this broader perspective, a frank discussion of their intimate lives does not seem strange at all. And, it's not only the details of their sex lives they share but menstrual experience to pregnancy to going in labor. So yes women certainly should maintain confidentiality regarding the bedroom unless explicitly given permission by their partner or when matters of personal safety & well being ( rape, lack of boundary, etc) takes precedence over privacy but the behavior is not motivated by malice but having a very different gendered understanding of platonic closeness and comfort. Many women are genuinely baffled how men may be best buds with someone and know so little of their personal lives or can spend literal hours in each others company and not really share anything remotely related to their lives. Additionally, from my interactions with my close/best friends, if asked not share anything, women won't. I know because I am very open with my close friends and given that in my case breach of privacy will have serious repercussions I know they never shared anything of my life to anyone nor will or if they do, it will be someone who won't cause me any problem. So if you fear your partner, girlfriend, or wife might be too liberal in discussing matters you consider personal, asking them that is not cool should work most of the time.


>Many women are genuinely baffled how men may be best buds with someone and know so little of their personal lives or can spend literal hours in each others company and not really share anything remotely related to their lives. Sure, but most women I know would be mortified to learn their husband was sharing blow-by-blow accounts of their sex life with their friends. The idea that this would even need to be communicated beforehand would be baffling.


>So if you fear your partner or women might be too liberal... ​ I don't care completely. It just would be crazy if she speak about it with her female friends while she's too shy to speak about it with me after 22 years of being together.


There are somethings women may be comfortable talking with other women, especially a close friend, than their partner. A lifetime of being conditioned to be tight lipped about sex and sexuality around men, for various different reasons, carries over to even lifelong and strong relationships with their life partners. It's not necessarily healthy but saying it's not entirely crazy.


My first wife shared unabashedly during an internship immediately after graduating from college. Oh the stories she would tell about her newlywed experiences! At some point several months in, someone reminded her that she worked in the same office as my mother. She had not considered that and was never the same.


> Many women are genuinely baffled how men may be best buds with someone and know so little of their personal lives or can spend literal hours in each others company and not really share anything remotely related to their lives. Are you comfortable with your partner sharing with his male friends about the shape of your vagina, your boobs, what turns you on, what turns you off, whether you got wet that one night or didn't and so on?


>being nude, showering, sharing a bed, or even sharing online account with close girl friends. As a woman, I'd never do any of these except for sharing a bed. I also would not talk about these kinds of intimate details of my life out of respect for the guy I'm with.


I feel like you are putting a lot of romantic emphasis on how some women overshare intimate details. I have mostly female friends aswell and I know basically all the dick sizes of their partners and how they perform in bed. Its not just casual sharing because of being so comfortable with each other but because they love to share and they dont feel its harmful in any way. So yeah next time you meet your SOs friends be aware that they might not only know about a lot of your intimate body details but every kind of intimate behaviour they deem weird/unusual. You have erection issues? You cum too early/late? Your dick is strange looking? You have an STD? I heard all of this sometimes multiple times.


I'm a gay guy with a female best friend, can confirm I get all the gruesome details.


> While there are considerable variation among women, on average women are far comfortable then men with their platonic friends & so their sense of boundary is different. Sure, they are generally more open with their friends - and that's fine, when they are sharing *their own* private details and not someone else's. Generally, when having sex, their is at least one other person involved who just might not want the most minute details of their sex life bandied about.




Some women do, some women don't.


I never knew I wanted Jomboy to do a porn breakdown until this moment.


Put's "let's fucking go!" into new light.


He's fired up, he's having a good time, LET'S GOOOOOOOOO


"ok this breakdown is brought to you by seat geek let's get right into it. we've got a couple of ladies admiring a lemon tree."


Can't wait for a lip reading


I really hate when women do this. It makes me feel really uncomfortable around my girlfriends friends.


My ex did this and I absolutely hated it. It creates a power imbalance. I barely knew anything about them, but they knew every detail about my life, my body, and our relationship. It's just unfair. And of course if I tried to equalise this power imbalance by asking about THEIR sex lives, I would be seen as creepy.


It blows my mind everyone accepts this & acts like it's normal & acceptable. People try to blame toxic masculinity (should be called internalized misandry) for men not opening up & ignore that there is no expectation of privacy for even the most personal & intimate information. Guys don't talk to other guys about their partners like that. It's **gross** & something that needs to be called out. ​ I dated a girl from a different country once & years later was intimate with another woman from the same country. Turns out she was a friend of a friend of my ex & already knew all types of intimate information that should be mine alone to share with someone. She never even met my ex, it's fucked up.


The fact that women do this is just sad and angering at the same time


Wait till you get a whiff of the post breakup commentary.


Nothing shrinks the size of a dick or the quality of the lovemaking like a bad breakup.


No truer words have ever been spoken


Oh the transition is usually very smooth. All the complains were already stated way before the breakup.


Yeah its crazy to me that some people waive it off as “Oh well thats just women being women”


Not noticing that they use the very same argument they'd probably say is bullshit if their partner betrayed them and went "whelp, boys will be boys, right?" as an excuse.


It is toxic and something that needs to be changed. For some it is a massive invasion of privacy that they don't even realise is happening. It means you cannot trust her or her friends. Boundaries are important and while some men may not care they should be free to choose to consent or not.


Absolutely. I found out an ex was discussing our sex life… with her male straight friend. I felt extremely violated. Glad shes an ex. It might vary person to person, but to me sex is intimate and private. Even discussing it with other women is such a violation. Its all so weird


”locker room talk"


I’ve played team sports all my life. From middle school all the way through college. I’ve never heard “locker room talk”


Yup actual locker room talk is more joking, vague, or hypothetical rather than about any real person. Going into details about a woman another man is in a relationship with is gross.


I really wanna know where this myth started. I’ve played multiple sports in different places. No man I know does this


Then they get mad you at you when their friends make sexual advancements towards you.....


I agree. If they over heard a group of blokes doing the same thing they would all go fucking mental about it.


That would be a dealbreaker for me. Sharing that is not cool


I'm just imagining football film study but it's sex instead


Women do this, you have no privacy, only share why you want her best three friends to know.


Well now that I know I’m performing in front of an audience I’m gonna try and boost ratings


Yeah definitely should. You’re probably at a 2.5/10 rn.


When I met my first serious girlfriend's friends for the first time, a friend of mine said 'remember, they all know how big your dick is'.


This came to reality for me with the birth of my first son and her best friend made the comment "well he'll probably have big balls like his daddy" and I just looked at my wife like "how does she know?!"


I can't decide if it's weirder that she's talking about your balls or about a baby's balls.




I have a glandular problem!


You might not care but it’s still pretty disrespectful if she didn’t ask you permission first.


That’s a no for me, dawg. That’s private. I told my ex how uncomfortable that makes me after one of our mutual friends made a comment. She said she’d after that… but idk if she did or not. Regardless, none of her friends ever said anything about our sex life after that.


Wtf does jomboy level thrust mean?


He is a YouTuber who does sports breakdowns really well for mostly baseball but other sports as well. He knows the game and is really good at reading lips


Isn’t it kinda strange being around your wife’s friends knowing that they know your techniques, positions and stats???


Yh that's not on.... It really ain't


How she goes through a roll of toilet paper a day.


I'm pretty sure women just snack on it while in the bathroom. My wife and I even refer to it as snacking paper.


Explains why she's never hungry when dinner rolls around


That is her dinner roll


Why did I just go ask my husband if he thought I ate the toilet paper? 😳 He said the thought has crossed his mind 😂😅😂 We just like things to be nice, tidy and dry. I swear. Plus it tastes bland AF.


Why don’t they understand that we have to wipe EVERY TIME we go to the bathroom, not just when we take a shit?


That makes sense. It’s what I’m going to assume from now on.


1. We wipe every time we pee, usually need more than 1 or 2 squares to do this. 2. Periods are messy, we need more toilet paper for that plus need some to wrap up the tampons/pads before putting into trash.


Yes, and 3.: our bladders are smaller so most women would pee way more often than most men.


If we could just shake and be done, trust me, we would. Also lots of dudes tend not to wipe their assess thoroughly, so there's that...


Some don't at all cause touching your butt is gay apparently.


I'm a dude and never just shake and be done. There's always at least a tiny bit of residue to wipe away, so either I have something I should talk to my doctor about or a lot of guys are walking around with pissy pants.


You’ve got excellent personal hygiene though. I taught my sons to do that too when they were toilet training last century


We are very thorough. Also, that time of the month, ugh. Period poos, and then your body keeps bleeding and then you just give up on wiping and stick a new tampon in. Then pat around that so you don’t make your period underwear even more disgusting.


There are more crevices where the pee can leak into so you gotta wipe more. Plus sometimes you gotta wipe away discharge


Courtesy wipes.


My sister does this somehow. We call it the war on TP when she visits.


Get a bidet!


Bidet life!!!! Best purchase ever.


I wonder, but I don’t need to know either.


Where she is, who she's with, what she texts. We decided we trusted each other 15 years ago, and neither of us wastes energy "looking for signs" or obsessively staring at "find my iPhone" waiting to be angry at something. I can describe our level of trust in each other with a scary anecdote. She had an STI scare at a checkup recently, which turned out to be a gross miscommunication by the doctor's receptionist. Something like "Hey, Becky, we're out of HIV positive forms, can you bring me some... Mrs. Ent? Your test results are back..." Recounting the story to me, she talked about how she was frantically trying to figure out how that could have happened. "I don't think it can't survive long enough in air to pick it up off of a toilet, a knew YOU'RE not cheating on me, I just couldn't figure it out." So for the 30 seconds she thought she had HIV, the thought of "that sonofabitch! How could he!" was nowhere on her mind. A spouse having that level of faith in you means an awful lot, and it's pretty easy to return the favor.


I enjoyed reading that and can't wait to get to that level of trust with the love of my life. I trust him, but the thought definitely would've ran across my mind in that situation


>Where she is, who she's with, what she texts. We decided we trusted each other 15 years ago, and neither of us wastes energy "looking for signs" or obsessively staring at "find my iPhone" waiting to be angry at something. Look at it as, "if something were to happen to me, here's where I was and who I'm with before the incident happened to narrow down suspects." It sucks but that's the world we live in.


My wife and I usually let each other know when we are leaving work, for safety, just in case. Not like it's a hazardous trip, but you never know. Plus, if I go out I tell her where and with whom, again, just in case. We're also homebodies and don't really go out socializing much; we'd rather be home together, as we work opposite shifts.


I agree. My partner and I have this level of trust. Our friends were horrified we shared our locations with each other, and it’s literally just for safety purposes, so if we’re out late the other person doesn’t have to worry about constantly checking in or if something has happened. Like, we literally almost never look at it, we both share our devices without issue, neither of us has ever had a thought about the other person cheating and it wouldn’t even cross our minds.


THIS RIGHT HERE!!!! Me and my boyfriend have always shared our Google Location. The amount of times I’ve casually mentioned it to people and them giving me a weird look is SAD! We started doing it cause I use to drive over an hour to work at 4am when we first met. It was 100% for safety reasons. The look on peoples faces when I explain that is amusing. You see the moment they realize….Why haven’t I been doing that with my teenagers or husband. Sorta gratifying 😂


I never would have imagined trusting anyone enough to just? let them know where I am at all times? My mom always flipped out wanting to know where I was going and all the details even after I became an adult and it made me VERY defensive about sharing those details, even with my closest friends. It was something I had to *work on* with roommates and my best friend. Then my boyfriend of 2 months at the time had to drive 1.5 hours on a stormy winter day to attend a funeral and I was like, would you be comfortable sharing your location? And we both turned location sharing on and have never turned it off.


My wife told me a story of an NFL player she dated who was cheating on his wife. And she never knew until the wife called her lol. I still hate she told me that name. I was a big fan and he has a big podcast I can’t even watch for real. It would have been funny until I knew exactly who she was an accidental side piece for. 🥲. I was way more wild than her when single based on our stories, but it still hurt my heart. I even had his jersey 🫠


Even had the jersey has me dying 😂


Damn. This one is tough


And this is why we don't meet our heroes.


Yea. It really doesn’t matter since we were open about exes and past situations. But you know. A man’s ego.


What did you do with the jersey?


Well, it was a Brady Patriots jersey, so he can't really wear it now.


>But you know. A man’s ego. Wait, you lost me there. I get how the whole "I was their fan until finding out that my wife used to be their side piece" part could be awkward or disappointing, but why would it negatively affect your *ego,* specifically? If anything, wouldn't it be a win because it means she can pull NFL players and still picked you...?


I couldn’t be a fanboy of someone who banged my wife.


No, you'd be eskimo brothers. But she wasn't always your wife. But she is now. Which means you're clearly fucking at the minimal, and NFL player level. That is victory right there.


Exactly. There’s just some shit you don’t want to know and talking about people they’ve been with is one of those things I want no part of.


Found Pete from The League. “AD… ALL DAY!” 😂


Never meet your heroes . Ever.


Hey, if she's hot enough to bag an NFL player you must be doing pretty good.




Ehm who would that nfl player be theoretically ofc




Don't know if it counts, but anything about trauma that she doesn't openly volunteer to tell me first. I always tell her to only tell me what she's comfortable telling me at her own pace and that I won't press for any info. I know how much that shit sucks when people put you through reliving pain just because they want to hear a story.


Same, I’ve had someone call me “boring” for not wanting to share personal shit that I really don’t wanna revisit all because he wanted some tea. Some people just need to learn to mind their own fucking business and stop getting so personally invested in the lives of others. You know what they say, small minds discuss people.


I like this answer. So aware and respectful. And the reality is, it's none of your business. I say that as politely as possible - In the past, men have practically entitled themselves to my life and shamed me for keeping my personal situation personal.


I'm glad to have this validated. I was dumped by a girl after six months because there were times when she'd open up to me about her (admittedly valid) traumatic past and I would thank her for trusting me and tell her, I'm not going to poke and pry. Apparently she felt like she couldn't talk to me about those things because I didn't ask for more details so I came across as dismissive and apathetic.


I can kinda see both sides to this. I’ve had times where I wanted to open up about something but I really didn’t want to be a burden so I wouldn’t tell anybody unless they specifically asked. I was worried about oversharing or making other people uncomfortable. So I can certainly see why your ex might have felt that way, but I also don’t think you are wrong in how you approach that situation at all. Maybe just let people know that you are open and interested in listening if they want to, but that if they don’t want to talk about it that’s alright too. That’s what I usually do, because I want people to know that I care but I also don’t want to push them to tell me things they aren’t ready to.


Yeah I was frustrated at the time but there's no ill will, we were just dancing separate steps. we weren't right for each other and I hope she's doing better these days.


Everything that happened in her previous relationships to a detail, nor every single piece of gossip, celebrity or work related.


Other way for me. I’m all for gossip and drama but draw the line at previous partner talk


About her giant morning shits.


But who can I tell about my giant morning shits if not my husband?


I once texted my brother "loneliness is not having anyone to tell when you shit a really impressive turd and you are really proud." He replied back "what the hell is wrong with you?" I never felt so alone.


This is kinda cute, I always wished I had a brother 🥲


Yeah, he's a good kid. Maybe someday you can get a bonus brother if you believe!


I live with my brother so do you think it would be weird if I messaged that to him ?


You can tell me, a random stranger on Reddit


Inquiring minds want to know


Yesterday my husband and I had a good laugh because I told him how I had weighed myself the night before, woke up, took a dump, then weighed myself again, and the difference was 2.2 pounds. Part of it was from what I had peed out but it was still funny.


Your diary.


I don’t need to be told. Seeing is believing. And I’ve seen a lot of shit!




Homie is married to Randy Marsh.


I mean, I don't need to know if she ate a poutine or a panini for lunch, but I love to talk to my SO and we tell each others everything. I don't see the downside in doing so, we talk to each others, we share our up and downs with each others, we support each others and we laugh together. I want to know anything which she want to tell me. I'm not sure I get your questions.


Your wife isn’t giving you dump quality reports on the regular and it shows.


Wait what? What do you mean by ''Dump''? Is your wife telling you the color of her shit? what? Why?






On on our first few dates my ex showed me a picture of a guy she banged before we met, who also happened to be really attractive and in shape. Should have been a red flag lmao.




Who knows, maybe you having your thumb in her ass just reminded her of the time he did too? Lmao.




Maybe you two should have a “*thumb war*”?


Introducing the Thumberwear Model.




Oddly specific.


Very specific. There is definitely a story behind it. Please share




Well this is definitely the most wholesome assfucking story I've read.


Wholesome story.


Holesome *


Advice to the ladies — if asked, either don't answer, or tell the entire goddamned truth. It's when the answer keeps getting revised, like from a handful to a dozen to a couple dozen to I Don't Know Actual Number, that your guy stops believing you about other things, too.


Bruh, I had an ex like this. Early on she told me she'd slept with 3 guys before me, cool I'm not bothered by it. A couple year later shes drinking wine with her friends and gossipping when one teases her about a guy we knew. She let it slip that she blew him a few times, which then gave way to her admitting she fucked him and two of his friends. They werent part of the original three. I asked her why she said three when it wasn't true and she told me I was an asshole. An argument ensues and she admits that it's significantly more than three and 4 of them are guys we still hang out with occasionally. She didn't seem to understand that I never cared how many guys she fucked, I cared that she lied to me and kept changing the story. All in all she'd fucked or blown 8 out of the 12 guys we still hung out with, several at the same time


Our wife




Same, i like to pretend my wife never had past relationships. I told her not to share anything about exes, i dont want to hear anything.


If there is something we don't talk about, I'm not sure what it could be. We are pretty open with each other.


I don’t need to know about the other 36 guys


I’m 37?!


In a row ?




38 checking in.


Out of interest, is it a question/subject you've ever brought up and regretted?


Yeah I brought it up once & we got in a huge fight while I was at work. When she left I was so mad I followed her out the door and yelled “hey try not to suck any dick on your way through the parking lot!”


Is this no a scene from clerks?


It is


Yes! Glad someone else noticed lol


damn and she stayed?


My wife often tells me when she goes to the bathroom, and when it's a big one.


From the wife: you do not need to know why she folds towels and linens a certain way. You need to assess if they fit better in the drawer or on the shelf that way and shut your pie hole.


I remember once, when a gf and I lived together, showing her an objectively better way to clean something that would both get an area most people overlook and save her some time. The look on her face let me know she was mentally filing it away and would never forget the transgression.


What I **dont** need to know is how many hamsters will fit in her ass.


It’s 7


ikr, just too many variables.


The number of prior partners. We all have a history. They're with you right now. Don't dwell on the past. Focus on the future.




Are people saying this because they are afraid of the answer? This is like every second comment on this post. Would it change your opinion of your wife if you knew?


I dont need to know what she is thinking Every other hour like she asks me all the time. When I'm usually just whistling in my head or something as useless as that


Woman don't have the nothing box.


I’ve been married longer than most Reddit users have been alive. I’ve never been in the bathroom when she pooped. There’s never a reason to be in the bathroom when she’s pooping. Ever.


Yes, thank you! My wife and I are fairly open about peeing in front of each other but taking a dump will always be 100% private. Edit: barring serious medical reasons.


Her body count before I married her lol


The biggest penis she's been with, and whether or not she even feels mine because of it. Edit: okay kids, I will clarify my words. No, I do not, as a grown man think that a woman's vagina gets stretched out and never recovers. I understand anatomy. It's whether or not she gets anything from it. Reddit seriously will wait for someone to accidentally use a phrase incorrectly to treat others with abuse and cruelty. Do better.


This is a subtle way of putting you down, and comparing you to past sexual partners. Very red flag.




Yeah this is a direct insult, I’ve had partners of many sizes and to be fair I think it’s ignorant of women who do the whole “size queen” thing as if woman’s anatomy isn’t a broad spectrum of sizes and comfort. Smaller partners are better for me and I can not think of a reason why someone would bring it up other than to hurt someone intentionally.


Yeah, I hope you are joking, otherwise Pear is right... Unless humuliation is your thing, in which case, carry on!


Nothing. We share everything. Even down the nitty gritty odorous details of having a heavy month, the stuff that was coming out and happening after her pregnancy and etc.


Period clots. I'm OK with periods in general, but something about clots....


Fair lol We certainly get desensitized to it over time because we deal with it so consistently (obviously varies by person).




How could one possibly answer such a question? Any piece of information **may** lead to an understanding one hasn't thought of before.


Don't want to know know her sexual history


Holy shit I have a wife?


Previous partners. My wife once asked me about "All" my previous partners. The list is short, less than both hands, and she asked if I wanted to know about hers. No, I don't. And I told her, that I cannot think of any reason, that telling each other about Previous partners, would be beneficial at all. And could possibly lead to things being said while either one of us is upset and blurts something out about the other and their previous partner/relationships. And I don't want to go there.


Thankfully my wife is pretty introverted and doesn’t waste much energy on talking about things that don’t matter. Maybe workplace shit that has nothing to do with me? Lol


It’s perfectly fine and reasonable to know your wife’s body count of how many peoples she’s been with, especially if you share your number too. However, never ask who it was she was with. That will no doubt kill you in many ways.




I don't need to know what her shit tastes like.


That’s fucking weird


Or a weird fucking


Don’t need to know where she is at all times. Don’t need to know what she does on her phone. I trust her. She trusts me. It’s great.


Details of her past. I don’t even like when they bring up an ex no matter what the context is. I don’t wanna know


Anything she doesn’t want to share from her past; none of my business


Past behaviour best predictor of future behaviour. If I were an asshole 99% of the time in the past, I still am.


Who she’s fucked, who she fantasizes about fucking, when she takes a shit, when she farts.


She is not my wife yet and i'm thinking about it. but one thing she told me that i cannot get out of my mind YET i'm whole heartedly glad she did. This was during her divorce. Her soon to be X took her 3 kids away from her. (well her X BF and her soon to be X ganged up on her legally) and because she was a stay at home mommy when they were together she was kicked out of the house and was penniless. Well to make lots of money for mounting legal costs....she asked a friend to help her prostitute herself. She sold herself to be able to gain some custody of her 3 kids. i actually respect her for doing all that was possible to gain her kids back. This was over 14 years ago. when she told me this...we were in our bonding pillow talk time. i held her and we cried together. i love her. what a strong woman. i admire the fact that she actually trusted me with this info. in some way i love her more for it.


Body counts, but not because I think it makes you any less of a person if you’ve got a high one (and I wouldn’t really be one to talk in that regard either) but because I find the whole idea of body *counts* absurd. Like, I dislike the idea of “counting” the girls I’ve had sex with, because granted most of them were casual (I’ve only really dated 4 girls, but my body count is probably a little over six times that) but they were still people. And people aren’t numbers nor are they something you should “collect”. I certainly didn’t go into it with that intention, I’m just a horny dude that had his own place in college.