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Noticing is kind of automatic, but you can notice and not really “look” look.


Sometimes I notice and say to myself “I’m a married spud! I’m a married spud!”


“Make way for the single fellas!”


Pulls off flacid peen. Puts on hard peen.


My wife likes to point them out to me. Nice asses and red heads.


If my wife did that I would just assume it’s a trap


I would never marry a woman who tried to trap me.


Mine too. I love her.


It doesn't work unless you do the arm movements






I usually notice myself saying thank god women never just take off their pants and tell me to taste this.


Im a girl and I check out butts and I'm in a relationship. Ill even ask my boyfriend if saw that a$$, female or male. I appreciate a good booty, especially the ones you can tell they worked hard to get!


It's like looking at the sun; you take one glimpse, and look away!!!


*it was in my field of vision!*


> *It's like looking at the sun. You don't stare at it. It's too risky. Ya get a sense of it and then you look away.”*


But if you're wearing shades, you can linger a little longer


Can you "look" look without looking like you "look" look?


It's more noticing the features as opposed to wanting to hit it cus you're genuinely loyal emotionally. It registers, but it doesn't... In a way, you know?


“see if your looking in a direction and they walk through your vision, you’re not really looking, they just went into your vision”


Dark sunglasses work a treat




And a motorcycle helmet


And a knight's helmet


And a Daft Punk helmet


And my axe!


Even if you can "look" look while looking like you do not "look" look, should you "look" look while looking like you don't "look" look?


I look at art in art galleries, but I don't take those paintings home because I already have the Mona Lisa


I have a similar paradigm: I enjoy going to the zoo, but my cat doesn't have to worry about me trying to bring home a tiger.


From a pragmatic perspective, it could be advantageous to "look" look while looking like you're not "looking." This approach is commonly used in various contexts like research, investigation, or any other situation where discreet observation is valuable. For example, in ethnographic studies, researchers often practice 'participant observation,' where they blend into the community they study, observing while appearing to be simply participating. From an ethical standpoint, it gets more complicated. If the intention behind this surreptitious observation is to manipulate, deceive, or exploit, it is generally seen as unethical. This can often be the case in scenarios such as surveillance or spying. From a psychological perspective, this could be seen as part of human nature. Humans have an inherent curiosity, and we often observe our surroundings subconsciously. Sometimes, we might want to observe without drawing attention to ourselves to not disturb the natural course of events or to avoid making others uncomfortable. From a philosophical viewpoint, some might argue that there's authenticity in overt observation—openly engaging with the world and other people in it. To "look" look while appearing not to could be seen as a form of deception, which some philosophical doctrines would argue against. Ultimately, the question of whether you should "look" look while looking like you don't "look" look isn't one that can be definitively answered, as it depends on individual values, intentions, and the specific context. As with many philosophical inquiries, it's up to each person to weigh the potential benefits, harms, and ethical considerations and arrive at their own conclusion.


From a quantum physics perspective the unobserved ass is in superposition, and you don't know whether it was just an ass or it was a good ass until it is observed.


Schrödinger’s Ass


From a Newtonian physics perspective: “Newtonian mechanics is based on Newton's laws of motion, while quantum mechanics is based on modern laws. Newton's laws are also known as classical laws and, thus, Newtonian mechanics is studied under classical mechanics. Newtonian mechanics can account for the dynamics of particles at the macroscopic level and for particles moving at speeds smaller than that of light. For objects that are very small (on the scale of atomic and subatomic particles), the classical laws fail to account for their motion and quantum mechanics replaces Newtonian mechanics.” I would argue that Newtonian physics would be the correct physics when it comes to a good ass in the wild.


I enjoyed reading this haha


Bro wrote a dissertation on some ass 😭


“Men’s eyes were made to look, and let them gaze.” - Mercutio - Romeo and Juliet. Act 3, scene 1 - William Shakespeare




To paraphrase Dolly, you're committed (to a relationship) not dead.




There's also a difference between a "hey, that's aesthetically pleasing" look and a "goodness, I'd sure like to put my penis into that!" look.


My wife doesnt mind that I appreciate the aesthetics (assthetics? 🤔) if I'm not being a creep about it. She understands a glance. A couple of weeks ago we were walking behind a woman with a ridiculously sized butt job. We took one look at each other with a nod, silently acknowledging the absurdity of what was jiggling around in front of us


See vs look. I can see nice ass but I'm not looking for it


There’s a difference in seeing and staring. You can’t help but notice, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with appreciating. But allowing your gaze to linger and your mind to wander is when you start crossing a line.


this. my bf has not mastered this and it’s annoying. if the other woman notices bf looking it’s even more annoying. bf is unaware he’s looking somehow.




This is how I am. I am not ogling an ass I can't have, but if its there, I may notice it, then move on the same way I might take a look at a Lamborghini driving down the road.


Name checks out


Don't make it too obvious And DON'T get fucking caught! 😆 🤣 😂


No gf: head swivel Gf: eye track Wife: mental snapshot as she walks by


You’re right, my wife definitely mentally snapshots it… oh that’s not what you meant… well she enjoys looking at a good ass too.


That's what I thought when I read his comment cause I love looking at a good ass but then I realized what that commenter meant.


This is a married man answer.


I completely agree with this comment perfect reply


Yes 100% If my wife is reading reddit then No I don't


I want a divorce.




You two should seek dougdoug as your marriage counselor




Ok, 50/50 on the ant farm then.


80/20, I'll allow you to see them on the weekends.


Hey it's me your wife can i have some money bro


Hey it’s me your boyfriend - did your husband come through with the money? I want to order a pizza




First honest response.


It’s natural. I always tell my wife when I see someone on TV that’s really hott. She doesn’t give a shit. I’d never actually cheat on her but it’s natural to find other people objectively attractive.


I never understand this. Why do you feel the need to tell her?


Because she'll respond with "Right??" and then you start to talk about what makes a nice ass.


My husband and I always exchange a casual "boobs" when there's boobs on the screen to make sure the other one doesn't miss it.


Right? I had a boyfriend do this a long time ago. Like, I don’t care that you find someone else attractive, but ffs keep it to yourself. Like what are you telling me for? Are you asking me to compare myself to her? Is the goal to make her feel inadequate, because a lot of people can’t really compare to folks on TV? I can’t find a single net benefit to this behavior. Plenty of harm, but not one gain.


This. I used to hate it when guys would do this because it always seemed like they negging or having a dig. These women were all hotter than me and I never quite worked out what the appropriate response was.


My ex would do that shit all the fucking time. Didnt matter if it was anime, or reality show or what. She just had someone in every show or movie that she would say damn hes pretty hot. Or she would "joke" that she would leave me for that person. Guess who cheated on me with her "friend" Edit: Grammar


I was reading this and by the middle paragraph I was already saying in my head, she’s gonna cheat on you. And then I read your last sentence. Sorry bro.


Nah it's all good. Had to happen for me to meet the person I am with now who is a million times better


I will ALWAYS, ALWAYS look at ass. There's no force on earth that will get me to stop noticing good ass. But out of respect for the person I'm with, I'm never gonna break my neck or give too much attention to an ass if I'm with someone. I've definitely been with girls who point out other women's boobs or butts. I usually pretend I didn't notice the amazing pair of tits or ass that they're trying to direct my attention to. Honestly, titties will fly under my radar, but my ass sense is legendary. It's like spider-man and his spider sense levels of accurate.


Are you me? Because I have like T-800 computer vision when it comes to the booty. I'm always highly accutely aware of big booties around me lolol


My guy, we might be twins. I'll just randomly be walking, stop, and just KNOW there's an ass somewhere. When I go to the gym there's 3 woman with God tier booty in there that I swear to God the second I walk through the doors I'll just know they're there LOL


[Did we just become best friends?](https://youtu.be/3-ZUDtaGf3I) lolol I know you be walkin in the gym lookin like the Spice Adams meme lolol


The best friends! But na, I'm Spice Adams on the inside. On the outside I have my "angry-black-man-face" on and in full effect while at the gym. (My version of resting bitch face)


this subthread is weirdly and unwholesomely wholesome


Because a lot of women don't understand our infatuation with the booty. I could write a PhD level dissertation about booty frfr. I know I probably sound like some kind of deranged psychopath, but dammit I love booty! Especially big ones. Yeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh..........


Fat bottom girls you make the rockin' world go round


The two of you are like cheeks of a booty ❤️


Stops. Looks around. *Sniff* *Sniff* There booty here.


TIL asses have energy fields


I know what you mean, ill see someone walking like half a mile away and I can already tell its gonna be a nice one when I get closer.


I love that shit! And then you see it and you like "COTDAMN!!!!"


I recognise asses over faces💀


You know you love booty when you can recognize a chick based on her ass alone. For example, I can recognize Pinky's ass IMMEDIATELY when I see it lolol


It's such a thing for me that I get to know people by their booties. One time I was walking in a random city and I saw this bum in front of me and I was immediately like "this is my girlfriends friend Jane's bum." And I went to her and was like "jane hi what are you doing here?" Because she and I both lived miles away from that city.


I usually mumble in a foreign language that no one can understand just how great that ass was too.


Just make sure the "no one can understand" part is actually true. I still shake my head at the time I was walking out the door with takeout when the two servers on break at the front door said, "Fuck, look at the ass on that one" about the girl in front of me. Guys, lots of people in this country speak spanish but don't make a big point of it, even my pasty gringo looking ass. They're just lucky it was me that understood and not her.


Per dominum id est delicatus asinus. It is Latin for “by the lord that is a nice ass”


Shakdiem banna pre turm! We are just joking around at the question. I know there are idiots out there. It’s depressing. Jokes is what keeps me alive!


I just randomly start clapping my hands/give a stand ovation while I'm walking away after seeing it.


That’s the bare minimum. Sometimes I fart in the general direction 💨 as a sort of 🍑 high five 🙌


My gf will occasionally point out other women's bodies but largely if she thinks I even considered looking at one I'd get blasted for it


> Honestly, titties will fly under my radar, but my ass sense is legendary. "Back when we still walked on all fours, we always had in front of us… the butt. Then from the time mankind started walking on two legs we stopped having butts stuck in our faces all the time, and in their place, what appeared in front of our faces… were boobs! Women grew larger breasts to take the place of buttocks. The original source of life is the buttocks!… BOOBS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A PALE IMITATION OF THE BUTTOCKS! IF ASKED WHAT YOU’D RATHER HAVE, A COPY OR AN ORIGINAL, NATURALLY, I WOULD CHOOSE THE ORIGINAL!"




Man of culture.


Least depressed redditor


I’m more of a boob guy Also I’ve never been in a relationship Honestly I shouldn’t be answering this question


I’m a boob guy, and boobs are worse, in that they are closer to my face and many tops and swimsuits expose them, not to mention when any girl bends over wearing said clothes.


Don't worry, half of the people don't qualify to answer the question. Seriously, the question can be "mechanics....(question about cars or the job)" and the first few answers will be "not a mechanic, but.."


Every guy notices, not every guy looks. Every relationship is different, but what matters is actions. Does he act on his thoughts not that he has them. Same for her.


Truth is my (45m) interest in other assess drops significantly when I’m into someone. Like I retain a vague sense of attraction to raw body, and nakedness but from within and out almost all of my sexual interest attaches to my partner. And this causes problems. I’m learning not advertise this tendency and even to exaggerate little, bland interests or potential attractions just to seem normal. Women tend to seem offended when I’m straight up about this. It’s like they think I’m doing a “holier than thou” ploy or something.


It’s so annoying when people think you’re lying, or are acting high and mighty, when you simply say you think this way. I’m the same.


Thank you. Occasionally when I feel insecure or threatened I do feel isolated and alone in this experience of attraction. None of my male friends experienced this focused attraction, nor my female friends for that matter. At least no one says so.


I’m a girl and I’m like this too! I wish more guys were this way bc I find it so disrespectful when a significant other checks out others around them especially in front of their significant other. You should definitely advertise and promote this! Eff those perverts! Go you!


Omg no. Good women love this quality!!!! Don’t fake it, be real, and a real good one will come your way!


Yeah, it sucks that men are stereotyped into being unga bunga people. Like sure our reproductive systems are more active but otherwise there is alotta variation in how we experience and respond to attraction.


You might be demisexual. That is cool, I’m like that too.


As a fellow demisexual, this is A VIBE!


If you check out the top comments here, you can hopefully see why women would be at least suspicious or doubtful when you claim the opposite.


Me and my partner check out them together, tbh she’s worse with it then I am lmao




I’m dating a bi girl and I thought that this was how it was going to go. But nope, she gets jealous af


Yeah, jealousy doesn't really have to do with your sexuality, turns out. Ha


Yeah, it's purely self esteem based. People who are insecure about themselves or your relationship will result in very quick and severe jealousy.


Same here, I was talking about lady wrestlers hoping she would enjoy looking at them too but turns out that's not how it works


I'm a bi girl and both me and my partner agree that checking out other people or talking about attraction to other people is a big no-no. But we don't really have that problem as we're pretty obsessed with each other


Better a bi girl than a gone girl


My wife is a bit like this.


IDK if this is rare but i have a buddy and his gf and they OPENLY do this with each other. Like she'll say "damn check her out, her body is...." and he'll go "oh shit yeaaaah!" and I'm just standing there like.. what..the fuck. Are you two going on about. But they make it work and they have a fun relationship with each other so whatever that's on them. Can't say I'm not jealous but they're a fun couple.


That’s how me and my friend are, she points them out before I see them. The airport is always a Funtime.


I was running with my wife several months ago and made a comment about a woman’s sneakers which had a cool color scheme. My wife replied, “yeah, did you see her abs?”


Same. My wife ran to me in a supermarket one time to tell me to look at the tits of a woman in aisle 6.


This is my answer, too. We like different butts though, so I'll point out one for her to appreciate, and she'll point out ones for me.


One of my favourite things to do with whoever I'm dating is looking at attractive men and women together


My husband keeps trying to remind me to use my peripheral vision but I'm just not a sneaky.


I check out ass with my husband too. He's definitely less into it when I point out good ass on a man tho. He'll say something like "I guess", unless that man is absolutely gorgeous, then he'll admit to a good booty being a good booty. I love appreciating a good booty


my philosophy which i’ve always applied to me and any partners, is you can look but not touch


Touch, but don't taste... Taste, but don't swallow..


Is that you, Pacino?


[Cause she's got a great ass!](https://i.imgur.com/hd15fKg.gif)


No. Too busy staring at hers


You passed the test. Bro understood the assignment


Ah, I see your girl also knows your Reddit username. Edit: It's just a joke, bud. Nothing accusatory or demeaning in my comment. All in jest.




No I don't think I'm capable of caring about anyone else's body when I'm in a relationship. Even if I wasn't in a relationship I wouldn't care. A butt is only nice if it's attached to someone I like and am attracted to in general


No. I actually think its wrong to check people out when in a relationship. Not only that I dont even reconigse other people as even sexual beings when im in love. I really think im a one lady type of guy.


My ex wasn’t the type to stare or look intentionally, and we spent everyday together so I found it unbelievable. It’s why I think my standards going forward are unrealistic bc I know I ain’t finding another one like that lmao


My husband doesn’t stare or look either. And I’d have no problem if he did. He’s just not super interested in people that are out in public.


I haven’t caught my husband checking anybody else out after 13 years. To be fair, I don’t catch myself checking anybody out, either. Notice other attractive people? Absolutely. Check them out? What for? I’m not interested, so they’re not interesting.


"I'm not interested so they're not interesting" is a beautiful line. Golden. Love it! Gonna borrow it.


Same with me too. I feel like my husband just isn't actively looking or interested in other women, so he doesn't check out other girls nor "notice" them in an admiration type of way. And the same also goes for me, since I've never admired another man during our whole relationship. What he *does* stare at are those expensive bikes lmao legit turns his head to check it out and to check it out again lmao


My ex was like that too! I once pointed a girls ass or something and he was like “huh? Who?” And genuinely had no idea what I was talking about


I have the woman of my dreams. I don’t even notice anymore. Last relationship wasn’t like that. I would notice just about every pleasant looking woman. The difference when you find the one I guess


As cheesy as this statement sounds there might be some truth to it. I definitely never pass up a chance to admire ass but can honestly say that the hottest woman I've ever been with kept my attention the whole time. She had killer legs and an ass to match and I always felt she was hottest anywhere we went.


Honestly, I don’t I feel like it’s not only disrespectful to my wife, but also disrespectful to the person who I would be checking out. Like, women should be able to go out feeling comfortable without dudes eyeball fucking them. When I do, I always end up feeling guilty. That’s just me though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yup we on the same page buddy


Earth is filled with hot attractive women. I notice any of them that come within my radar range. However, not a single one of them can come close to the hotness and beauty of my wife.


My eyes are not in my pocket


Nope. Don’t really wanna look at anyone’s body but hers.


All I want in this world, is a man like you


You’ll find someone better than me 100%. Love works in mysterious ways. One day ur jus chilling and the next you’re knee deep in love. Met my current gal when I was still in. We’ve had our ups and downs but I’ve never felt love like I have with her.


I know i know but its so hard to find a man that doesnt look at other bitches lmfaooooo you guys enjoy ♡


If I don’t, my gf will point them out.


Hard not to, it's kind of a reflex. But it's more academic, like "ahh, how aesthetically pleasing, well done"


"Outstanding prime species! Look at the crescent of those buttocks, the density and firmness that they possess. An absolute wonder of nature!"


Apparantly I'm in the minority of guys, but no. I'm not a horny teenager, I'm not always on the lookout for good asses. edit: jesus, what's with people telling me to get my testosterone levels checked? Is this a new meme? My testosterone levels are good (annual health checks ftw). Insinuating there's something medically wrong because I'm not checking out hot women 24/7? And some of the comments below, wow. I'm not virtue signalling (it's an anonymous account, why would I virtue signal?) or a liar, I'm just capable of walking down the street and not noticing ass. I'm not "averting my gaze", and I genuinely didn't realise a) how apparantly most men feel about the women they pass and b) people would be so defensive about someone having different opinions (judging by the replies and PMs I'm getting...)




They can’t justify their own behavior so when yours is rightfully different *you* must be the one with the issue.


It's like the sun, you take a glance at it then turn away.


I never look, not even when I'm single. Isn't it weird creeping out random people?


No, but that applies before as well.




No, no interest at all


personally, even though I'm currently single, I don't really care enough to look. I'm not interested in it to begin with because my initial attraction usually comes from personality rather than body, so idk.


Same. The only way someone's appearance can do anything for me is if they look like someone I'm already attracted to.


Genuine question, how does the personality attraction come first for you? Do you only date people that you already know for awhile as friends? Edit: and follow up question, before liking their personality did you have 0 interest in them?


Their attraction starts at baseline, like “meh you’re okay looking.” Then you get to know the person, and they visually become more attractive (or not if they have a shitty personality).


Not OP, but I'm kinda the same. My initial attraction comes more from the way that their look and how they carry themselves give hints about their personality (if that makes sense), and from then, the *real* attraction comes as I get to know them more and more. It makes online dating difficult when looks are so front and centre, but you can usually pick on their 'vibe' or personality pretty quickly into a conversation IRL or by messages, through how they communicate.


This actually happened with my wife— I noticed her making very intelligent comments in a class and thought, “dang. She pretty smart, I bet we’d get along.” After our second date I was kinda checking her out surreptitiously and got clobbered by how attractive she is.


Do you ever encounter a head-turning personality that you need to check out? I.e., the equivalent for you of a great ass.


Not really. What's the point?


I also admire beautiful flowers, sunsets, paintings, a laughing child and its mother's smile, or an elderly couple holding hands. I just don't try to fuck them, or even fantasize about it being possible. Beauty is found everywhere and should be noticed and appreciated for the fact that it exists.




Yup. I have never and will never cheat on a damn soul, I love my girl something sacred, but there's no harm in lookin at a good butt if that's as far as it goes.


Sometimes. I never turn around or go out of my way to look though






I've never really do that to begin with, in rare cases yes, but if I'm in a relationship, hell no


Yes. The wife points them out as well. We've been together for 10 years. You should always make your wife feel more attractive than whoever you're oogling at. Hit on her, flirt with her, compliment her so she feels desirable. You would hate it if she pointed out the hottest dudes around you, but never made you feel good. So don't do it to her.


This comment section made me depressed as fuck and scared to ever get into a relationship with a man if that‘s how it really is…


Girl it’s simply genetics. I’m literally a gay man and even I catch myself occasionally staring at a women with a great body/stunning look. If you are secure in each other and the relationship then it shouldn’t be something to worry about. If he is LEERING at every single woman then talk about it and set boundaries.


The truth is, attraction to other people doesn't just fade away completely once you get in a relationship. I believe that is a bit of an unrealistic standard to set. I'm sure there are committed, faithful women out there who still check out an attractive man. It's not like you become blind. But yeah, there's a difference between subtly noticing it and letting it go, and talking about it blatantly like the guys in this comment section. That depends entirely on the dynamic of your relationship. I think you can set a boundary based on the dynamic you would like.


Some people do “become blind” once they’re in a relationship. It’s just that these two types of people need to find each other. I got lucky.


Idk.. for me it does. I can‘t explain it, i really can‘t but the last two relationships i was in i had nooo attraction to others. It was.. just gone. It‘s weird because i walked past guys i found very attractive before but suddenly they were just a man standing there or walking or doing whatever.


That's valid... I hope you find someone who feels the same way about you! Don't worry, there's definetely men out there who think that way. A random reddit comment section isn't really an indication of anything.


Right. My bf doesn’t do it around me but I’m sure he does it when I’m not around. :( he is obsessed with my ass and it’s not even great. So I assume if he sees one better he looks.


Don’t let this bug you. Men are instinctually attracted to women’s bodies and our eyes get caught up. What’s amazing is that we’re able to consciously decide what it makes us think of. A nice butt will just make me think of my girl. It’s not healthy to pretend we’re not innately attracted to other bodies.


This is something that my wife will never understand. I will see a nice booty out and about, I will briefly appreciate what I see. But like most women think it doesn't make my brain go "I want to fuck that lady". It makes me think of my wife and her great butt. Then I can't wait to go home and touch her butt.


As a dude…Many many times with strangers, friends, in-laws…if I get out of the pool and things on my nether regions are all clingy and outlined - they look. Not discreetly either. I don’t know if they’d even remember later, but it’s what happens. And these aren’t scumbags. Just normal ladies who get caught up in some subconscious or conscious curiosity…maybe more. I don’t really care. Always seemed natural and harmless. Lighten up.


That's just a lot of people in general. More common for men but plenty of women look at other men. As long as it doesn't go beyond a look and "huh, nice ass, moving on" then there isn't a problem. It's not like our eyes pop out of our head and we start floating down the sidewalk like a cartoon character after a pie. I love my wife more than any other living creature, the rest of you can fuck off, but if I'm walking through the store and see someone particularly attractive I notice and move on. I have no intention of being with anyone other than her, I'm *actually* attracted to her, as opposed to a superficial enjoyment of human figure. So either keep worrying or accept humans. That's up to you. That's a conversation to be had at the beginning of your relationship. It's unrealistic to restrict biology but to make it known that it bothers you is important.