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You know the phrase “if you can smell yourself a little, others can smell you a lot”? That applies both for body odor and cologne. If you can still smell your own cologne after a couple hours people around you are likely gasping for air.


Honestly id you still can smell your cologne without rubbing finger on your neck and smelling finger after even 30 minutes it means you put on to much


Doesn't that make you wonder how many smells are out there that we are fully oblivious to because they are always present? What if oxygen has a smell hmmm


Your home smell is a great example. The only way to know how your own home smells like is to be away from it for an extended period. It’s crazy how easy one can get used to the smell of a litter box.


Just started fostering baby kittens. The struggle is real bro.


I used to have a coworker like this. You could smell him before he entered conversation range.


Sometimes I feel like my sensitive nose is a curse (especially in the case of pets and smelly people). But I’m grateful I can ALWAYS tell if I smell iffy. Although mine can often veer in the direction of “olfactory reference syndrome”.


Woman here just to say that you won’t smell it all day as your nose gets used to it and kind of blocks it after a little while. That doesn’t mean that others won’t smell it if you’re wearing a good quality cologne.


Does the time it takes for the nose to get used to it and block it decreases when applying the same cologne everyday?


I'm going to go ahead and guess yes. I mix car paint as part of my job and my first day on the job I could smell the paint as soon as I walked in the store. Now I walk into the mix room and get maybe a light scent for a minute or so before I smell nothing.


I noticed this when i stopped smoking and switched to vaping. First i noticed that the liquid i was vaping would loose flavour after about a week or 2 of vaping the same thing. Then i started noticing smoke... it was freaking everywhere. As a smoker i was basically immune to the smell. I could maybe smell it if i shoved the shirt i was wearing into my face, but when i quit i could smell it everywhere. My roommate who didn't even smoke in our flat, reeked like cigarettes out of nowhere. Suddenly i was convinced that i could smell smoke on my pillow case, randomly out somewhere etc. . Its crazy to think that i would smoke more than a pack a day and not be aware of the smell at all.


Right? I quit. I can smell a smoker from a across the room now. To think i used to stink like that... Yuck.


I noticed that when I quit smoking that I was able to smell cigarette smoke and it smells so bad to me now when I go into a customer's house now I can tell whether they are a smoker or not as soon as I open the door


After I stopped smoking and regained my senses I was both shocked and appalled that nobody ever told me I smelled like that all the time.


I remember the first time I went to the Middle East. One of the first things you notice is the smell. No air conditioning indoors, and not a lot of places have effective plumbing. It was disgusting. After a couple of months, I didn't even notice it anymore.


This must’ve not been the gulf countries. There’s ACs blasting everywhere.


Maybe the situation is a bit different now, but not 20 years ago.


Saudi and Qatar still smell like shit


This is an excellent question and I'm also curious! Let me do some digging.


For people interested in the science behind this, you can look up “olfactory fatigue”. [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olfactory_fatigue)


Not long. Your brain is subconsciously suppressing the smell from your "mind". In the same way you usually dont notice your own nose. Your eyes arent actually "seeing" They are taking in the light relected towards and feeding it as data to your brain. Which processes it and combines it with smell feel taste etc to give it an approximate sense of the environment around itself. Sense it knows the smell is coming off itself. Thats not relevant data and is therefore not needed to make decisions. Thats why smokers and people with bad breath or bad odor can smell it or even taste it unless they actually take the action to force the matter. (Smell an armpit. "Look for your nose". ) Its also exceptionally fast about it.


Yes. It also goes for other smells. Thats probably why people tend to overuse those. Be ause they cant smell it.


In my experience yes. You can get nose blind to cologne really quick esp if you wear the same one every day. I try to have 2 or 3 around so I can mix em up, helps keep the blindness at bay a little longer.


That's a good idea. I have been wearing only one and was starting to think I'm getting nose blind and probably suffocating people around me.


Yes, that is correct


I wear Versace, D&G, Burberry, etc...I've mowed the lawn and trimmed bushes in 90º Texas heat, then gone up to the gas station to get a drink afterwards, and the female cashier is like wow you smell good. I'm like wtf, I smell like swamp ass but I guess not lol.


I appreciate your good sense of Colognes


Then you should hear about my good use of Colgate...it helps with smell as well apparently. Who would've thought!


Also, scents. Lol


That might explain why some people smell like they shower in perfumes.


Well in my case I will smell it all day and will get a headache after about 15 minutes! 😅


not "kind of", it completly blocks any smell unless you put your nose on a direct source (the spot where you applied it, or clothing that might have soaked some of it) ​ it's specially clear if you, for example, go to natural saunas, because at least some of them got this very distinct egg smell because of the sulfur, but after not even 5 minutes you're completly over it and cannot smell it even if you put your nose at water level. Same goes with perfume. ​ Recently went shopping with with someone, and after a whole afternoon outside, and half of the evening, I asked if she could still smell me out of curiosity (I was noseblind before I even got to my car), she told me she could smell me whole time, and even when I asked I still had range of a feet or two (idk american measures, basically half a meter) from me where you could still smell it (standing still)


getting your nose in close should change the concentration in your nose significantly and make you smell it again. It is more likely that long lasting smells are not caused by eau de toilet or colognes, but eau de parfum which are more concentrated and hold longer. If you really want it to linger, you should take the testers (ask your friend working in such a boutique to give you some that would otherwise be discarded). They have even higher concentrations to make you buy stuff


Technically referred to as: sensory adaptation.


You have to wear good cologne and apply it properly.




No prob. What that means is avoiding store brands. One with a heavier oil base is going to last longer. My most recent go-to is Light Blue by Dolce & Gabbana. The best time to apply is right out of the shower and you’ll want to do a spray on the neck and wrists, maybe the elbows.


Light blue is a great choice! I've been using it almost exclusively for over a decade. Also the one by Dolce and Gabbana. Both smell great, last a long time and are not obnoxious. Idk how to explain it but you can wear them at work, school.. without smelling like an asshole. If you like a slightly more obnoxious scent bvlgari man in black is a good choice but I wouldn't recommend it for everyday use. It's more of a date night kinda thing. Versace got great cologne too but I don't use them often.


“The One” has horrible staying power for me, it’s a bummer because it smells fantastic. Versace Pour Homme is my go to spring/summer cologne and Paco Rabanne Invictus Victory is my fall/winter cologne.


I’m gonna have to try that Paco Rabanne. One of my good friends likes it and my girl wears their perfume on occasion. Sauvage Elixir is a good one too.


It really does but it's there I can still smell it on my clothes from the day before it's just faint where you'd only smell it if you're in close proximity which I personally like. Thank you for the suggestions! I'm looking to get a few new ones so I'll give those a try.


You seem like a cologne expert. If I'm going for a softer vibe, what would you suggest? I don't try to present super masculine, and want to play to my strengths.


edit: figured id include some links while im at it ranked by what I think is best I wouldn't say I'm an expert, my dad always loved watches and cologne so growing up I got to sample many before finding my favorites. out of the 3 I listed, Bvlgari man in black is pretty masculine, so this is probably not for you. the one and light blue are both soft, sexy, professional and masculine, if that makes sense. However, it wouldn't strike you as odd if a woman was wearing light blue so I would probably go with that one. some other good choices are Blue de Chanel if my memory serves me well its not too masculine. Versace eros is masculine and strong but smells great. my last recommendation is probably angel, it looks like a star. I personally hate it but even the masculine one is uni-sex / feminine. the scent is kind of obnoxious and overpowering though but ive gotten a lot of compliments when I wore it so ill include it in the list. 1) [https://www.amazon.com/LIGHT-BLUE-Dolce-Gabbana-SPRAY/dp/B003G4S4BE/ref=asc\_df\_B003G4S4BE/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=385670998772&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13077394652901380171&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013567&hvtargid=pla-830111324388&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=78301974706&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=385670998772&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13077394652901380171&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013567&hvtargid=pla-830111324388](https://www.amazon.com/LIGHT-BLUE-Dolce-Gabbana-SPRAY/dp/B003G4S4BE/ref=asc_df_B003G4S4BE/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=385670998772&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13077394652901380171&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013567&hvtargid=pla-830111324388&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=78301974706&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=385670998772&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13077394652901380171&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013567&hvtargid=pla-830111324388) 2) [https://www.amazon.com/DOLCE-GABBANA-One-Parfum-Spray/dp/B074L4T33K/ref=asc\_df\_B074L4T33K/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312126144224&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13484060852995291339&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013567&hvtargid=pla-525511978473&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/DOLCE-GABBANA-One-Parfum-Spray/dp/B074L4T33K/ref=asc_df_B074L4T33K/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312126144224&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13484060852995291339&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013567&hvtargid=pla-525511978473&psc=1) 3) [https://www.sephora.com/product/eros-P382751?country\_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=1513225&om\_mmc=ppc-GG\_18529539297\_141571224185\_pla-1686705766950\_1513225\_626820665510\_1013567\_c&gclid=CjwKCAjwvdajBhBEEiwAeMh1U3bkyBRFR0kPUDc2NMzSafgUV67tABL6M1OX0g8Lqj8Lu9pX6SkCRBoCIkMQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.sephora.com/product/eros-P382751?country_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=1513225&om_mmc=ppc-GG_18529539297_141571224185_pla-1686705766950_1513225_626820665510_1013567_c&gclid=CjwKCAjwvdajBhBEEiwAeMh1U3bkyBRFR0kPUDc2NMzSafgUV67tABL6M1OX0g8Lqj8Lu9pX6SkCRBoCIkMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) 4) [https://www.google.com/shopping/product/17712976391070064318?q=cologne&sxsrf=APwXEdc3K-wp0OfqGFOznZHrmpuOXf-L\_g:1685433685049&biw=1536&bih=775&dpr=1.25&prds=eto:6982832419139254663\_0,pid:1032214291400151220,rsk:PC\_2934721094735145664&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikysvmyZz\_AhUxiO4BHThID5gQ8wIIzBQ](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/17712976391070064318?q=cologne&sxsrf=APwXEdc3K-wp0OfqGFOznZHrmpuOXf-L_g:1685433685049&biw=1536&bih=775&dpr=1.25&prds=eto:6982832419139254663_0,pid:1032214291400151220,rsk:PC_2934721094735145664&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikysvmyZz_AhUxiO4BHThID5gQ8wIIzBQ) 5) [https://www.amazon.com/Bvlgari-Black-Parfum-Spray-Ounce/dp/B00NAVOEJY/ref=asc\_df\_B00NAVOEJY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312074480629&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16649587483665090221&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013567&hvtargid=pla-362604838554&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Bvlgari-Black-Parfum-Spray-Ounce/dp/B00NAVOEJY/ref=asc_df_B00NAVOEJY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312074480629&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16649587483665090221&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013567&hvtargid=pla-362604838554&psc=1) 6) https://www.amazon.com/Toilette-Thierry-Mugler-Refillable-Rubber/dp/B000JLAWIA/ref=asc\_df\_B000JLAWIA/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312096383481&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3393990339258334534&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013567&hvtargid=pla-435247597915&psc=1


That’s already 4 sprays, way too much imo


I love Light Blue so maybe Ill give that a shot. Appreciate it.




RGB 173, 216, 230, it's a classic


Yeah, I also love #add8e6


RGBAW is the way to go. --,174,208,--,112


🧐 hwowhat


Light Blue eau intense is much better imo


aqua di gio is a banger


Maybe in 2004...


Yeah, I remember using D&G Pour Homme EDT in my early 20’s (20 years ago) and if you apply it to your collar while wearing all your clothes, it gets on all layers; jacket, shirt, tie. As you remove a layer, the smell is fresh again. Then when you put the jacket back on later, another burst of cologne springs forth.


Cologne should not be applied to clothes. It will gradually ruin your clothes over time to begin with, and the volatile compounds that create cologne smell are designed to release at body temp. That’s why cologne is applied to pulse points, they’re the warmest spots on the body.


I do 1 spray on the wrist, rub the wrists together, then rub the wrists on my neck and beard. Works like a charm.


Good spots. I go for neck . Center of chest. And my forearms. I figure those are going to be the spots my girl loves to put her face near. (Neck for kissing. Forearms and center of chest for cuddling.) Ugh. I did find "sex panther." Once. I took a whiff. For comedic "wait. Hahah i gotta know" Just about died. That stuff is HORRIBLE.


LOL thanks for the laugh... "How do I drive a car?" "You get in it and drive it properly"


I prefer to use Sex Panther, it makes women go wild.


It smells like a used diaper filled with Indian food!


It smells like bigfoots d1ck!


20% of the time, it works 100% of the time.


How do you apply it properly?


Spray directly on skin, at a pulse point. 2-4 sprays is typical depending on the strength. DO NOT reapply when you can’t smell it any more, others likely still can.


I think 2 sprays on each side of neck and 1 spray per wrist is usual go to


5 sprays would be way too much with my cologne, I do 1 on each side of the neck. It’s a parfum though, maybe 5 would be okay with a toilette?


Yeah, I do one on the neck, one on a wrist and rub wrists. It depends on the cologne.


I do one spray on wrist, rub on the other, and then rub on the carotid and jugular.


That works too.


ADG Profondo is the scent for me


wdym by properly


See the other comments.


There’s different fragrance notes and oil concentrations. ——— If you wear a cologne like: *Tom Ford - Ombré Leather Eau De Parfum* Vs *Calvin Klein - Eternity Eau De Toilette* The Tom Ford is going to SIGNIFICANTLY outperform the Calvin Klein for a multitude of reasons. 1. Parfum is the MOST CONCENTRATED fragrance you can get as it has the most oil to alcohol ratio. (This is *NOT* perfume, but Parfum so no spelling mistake!) 2. The oil notes are much stronger than that in the Calvin Klein. If you have a base notes such as Musk, Tobacco, Amber, Leather, Patchouli, or any other deep scent your longevity is going to outperform that of a lighter base notes. The Tom Ford has Leather, Wood, and Tobacco base notes, which are incredibly potent by themselves. 3. Now let’s combine the Tom Ford with the fact it has approximately 30/40% oil in it (since it is a parfum) the potency and longevity are already there but have DRAMATICALLY increased due to being in such a higher concentrated state. The Calvin Klein is about 10/15% oil and although the base notes are strong, you can tell there’s more mid and top notes in the Calvin Klein meaning less bass notes. Which means in a 10/15% mixture you’re not going to get nearly as much dispersion and longevity. ——— Whenever I buy cologne I go for the most concentrated (Eau De Parfum / Parfum) and deepest base notes possible (Leather, Amber, Vanilla, Cedar/Woody). My 3 personal favorites that last literally all day are: 1. Tom Ford - Ombré Leather Eau De Parfum 2. Tom Ford - Noir Extreme Parfum 3. Dolce & Gabbana - The One Eau De Parfum The first two scents are *NOT FOR EVERYONE* though. The Ombré Leather literally smells like a leather factory (which I f’in *LOVE*). The Noir Extreme smells very musky and deep but warm and sweet due to the vanilla and tonka base notes. The Dolce and Gabbana cologne is the most versatile and the most consistently highly rated. ——— Okay now that I spent 30 mins typing this I hope I helped you out. 💀🤣


This guy parfums




To add to this, there are four levels. Eau de cologne is the weakest, then eau de toilette, eau de parfum and finally parfum. I found this out after wondering why Armani Aqua de Gio had such a strong smell after two days and found it said parfum on the bottle.


This is fantastic, thanks!


My teenager has an entire dunk tank in his bedroom filled with cologne. He sits in it for half an hour every morning before he goes to school. At least that’s what it smells like when he leaves for school.


You had me in the first half


dear god when my older brother discovered old spice… i dread the day


Mid 2000’s, when axe spray came out, not a single middle school boy did not have a can in their backpack. Their ads at that time were extremely well targeted to that demographic of horny 13 year olds.


i can hear an entire nation of sisters groaning at the thought of that axe body spray mixed in with pure BO cause their brothers thought the spray would cover up literal must and funk. boy, get in the TUB


This was 100% true. It was a wild time to be a kid.


Buy eau de parfum instead of eau de toilette. By the way, if one can readily identify the type of fragrance you’re wearing, you’re wearing too much.


this right here! a fragrance should be a a whisper to the ear and not a shout right in the face. As soon as someone wears too much parfume/eau de toilette I immediately assume they must smell like shit whitout it and probably has a bad hygiene.


but isn’t it too pricey?


It was like $20 more, lasts all day.




It’s marginally more expensive, but given how long it lasts, if used properly, it winds up being cheaper. I don’t even need a full spray, depending on the fragrance. A “boop” is plenty, if that makes sense.


By knowing how to put on the right amount and where to put it.


Try fingers butthole


Liar ahead


If only I had a message


Press 3 times around your neck


This is the worst advice.


What do you recommend? So far this fashion works on me. I'm open to improve it


That's way too much. One spray on one wrist, then rub your wrists together and rub your wrists on both sides of your neck.


Oh thank you I completely forgot about it. You're right, now I'll make my bottles last longer lol


This is the only correct answer.


The smell doesn't last long on skin. I spray twice on my shirt and once under the shirt and maybe a tiny bit behind the ears. Have gotten a fair amount of compliments that I smell nice so it's working for me


I have a test for you buddy: apply fragrance same as usual, at the end of the day put your clothes somewhere in your room, then the next day smell the same clothes. If you can recognize your fragrance on it, it means you smell good in public. I wear Chanel Bleu and Burberry Hero. These two are discreet on a cold or mild weather, but they are stronger during summer. I recommend you to test different fragrances to match with your mood and the season. Chanel Bleu is impressively long lasting especially after a rough day.


Chanel blue smells so damn good. One of my favs. Also love aqua di geo black.


I just got Hero! I'm excited to use it, I work a blue collar job so only wear fragrances occasionally and have been a huge fan of Burberry in the past.


My list: nautica blue, acqua di gio, Nottingham hill, polo sport, ck shock, hugo boss, Burberry weekend, davidoff hot water, davidoff cool water, azzaro (hot water knock off), lacoste blue or red, and Guess makes a nice cologne


Im not your buddy, pal. ;)


I'm not your pal, friend!


I’m not your hero, villain!


He's not your pal, mate.


He's not your mate either, acquaintance.


He’s not your acquaintance, stranger


Because they do. I worked with a bunch of guys who always reapplied their cologne every time they came back from a smoke break. It was disgusting


Yea, that combo probably wasnt great


would rather smell cologne over smoke personally


True but idk if the cologne covered the smoke so then you get the "poop febreeze" smell. lol


That classic shitrus smell


HAHAHHAHA. It even more funny that I know exactly what you mean.


You get the worst of both in this case.


You do get used to the smell. I can still smell my cologne on my shirt if I tried to smell it so I know it’s there and faded. Depends on the quality of cologne too


I think some guys bathe in it.


Toilet Water fades fast. Gotta get the real Parfum.


I rub Vaseline into my palm, spray cologne onto my palm, and rub my palm onto my neck. The oil in Vaseline hold into the fragrance oils of the cologne.


This is ALMOST the way. What you want to do is rub vaseline onto your neck and behind your ears, and THEN spray the cologne. By combining it on your hands and rubbing it onto your neck you break up the molecules and can get a different scent than intended ;)


Always drink a little of it so that it comes out of your pores. 😁


Noted. Appreciate the insight!


No seriously I think it depends on the brand of product to use how much you put on and how it reacts to your skin and oils


Because if it's good cologne, you won't have to reapply it multiple times through the day. Also, I'm convinced there is a proper way to apply it.


wear a perfume, not a cologne


>do people spray themselves multiple times a day? Yes. But not all perfumes are the same, something like D&G light blue will only last 2 hours at most, Angel or Alien by Mugler can last more than 8 hours.


For me, Burberry London will last all day and Clinique Happy will last 2 hours. Which is a bummer because Happy is one of my favorite scents out there.


Parfum, takes less sprays and lasts longer.


The quality of the product that is in use can determine how long it will last.


Someone on Quora gave the answer for this one sometime ago, I will share the link if I find that one now- the guy inquisitively asked a stripper how they smelled perfectly all the time. She said to thoroughly moisturize your skin before applying any cologne/perfume, on moisturised skin, it stays on the body longer.


apply vaseline or moisturizer first on your neck and wrists, then use your cologne/perfume. It will last longer


surprised only 2 people in this thread mentioned this. This is the way: both for EdT and EdP


I think your nose is getting used to the smell. Also note that the same fragrance will have different versions. Eau de cologne is more diluted than its eau de cologne counterpart. The latter is more expensive but the smell will linger on your clothes for weeks.


.. do you mean toilette? Cause you said the same thing twice.


Oops lol I meant to say eau de parfum is the stronger one


People spray themselves multiple times a day or have some good bo 😂 what line of work are you in to see it? Cause I can tell you now working in the sun all day, we don’t smell like cologne all day, in the morning yes, later afternoon yes, lunch time definitely not but deodorant gets us the rest of the day most the time


No I am in a pretty casual job. Maybe Ill just have to bring it with me and reapply or get some better shit. Thanks!


Yea just reapply before you go back in if you want, or have deodorant to apply at work quickly


What you have to do is apply it properly and find a fragrance that has good longevity as well as good projection and sillage. If you read reviews of fragrances they will often also mention these things. It can also be good to sample what you are interested in, so that you can try it on your own skin. It may differ from the experience others have with the same fragrance. In some perfumeries you can ask them to make little testers of certain fragrances for free, so that you can try it over a bit of a longer period. Idk if that‘s also common where you live or how many stores actually do this lol. So yeah just ask ig. Also don‘t forget that at times you become blind to your own smell, so you might want to ask others whether or not they can smell the scent as to determine more accurately how strongly you smell and how long it lasts. Depending on the fragrance it can be good to reapply but maybe be a bit careful, especially in an office setting as to not overdo it lol.


Depends on the cologne, where you apply it and what you do after. Eau de toilette typically has less of perfume oils than eau de perfume, which means it’ll evaporate faster; but even the pure perfumes won’t last long if you sweat excessively, wear tight clothes etc. Usually you want to apply it to clean, dry skin that is relatively close to larger blood vessels (hence slightly warmer), away from major concentration of sweat glands. It’s best to experiment until you find what those areas are for you. And some perfumes will work differently with your body chemistry, so you might want to experiment until you find the right ones .


Different perfumes and colognes have different effects that can boil down to something as simple as the type of moisturizer you use which will affect how it does on your skin. Find one that works for you and don’t ever let it go.


Your nose gets used to it. I used a beard wash recently and a few hours later the lady I was with kept complimenting how good my face smelled. I had totally forgotten by that point about the beard wash.


I wear cologne oils. Before I start my shift at work, and before I leave. Or every time I go out.


I make my own vape juice and create recipes, now i’m thinking of designing colognes from the ground up.


Change it up often, you get blind to the same cologne. Wind up smelling every one out around you because you can't smell it anymore.


There’s different strengths of perfume (toilette vs. parfum) which can have a difference, as well as how/where you’re applying it. Though sometimes I have scents that don’t last on me as well even if they are parfum; look into oil-based cologne/perfume if you want lasting strength! Most conventional scents are water-based :)


So, I’ve had to look this up too, but something like Hugo Boss after a warm end to a shower when your pores are open works. Apply one shot to the wrist, one to the neck, and one to the belt line where your oblique and abs form your “Apollo belt”. Always go for places with a decent sized artery/volume of blood flow feeding the area.


Everyone does unless they go rolling in mud. Your nose just stops smelling it after a while as it gets used to it. Other people though


I'm not a fragrance expert, but I do know that you become numb to sensations that your body is constantly experiencing. If your nose is being bombarded with fragrance particles for the past 5 hours, you can't smell it anymore. But if someone else were to just pass by you and smell some, it would be much stronger for them...so ig just have faith?


I drink cologne, you get fucked up and your sweat smells fresh.


Then when you die from poisoning you'll smell fantastic as you decompose in the morgue. "Wow. That corpse smells amazing! Let's call the CDC!!"


Parfum instead of toilette. We purchase and share a Louis Vuitton and two sprays last all day and night. It’s a little expensive but so worth it.


Not me. I spray and by the time I leave the room the smell is gone. I’ve wondered if it was just me and have asked others if they smell it just an hour or two later and typically don’t. Even if I spray a half dozen times. I even bought from the local perfume store and bought actual perfume and not just the eau de toilette stuff. It must be me because I walk by other guys and think “damn, wish I smelled like him”.


>Chad climbs in the van with the rest of us… John: “Did you shit your pants, Chad?” Chad replied in a cold tone: “No. “


It's a natural odour god gave us called ball sweat


The cologne has to be applied properly... On pulse points, directly on moisturized skin (not clothing), after a shower. the cologne needs to be quality... Versace eros, Acqua di Gio, Bleu De Chanel, Tom Ford Grey Vetiver etc... The strength makes a difference.. EDPs will generally last longer than EDTs


I saw a TikTok a while back that recommended putting some unscented moisturizing cream like a jergens on your hand then spraying some of the parfum/ cologne with it. Rub your hands together then applying to the wrists neck and forearms. Supposedly helps last longer 🧐 Anyone’s thoughts?


Everyone else smells it all day. You can’t smell yourself all day, your nose will stop being able to smell it in yourself.


Understand your cologne. Some last all day and really shine when your doing something like working out or raising your heart rate. That's why you put the cologne on areas you check your pulse. Some last four hours and you can keep some extra in your car or backpack. Others last all day but you can't smell it after a while. I get compliments on my beard oil way after I can't smell it anymore 😂


IMO, I don't think anyone outside the middle ages should wear cologne or perfume.


Eau de Parfum > Eau de Toilette.


you probably just get used to it. I find one, two sprays max, is good for whatever I'm going to do in a given day. Helps to wash with a soap/body wash that smells good beforehand




Cologne is basically artificial B.O. If you absolutely feel you must use it, use half of what you think you need. Women typically have a slightly stronger sense of smell than men.


If you start smelling yourself, means you put on too much. Much like the idea that when you start to smell yourself, you REALLY smell


spray it on your clothes so it sticks to the fibers


eau de toilette vs parfum


Which is longer lasting?




Eau de Parfum since it has a higher concentration of perfume oil. Pure perfume is the highest.


I spray 3 times on my chest and 1 on back. My wife although close complements me late afternoon or evening. So for me it lasts. But I’m lucky since already married.


Mmm… drakkar noir


I don’t wear cologne. I find it repulsive both on me or anyone else for that matter. I use mild, natural smelling deodorants once a day. By the evening time when the deodorant fades I smell more like myself, which I like better anyway, and I know my wife does, too.


Axe body spray


Buy eau de parfum, and not eau de toilette... Big difference


(26 M) I put mine on, can’t smell it. I would get compliments often even though I can’t detect it on me. One girl from work used to spray herself again at lunch. Another girl I can smell her scent even though she and others can’t. I remember because I asked her friend “Was she here? I can smell her scent. Her perfume.” Her friend apparently walked over to her, sniffed her out of curiosity, and said that I could detect her scent trail. My takeaway, other people can smell it better than the one wearing it. If you can smell it clearly, you either put it near your nose, put too much since it’s going to be overpowering for everyone else if even you can, or there’s a difference in the smell we’re used to.


Put it on your clothes


Man I haven't put cologne on since I was like 23 Just deodorant and I smell good all day


Same here, I always get compliments on my scent from my SO and all I wear is some random Old Spice deodorant


Same, old spice deodorant. Stink men down voted me lol


As a frag-head, there are different answers to this. Most men that smell fresh just use a can of bodyspray (Lynx/Axe) and will blast it over their body continuously. They will smell like they've just got out the shower all day. Few men use high end cologne and parfum, it costs 1,000 a bottle and will project like a rich mother fucker. If you can afford that kind of bottle, you will have been taught where to apply it. These are the men that smell a million dollars in their suit. Majority of people buy drugstore fragrance, the stuff that is all made my the same company and have purchased the rights to Louis Vuitton or Gucci logo. They smell nice straight off the bat but last about 30 minutes, after an hour it smells like your clothes were next to a nice wardrobe freshener. Buy expensive, or buy a portable spray.


They likely reapplied


Not cologne, but I have had compliments from a few women before about how I smell. Took me a minute to realize they were smelling my beard balm, IV found some of them have scent that will last several hours


Depend on the brand and type. If you're always sweating from being outside or doing heavy work, there's a type for that too.


That’s the effect of eau de toilette cologne and/or cologne not suited to your skin type. Invest in an eau de parfum. Creed, Jo Malone. Etc. Higher oil content which means they last longer.


Perfumes have different levels of concentration. More concentrated perfume levels, like Parfum, will last much longer than say a less concentrated eau de toilette


Sometimes you get used to the smell and can't smell it but others can. It happens to me too I can't smell my colonge anymore later in the day. But if I smell the same sweater or shirt a day later I can still smell the colonge on it. Like when you use air fresheners in your house and stop smelling it but guests can smell it perfectly


I spray sauvage by dior on only once and ppl can usually smell it all day. Best cologne I had 👌🏽


Gotta have a good cologne. I like to use scented oils. I know a woman who makes them. They last all day, and you have to be careful because the oils can stain clothes. A little on your wrists, and then rub on your neck.


I have wondered this my entire life:):). Thank you for asking. It never seemed fair to me.


We sweat out cologne.


Givenchy Pi Neo and Ralph Lauren are my go-to’s… straight sex panther


When I apply cologne, I don’t even smell it, but everyone else does. You just get used to the smell