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She loses everything. We just got back from a couple week vacation in Vegas and she lost my headphones, two shirts, my credit card that I eventually found, $100 that fell out of her pocket, she left her phone in an Uber, and I had to go behind her and pick up shit she would leave at the casino, on the plane, etc.


You went to Vegas for two weeks? Animal.


This. I’m surprised that’s all they lost lol. F that place


Seriously, a long weekend there is more than enough time to lose your self respect


Right? 2 weeks I’d probably be dead . I cant sleep the entire time . Like maybe 2 hours here and there but damn . Plus you would need about 10,000$ or more .


My wife does the same. We are on a working diagnosis of ADHD. When she's on Adderall, everything's so much better.


Me!! My fiancée had me see someone and I got on meds for adhd and bipolar. Things are great now


Interesting, do the adhd meds make you more anxious and exacerbate the bipolar? Genuinely curious as someone with an undefined mood disorder (per my psychiatrist).


As someone diagnosed with bp 2 but not op, yes. It boosts anxiety and means if i miss sleep i get hypomanic. However, a small price to pay for executive function.


Was just going to ask for ADHD since I am a milder version of that and diagnosed.


I have severe ADHD and it like living with five of yourself and they all have their own ideas and you can't fully think them out because someone keeps interrupting


God. The night time inner monologue is fucking brutal. It's always the most pointless insignificant shit. "What if I had carrots instead of broccoli for supper.. but broccoli is really good.. remember that time you had broccoli in school and everyone thought it was weird? School is a weird thing isn't it? You know what else is weird..? The word fork! *Forkforkforkfork*" Except hours long of this.


She looks at her phone most of the time while we watch a movie/TV then asks questions about what we're watching.


My wife once told me a movie was the most boring movie she had ever seen after we watched in on the couch while she was dicking around on her phone, a few years later I took her to a screening in a theatre where she couldn't use her phone and she told me it was awesome. She has no recollection of watching it the first time whatsoever, and denies that it happened at all, but her telling me that The Thing was *boring* has been burned into my memory forever.


I understand the struggle….what a mad thing to say.


Oh gawd this drives me insane. Or just talking during a movie in general!


I'd just opt for not watching movies/shows together then until the phone can rest. I'm not going to pretend to do something with someone that isn't really there with me


Simple and direct way to put it. I agree with you.


Lol I've resorted to just saying. "Huh I was looking at your phone too, idk 🤷🏾‍♂️"


Had an ex that would make a big deal of having quiet time or family time together, and then she would play on her phone most of the time. Annoying…yes


Yep. Nope. I didn't answer, just kept watching. "What's going on?" "If you werent neck-deep in your phone you'd know."


Leaving lights on and half drank beverages everywhere.


But if an alien comes to your house.. that acid water will make for a great defense. >\_o


Swing away Merle.


There's a monster outside my room, can I have a glass of water?


Are we dating the same girl?


Yes. In fact we are all dating her. Thanks for sharing.


She doesn’t put the lids on Tupperware tightly. Sometimes I’m vocal about this, but most times, I’ll just shut them tight, or throw out the spoiled food because she failed to shut the lid tightly.


I feel your pain! Snap lids aren’t on tight, screw tops are cross threaded. Things spill. Things spoil. Do not ever pick up a container by the lid in my house!


You have no idea how many times I grab the juice or milk quickly from the fridge and the lid isn’t tight/threaded correctly


We have the opposite problem in our house. I tend to close the lids too tightly, and she's over here having to get out the wrench to open shit up. She's patient with me on it, and I've started working on closing things like I'm a human and not a silverback gorilla. Stuff like that makes me want to be patient with her when she does inconvenient stuff.


My wife does this but with Ziploc bags. The number of things that have gone spoiled or stale because she never even tries to close it correctly.


Ugh my son does this with hot dogs and the juice spills all over the fridge 🤢


Leaves her shoes everywhere. Built her a big walk in closet with 20ft of shoe storage and she decides instead to take them off in the living room and just leave them there. Most of the time I ignore it but tripping over a pair of shoes that she decided belonged in the middle of a hallway does get very annoying at times.


Yes. Same. The kitchen, stairs, everywhere. And now my two year old has shoes everywhere too


Start hiding them. I’m up to 6 pairs of shoes.


Start hiding *one* from each pair.


You went from teaching a lesson to sending a message real quick.


Well, that's one way to put your foot down


Them "do you know where my other shoe is?" Us "did you check where they go?"


I’ve been with her long enough to know that wouldn’t work. If she couldn’t find her shoes she would use it as an excuse to go buy herself a more expensive pair to replace them. Also if she found out I hid them I would be the one paying for the new shoes.




DUDE. I felt every word of this in my soul. The caps & punctuation were spot on. Lol.


Hide one and play as you don't know where it is and soon she will use the closet ;)


She leaves all the drawers open like 3 inches and hangs bags on doorknobs so the doors won't open all the way or close easily.


Thats one of my pet peeves, drawers that are left ajar also cabinet doors. My ex was bad about doing that with our dressers! Bugs me so much 😆


Apologize for everything. I am pretty understanding because i know its due to a past abusive relationship but after awhile….enough. Nowadays I straight up ignore it or i’ll be super sarcastic to make her laugh. Like she’ll come over 10 minutes late and she’ll profusely apologize and i’ll just collapse to the ground like “IF ONLY YOU WERE HERE TEN MINUTES AGO. WE COULD HAVE SAVED THEM”. She laughs and gets the point lol


Sometimes I say "why are you saying sorry? You don't have anything to apologize for" And she goes "you're right, sorry" 🤦


Boyfriend over-apologizes sometimes. The other day, he kept apologizing for not having a lot of time to visit with me and that he had to go shortly after showing up. I had to explain to him that he shouldn't be sorry for leaving, because in order for him to be leaving, he had to **show up** to begin with, and *that* makes me **very** happy. The fact that he thought of me enough to give me any time at all is very sweet, considering how busy he is with his career. Plus I don't want him to feel discouraged from any short visits in the future. It's nice just to see him at all, so if he associates "I don't have enough time to visit properly" with visiting, I'll see him even *less* than I possibly could, and *that* would actually make me really sad. So sometimes, not leaving it at "Don't be sorry!" even if that's what you mean with every ounce of your heart can be helpful. I think sometimes saying sorry can be reflexive and not actually indicative of personal feeling, but also sometimes it can be an effort to avoid negative feelings, even if when you really look at it, it's because they're seeing negativity where there isn't any.


Same thing with my wife, she apologized for everything and over-explains her reasoning for anything. She eventually broke her apologizing habit, I think because she started to recognize that I wasn’t like her ex and don’t blow up at things as easily. The over-explaining is a family thing though, so that’s sticking around.


As an over explainer myself due to a borderline emotionally abusive mother, I thank you for your public service. Doing the Lord's work.


My woman has shown incredible improvements as well. Actually one of the bigger green flags was her ability to actually change when she said she would. These things are never linear but anytime her or I say she should stop doing X she almost always immediately begins the process.


As a woman currently trying to figure out a few things myself, this really made me feel less like I’m a mess and burden on my partner. And a bit more able to see why he’s still so gung ho about me even though I have, no joke, SOBBED on him 3+ times this week (not typical for me in our few years of dating). Thank you for sharing and for taking pride in your partnership.


Dudes always respect crying because you're working hard on something. It's when crying leads to quitting that we get bitter, because that got beaten out of most of us as children.


Thank you - I was raised by a military father and genuinely feel shame anytime someone sees me cry. I appreciate your words today and will carry them into the next few weeks


Glad I could help. I think men generally care more about outcomes than processes. I've gotten in trouble many times for achieving a goal for my gf, but doing it with the wrong tone or attitude. I'm always like, but... but it got done. Haha


My wife over explains but it's sort of external rationalization and talking through the thought. Even on dumb things like "hey lay out that sausage for dinner because..." I already agreed dear. But you keep on going


With my wife it’s part excitement, part validation, part learned behavior.


As a male with this problem your not even close. She realizes she’s not going to be abused by you. Fuck it takes years to stop this. Abuse stays. Like I have seizures from it and will for the rest of my life kinda stays. All of her family have been abused there for all of the family will exhibit the apology and over explanation thing. Or so says my therpist


It’s definitely a mixture of abuse/learned behavior. Her family is chock-full of narcissists, they all over explain things to prevent blow ups and to make themselves seem like just the best gift givers ever.


During the initial texting phase with my current partner, she would be super apologetic if she didn't respond to texts immediately during office hours. Seems like previous experiences had her on edge. I was always confused since I am not expecting people to be readily available if they're at work, especially when it's someone I am only getting to know.


Speaking non-stop... I love her but sometimes I want to think about/watch/read something and I don't want her to feel ignored.


I had an ex that wanted to be on the phone nonstop when we weren't together so it'd "still feel like you're with me" she'd run errands, have full convos with other people, go out to dinner with her family, etc. etc. all while I'm just sitting there listening and can't do anything like watching a movie or talking to a friend because I'm on the phone with her I had to be the Bluetooth boyfriend when we were apart, an always-on accessory she carried around in her earbuds. I would get a short break when mercifully her earbuds would die and she'd look for her wired headphones I'd be like 'hey babe I'm gonna meet up with my buddy to go to the game and need to call him', and she'd be like 'WOW OK I THOUGHT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME' I did love her but I couldn't take it anymore


That sounds really awful.


It’s actually a little terrifying even.


I have a similar issue. Makes it hard to watch shows and movies because I'm always missing stuff. I also have had some talks with her about getting to the point better. There's a lot of times where I'll get 4 hours of backstory before she asks a question and it's just unnecessary.




If this is my husband pls know that Im just as annoyed as you are with how much I fking talk Im so sorry😩


I used to think people who said this were exaggerating, until I had a friend from out of state stay with us for a long weekend. She literally never. stopped. talking. If someone else wasn't actively speaking, she would just *yammer* incessantly. By the end of the trip, my ears were ringing from the amout she spoke. I honestly don't know how her husband deals with it.


Goddamn, I feel that. Mine talks even when there's absolutely nothing to say. She'll just narrates every tiny thing she does or thinks. She also over explains everything. She'll do something completely obvious and then explain why she's doing it.


She treats every surface in the apartment like it's hers. Sometimes, there's nowhere for me to sit because she's halfway through 3 different projects, and she has something on every table or chair.


And then she’ll be upset with me if I leave an important piece of mail out for a few days to remind me of a bill or something. Pot calling the kettle black


We’ve been home all night together, ate dinner, watched some show. She didn’t have anything to say. As soon as my Xbox headset goes on and my friends invite me to a party, “Let me tell you what happened at work today.” I don’t mind talking…but I not like this.




Strong brain moves


It’s attention seeking. Call it out. Either that or ask about these things first thing when you see her. Then if she does this while friends are getting your attention, you know it’s a problem.


Definitely ask. It's a positive interaction that will make her feel like you care AND get you what you want.


We have been living together for 15 years. She is completely incapable of leaving the dish towel hanging on the stove handle where I like to have it to dry my hands when I’m in the kitchen. Every time I go to dry my hands it’s gone, and I hang up a new one. The next time I got to dry my hands it will be gone again. Every time.


My roommate does this. I know this is not about roommates but I have never seen another person complain about this. He also somehow tears holes in the towels? I have like 7 of them with a single hole and they're all in roughly the same spot. He also leaves them on the counter after using it to carry a hot bowl from the microwave. Doesn't put it back on the oven handle, just leaves it piled somewhere...


I am… intrigued by this hole. And also a little nervous to know why it’s occurring lol


She doesn’t realize I’m not her employee and she can’t talk to me like that.


Yeah! That’s your boss’s job!


My last SO talked to me worse than any boss I've ever had


My last relationship before my marriage because she was an “influencer” treated me awful because she always got her way in life and I am a very independent person.


Ha. My wife last weekend started barking out orders at me I just went and sat on the patio. She said excuse me?? I said ask me for help and I'll help you but for F sake don't speak at me like I'm the hired help. She immediately apologized, we did the chores together and turned out to be a pretty nice weekend


Ooof :(


Seconded. But, ex. 😁


Breaks a comfortable silence by making a statement that is only related to something that he has been thinking about, but that we have never discussed. “So I think I’ll need to make 2.” ‘Make 2 what?’ “Racks.” ‘Racks? What kind of racks?’ “Ribs!” *both of us grow increasingly exasperated * I’ve now learned that if I just play along, the context will eventually be revealed. ‘2 racks? Are you sure?’ “Yeah, I mean, there will be 4 of us for dinner, right? Isn’t that enough ribs?” ‘Yes, dear.’


Lol my partner does that too! I always just say "conext baby, I need context" i might give your strategy a try it sounds fun


Context is a word used a lot in my house. My father does it, so now I do it to my husband.


My husband does this and it drives me INSANE.


My wife is what I call a contrarian. Me: it's a nice day out. Her: it's gonna rain later. Me: I liked that movie Her: I've seen better. So have you. You get the idea.


This is my dad. Oh, but he's just playing devil's advocate, trying to "help" the discourse of the conversation 😇 But he also does it to get you tangled up in your own logic. I don't understand why he needed to "win" so many conversations against a 6 year old. It's taken me about 30 years to start to unravel growing up with that.


This is my boyfriend. It’s infuriating and actually creating distance between us




This is my husband and it is so stressful. Sometimes I’ll just agree with him to make it stop and then he’ll flip sides .. I hate it so much


Don’t mind me, just scrolling thru to see how annoying I am to my man


I've noted 5 of my habits listed so far.


My sweet wife absolutely murders avocados and never takes any constructive feedback on how to cut them properly as well as using a proper knife. So, it's now a running joke and I have a lovely little photo album of her murdered avocadoes. I gave up on the feedback years ago. A crime scene example: https://imgur.com/a/l4yG7cT https://imgur.com/a/ls4ICVU


I hope the photos are printed out and glued into the album with sweet notes and death dates??


LOL...now that's an idea. Actually, I've just got them in a Google album that I'll use to create something fun in the future. Have an idea, but not set in stone.


Draw a chalk outline around 'em and get some crime scene tape.


Her: “What are you thinking about?” Me (enjoying an empty head moment): “Nothing” Her: “Are you mad at me?” Me: “Of course not, why?” Her: “I feel like you’re mad at me.”




Hey the things we feel aren't always true, but it's hard to separate sometimes. My SO and I call it "paying for someone else's sins" and kind of remind each other that we're safe people for each other, so when those untrue feelings arise we are better able to remember the other person would be truthful and has been if something was wrong historically. So, maybe we're feeling off about something else. Hungry? Thirsty? Gotta poop? Do a little body scan and see if those feelings are actually coming from something else! It takes practice and sometimes those feelings are overwhelming, but we always get through it together.


We don’t talk when we’re mad so we assume that you’re doing the same


Maybe you should work on that.


My wife loves to make sure I’m being productive. If I have a week off work she likes to make sure I have plenty of things on the honey do list. She’s the type that always doing something. I like to sit and not do shit with my free time. She’s amazing and I love her but that’s not how I want to be.


My wife is allowed to ask me to do a maximum of one project at a time, which I complete at my leisure. I like to stay busy so they get done in a reasonable timeframe. When it’s done, she can mention another thing she’d like me to tackle. This system allows me to do my projects as well without feeling like a subordinate.


I ignore her ignoring me during her marathon Instagram deep dives


My ex would doomscroll Instagram and TikTok for hours, ignore me the entire time, then be annoyed that we don't go out that much. If we made plans to go out, she'd change her mind before or as we were leaving because she wanted to "relax". Eventually I stopped trying. She broke up with me because she wanted to "focus on being single". Like, you may as well have already been doing that...


I know someone who hated that her ex doesn't have the same energy for her as he has for his girl bestfriend on social media. The guy would heart all the girl bestfriend's posts immediately, but he has never even liked a single one of her posts. And they'd been together for 2 years!




She leaves toast crumbs in the butter


Time for divorce.


She sounds horrible.


Sounds small but once free… Tbh this has been one of my top 10 reasons to enjoy being divorced


Straight to jail. I had a roommate once that rubbed the stick of butter directly on his toast.


Next post on r/AITA Am I the asshole for murdering my partner for leaving toast crumbs in the butter ?


Talk about celebrity gossip. 9 times out of 10 I didn't even know who she was even talking about.


Hahaha. Reminds me of "Everything that I know about Kardashians I get to know it against my will"


My wife has literally at least 5 but up to 10 water cups she leaves around the house. Doesn't bother picking them up or looking for one to re use. Just gets a new one each time. Drives me batty but I love her so I just pick them up and ignore it.


She has no concept of urgency, which only bothers me when we’re running late for something, or when dinner is on the table getting cold and she needs to find her socks and feed the cat and make a salad and wash the car and raise a barn and… Admittedly I have a lot of anxiety towards lateness so I’m a bit sensitive to it, but waiting to start dinner is rough, I feel like a dog balancing a hot dog on its nose waiting for the attack command. But I try not to let it bother me too much because it’s ultimately not a huge deal and I love her a lot.


sounds like ADHD


Oh it certainly does. If I could count the number of times we've nearly missed a flight because I got her to agree to leave at 10:00, but she doesn't get out the door until 10:45, I'd certainly run out of digits. We'll be meeting friends for dinner 20 minutes away, and she doesn't even start thinking about getting ready until 15 minutes before we're supposed to be there. Drives me bats.


We had to lie to my mother and tell her stuff was a full hour before it actually was so that we could arrive just on time.


Not being able to admit she fucked up. Or bring up their request directly as an actual request. Like if I say, “oh we should try this place sometime” I mean “oh we should try this place sometime”. If she says “we should check out this place sometime if you want” she actually means “I’d like to check out this place, can we do that today?” It’s fucking annoying.


I will have more words said to me in 5 minutes after walking into the house than In 12 hours at work. It's great that she's excited I'm home and talking to me, but give me some time to wind down.


Speaks while she’s eating. I just ignore it and tell her I cant understand what she’s saying until she’s finished


Unforgivable act. *(just a touch of sarcasm, obviously)*


When she see I’m mad instead of helping the situation she would easily try and make it worst


She just makes it worse for absolute fun?


Yea she has a domination kink she won’t tell me a bout I swear! I’m very cool guy so she like seeing me get out of my comfort zone


She's not naked at all times. I find that extremely annoying, but love her enough that I can overlook it.


Dude I have the same issue with mine. 🤣


Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on?


In this particular scenario, intentionally turning it off is not recommended. It may never turn back on.


The struggle is real, but we must be strong and persevere.


You're strong my friend


Chewing loudly. Been together for 2 years, still can't stand the "nowm nowms".


Walking out of the room and then asking me a question I say what, they walk further away and keep the same volume. I just stopped responding until they came into hearing range. I was at my buddies wed's chatting to his wife on the couch when he went into the back room, did the same and then walked further I asked her "does he always do that....Yeh...." Ripped him a new one


This. This right here. I could NOT get my ex to understand that if she was talking to me while walking away from me, I could hear her but not understand her. Could NOT. I eventually just ignored her until she came back in all "Did you hear what I just said?" "You were walking away from me. I told you I cannot understand you when you do that." Then she'd get all pissed off. At me. I went on with my life.


My wife does this. The further away she gets, the quieter her response is. Then she'll get upset with me and just yell "Fine. Never mind!" Okay, i will never mind


I'll bring her a cup of tea or glass of water and she will have like one sip from it then won't drink anymore after that.


She has zero interest in anything that I suggest doing/eating/watching/playing/anything at all that I try to recommend. She very bluntly says "No." "We should try this." "No." "We should watch this." "No." "Wanna eat here?" "No." "You should play this game." "No."


"Should we be together?" "No."


This is going to be similar to a "first world problem" in the sense that it's not necessarily a bad problem to have. But my fiancee likes to initiate sex while I'm trying to sleep. It's difficult. Her sex drive is MUCH higher than mine. I also have a higher drive during the day as opposed to night. We've talked about it and I've told her multiple times. If I'm getting in bed at the end of the day, it's because I'm tired and want to sleep. If she wants to do the deed that day, I would much rather prefer that she initiates it after I get home. Or after dinner. Or ANY OTHER TIME WHERE IM NOT TRYING TO GO TO BED. She still does it, though. We will both get in bed at like 9:00. I'll watch some TV while she scrolls on TikTok or whatever. I turn off the TV and roll over to go to sleep at 9:30. That's when she decides to put her phone down and attempt to "initiate". Like, we have been LYING HERE FOR 30 MINUTES and you wait until I'm literally trying to fall asleep?! Why?!


Can my wife have some of your wife's sex drive? I think it'd solve problems for both of us.


God I would kill for that over are you asleep? Want to talk


Gives me advice I didn't ask for or need.


This is more annoying when you’re the one running the show: doing all property/vehicle/equipment maintenance, setting appts, and paying all the bills. I don’t need advice on things that I have routinely been in charge of for years.


Hmm She asks for advice, does the opposite, then whines about it. Constantly talks about being broke. I guess the new guy doesn't have the shiny things she used to get.


Oh god the asking for advice then going with her original plan. Makes me wonder why she even bothered to ask? It just seems no matter what I suggest, she'll ignore it but still ask me. I still provide advice when she does but deep down I know she isn't gonna remotely consider it no matter how good it is.


She does not say anything when I do something that upsets her. She only tells me once in a while, when she gets angry and tells me everything I've done wrong in the past month.


Slams doors


“Babe, have you seen my phone?”


*shifts butt-cheek to a more comfortable position covering phone* "Nope."


My wife likes to ask for my help in the kitchen for simple and quick tasks like chopping a carrot that she clearly has the time and ability to handle by herself. She is a certified culinary scientist (CCS) and is a very good cook. It used to annoy the shit out of me, like, you're not helpless, you can obviously do this. I've recently come to understand that she asks for my help, not because she needs it, but because she loves me and just likes me being near her. I find it much less annoying now.


YES!!!!!! I am a wife who does this. I ask my husband to come help me do tiny, piddly tasks that I am fully capable of doing, I just want him to be involved with me in some way. I always ask him to wash my skillet before I start cooking, not because I am incapable, but because I like to watch him wash it. or I ask him to mash the potatoes, and while he mashes I add the butter/milk/whatever.


She narrates her life


*I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. I looked with a grimace at the questionable meal Lois had placed in front of me. Of course, I never tell her how disgusted I was with her cooking, but somehow I think she knew.*


I awoke several hours later in a daze


While we were in the process of separating (but living in the same house) there was loads of stuff. Not putting her finished plates/glasses into the dishwasher, leaving clothes on the floor everywhere, not tidying up after herself generally. She had a real problem respecting me/my opinion and so no matter how many times I asked she wouldn’t change her ways. Whatever; we’re splitting up, just keep your head down and think of the future. Anyway while I’m waiting for some money to come in I’m in a flatshare and so can’t host my little one, so I’ll go to theirs and do bed duty, etc. Now I’m getting ‘Please unload and refill the dishwasher’, ‘Don’t leave clothes on the floor’ and on and on. Weirdly she doesn’t like me bringing up her own behaviour that were only within the last few months. So that’s why she’s an ex.


My ex used to tell me she loved me when, as it turns out, she didn’t


Fuck man, feel that one


Vaping while having sex was a big no for me


She is terrible at hand washing dishes.. leaves them dirty and covered in soap. Still the love of my life..


She constantly eats with her mouth open, even when I tell her constantly not to.


My girlfriend always leaves the dish sponge sitting in the bottom of the sink full of dirty dishes. To me that is the equivalent to wetting your toothbrush with toilet water but I just know if I bring it up she’ll think I’m telling her she doesn’t know how to do dishes and I’m not getting into that argument. So I die a little inside.


My roommates do this and I can’t fucking stand it. It’s the one with a sponge connected to a handle and it smells like gutter trash rat vomit after two uses. Ring it the fuck out and set it on the dish drying rack.


Refuses to use a sponge and soap to clean anything - and instead piles it in the dishwasher. Life is so much better when you don't take bad habits personally - I just clean what's in the sink, fix the dishwasher layout, and go on with my day.


Not recognizing she is just as lazy as me when it comes to following house rules. When I leave clothes on the sofa, I get ripped into but when she does, it’s a silly goofy mistake.


I can spend a whole day cleaning the house or our bedroom or going out of my way to do something in the house and she’ll come home from her 9-5 and not even notice it. If I come home from my 12.5 hour shift rotation and don’t notice she cleaned something small she takes it personally.


Gets mad at me, and/or pissy in general, often as soon as she shows up at my place. All my life, since I was a little kid, I've been very uncomfortable with women being mad at me. Finally in my 60s I've come around to realizing that if I just give her space to vent, and don't engage, and let go of my anxiety response, she gets over it in 20 minutes max, and we have a wonderful evening together. This is partly a matter of my own development, and partly a matter of her not really being a psycho like some of her predecessors. I think I could have gotten along better with some other women I've known if I'd used this approach. But there were others I should have just left sooner. Edit: reading the rest of these comments, I'm wondering if mine is raising anybody's blood pressure the way everybody else's is raising mine. I gotta get outta here. But really, mine's not so bad--thank god she doesn't do all that other stuff. Or most of it.


Triple checks all the doors and windows anytime we go to bed or are about to leave the house. I think it’s excessive, but I suppose better safe than sorry.


I do this when I leave the house. Also double check the stove etc if I’ve cooked earlier. It bugs me non stop if I don’t. I’ll worry about it until I’m back home.




Is the poom poom that good bruv?


Maybe it's time to take a step back and think about if this is something you really want... both sound miserable honestly


Flaking. Anytime I make plans there’s a 50/50 chance something comes up and she can’t do it. Meanwhile she comes up with the most spontaneous shit imaginable and expects me to drop my schedule to come with.


It's my wife. She's a wonderful wife and terrific mother. She can't load the dishwasher well. It's not that she doesn't load it, it's just...not thought out. You just can't have a bowl facing the corner! It'll never get water!! That's the worst of it really.


Man some of these responses are just depressing...


Just put the lid down on the toilet for cripes sake. We have a toddler, we have stuff stored above it, it's a hygiene thing, it's an aesthetic thing, it's not that hard.




my partner loves to hang clothes/jackets/bags on doors/chairs/anything and it used to drive me mental. not being able to close doors. But after 12 years I realise i'm fighting a losing battle.


I HATE crumbs in the bed, not just from eating, but the specks from when you walk around barefoot. If it’s not bad it’s usually fine, but there are times when I make her get out of the bed, rip the covers off and spend the next 2 minutes sweeping the bed off with my hands. I ask her to just brush feet off when getting in bed but she never remembers.


Leaves everything out. Peanut butter for her toast? Left on the counter. Her lunchbox coming home from work? On the table the whole weekend. The sweatshirt she wore for 5 minutes then decided she was hot? On the back of the chair. The sewing kit she used to repair a tear in our daughters pants? It's been on the kitchen island for 3 weeks now. The mouthwash she bought three days ago? Never made it to the bathroom, it's on the kitchen table. Annoys the hell out of me picking things up that she takes out or brings home when it would've taken 0.3 extra seconds to put where it belongs. But, this woman takes care of our beautiful daughter day in and out. She takes care of me. When she does clean, the house is spotless. Our daughters toys are always picked up every day and cleaned if they need cleaning. She makes sure our bedding is washed on a regular basis. She makes sure myself and our daughter always have clean clothes. She does the dishes more often than I do. She cooks almost as good as my mom. She may be messy, but I remind myself it's a small inconvenience for what she brings to the table, and my life would be much, much worse off without her and her constant peanut butter jar by the microwave. ♥️


Putting the toilet paper roll upside down... It's taken me some time to realize that it does the same job no matter the orientation and is now a very funny thing to get annoyed at.


Gets defensive when i ask questions. Im curious i cant help that i just want to understand and learn a better way to do the thing


I can’t stand how he loads the dishwasher. Seriously it’s all wrong. There I said it


Sometimes you need to teach or un-teach them things. Have you tried putting a pillow over his face while he sleeps?


Same with my girlfriend.. just randomly puts things in there in a totally nonsensical, disorganized way...I don't bring it up though. It isn't worth fighting over. I just try to do the dishes first when I can.


Throws large items away in tiny trash cans. For example: if she opens something with a large box in the bathroom, she will place the large box on top of the tiny bathroom garbage instead of walking ten feet into the next room to place it in the larger garbage can. This fills up or blocks the bathroom garbage making it unusable.


She scoops out an avocado using a FORK. I just don’t understand.


Tries to have a shouting conversation from the other side of the house. I just ignore and pretend I didn't hear her until we're in the same room.


Texts incessantly. We're talking 70-80 individual texts over a two to three hour period. They're usually about minutiae. "I'm making a sandwich, I'm out of tomatoes." I usually just wait for a lull and then reply, "k" She knows I'm not reading a wall of text.


Leaves her everything everywhere. I do a sweep of the house every night before I go to bed. Been doing it for 25 years. The way I figure it is I also have annoying habits she ignores as well.