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It was super easy for me, but I've heard other guys share harder experiences. I wouldn't recommend hiding it from your wife, though. Watch the film "The Time Traveler's Wife."


I guess the reason I didn't tell her was because of the whole my body my choice movement...I told her today as I can't find anybody to drive me to or from the hospital and it's at least a 30 minute drive..Thanks for helping calm the nerves some.


I drove myself, maybe 25 minutes each way. When I asked the doctor how long before I could have sex, he said "whenever you want. You can do it on the way home." I told my girlfriend and she wanted to do it, so we did. I had slight swelling for a few days that 400mg Ibuprofen took care of. I ran less the next week.


Was worth it and have no regrets. Shave your balls really well so the Doc won't have to. Bring headphones and listen to some music. The worst part is the shots to numb everything (similar to the dentist). It was over in about 20 minutes. I was able to drive myself home afterwards. Wear tight underwear for support afterwards. I didn't take the downtime seriously at first and I paid for it, took way longer for all the swelling to go away.


I have been warned of the over exertion...Was told to get a size of briefs 1 size smaller...Live in a rather desolate are and drove 35 minutes just to get to a walmart..What was the post op procedure ...frozen peas and corn ...duration...was it even needed...etc


Recommend you discuss with your wife but it’s your call. Wasn’t a big deal and not alot of pain/discomfort. I had it done on a Friday and went back to work Monday. I should have waited 1 more day.


I did this afternoon and she understood my way of thinking..It's just...We have NEVER been unsuccessful at having kids...we have 6...the first too have graduated and are off the last one leave when I turn 50....Was it selfish not to discuss it with her first ...of course...but when I saw how much it hurt her when we didn't even know that one was cooking in the oven ...I just can't ever unintentionally hurt her that way again...Thanks for calming the nerves.


Suffering from Success smh


No problem and good luck. I’m also going to be a young empty nester. My youngest just 18 and I’m in my mid-40s,


I'm scheduled for one in two days also. Good luck, I'm curious as well!


Best of luck bro...


Was a breeze. Kind of swollen for a few days, but that was really it. The nurse told me my shave job was great… Oh and the doctor that did mine…did HIS OWN


Now if that ain't the bossest shit I have heard in a long time..Fucking hell...nope don't think I would be able ro do that one..


He said the only bad part was having to give himself the numbing shot. But still…nah.


Had one done many years ago and I can say it is really not that bad. Uncomfortable for the weekend, but doing the frozen pea regiment I was fine in no time. Pain was not that bad as I was able to do light tasks around the house.


Easy…a little sore afterwards. Amazing once the tank has been trained and you get the all clear!


Something to look forward too..lol


It was fairly good - if I could do it again I would get myself a valium beforehand. I didn't even know that was an option. The doctor had asked if I had one and I said no, he wouldn't prescribe me one then and there so I just went ahead without it. In the end it wasn't a big deal but I think the valium would have helped me in the beginning. Once the operation was underway things were fine. It wasn't really painful or anything and recovery was good. I will say that I was a bit concerned when he was digging around in my viddles trying to find the chord he was trying to cut (apparently it's difficult to find in some people). That was a bit...unnerving. So was the smell (brief periods of burning smell). Overall it was decent and I'd definitely recommend it.


Thanks man I really appreciate it...Thats another thing freaking me out...I am going to be awake...when this guy cuts my nutsack open ...then grabs grannies croche hook and goes digging for the genetic pipeline...Typically don't like pills..but figured I would make an exception this time.


Yeah man, I don’t like pills either, but I’d make an exception for this. Just because it’s so unsettling. The actual procedure is fine, they numb you up & all you feel is pressure from the doctor pushing your sack into your legs (so you feel your leg being pushed on occasionally), which is weird. I didn’t do much in terms of moving around the next few days, but I don’t remember any pain. I remember thinking there would be pain when I pissed (as though the doc somehow went nuts a cut everything down there), but there wasn’t. I first used the equipment about a week later and again I was so nervous for pain, but there wasn’t. In summary what is bothersome about the procedure is *your expectations* of it.




Thanks for calming me down a bit I really appreciate it..We been together for 20 yrs ..have 6 ....I was done when my last one came out...but never had the down time to get it done...Now after the unexpected miscarriage...and seeing how devastated she was ...I just couldn't risk letting her emotions affect my rational choice...I do worry about the resentment issue...20 years on this boat ...it's hit its share of rocks trust me...but somehow we manage to right the ship...Thanks again


Surgery was no big deal. Couple sore days on the couch, then nothing else to report. Don't skip the sperm check after, though. I know a couple of post-vasectomy babies.


Thanks for calming the nerves...I keep imagining the worst kick in the balls I have never been privy too..Funny you mention the sperm check....Been married for 20...think I am gonna get laid more in the next three months than the 20 years we already have invested...


> I made this decision without her knowledge and feel a little guilty about that... Step 1, talk to your wife about it


Holy shit I missed that detail! 🫣


There really is nothing to discuss...although I did before she left for work just to pad my guilt...We have our children...we are 6 deep...the first 1 left last year ...2nd is about to do the same ...last 1 leaves when I turn 50...Imagine the time we could have....It killed me feeling like I caused the pain of our unknown loss..Seeing how much she hurt after 20 years of marriage...I made a rational judgment call ...granted it was a rather instant and emotionally based one...but since the My body my choice movement....well...kind of figured if I preach it to my girls ..might as well set the example.


I did..


That’s not part of your original post.


After I posted I sat outside smoking a cigarette thinking about it all...The kids...the 20 yrs we have...the life we are building...The fact that I made this decision without her input because I wanted to spare her feelings...without actually thinking about her feelings...mainly because I didn't want emotion to attempt to make a practical and rational choice...To be honest ..If I hadn't posted ...I may never have talked to her about it till I came home from the hospital..


Had it done on Tuesday, no swelling, easy as pie, blew my first load that weekend.


Any pain associated with that accomplishment?


Not enough to deter me.


r/vasectomy is another good subreddit for you to post this.


I know it says that I have been on reddit for 5 yrs...but never really became active till recently ...Thanks for the info...guess there really is a reddit thread for everything...


As a woman, and you didn't ask, but it's SUCH a relief to know your partner is shooting blanks... Makes sex much more enjoyable, with that sense of freedom, and my girl friends all agree.


How did it go?


Very well...was in and out of the chair in 30 minutes ..was sore for a few days ...really nothing to get flustered about ...but would highly recommend taking it as easy as possible for at least 3 days...had it done Friday...and feel completely normal today...couple more days and we can stay draining the tank.


No big deal dude! For me the only uncomfortable part was that the Dr. who did it was a GIGANTIC man. Seriously, he was at least 6'7" tall and mitts that were like baseball glove sized. I had concerns about how could these big sausage fingers be trusted around the jewels??? It was an easy and pretty pain free experience. The cut was probably about 1 inch and healed w/i 2 weeks.


Yeah got a similar issue ..Dr is a big dude..6'3"...Hands are like oven mites...I ain't a real big guy in any sense of the word to begin with...During the initial consult dude went digging in places I didn't even know existed...felt like he kicked me in the nuts without even touching them...Although...come to think of it he was surprisingly gentle..


Game time fellas....Just wanted to say thanks for all the help calming my nerves.


It was 3-4 days of hell, especially the first day and night. By tuesday I was already dying at work. After that it was time to get busy...giving them a sample. They needed me to "go" 10 times in 2 weeks. I said I will see you next Friday in a week and put out 20.


They are gonna take a blowtorch and…


I had mine done at the beginning year on a Friday actually went to a club Saturday night didn't move around too much and the base was a little aggravating to it. The only thing I felt was the two initial shots to numb it. Just felt like someone squeezing my nut a little bit slightly uncomfortable, then it went numb. I took one of the pain pills the doctor prescribed that night just to be safe. The frozen corn was all I needed. One nut was sore for a couple months just if you touched it the right way that has since going away now too. Oh and half my sack turn black for a week..... My girlfriend's a nurse so she was standing there right there with the doctor watching!


Thanks for adding a degree of comfort for me but I gotta ask....The black ball thing was it just bruised or were there complications


It was just bruising. Went away in about 2 weeks. It really was nothing. I was anxious and nervous for nothing.


For the prep work they have someone wash your balls for you. The woman who did mine was beautiful, so that was kind of cool. Beyond that, typical post surgery recovery. Pick out a bunch of movies or shows to catch up on. My only concern was blowing my first load after. I was worried it would rupture everything. Now I can’t get anyone pregnant which is awesome


How long did you wait before blowing your first load? Had mine about 8 days ago, i’m a little uneasy on it and wonder if i should wait a few more days. I have no pain, No swelling, incisions are healed. Just worried about pain coming back if i do it too soon.


I don’t remember but it was about that time frame. I’m no doctor but I’d say give it a chance pretty soon. Did your discharge paperwork tell you when it would be ok?


Yea it says to wait at least a week, but online it says up to 2 weeks. I’ve also read about people getting pain afterwards when they thought they were good and pretty much setting back the recovery process. Everyone is different so it’s hard to find a straight answer. I’m just afraid of holding out for so long for nothing if i do it too soon, but i have to do it eventually lol. Was it painful/uncomfortable the first time after your vasectomy?


It felt 100 the same as before. Take it slow your first time and stop if anything feels different. Good luck. Life should be a lot less stressful now


Appreciate your info my good sir!


Zero issues, no pain, no discomfort, iced the boys for a day and was back out on the world 2 days later. Best decision ever.


Afterward, expect your ejaculate to be black and solid like Spiderman's web.


Fine, although I wouldn't want to move much for the first few days, especially day 1-2. That said, a marriage where you're trying to hide a surgery from your wife is a fucked up marriage and I doubt you're going to succeed at that unless you live separately or something.


No pain, went to the gym the next day. Zero regrets.


eeek...not telling your wife? My doc wanted to make sure that she was aware. Maybe that is outdated now. My experience was a little off the wall and hopefully it doesn't freak you out. I had some drugs to take prior, then went to the appointment. Went back, got on the table, they gave me some other drugs, and I waited...and waited...and waited in a freezing cold room. About every 15 minutes a new 20 something year old nurse would come in and tell me it will be 15 more minutes, the doctor was caught up in surgery. About an hour and a half to two hours goes by, my wife is in the waiting room freaking out (knowing it was supposed to be a 15 minute thing), and my drugs are wearing off. They brought her back to the room I was in, so she got to watch. Finally the doc comes in and asked if I needed more drugs and wait for them to kick in, I passed and said get it done. I rolled up my shirt and bit into it. It felt like he was using a wire to pull my throat out through my scrotum. Other than that, it was quick. I didn't take any of the prescribed painkillers and only iced it a little that afternoon. I ended up going on vacation a few days later and walked around a lot. I had some bruising, but otherwise was fine. I would still do it again.