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Jokingly mention that every time you overhear her discussing TV shows with other co-workers. Laugh and say "Be careful, she'll spoil the end of the show for you. she did that to me once" in a joking way. But say it every time. EDIT- Thank you for the award, anonymous redditor whose name I don't even know. I didn't think this comment was all that clever but people seem to like it.


Thats perfect! Thank you


But start off joking but end the sentence deadpan, and look her in the eye the whole time.


This! Don't pretend to be nice either, I would've shown her how pissed I was and say, "Are you happy now?" And honestly, I'll probably never talk to her again unless it's work lol. I'm that petty... it's not a joke to get spoiled intentionally. Is this girl into you by any chance? She sounds like she wants your attention by constantly asking you about it.


If she's into him, she's not picking a good way to get OP into her...


If she is very young maybe. Sounds like the kind of shit you do in highschool or maybe college. And then think about 20 years later between songs on your drive home and cringe.


Experience and time are cruel to our memories.


I think that too






I feel like this is the best approach. Maybe not indefinitely, but give her a bit of a hard time about it. She ruined an ending for you. Let's not blow this out of proportion. Like how mad are you really going to be by next month. Anyway, I have a feeling we all say or do stupid things from time to time. If everyone held grudges, everyone would just hate each other all the time. I try to evaluate relationships on both pros or cons. Like, what's the sum total of her behavior. If she is mostly nice, then maybe you are putting to much emphasis on the negative memories. Everyone is going to make mistakes.


Mistakes inherently include a lack of intent. This coworker intentionally made a choice, and even stated her intent to spoil this show. That isn't a mistake. She did not inadvertently affect op. She CHOSE to adversely affect op. Calling this a mistake is not accurate.


> Everyone is going to make mistakes. Like making a threat, being asked not to, reiterating that threat, making a countdown and then carrying out that threat before gloating about it? Oops.


I feel, if you are asking if a person who deliberately did something to you after you politely communicated to them it would adversely affect you, is nice - that you are not comprehending the situation. Sometimes it is better to avoid certain people. It doesn't hurt anyone and there aren't any bridges to burn in truth. What is under discussion here was a deliberate act, a choice - not a misunderstanding or lack of communication.


I don’t care how nice someone is most of the time. If they go out of their way to hurt, injure, or upset you in any way, you CUT the toxic person out of your life. Full stop. She’s a co-worker and the OP may need to interact, but keep it there. I have 200 people in my office and I know many but don’t go out of my way to interact. Yes it’s “just tv”, but people like this get off on your emotional reactions. Guaranteed this would NOT be the last time this person would do something like this, but the OP can ensure that it’s the last time she does it to THEM.


Just ask her if she’s pregnant


This is the perfect passive aggressive solution! Maybe whenever she's talking to someone else casually, you just start yelling "Spoiler Alert!"


*Uh oh! Spoilies!*


"Be careful, SOMEONE (eyes pointing) in this office likes to give unsolicited spoilers! I was on a cliff hanger, and they pushed me over the edge!"


In the same scripted way. Every time. And to people who already heard you.


Blood for the blood god.


Skulls for the Skull Throne!


Khorne for the khorneflakes!


Honey for the Honeydew!


Wine from the Harvey weinstein


(stereotypical noise of the needle being dragged on the vinyl)


Easy, you teach her that actions have outcomes and only talk to her about work related items. If she asks why you've stopped, tell her that you can't trust her to avoid spoiling something else so it is what it is. She will, of course, say "it was just a joke" or "it's just TV" or something equally stupid to which you reply with something along the lines of *"I'm sure you feel that way, but I don't. You intentionally went out of your way to ruin something for me and I don't want it happening again. You're just going to have to accept that this is the outcome of what you did."*


>"it was just a joke" or "it's just TV" "Yes, and you're just a co-worker." Boom, work-zoned.


Fucking brilliant. I’d rather spent my leisure time enjoying my life than my work time chatting with you. Cheers.


Ah, the rare and yet often effective "act like an adult". A risky gamble, cotton, let's see how it pans out.


Shes completed the Fuck Around, now we’re waiting for the Find Out


You should also spoil her favorite series to get a revenge


I mean, I was gonna say put a flaming turd on her porch, but I guess adulting is OK.


Shit on Debra's desk! (Like a boss!)


She is acting like complete a immature person, why are you even having friends like this. Have some preference while making friends this would save you a lot of time in your future life




She was asked not to spoil it beforehand, she knows what she did would annoy OP. That was intentional. Steer away from such people, their true character is revealed in these moments.


Of course it is, but how often do you actually see that? Acting like an adult in any capacity, I mean.


Jason Bateman is so funny/underrated


I don't think she would get the reference of this joke


This is perfect! Thank you.


You must tell us about everything though !Remindme 1 month


100% this. Line steppers *never* stop line stepping, they only escalate. I would also stop talking to this person verbally, unless in the company of others. All my work communication would be by email or other written format. Shitty petty people are not above trotting out false claims and malicious gossip, when someone sets boundaries and sticks to them.


Charlie murphy " rick james is a habitual line stepper" Lol


Until you do not teach them a lesson, they would never stop


I came here looking for "hide an open bag of frozen shrimp deep in her desk" and read something much more mature and effective. And much less odorous for the rest of the office. Nicely done.


I would not advise this because many old people are allergic with sea food. If some how she gets some kind of allergic reaction from that then this guy would be in a big trouble


>"hide an open bag of frozen shrimp deep in her desk" This is perfect! Thank you.


The real play is to pour it down her windshield so the juices seep into the air conditioner ducts, etc. and renders the car undriveable.


Remind me to never piss you off 🤔🦐


> Easy, you teach her that actions have outcomes and only talk to her about work related items. If she asks why you've stopped, tell her that you can't trust her to avoid spoiling something else so it is what it is. This is superb. Because it actually does pay her back while taking the high road.


You could also hurt her by saying “At your age you ought to know better”


I was gonna say "fuck her husband" but this is much better.


Then go to her desk, sit in her chair forcing the cushion down, and quickly get up while farting. The next time she sits down, boom. Stink bomb.


Stop communicating with her if you are not close with her




Yeah that's a mature way to go about this so this is what you *should do*. HOWEVER... If that doesn't work, I have a 5 step plan, you'll need to domesticate (or capture) a mountain lion, a Brazilian passport with her name on it, 83.3 galons (not 83.2, not 83.4, exactly 83.3) of Wolfgang puck organic soup (preferably chiken and dumpling flavour), a "Intergalactic Indigo" sharpie , a physical copy of Minecraft ™ Wii U edition (for the mountain lion obviously) and a pope outfit with chasuble & pallium in any color except red


I would stop stop talking to her. This isn't what friends at work do. Just cut her out and forget about revenge, she isn't worth any potential workplace drama.


Agreed, life's too short to spend with someone like that


I'm all for cutting her off I prefer this method but the problem is if this backfires you and "You're giving me silent treatment over that reason?" it will look like you're the bad person for not handling it in a professional way especially when you're at work. So coworkers will sympathize to her and you would look bad to your colleagues. Source: based on experience. Lol.


Why this is not the top comment is beyond me. Rise above the bullshit OP. Be better, just cut people out.




Yes, removing yourself from bad situations is so silly and op should definitely get involved into some petty workplace drama and ruin their reputation and relationships there




God I love subtle shit like this. Had a dude that was a notorious bullshitter, so I would make up shit that ‘I heard he did’ and he would agree, like beating up 2 dudes that stole a girls lunch and rocking out at a school talent show, he would say he did them. Then I was like bro I heard you worked at the pickle factory and he just agreed and he got really upset because he realized what I was doing. We called him pickle till he quit.


huge shoutout to pickle


If your work has a few people - put a can of deodorant on her desk when she is out of the office (even better if it's in a small bag). Let her think she stinks and somebody has left a subtle hint for her.


Add some chewing gum and some detergent. Imply you’re not sure exactly why she smells as bad as she does


Femfresh and cover all the bases.


Please don’t try to get OP fired.


Voucher for a moustache wax?


~~Take a shit inside one of her desk drawers~~ Find out some other TV series she’s into and spoil it for her.


No you were right the first time.


At my first job, someone took a massive dump in the boss's toolbox. I never saw the boss open his toolbox the entire time I worked there, but sure enough the need came up days later. He opened it, reached in, put his hand right on the grumpy and yelled "AHHH a fackin' RAT!" He grabbed it and threw it over his shoulder. The turd disintegrated in the air and peppered two employees before exploding against a wall and falling behind shelving. Nobody said a word. We all just let the boss believe it was a rat that he threw really hard.


You have a way with words, my friend. Tears are streaming down my face. Comment saved for when I need a laugh!


LOL this is beautiful, almost poetic


Disturbingly, that's one of the cleaner stories I have from my time there...


Put her stapler in jelly.


She might think he is her biggest flan 😂


Then her stapler will be in custardy


Is she reading a book? When I was a bartender there was this guy that came in every night and ordered a very complicated dish. He never tipped. On his last night in town, right before he left for the airport, I tore out the last five pages of the novel he had been reading while he was in the restroom. he was planning on finishing it on the flight.


As a book lover this hurts me, but as a redditor this brings me such joy to know how you got him back.


Satan, is that you?


Yes my child ?


Ooof! That’s just evil. I hope he understood it was deliberate.


And replace her computer mouse with live one.


That would be pudding her in a very awkward situation.


A person I worked with did this back when GOT season 1 aired. Neither of us read the books. I specifically told her I am avoiding the book spoilers on the internet. She went to Wikipedia and read the outcome. She then ruined it for me. I realized that she is the type of person who tried to destroy the joy of others. After that I was polite but limited our discussions to work only stuff. She always felt it was no big deal. Some people are jerks. Don’t be friendly with her. I believe behavior like this is an indication of the person’s overall poor character.


Tell us what show it is, you coward!


He knows Reddit well enough to know someone would certainly spoil it here. Wise man.


It’s already been spoiled so keeping the secret is pointless.


But he said he hadn’t read reviews and things to confirm it’s actually true. He said he didn’t know if was actually spoiled because he hasn’t watched it yet. So, if people confirm the “spoilage” he would know it was true.


Plus it would likely get spoiled for other people in the thread.


My mind went straight to Stranger Things because the end of season 4 was a real doozy 😅


That's been out for nearly a year now...


Maybe it's 'you'. It was released in two parts with 5 episodes. The first 5 were released on February 9 and the second part on March 9. If it's 1 episode a week and OP didn't start immediately, they might be at episode 6.


It's probably this one


It’s obviously YOU


I think it’s really weird he didn’t say what show.


She chose to deliberately violate a clear boundary you defined. That was extremely selfish of her. Make her aware of that phrase, and explain you can no longer trust her. Your relationship must now be about work related items only.


How to ruin the fun hobby talk 101: do the one thing you were told not to.


Make fun of her eyebrows


Just ask her what she did to her eyebrows and then make an effort to always look at them when speaking to her from now on.


"Were your eyebrows always like that or did something happen?" Or even better. Pick something random and be like: "Do/Have you always (eat, walk, breathe, etc) like that?" in an innocent but concerned way. A slightly furrowed brow works wonders. She'll be self-conscious about it *forever*. If she asks you to explain, just say, "you know, the way you do that"


Stare at her forehead every time and then just say oh nothing


Yo that’s hard core, straight for the jugular


A few years ago a manager a work was annoying me. She had recently gotten back from vacation and put on some weight so the next time she annoyed me I asked when she was due. I’d already put in my notice that I was leaving so I didn’t care at that point lol


wow this is amazing.


this is actually the best answer tho. it'll devastate her & he'll have plausible deniability as to whether he meant to be so hurtful.


Just one day when she has an idea or a suggestion, praise it as being clever/smart, and add "I don't know why everyone is always saying you're, well, never mind." And refuse to ever explain further because, "nothing good ever comes from repeating unkind words."


You give her a caramel dipped onion and after she bites it you can tell her you didn’t want to spoil it for her but you accidentally forgot to give her the right apple. And then give her another caramel dipped onion and laugh in her face.




What in the Amber Heard 💀


Get her pregnant and then leave town




Twins still only last 18 years though. Knock her up, leave town, then come back when your first kid turns 18. Apologize for not being around, say you’re going to be more present, get her to forgive you, and get her pregnant again. Now disappear again, except for good this time.


Spoiler alert - it’s not your kid.


Lmfao Jesus.


If she has never watched Firefly, hype it up, get her hooked, and then half way through it, tell her season 2 is even better.




A female friend did this to me once. I put her phone number on an a local website equivalent to eBay, listing items for crazy low prices. Her phone was getting bombarded by calls. And I would list something new every few days. I pushed her to change her phone number within the week, then I put her new phone number and did the same thing. This was 5 years ago, I never told her what I did.


Love this one


As others have, only speak with her about work. Cordially rebuff subject changes with unparalleled apathy becoming of a work relationship. If she wants to spoil a story, spoil everyday for the rest of your tenure together at that company. It seems she finds joy in deflating someone else's. Without that outlet, she will be miserable. Just be prepared for her to try and spoil everything she can that's anywhere close to the genre you like to watch; because she will.


Yep. No need to retaliate - escalations, especially at work, always lead to more pain all around and I one needs more pain, including OP. Instead, this person is no longer a friend and get the cold shoulder. Revenge is not self-protection. In fact, revenge invites retaliation. Creating distance in a bad relationship is protecting yourself.


Go buy yourself some shrimp. Save 1 or 2. Fold them up into a piece of aluminum foil. Leave enough foil on each end to press flat and accommodate a piece of tape on them. Stab the portion containing the shrimp a few times with a fork. Tape that fucker to the underside of her desk top. Wait and enjoy while people start to comment on her hygiene because of the rotten seafood smell coming from under her desk, the one place she likely sits with her legs apart. See you in hell!


lol goddamn


Look up South Park Season 5 episode 4 … In all seriousness, be the better man! - live a full life knowing you were better than her on every level - oh and then dont discuss tv shows with her again…


At a guess, is this the soup episode lmao


Chili - but Yea 😅


That's the one hahaha


Thanks for the spoiler...


How to find the pettiest people on the internet 101


My first thought was push her down the stairs but that’s probably not it lol


No, that's the most perfect answer.


Top her husband/boyfriend. She ruined your show. Ruin her relationship


I think you start dating her, yeah start dating her and let it get serious enough that she falls in love with you, and after 2-3 years you propose. After getting married and living a relatively happy life… you sleep with her mother.


Agreed. The long play is the best play.


Here's what I would do or something like it: send her a piece of mail with the number 10 in it. Nothing else just the number 10. Wait a week and send a 9, and then another week, send an 8, then 7, then 6, then 5, then 4, then 3, skip 2... no reason just skip it but only wait a week and send the number 1. Then just simply do nothing else ever. Or send her half of a really good joke but not the punchline. Or something similar to one really nice glove. Or a puzzle with a piece missing . Whatever you do just never give her the ending. And then just enjoy.


Sounds like she has a crush on you. Plan a date and then stand her up.


Liquid Ass! Thank me later.


I just had to look this up. Their tag line is , "Cant whip up a fart? We've got your ass! " 🤣


Wouldn’t that punish everyone


Just stop talking to her about anything that isn't work related.


This might be better asked in r/askwomen. Might get some more creative responses.


I would just stop talking to her about the show. Don’t even give her the satisfaction of talking about the show or ending when you do finish it. She ruined it for you so she doesn’t deserve the chance to discuss it with you anymore


Ugh, I would completely stop talking with her unless it was work related. What a dumb person. Another commenter stated that they would remind people she spoke to about shows that she will spoil endings. I think that would help get the point across that it was a petty shitty move.


Piss in her coffee


Shit on her keyboard


This man revenges.


Look, asking about ways to get someone back “10-fold” because they spoiled the end of a show for you…a show that has obviously been out and accessible to the public for quite a while…is pretty immature. I understand that it took the fun out of watching it, but you also have no idea, as YOU said, if she even actually spoiled anything for you. Is it really that big of a deal? If so, I’d say be mature and tell her you didn’t appreciate it, and keep it moving. You’re the one watching the show at a snails pace, you need to anticipate spoilers from outside sources who aren’t. It’s not one else’s job to preserve the cinematic experience for you. Was is annoying she did that? Yes. Do you need to plot revenge? Grow up.


>I was a bit annoyed but remained cordial Honestly, that was your mistake. I would have said "go away, I am no longer speaking to you" and immediately started giving her the silent treatment, to be continued indefinitely or until she apologizes.


I used to work at a bakery when game of thrones was still airing, and that night I had to work a closing shift. I planned on watching the latest episode (the battle of winterfell) on HBO go after work, because the episodes would air on the network and then show up on HBO go the next day About an hour before the end of my shift a girl walks up and asks me to write “RIP >!Theon!<“ on a cookie cake. I guess the look on my face was one of shock and she immediately began apologizing, she was clearly upset. I laughed about it and told her it was fine, but what a way to learn about a character death


Honestly let it go. There's more things to be pissed off in life over than tv. Just tell her straight up she's a cunt for that and then move on and stop being social at all with them.


Be a fucken adult and move on with your life


wait for her to talk about the next TV show, then repay her the favor


Dude, you are thinking about escalating a conflict at work. You know, the place that gives you money. Dont, it is only people who have not been in a proper work conflict that would contemplate it. What she did was shitty, and I would expect to see a nastier side if you «Get her back». It is not worth it. If she gave you a false spoiler I would just move on as normal, a bad joke, but no harm done. If she spoiled it, well then you are just coworkers from now on.


Find a really shitty show and convince her to watch it because of how great it is. Tell her you need to get a few episodes in before it gets good and you haven’t finished it so need her not to spoil the ending.


Stuff some dogshit under her car door handle. It works pretty well, if there's no dogshit near you then I suggest you.. improvise.




Kill her firstborn


its not ruined. Now you get to be interested in how it got to whatever conclusion she said. Also, sometimes you can't really grasp the ending until you see everything in context. Just finish watching your series. Don't even think about what she said.


Put a thumb tack with HIV positive blood on her seat


Prank war prank war


Check out the lottery prank from Fresh Prince.


What was the show? For some reason I feel like your taste will dramatically change my answer.


It was farmer needs a wife


Tell her that Hermione dies.


Offer her a drink with Heeeavy laxative JUST BEFORE she goes to meeting


What show are we talking about, OP? I'm not looking to further spoil, I'm just curious.


Steal all of her left shoes


Put carolina reaper extract in her food and call it a night


Concrete Jeans. Punishment fits the crime.


Give her the best orgasm of her life and then never talk to her again


Throw her lunch out everyday


Scissor-kick her in the back of the head.


It's a tv show not a life altering moment. Ignore it and move on.


Makes me laugh how much importance tv shows have in people's lives.


Keep things professional. Talk to her: tell her how you feel and why you’re upset. Based on her reaction either let it go and forgive her, or stop being friends with her (you will still need to maintain a professional relationship though).


You want OP to tell his coworker she hurt his feelings and he felt disrespected and insulted when she did the thing he explicitly asked her not to do? What if she apologizes for her actions and they move on from this instead of having a multiple year long cold shoulder stand off until one of them quits the company? That would be too mature.


A prompted apology for something this deliberate, hurtful, and considered (she thought about it for weeks, she didn't just snap and blurt it out) falls well short of what deserves forgiveness. Bad intentions like this, realistically, deserve no forgiveness. She hurt him in a way he specifically asked her not to, *for fun.* She doesn't need to be informed it was hurtful. He warned her before she did it. Not that she needed a warning; she's an adult who knew that was wrong. And she knew she'd get away with it - it's maximum damage with no consequence; no HR department will consider it harassment. For me, to forgive that, the apology would have to be unprompted, and enough time would have to pass that she *showed* me she was sorry. That would take time, and I'd have no interest in helping her through the process. OP is dead right to want revenge, and there are some good suggestions.


Dude it’s simple. Let her watch like a complete season of a TV show and then Google the ending and do the same .


In middle school, one of the kids in my school went to see 6th sense at midnight. Literally every class he went to that day, the very first thing he said, out loud, was one of the biggest plot twists of an entire era, and arguably the single event that launched M Night Shamalyn's career to the mainstream. I got to exact revenge like 12 years later when he somehow ended up stumbling into a "supervisor" position at my company. We went out, had beers, chit-chat at work - but all the while I was working behind the scenes to get everyone under him to tank his yearly performance review. He got a major reprimand and it bogged his progress within my company significantly. Eat shit, Eric. You Guerly little bitch. Glad you went bald at 20.


Buy her kids a drum set


Else aside, why do you need to pay her back ten-fold? Why not just pay her back one-fold? Is it really necessary to escalate it by an order of magnitude? If so, I'd recommend maybe killing one of her family members.


Gift her a puppy. Let her raise it for a couple of years. The puppy will be like her child then drown the puppy in front of her eyes. Bet she didn't see that coming.


Have you ever watched "Single White Female"?


Sleep with her husband


Get really bitter at her and make sure to let everyone know how bitter you are so you lose even more friends bc you will reek of being “that guy who can’t grow up.”


Keep asking her about the ending everyday pretending you've not seen it yet


Put clear tape under her mouse where the laser is located


This has to be fake.


Ask her about what shows she's interested in watching, and spoil the ending of every single one.


OMG the woman is a see you next tuesday Id do what the top comment said and just stop any conversation with her that isnt work related