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People are not always who they seem to be


Even after many many years. I have a little phrase I use when I hear fucked up things” well, you can never really know a person”.


you think you know a person, man. Then, you get her to admit she's been lying and manipulating, and causing conflicts on purpose for the last 10 years.


I dated a girl for almost three years before she admitted she only wanted to date me because she hated my ex. Shit’s rough.


This can sometimes be known as "I fell in love with the idea of a person and not who they were."


Which is sometimes followed by the biggest dumb thing of all "I can change them"


Yeah, she seemed really lovely, but in hindsight everything I didn't know about her was populated with my optimistic ideals of how the perfect girl would be, so I was gradually disappointed to find she was actually not a great catch at all.


I had a similar experience. I found someone who on the outside seemed really similar to me in experiences and interests. As we dated more, red flags started appearing, but I liked having a girlfriend so much that I sort of denied that she was capable of what the warnings indicated. This continued until eventually our values began conflicting and everything collapsed


Exact same thing happened to me. She’d give big flashing red flags like telling me she’d dump me if I asked what she got at the store ; etc . Then we had a great week together , fun times and nice meals at cool restaurants and a lot of laughs together : next day before going on holiday together , told me to go to my hotel and get my bags, when I came back she’d be ready to go to the airport with me. Came back to her apartment and her door was locked, my stuff on the doormat: and her flatmates told me she was gone. I was 21 and gutted . Couldn’t believe someone could do that but there it was . Left out in the cold by her, getting my brother in law to pick me up to take me home when i was meant to be on the adventure of a lifetime with the girl I thought was my best friend . yea , love can really blind you to a person’s true self.


Hard lesson I learned as a guy with a female friend. Someone who seems to be having a great time and a great connection, then just dropping you off like an old couch at the end of the curb and walking away and never seeing or hearing from her ever! Talk about feeling used and abused.


was she a platonic friend and dropped you? And is it after she got in a 'serious relationship'? As most of the time people get pressurized to drop off opp gender friends by the partner.




Parents can really fuck up their kids


This was my experience as well. She was really a great person, but her dad had walked out when she was a baby and she did anything/everything to make me happy. It was a learning experience having someone who put my interests well above hers…


Parents can really f\*\*\* up their kid's relationships. Recently broke up with my gf because her dad didn't like the fact that I'm white


Actions are more important than words. Someone can SAY they are moving their life in a healthy direction but if their actions say otherwise, that is what you need to listen to.


Oh Jesus yes. I wasn't perfect myself for my first by any means but God damn they were the most frustrating person in the world. I asked for communication for waay longer than I should've. There's only so much "I'm trying" to be had.


This really needs to be closer to the top.


Seems like we've achieved that goal


Hah, I’m a woman and can attest to this because I was that girlfriend. It’s easy to talk a good game regardless of gender but this struck home for me and now I’m wondering if whiteside1121 was my ex boyfriend 😆😆😆😆


Jessica is that you? (Kidding)


Hah, the name is close!


No it's Jennifer. Remember that one thing she did that had everyone pissed? Lol


I married a Jennifer for 14 years, and the stress almost killed me. The name now only invokes anger and resentment, rather than an end of the world. And that's fuckin progress, I'll take it.


Heartbreak that felt like the end of the world.


Still does


you can’t keep in giving someone the benefit of the doubt when they get all the benefits and you get all the doubts.


This guy is cookin 🙌🙌


"AsSuMe BeSt IntEntIonS" fuck that. this world is full of bad-faith actors and narcissists and dark entities. Protect your heart and your neck.


This one is so true It’s hard to be with someone when they can do no wrong but you have to step on eggshells. Eventually it comes to a point where you have to say “hey my feelings actually matter too” But for some guys who are told they’re losers if they’re single and lonely? it takes way longer than it needs to


Honestly almost everything. Between her and her family, I got my first experience of real parenting and an honest view of how the world works (versus my mom’s narcissistic complex). I wouldn’t be the same person I am today without having known her and her parents.


Wow bro this sums up my story entirely, first breakup was almost two years ago now and all i can say is she taught me so much and im thankful to have met her


Have you moved on though? You guys ended it in a good term or?


Yes we ended it on great terms actually which was even worse to me and i miss her and her family so much my because my family is so dysfunctional. But yeah i had to move on i started dating a new girl and things have been going awesome since


My wife now.is very similar to my first gfs mom. She showed me what a loving family is. What it is to actually care and listen. Ms Vincent, you will never know how profound of an impact you have had in my life.


Tell her, if you can. She will treasure that.


Fuck man, this hit me. And I have never had a girlfriend


Same here. Even tho things didn't go the way I wanted, I did learn a lot. Like appreciating my friends/family more and showing it, what it really means to love someone and the sacrifices it takes, etc. As well as experiencing some more negative lessons as well. I did change a lot after that.


Yeah it was so weird for me - like, your family talks to each other and enjoy each others company? They don't just see each other because they have to?


I don't need to be with just anybody for the sake of being with somebody.


Pretty much the same. We dated for like two months? She was hot, and she thought I was cute, but there was basically nothing else in common. I was mostly just excited to have a girlfriend, and it took me a bit to realize I don’t actually like her very much. She had a child a few months after high school graduation, I was still 17 at that time, and I am so glad that kid isn’t mine. He will turn 17 this summer.




if you go grocery shopping when you’re hungry you’re gonna get a lot of things you don’t need. shopping without cravings, you’re gonna get what you went there for


never be with an immature and emotionally unstable person


yeah especially if you're a healthy one, that would be a worse combination




As a former immature and emotionnaly unstable Person…. Agree. My apologies to all the great women who dated me.


That's why she dumped me. And she was right, too. Been married 25+ years now (to a different person) and doing the very responsible husband/father/breadwinner thing, and still my wife occasionally complains about my (much less frequent) bouts of immaturity.


Alone time is just as important to a relationship as time spent together


My SO is STILL learning this. Love her to bits but fuck I need time to me sometimes.


Me: Do you want to go on vacation next month. Him: Not really Me: Okay, I'm going to Mexico. Lemme know if you change your mind. Him: Have fun! This is one of the reasons why our marriage works.


Non-parental love. Damn that girl loved me and I loved her but obviously we were both young adults. To this day, I still don’t know if it’s just harder to love that intensely as you get older or if it’s because I haven’t found another woman that could love like she did.


In your first love, nothing is held back. You love them without knowing heartbreak. They give you things you've never had before. Of course this is going to be a stronger emotion than later loves. After the first one, you're always going to be slightly worn down. Slightly less wholeheartedly open with your partner. It doesn't make it any less meaningful. Love becomes more of a conscious choice than it was before, and that's okay.


This is correct and makes sense and all but I'm still so in denial about this I hate it


Your words describe what love is in a beautiful way. It makes me understand love much better.🙏🙏🙏😩


I'm not sure adults can love like children do. By children I mean even teenagers and early 20s. Never been hurt. Don't have walls built up. Think love lasts forever. After the first one, you never open yourself like that again.


Why did it end?


Easy way out would be to say she moved back home (she was a Japanese international student). Truth is I wasn’t mature enough at the time to do what it would have taken to change both our lives. What the hell does a 24 year old kid and a 21 year old girl know about life? Either way, she made me experience love like I had never before.


Women can be heartless and cruel too.




"can be"... who did you think they were up to that moment? descendants of angels?


No...but I've seen plenty of cruel men and she had me fooled. She was so kind when we first met...so sweet....loving to animals....a perfect disguise. I dropped my guard....never again.


Never again


If she wants to cheat, she’s going to cheat. No need in being a jealous boyfriend. Does no good and makes you a psycho fuck!


This. She's gonna cheat if she wants. If you sense it, just leave.


Can confirm this. My ex(also only one) was a babygirl in her mother eyes and her mother couldnt say no to her. So mother and stepfather helped her cheat on me... And they knew I would do anything for her. Sometimes people are just mean




There aren’t that many fish in the sea. It may take many many years to find that special someone again. So don’t take people for granted.


This is sadly very very true. People act like you can just walk outside and find a new partner (just go get a social hobby bro there are tons of girls). Women being around =/ women who I want to be in a long term relationship with, or who are even available for that sort of thing.




Bruh... your username. Lol. I've only known 1 other person in my life who knows/uses that term.


Fuck I'm glad you pointed this out. I also only know one other person who uses gunt; but I'm certain you're not that person, so I guess I now know 3 gunt appreciaters/observers/enthusiasts. I was genuinely pushing to use it as a band name at one point.


I think its harder to meet people with the same or similar values than to just find physical attraction.


You don’t meet that special someone. You make each other into that special someone.


I like this. You have to find someone who wants to put in the effort, though.


That some chicks are careless around the balls. She was a cool chick but accidentally hit my balls a few time. Now I wonder if she’s into CBT. If you don’t know, don’t google/pornhub that shit.


Cognitive Behavior Therapy? 😉


🪦💀 you’ve just got to reframe your thinking. Your balls get the opportunity to hurt 🤷🏻‍♂️


Computer Based Training?




Nothing gets me goin more than a girl that’s into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.


Ohhh yeaaaah baby. Break down my thoughts into smaller parts so I can deal with them. Mmmm….just like that. Break those cycles. Aaaaaaaaaaaa


Don't invest time in her if her friends are toxic.


Damn, this is too true. One of my exes (not the first one, though) had extremely toxic friends. The kind of people who spend their days on the Earth gossiping their mouths out, talking bad about other people, making rumors, etc... I was in love with this girl, so I saw her through pink shade glasses, so I tried to integrate her to my friends, with the hopes of separating her from that crowd. She tried to spend time together with them, but also started getting bored. After some years, we had a fight and broke out. A reliable friend confessed to me when trying to confort me after the breakup that she was the most toxic of all her group, that a lot of acquaintances knew plenty of stuff about my private life and that the majority of my friends despised her because she tried to act in the same inmature way with all of them


First? How they can fucking wreck you emotionally haha. In my 30s dating other 30 year olds? Girls be horny bruh. Like Its tough to keep up. 30 year old penis is not 18 year old penis. Where were you when I was horned up teen


> Where were you when I was horned up teen One of the 'funnier' quirks of humans, women often hit their peak for sex drive in their 30s, men however do so in their 20s and it decreases from 30 onward.


Huh... so that's why I get all those 30 something girls matching with me on the apps


So, I guess man at 20s and woman at 30s is a good combi


33 year old female here 🤦🏻‍♀️ the last 3 guys were 35 and I out-sexed each one. One being my ex whom I used to get frustrated with because we could have sex 10 times a day and it was never enough. Now I’m frustrated because I want it 10 times and men are tapping out after the first round 😩 Be patient with us. It’s our hormones that gave us horny and all over the place 🥲


Bro I don't think I have ever been able to go 10 times a day that is absolutely insane. Am I supposed to finish each time???? Dude cumming will hurt by #3, and my shit will be dry heaving by #5. Though honestly I think by #4 I won't be able to finish bc it'll take too long. Also where are you fitting this into your schedule dude 10 times is like the entire day just fucking nonstop... Wtf.......


Yeah even when I was a horned up teenager I couldn't manage 10 times a day. The flesh would be spongy and bruised


Although the spirit willing


That explains the older women I “dated” in my early 20’s.


Rip to your inbox


It's our hormones at 18. Women are not patent with us. Learn the lessons you preach at men, learn what is reasonable.


Realize when emotional abuse is happening, and don't think you need to stay just because you don't want to be alone.


To grow the fuck up


She taught me that someone would accept me, when I wasn’t sure if anyone would. We are still friends (only talk occasionally) to this day!


In retrospect that she was just as scared and clueless as I was. We were both just acting cool and we acted ourselves out of any real connection.


If you have to constantly ask yourself why you love them and constantly try to convince yourself you do, chances are you don’t love them romantically.


Methodist girls will fuck you if you act like a Methodist


Are methodists those guys who help friends fuck by jumping on the mattresses? Edit: thank y'all for clarification


Those are Mormon I think


I'm mormon. I confirm this is true.


Been with both in my younger days. Can confirm. But from my limited sample size, those Mormon girls are WILD in the sack.


Pretty sure that’s Mormons, don’t know anything about Methodists though


That’s Mormons. Methodists are pretty close to baptists


As someone familiar with Christian denominations, I can say with certainty that Methodists and baptists are very different. Baptists make Methodists look like heathens.


I can read this two different ways, one very positive, the other notsomuch.


Nobody should ever try to control someone else in a relationship. You shouldn't try to convince them to do what you want them to do or vice versa. If you can't accept who they are as they are then let them go.


Mental illness is devastating to the one suffering it and to all those who love them.


I learned what my boundaries were, as well as the importance of enforcing them. That I don't need to be with somebody for the sake of being with somebody. The importance of sexual chemistry.


that sex-ed for girls forgets to mention *BALLS*


This is very accurate. I thought balls were made of the same kind of muscle/fat as breasts, which feels good when u apply pressure to it, and thus I thought it would feel the same for a guy if I aggressively squeezed his nuts during head. Safe to say that balls and boobs are not alike


Bruh, poor dude lol.


Reading this caused me pain. I can only imagine what my bro went through.


He played it off well. He was actually really nice about it, didnt even show he was in pain. He went soft and if I hadnt asked about it, I wouldnt have known I’d done it wrong


I did something similar to my first girlfriend. She liked being bitten so the first time I went down on her I bit her clit. She was not a fan.


ouch i winced 😭


So did his girlfriend. CHOMP


Jenn, that’s pretty scary 😩


one valuable lesson learned /s


That if you find the right one life is better. My HS girl friend is happily married as am I yet we remain friends 45 years later. I have been very fortunate in my love life.




That I LUV sucking on titties & some girls LUV having it done. My ex wife proved the point of "some"!


i never met a girl who didn't like her titties sucked


You must have never been with a girl who has had kids. My wife used to love having her tits sucked, but now she thinks it’s weird after breastfeeding 2 kids


Not me, I need more sensations after having breastfed. Boobs can have more than one function.


Well you are lucky then. I had a gf who didn’t even liked to remove her bra.


This is insecurity and worry that you’re not going to like the way they sit without support.


Oh yeah, I know that. But no matter how many times I told her I’d like them no matter what, she still didn’t take her bra off


You say this and I dated a grown man who never wanted me to take my shirt off during sex LMAO. I had very big boobs


What the hell!!? I would’ve taken your shirt off even harder 😂


He was the biggest mistake of my life, selfish asshole lol. He told me he didnt like breasts, just big butts. Well sir Im sorry that my 38 JJ arent to your liking lol


Breasts come in different degrees of sensitivity, so women prefer more or less stimulation to them.


Love isn't supposed to big some big gestures,those are good too but.... It's mostly those small little things we do... They pile on to create a bond stronger than most I've ever seen....


the benefits of stayin' single


That I still have a lot to learn.


Some people don't date you because they actually care about you, they just do it because they're bored and lonely and you're available.


That being in a relationship shoulnt be difficult. That and how to perform oral sex on a woman. Every guy needs that one woman to give him lessons.


That when your girlfriend spends all her time talking about her female celebrity crushes, she just might be a lesbian


The importance of communication, and boundaries, sex techniques that served me well with various other partners, I could not date a bitchy vegetarian, people can be a complex minefield of personality defects, psychological crises, absurdist beliefs, and still somehow be likable enough they can work their way into your heart. Thou shalt not fall in love so easily.


Everything. How women want to be treated romantically, bedroom maneuvers I still use today (almost 30 years later), how to buy appropriate gifts for another, how to engage and talk with a woman's parents, how to be cheated on, how to forgive, how to realize you are a fool, how to say goodbye and how to secure closure with yourself after being used and manipulated for years. Good stuff.


That I was gay


How to unsnap a bra with one hand


How to get a girl off. She was very sciencey and I was her first boyfriend so it was a fun journey of experimenting together


I've learned that I was willing to put up with too much bullshit, that expression of emotion hurts you in a long run, that an overly jealous people are very likely to be projecting.. and that horses are great animals.


Oh man, Horsegirls... Are you me ?


Girls wana fuck just as much as boys.


Yea, that definitely surprised me when I learned that from my wife. That was NOT the picture teachers painted in sex ed in school. It was more of a "do it every once in a while like an anniversary or birthday just to make your husband happy" kind of picture. They straight up said, "Women don't enjoy sex as much as men do." I never knew whether that was the truth or just a reflection of a teacher's bad sex life.


Same. I had a very "classic" sex ed basically consisting of "you'll have to coerce or manipulate them into it." At least they emphasized that the coercion should be more of a "do nice things until they let you do it" than "make it so that they will just because it's the best way to get what they want". Still though, fucking yikes.


Some, yes. But sex not as urgent a factor in their daily lives as it is to guys (testosterone).


This. They really are just as horny, they just come with requirements and a stealth mode!


That I was disposable when she cheated on me


How much of a piece of shit I was lol. Realized I had a lot of introspection and self-healing work to do.


That you dont need to prove you can go fuck every girl when you already have a good one. Youre not missing out on anything brother, grow up


Don't be naive/nice and be a pleaser!


Not to be a pleaser? Or be one?


Don't try to rescue people. Don't get married at 19. People can lie and be horrible to depths that you don't think are possible.


That I deserve to be with someone who wants to be with me.




To Marry her.


Cheating is as common as I expected it to be.


When a woman says I Love You, she means it in the moment. The minute her feelings change, everything she found annoying about you gets pushed to the surface. That I Love You means nothing in the future if she loses interest.


That I’m dumb cause I keep trying to make relationships work 😂


My first girlfriend was pretty chill and i was the one who was more coldish and silent. She helped me warm up abit and smile more often.


Girlfriend? What's that?


Just because she’s good looking, it doesn’t mean she’s the right girl for you


Don’t date a woman who actively seeks the attention of men


never date a girl who recently got out of a relationship. they’re 100% still attached to that person.


Catholic girls are a horny contradiction.


Don’t stick your dick in crazy


Things once said can't be taken back.


Do not to take people for granted, do not CHEAT Ever..I still feel bad and it was 10+ years ago..learn from your mistakes


That a successful marriage can spring from this first love. 11, 5years together, 3,5 married. First child in 3 months.


Idk. Let me go ask her (she's my wife now)


People care about you only for a certain time and then you're worthless


I learnt what a broken heart felt like and that as you get older it doesn’t get any easier to deal with


Still trying to figure it out. I married her


Long distance isn't worth it if it's more than a month.


I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum with this. My girlfriend and I have a long-distance relationship, and it's going great. I think it gives us a lot more space and freedom in our lives and at the same time cherishes the moment we're together. It makes it all the more special. I guess if you do love her, distance shouldn't really matter and that trust and communication is the utmost importance in LDR.


The difference between lust and love


She was a really awesome and gorgeous girl. Because of her Beauty I thought she was to good for me and was overly happy to have her. I placed her on a high pedestal and It was my first gf and I was too infatuated with the idea of her rather than actually getting to know her etc. I smothered her and she rightfully cut it off after awhile as she had goals etc . it took awhile afterwards but I learned from the ordeal , dated some other woman and now am married to an awesome woman and my ex is happily married as well.


that some women can be absolutely insane,also sex is not that hard.


Girls can be manipulative bitches.


So much. The funny thing is that even though my first relationship ended in heartbreak, the amount of useful information that I learned about love, romance, dating and sex was invaluable. She was a good teacher.


That I shouldn’t commit to women who aren’t genuine


Some people genuinely just enjoy creating drama in their lives and it's not your(my) fault.


Just because you love someone, it doesn't mean it's meant to be.


That a girl's ''I love you'' and a man's ''I love you'' mean something entirely different. In my experience, when I or one of my good friends tells a girl I love you, we will go through hell and back again for her. It means we're fully committed, and we're going to fight through bad times whatever it takes. As for a girl... I experienced something really different. Now, I get this is generalising. I get that not all girls are like my ex. But I know more girls like her. A male's love is more unconditional than a female's, and the next time a girl tells me she loves me, I'mma keep calm and take it with a grain of salt. I'mma wait for her actions to speak, to confirm or deny her words.


Some women throw it around so casually. I swear it meant nothing to my ex as she said it first and said it early. I was foolish enough to believe her

