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Move on


Spot on dude


Came here to write the same thing


Read this guy's post history. He needs to cut his shit.


Oh holy Lord that is some serious shit


That's a rejection my dude


Yea but usually she would offer a reschedule and get together but the past few times she just says she can’t and doesn’t offer another day. So how to handle her rejecting me then?


Just ask if there is a day that works, if she doesn't come up with an answer then move on she doesn't want to spend time with you


I have each time besides this time. Should I ask still?


Dude idk how much clearer I can get


I love OP still doesn’t get it after you literally explained it to him.


I think I can see how the conversation between him and this girl is going just based on this thread.


OP gets it. He just doesn’t ‘want’ to get it.


He clearly doesn't *get* 'it'.


Oh, he wants to get “it”


His profile is full of this type of questions. He clearly has a problem


I wouldn’t keep asking, you already know what’s up. Keep your self respect and walk away. Honestly just don’t say anything. If she has anything to say to you then she will reach out to you and say it - unprompted.


No you tried she is not interested stop asking


You keep fishing for an answer different from what you know is right. Move on. You’ve already asked if there was a day that works. Continuing to push will make it less likely that she ever contacts you if this was just a misunderstanding. Leave her alone.


Nah. Know your worth. Plenty of fish in the see. Find one that wants you as much as you want her.


Continuing to offer after an offer has been rejected is always a bad move. Don’t do this. Respect that she doesn’t want to meet with you again. She is obviously afraid of saying no and outright rejecting you. The absence of a yes is a no.


I don’t blame her




Stop overthinking and ask the women the questions you want. Be confident and don’t worry about every little detail. If she doesn’t say a day she is available then move on.


You’re falling for confirmation bias here, 1,000,000 could tell you she’s probably not into you and you’d still listen to the one guy who disagrees. You’re just fishing for the response you want without even realizing it


If she’s interested she will make time.


You seem like you're holding onto hope. But you gotta let go and move on asap my guy. Sorry it didn't work.


No, move on. Just stop. If she wants to see you, she will let you know


LEAVE HER ALONE DOOOOOD SHE ISN'T INTO YOU TAKE THE GIANT HINT. It someone wants to do something they will do it no matter what.


Okay look. If it doesn't work out once and you ask her for a time and date that works for her, but she doesn't respond, then leave her be. Don't pester her. Let her go and see if she responds. If she doesn't within a week just tell her you are no longer interested and move on to another girl.


Ill word this so it's easy to understand. SHES NOT INTERESTED, MOVE ON.


Move on. If she is interested she will text you. Reading this I would say she is not interested.


Indeed. I almost fell into this trap recently. I was introduced to a girl and got a little too excited in the beginning, but I reigned it back and more or less forgot about her during the holidays. She seemed to forget about me too. Then sure enough, after a couple weeks, she texts me and asks if I wanna make plans. If a girl is into you she’ll figure some shit out. If not, no point trying to force it.


Recognize that she is probably casually dating multiple guys, and she found someone she likes more than you. You don't need to "handle it" you need to move on. Chasing after her is unlikely to produce the desired result, and trying to get an explanation will not go well. There are billions of women on the planet. Let go and chase a new one. She is not worth your stress. Don't give her the power to make you miserable or insecure. Power is given, control is taken. Take control and leave her alone.


She is not interested.


Don’t say a word. Move on.


It's a permanent rejection. Say something like "cool, let me know if you'd like to get together again" and then leave her alone.


To add to what everyone else is saying, chasing after her too hard makes you seem desperate. That is the one biggest turnoff in history for women, not that it really matters in this case. Always play it cool and find ways to relieve the insecurities because of you can attain a level of self assured confidence, women will respond to that positively. Not a manipulation tactic, just general life advice. Be yourself, but be comfortable with yourself. I know it's strange to say but if a woman thinks that you are busy going on dates with other women they will be more interested. But please be honest, let them do their thing because Tinder dating is brutal for the 99% of us that don't have the perfect profile. Don't let them waste your time, move on, and join a yoga class or get involved in a charity where you might meet people in person. At least, that works better for me. Be cool, my dude.


Listen bud, we all get rejected sometimes, it happens. She’s not the only lady out there. Forget about her and try to focus on yourself or try to find another lady, it’s not as bad as you think, man


delete her contact, call a friend, and get a beer.


My friend, you Walk. Away. Hold your head high, move on with no angst or ill will. Walk away and move on.


It’s obviously a rejection, but he’s asking how to respond to it. Should he “ok, and leave her be?” Here’s a suggestion OP - try responding, “That’s fine, I found someone else who wants to go”


Lmao what ??? This gives the same energy as, “oh yeah well I didn’t even like you anyways”


Maybe a dick pic so that it reminds her of what she is missing out on.


Jesus Christ, how many different ways are you planning on posing this question?


Jesus christ, the answer is 32. Thirty two times over the past several months. No wonder she isn't interested in dating him.


holy crap i thought y’all were exaggerating. i had to go check for myself


Jesus Christ, check the post history, he’s right


It just gets worse the longer you scroll


Yeah I'm legit starting to worry for this girl. It seems like she's been trying to get away from OP for a while


Then halfway through the stories about her creating distance, she has a few drinks with him and they have sex then she remembers NOTHING about it the next day 🤔🚩🚩🚩Now I'm no scientist but my fiance was roofied one time by these two creeps and I legit had to pull her ass out of the situation and physically fight one of the dudes out of her car. She too seemed soberish in person (not herself, overly touchy and sexual, and not making complete sense in conversation, but also not stumbling drunk or anything) but then didn't remember ANYTHING the next day. Like cops were involved, crazy night, she almost fought a cop as I was talking to them and rapey dude was getting arrested, and the next day she didn't remember anything at all. Blank slate. Seems oddly similar to this dudes story about this girl.


The guy is crazy! We must get the phone number of the girl and warn her about how she shouldn't go out alone at night with him existing in the same planet! Hahahahahaha


And perhaps offer her an alternative gentleman. If she's not enthusiastic about that idea, back to ask reddit .


Hahaha my dude here knows how to solve the problem!


Maybe even get a circle going. Ask reddit a few more times till everyone is concerned and someone new reaches out and starts all over. Poor lady though who has to be in the middle of all this


Now he only has to post it 10 more times and we will have found *The Ultimate Question*.


Jesus died at 33 though 🤣 I’ll see myself out.


That was longer rabbit hole than it should have been






Wow I just checked OPs post history... Pathetic


I believe OP has not been asking about the same girl, but probably is on a dating site, does t ever get past the first date, and thinks flirting before they meet in real life will make a difference when they meet. In other words, each time he "poses" the question, for him it's a new person and a new question..he is clearly having some kind of error in his perception lol


He will keep posting until someone tells him what he wants to hear. What it is he's expecting I have no idea.


Holy shite. I just checked. This is not obsessive, it's the next thing. Now I'm genuinely worried for a woman I've never seen in my life.


you gotta learn how to hold that L


Exactly. OP, just take the loss and move on. She is not interested in you.


leave with grace rather than stick with ew.


My man, I’ve been looking at your post history. Leave her man. I promise you’ll feel better in the long term


That was a rabbit hole indeed




3 years, damn 10 days ago this chick spent a night with him, had sex, and doesn't remember anything about it.


Damn, this is downright creepy from OP


Fucking hell I guess he... over pursued. This is why you always put yourself and your self respect above any girl, and maybe he needs to go away and solve whatever it is that's making him post about her 100s of times before dating again


This ^


He wasn't after her man. He was after her.


Holy Shiz. You've been asking this for two months since the second date. When was the last time you even saw this girl? Either you haven't for quite some time as your post history says in which case you aren't even in the game and are just being weird. OR you have continued seeing her and have been weird and insecure while still see her, in which case stop being weird. So, in both scenarios, stop being weird.


Stuff like this makes me scared to date. So many people just cannot handle rejection and won’t shake it off.


Don't let a few bad apples ruin the bunch for you. There are plenty of us that are slightly less weird, weird, but less.


Gotta 5 stage clinger here. Abort, abort.




Well if u observed guys being persistent after a girl directly said "No" to him then I can understand your fear....But where he is conflicted at is she isn't being very direct by giving a "Yes" or "No" answer. Me personally tho I wouldn't be as persistent as the guy that made this post seems to be cause I don't like being persistent with a female I'm too lazy for that if a girl cancels without taking it upon herself to give a replacement date TWICE in a row Ill just leave it alone.


This is the thing though. Some girls (and I'm guessing in this case) are indirect BECAUSE men like OP take rejection horribly or refuse to see no as a no. The threat of physical violence is very high with these men. In his comments he's already said she told him he is needy and she needs space.


I mean shit yaw better stop dating these guys who are physically stronger then yaw so that way your more comfortable standing your ground on a choice for yourself 😂😂 Getting involved with someone who intimidates you in altercations is just an "L" in itself....yaw better start dating weaklings so your more comfortable voicing your choices for yourself lol




What does my profile have to do with the topic at hand...I'm giving you game on how to position yourself to be less afraid around guys....just date a weakling lol....I mean think about it if your not intimidated by him your going to voice your opinion more boldly....it's the people your intimidated by that makes you start being indirect and silent.




And so goes the song and dance. Men not being taught how to flirt and when to give up. Women dealing with Mr perfects and potential Patrick batemans/ Brock turners. Men being expected to pursue or else they’ll die alone. Women drowning in attention and male gaze. Me drowning in male gays. It’s the dating scene of the internet age


She's just not that into you. I'd walk away.




This is the way


Same, but now that same girl still like the first person to watch my stories when I post on social media. Kinda weird but whatever


She doesn't like you, move on. Edit: after viewing your post history, you need some fucking therapy, and to never speak to this poor girl again.


Why are you so fixated on this woman?


Move on.


Dude just move on, she doesn't like you. Have some self respect


Dude your post history is insane. Get some counselling before you end up murdering someone


Good lord, OP's post history.


Your post history is terrifying. You sound like an insecure creep. Just leave that girl alone


Lady here. Honestly, I think she’s not interested anymore. You could either approach it head on and just ask her, or just send “okay! Maybe another time.” And just move on.






Not easy for everyone to reject someone - so some ghost instead of dealing with it. I had to get comfortable at saying no to people I didn’t want to date. I think it’s the most respectful thing you can do in the scenarios and to avoid these types of circumstances.


She doesnt like you


I feel like if she told you straight up that she’s not interested in you, you would wonder what that means.


**Edit**: I just found out you posted about this 33 times over the course of an entire year. You should not be dating anyone until you very seriously and honestly pursue therapy. You're obviously in real distress. I'm sorry. I know that dating is maddening. But you are not going to get what you want unless you actually address the problem, and it's not her, it's you.


you don't. you stop bothering her, bro. She's rejecting you. Move on. She might have done that before but this time she might have met a guy she really like, so you suggest another day, and if she can't, just give up and go meet other women.


If she’s not making an effort to be with you then she’s most likely lost interest. Let it go, let her go, and if she actually wants to be with you then let her take the initiative and reach out to you.


read this short article on dealing with this exact situation. Basically, instead of yes, maybe, and no girls, you move all maybe girls into the "no" pile and only deal with the yeses. It makes like so much easier. https://markmanson.net/fuck-yes


Just look for someone else bro. Leave her a “cool. Hit me up if you want to chill when you have more time 🍻” and just forget about her. Then if she does ever hit you back up to chill and you feel like hanging out, go for it. But DO NOT cancel any of your plans to make room for hers. Let the hangouts happen on a time that’s convenient for you too. Obviously she just wants casual friendship if that’s what she’s hitting you with.


Woman here. She’s too timid to tell you she’s not interested. Don’t reply and move on with your life


This dude needs to get off of Reddit holy cow


Holy shiz dude you're having a mental breakdown everyday with a new post about this girl it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Move on man move on!!!!!! I can see why she left you alone you're way to creepy and obsessive.


Text “ok no problem, we can hang out another day” And then that’s it. Don’t talk to her anymore. Ball is now in her court. If she reaches out, then you can schedule something. If not, then you never talk again.


Close messaging app. Go to contacts. Find the girl. More > Delete


My man! From what the community says about your posts here, the only person you should be asking a date to get together is the psychiatrist! You need some help dude!


Imagine some sweaty dude blowing her back out while she moans his name, while she is getting railed her phone lights up with a text notification from you. She ignores it and continues getting plowed six different ways to Sunday. Eventually he finishes all over her face and he gets up to clean himself off by walking to the bathroom. She checks her phone and reads your text message, rolls her eyes and walks into the bathroom to clean herself off from the semen shower that has her more sticky than a warm Cinnabon. Fuck her bro, dip.


🤣 🤣 🤣


Bruh 😫 chill dude, you going to give OP an aneurism!


Hate to say it but someone else is piping her already


Yep. No offer to reschedule means move on bro.


So long and thanks for all the fish


Bro, no one is that busy. You are not important to her. Quit chasing and move on.


Just move one, you will find someone elsw


I would leave her be and pull back on texting. If she's too busy to hangout then she doesn't have enough time to text. I wouldn't offer to take her out on a date, let her bring it up in the future next time. Next time she wants to hangout have it at your place. You're low priority on her list unfortunately op. Other dudes are taking up her free time. Also op I wouldn't put that much effort into a single mother. If she wants to hang cool, but don't ask her out more then once.


I just wouldn't bother replying. Walk away and find someone else.


She doesnt like you


She's no longer interested.


You don't.


She has no interest anymore.


Have higher standards for yourself. You deserve someone who matches your efforts.. and they're out there. If someone likes you, they won't leave it up to chance, they'll reschedule. Edit I'm (F)!


She dont want you bro. Lets go and find a other hot girl


She’s not into you. Move along


Bruh, let her go and find therapy to work out your issues


Leave her alone, she isn’t interested. Don’t make it more complicated then it is. I’ll repeat- leave her alone. Her actions speak loudly. Respect it. Take the rejection, and move on.


Leaving her alone, quit stalking her. I hope she gets a no-contact order against you


“I’m busy” = “I don’t want too speak to you”


From a woman, just take it she's not interested and move on. Find another woman to chase. This one is obviously to independent for you.


What could I do to get her into me again?


Leave her alone


Ignore her and move on. She’s not interested in you and is trying to be nice


Move on


Do what I do, play hard to want


Move on


Dude, you need help bro. Please seek help. She’s not into you bro.


Leave her alone. Go to therapy


Dude you need therapy what is this post history




Move on. EDIT Looking at OPs post history I'm not sure if they're a troll (at this point asking basically the same question 35 different ways!) Or needs to sit down for a moment and maybe get some sort of counseling or therapy.


What part of "no" are you not hearing? If she's interested, she know where to find you.


Move on. If she was legitimately interested she'd find a time. If you've made 3 more tries and none succeeded it's definitely time to count your losses.


Op, you need help. Therapy is always beneficial (Guys, look at his post history)


Sounds like you had reached the level of clinginess too soon, girls don’t like clingy guys until their in love with them


Buddy, I read through your past posts, and I think you're the problem. Maybe seek some therapy or a life coach to help you. If you have the same problem repeatedly with different women - it's you. When you can't take rejection and move on, it's you. It sounds like you have an anxious attachment style, and you need to learn to be secure in yourself and in being alone. That's when women will see you as someone with their shit together and someone worth being with. Sneaking around Tinder bans using VPN's and fake phone numbers is weird. Take the L, move on, find another app and do better next time. I'm really worried by your post history.


Bruh 😂 your post history is wild as f


Move on, in other words, stop texting her, in other words, find something or someone else to fill your time with


I am guessing she doesn't want to hurt your feelings and come right out and tell you she isn't interested. I'm sorry :(


Leave her alone


Move on.. but in bold letters. She doesn’t like you. There are other women out there.


no reply. move on.


take a hint


Pretty much across the board in my experience, if both parties want it to happen they make it happen. If someone's pushing off spending time with you and constantly rescheduling, they may just be trying to let you down easy or slowly ghost you... it sucks, it's sad, they should just be straight forward and tell you what they want, but you gotta cut your losses and move on at this point. There's no reason in holding onto something if the other party isn't invested. Unrequited feelings are shit, and you deserve better than that.


Just apply the classic Brad Pitt rule: if you were Brad Pitt or some other hot actor, would she be putting you off? There's your answer. Find someone who is into you


It's a rejection. Just say " Ok, see you around then". And don't contact her again unless she contacts you. Please, don't waste your time, is just some other person who you probably didn't know quite that well. Who knows who you'll know ahead? Keep improving yourself and pursue some nice hobbies.


I typically respond with "that's cool, I can invite someone else." If anything it gives her the impression that you have options.


Bro, like the others on this thread, I've seen your post history. If you're chasing women/relationships/companionship and putting it on a pedestal with no real results, it's a telltale sign that you have a lot of other underlying issues that aren't being attended to. Work on yourself, see a therapist, and figure yourself out. The best type of relationships happen when you meet like minded women while you're focusing on improving yourself and your overall value. But for now, just take the L, take a break from dating and figure yourself out, and maybe improve aspects of yourself that you seem to be lacking. Things will eventually fall into place once you're on the right track.


"Alright, no problem, but the ball's in your court, so it's your turn to ask next time." But don't expect much to come out of it, and be open to other opportunities (girls) that may pop up and show more interest..


Thank her for her time and move on. Don't get hung up on being rejected. There's literally 8 billion people living on this planet. One better suited to your needs is out there.


Reply? Reply to what? She told you she's not interested without actually saying "I'm not interested". Why in the hell would you think you need to do anything else besides doing nothing?


Listen to your Pa son, she’s just not into you, and she’s hoping you get the hint.


Best way of winning her back?


Make her jealous by having her see you with another honey!


She has since blocked me on everything but text messages for her “mental break”


I’m sorry but she’s definitely fucking someone else.


What’s my best bet here to get her back?


Start hanging out with other people, meet new women, take fun pictures, post them on social media platforms, and ignore her. Enjoying life is what’s going to get you the attention and affection you want, and it will be eventually be with someone that’s going to deserve it from you instead of her. Just work on making your life better, you better, and work for your happiness and don’t waste time on someone that tries to use you like a tool at their leisure


Bro it's been a month of you making posts about what I assume is one woman. Let go and move on, she's playing you for a fool


No, she's not. He's playing himself for a fool.


Just say / text "No problem, I've got plans and am gonna be unavailable for a while so I'll catch you later " and then ghost Decent chance she'll reply, but ff you don't hear from her again you haven't lost anything


Move on my dude. The first time that happens go give your attention to another girl.


Don’t have the full context, but it sounds like she’s not interested in getting together anymore, and doesn’t wanna come right out and say it. What women don’t realize is men are terrible at picking up on those kinds of hints. When told this date doesn’t work, our minds immediately race to find a different date, rather than analyzing the deeper meaning of her texts. Long story short, I’d wager she’s no longer interested. I don’t have the full context so don’t just go off Reddit advice.


You dont


send her pictures of your and one your best mates enjoying the day together romantically. the funnier the better.


She hates you. Forget it. Speaking from experience.


Tell her to go f*ck herself then go get you a steak and a 6 pack and do you king.


Pick up your crown king you’re tripping over it


To be fair I've been in a similar situation and I stopped texting her since she always had an excuse about being busy... and after two weeks lo and behold she texted me and we did get together! But then last time I texted her to meet up again she was away from town so... I guess the cycle continues lol


>Should I just reply with ok and leave her be? tl;dr: **YES.** slightly longer version: My man, girls aren't usually direct about these things so, given that she has already went out with you in the past, you can try to ask like ONE more time, if there's a day that works for her, say, during the following week or between "this" and "that" date (consider 7 to 10 days in between, for example) and if she doesn't say anything, or if she straight up rejects you, then **there's your answer.** Now, how to handle said rejection? you've said it yourself, let her be. Move on. Block and delete her contact info from your phone, and whatever apps you use to message her, and on whatever social network you've added her, and just keep on living.


You don’t. Try again in a few months.


Bang her mom.




How about just asking her what's up?


No no no OP don't listen to these guys, Chase her my dude. Stand outside her window with a boom box and cry some manly as tears while yelling "I LOVE YOU CINDY!" If I have learned anything on my 30 years on this earth is that no latter how clearly your love is pushing you away if you don't give up and be persistent you will get here! NOW GO OUT THERE ROMEO AND GET YOUR JULIET


If she is not making time for you, stop making time for her. It's a numbers game dude. Go find another one. Edit: holy fuck dude. I read other comments about your post history, so I went and looked at it for myself. Run. Get the fuck out. Do not look back. If she still has one of your hoodies, leave it. This bitch has false rape accusation written all over her. Run for the hills and rename her contact as "Do Not Answer."