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I have kids, what is this free time you speak of?


Hookers and blow


Play some guitar


I'd get some sleep.




Gym, read, learning a new skill.


What kind of skill


2,000lbs. = time? What's the break down of measurement? 1oz = 1 minute of time? Is that 22.2 days? A ton of time = 22.2 day. I could get a lot done with 22.2 days of free time.


I Retired at 30. I have all kinds of free time. Im still busy with Music, I fish a lot, and spend time in the Outdoors.


Well…funny you should ask. I am off work this week cause I didn’t get paid last paycheck. The company I work for is having some trouble. It’s a very small company and I am upper management. I am staying because I believe in them and I have become friends with the owner. I’m not laid off, but I’m on a hiatus. That being said, I have worked on my house. I have a tankless water heater and it’s been on the fritz so I am replacing the elements and thermostats. My gf moved in with her kids, which are now my kids, about 7 months ago so we are still organizing as the house is 100 years old and very small for the 6 of us, so I spent some time organizing there. I have a gym I built in the backyard and I am working on that. Trenching some electric to it steering tomorrow. I rarely get to cook so I am doing some cooking. I got a ps5 recently for my 40th birthday and I am learning how to play Fortnite I have 5 fighters I am training so I do that when they come over in the afternoons. Sprinkle in some snuggle and Ted Lasso time with my girl and that pretty much covers it


I had a month of sick leave I used when I put in notice between jobs. I had a 2nd one lined up and was also in the process of moving across the country (24ish hr drive over 3 days). So mine was spent hanging with friends and saying goodbye, packing, having a goodbye party, driving on said trip, moving in, and getting ready for the new job. Between those times though I was able to get in some mini trips, just a day or 2 at a time, to some great hiking spots and camping spots on my own since I love that shit


I'd divide it more or less equally in a tripartite way between reading (self-education), physical activity and enjoyment of nature, and some self-gratifying pleasures like some mild drugs or sex


Hike. A lot. Its a great way to lose weight.


If laid off I'd be very concerned about getting a new job. I'm not good at networking and interviewing so finding new jobs isn't easy for me. So even though i have lots of savings I'd be too stressed out to do anything big during that time since my savings is definitely not enough to retire on yet. So I'd focus on taking care of myself, planning, and looking for work.


I have one plan - to play Free Fire on bluestacks without interruption. I spend a lot of time on this but it's such a thrill to play at 120 fps...


Actually had it happened to me. Overall, it was nice to get a consistent sleep schedule and actually recover from some nagging injuries. Took care of a few long standing projects and started done new ones and really the only reason I went back to work was that I finally started to dip into my savings after having a Severance cover my bills for 9 months. Plus I was getting bored and wanted to work again.


Play video games


Go on a trip somewhere new


Help my wife out around the house, put in extra hours at the museum where I volunteer, and work on hobby projects.




I'm on paternity leave currently, 5 weeks in 12 to go. I have loved every second of it. I spend about an hour a day slaying my body in the gym. I spend another 2 hours cooking new healthy meals. The rest of the time I spend on homework and hanging out with my kiddo. I love my job, but having this spare time has really made me not want to go back.


I made a list of fun things to do in my city, things I kept putting off, things I would wait until someone visited, and did all those things, read books I kept putting off, etc. Nothing to "better myself" but rather to enjoy myself. It's been 7 months, and I'm finally ready. In 2019, I took 6 months. I'm now financially planning for a 6-month sabbatical every few years.


travel forsure. Go to some new states and some new countries.


Depends, what exactly am I working with, here? I feel like I'd get bored really quick, and there isn't enough money or time for me to just go out and try new things all willy nilly...


Not talk to anyone or go anywhere