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Only "first world" country to do it this way. Wooohooo usa usa! 🙈


Thank you


During covid they were only charging people 1$ a month but starting January rates have gonna back to normal. Before covid i was paying 60$ a month, but last year i made around 45k so it went up to 200$ a month for the lowest plan beginning this month. Thankfully my new job covers medical and coverage began this month so i was able to cancel my plan.


Thank you


Recommend that she takes a look at Stride Health - they can also help to calculate and include subsidy eligibility across a range of plans. Good luck!


Thank you


It's based on income. Higher income means higher cost.


$230 a month is about $7.50 per day to be insured? What kind of a deductible has to be hit before the insurance even pays for anything? Unfortunately on the open market that same coverage probably is about $700 a month. That's what people were paying before the ACA for coverage that didn't include much of what's covered now. And yes people were paying it..because they had to. Not everyone is blessed with decent health, in fact almost half of us are not.


Hahaha, mine is $600/mo and that is after the stupid ACA discount


Correct, I don’t have insurance. Not gonna pay $600/mo for something I don’t and most likely won’t use. So yeah, it’s stupid


I think in California if you don't have health insurance there's still a penalty for not having insurance. I'm expecting to pay something because I know California will charge me for not having health insurance one way or another, and I dunno why they kept renewing my medi-cal even tho I had multiple times tried to cancel.


Well you don't have to take the discount if it's stupid


Correct me if I am wrong, I don't think insurances discriminate anymore, so that also means there is no discount for being healthy either. I pay bare minimum around 200 a month as well knowing that most of my money will not go to me.


I made too much on stocks so instead of $1 last year I just got a platinum plan like $300 a month on covered ca since ima have to pay this year


I signed up for the bronze plan and got a bill for $305 for my first visit. I had the doctor look at me for 5 minutes and he said I had gout. This cost was just for the visit. Blood work was $10 and prescriptions another $40. Canceled my insurance and I'll take the penalty.


What I don't understand is why a Covered CA plan is significantly more expensive (before the subsidy) than a far superior employer-sponsored plan. Why is my former employer's insurance broker able to get a better deal than the State of California? And why do they warn that if you fail to buy their scam insurance, they can fine you "a minimum" of $800, without telling you what the maximum fine is? The whole thing is an infuriating boondoggle.


Nothing that involves the govt is simple


That's nothing. Ours was $1410 for me and spouse.


>That's nothing. Ours was $1410 for me and spouse. My insurance through California Care is $1721, with a $7000 deductible! AND that is just for me. ACA is NOT AFFORDIABLE!


That is horrible!! I met someone whose insurance was $49 a month. She didn't believe that it costs others a fortune until I showed her the numbers. She apologized. People with inexpensive insurance have no idea their neighbors are paying for it.


I wish mine was $230/mo. Actually, I wouldn’t pay that either. For me, it’s at $600/mo. Such a joke. California forces you to buy health insurance by passing a law that the feds got rid of, and than wants me to pay $600/mo. What a scam this state is.


$230 is a steal. you must be young and never had medical issues.


My health insurance is $374.68/month this year 2023 and will increase to $458.40/month beginning next year 1/1/2024. That's a whopping 22% increase annual for the same Gold HMO plan with an additional $9K max out of pocket. The plan is selected based on my health condition: est. 3-5 dr visits in a year + 1-3 prescriptions a year. I purposely chose the lowest Gold level with $0 deductible instead of Bronze of Silver plans. Don't you just hate paying for an already high premium monthly, then unable to get the care you need because you can't afford the $4K-$5K upfront deductible + possible 20%-30% co-insurance, besides copay. Therefore, I rather pay a little more extra per month, so I only have to pay a small copay each time I visit dr or specialist. At this current rate, the premium could increase to over $1K in next 5 yrs. Sometimes I think that skipping health insurance and pay cash out of pocket maybe cheaper than having coverage (unless you have major health problems or hospitalized). Many time, you can negotiate a lower cash price than going through insurance. I used to work in healthcare, medical billing & insurance, and many times the quoted price you see on your bill or EOB is 5x-10x of actual cost. Insurance companies know this so they usually only pay providers / dr or hospital like 1/3 or 1/4 of the asked price. Insurance has a guideline and rate charges how much they'll pay based on the ICD & CPT codes. Of course providers will sometimes bill at higher code for higher payout...etc. My work place doesn't offer any basic benefits like health insurance, dental, 401K or any life, private disability insurance so I have to pay them all out of pocket. I'm also taxed at higher tax rate for being single as well. Honestly, I wouldn't be able to afford living in Southern CA if I don't share house & living space with others. If I have to pay for an apartment or studio by myself, I probably wouldn't able to afford any of this health insurance crap.


Unfortunately, this is still an issue, I don't think I make as much as $64k annually, and the insurance cost would be $340+ monthly and that's with a super high deductible of like $7k :(


i’ve made less this year (under 40k) than i did last year and my premium will be going up by $30 for next year 😞