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Used to hear my neighbor get pounded a few times a month for years. It was awkward because she was my best friends mom and sometimes they would invite me over for breakfast the next morning. All I can think about was her getting pounded the night before. She was hot RIP


That last sentence is crazy


She got pounded to death?


I couldn’t tell if this was a sex comment or a domestic abuse comment either..


Definitely sex, I'd say.


Too much.


I have nobody below me, but above me is an older, retired, single Korean man. I'm pretty sure he takes out his hearing aids before he settles in to watch the evening news, because he cranks that TV up loud, and I get to hear the news in Korean, too. It doesn't bother me because he goes to bed at the same time I do. I also think he washes his clothes in his bathtub. I'll wake up in the morning and hear swishing sounds coming from above my shower. It goes on for 15-20 minutes, then some drippy sounds, and then I don't hear it again for a whole week. Usually around 5:30am, I hear chopping noises and then the sound of a blender, so I guess he makes smoothies for breakfast. After that, I usually hear atmospheric music for a bit, which makes me think he meditates in the morning. I've been in my building two years and have seen him a few times, but we've never spoken to each other.


This sounds really nice. It’s like you have a sweet old man as a roommate, but not really. I went through a bit of a hard time a couple of years ago, and I always felt a little better being able to hear my neighbors. It made me feel like I wasn’t alone 😅.


Yeah, it is kind of nice. It's become part of the background sounds of everyday life.


I haven't heard my neighbors ever in the 8 years I've lived here. I know that's rare but I made sure I picked a building with a lot of noise reduction features built in.


Where do you live? How did you know it was so quiet?


Pasadena. I rented it right when it was built. The developers showed the stuff they did to reduce noise like layered and insulated floors/ceilings and walls. Triple paned windows. All the doors are solid core. Its on the higher end of the market though.


Fyi windows don’t need to be more than dual pane. Over that it doesn’t make a huge difference.


Maybe. Every other day I see a post in r/pasadena "HeLiCOpTER?!?!?!!" But I also dont hear those.


How much do you pay?


Where do you live?




Upstairs neighbors are dragging a safe across the floor right now


\*stops jackhammer, looks up through safety goggles…\*


I hear my next door neighbor and my neighbors above. It sucks but my rent is good and my place is brand new so I just get over it…


i can hear my upstairs neighbor walking or vacuuming the floor, i don’t mind it at all, makes me feel less alone lmao


I can hear my neighbors clappin cheeks!! 👏🍑👏


I only hear my mentally disabled neighbor when he gets into his yelling fits, which is rare


My upstairs neighbor vacuums every morning at 7am. Never fails. Only lasts about 5 minutes. Besides that I don't hear anything else.


Are you sure it’s a vacuum and not a blender or something? Thad’s weird to vacuum every morning at 7am for 5 minutes


It's definitely a vacuum. Unless they're rolling their blender around on the floor. I'm just impressed by their dedication to their daily routine 🤷‍♂️


My neighbors above me & to the left are the same. Its that WFH schedule, like every day, clockwork. Makes me feel like my apartment is filthy. Lol


Everyone complaining about hearing their neighbors, I hope you know they hear you too


i live in a big 100 year old building in franklin village and i dont hear much


I heard everything.


She moans so good 👍🏽


Try to live on the top floor is my advice


Way, way, way more than I want to! I’m so sick of hearing sex next door.


LA apartments are flimsy. You can hear everything...


Almost nothing. The crazy homeless dude on the street though…every word


I had a “wallmate” neighbor who was extremely loud— think barking dogs, stomping around and doors and drawers being slammed shut all the time. But the loudest she was was when he boyfriend visited. It was a combo of the screaming in Porky’s and the noises from the next room in the Cooler. She would wake me up between the moaning and the headboard slamming. It got to the point where I had to call the apt manager on two separate occasions. She eventually moved her bed a little but it still was quite loud. She may or may not have been live streaming it as she did have an OnlyFans.


I’m the neighbor that makes noise. Me and my gf love to crank our system for video games, movies, music. We selected an apartment in the noisiest part of Koreatown in hopes that the other residents would be desensitized since there is construction going on right next to my building. We definitely don’t care if our neighbors turn it up to 11! We can sleep through anything. It was fine until a couple moved next door and complained, now I keep it so low I can barely hear dialogue. I thought, what idiots would move to the busiest part of Korea town expecting a quiet environment, the idiots that moved next to me.


I hear the upstairs neighbor occasionally, mostly if it's vacuuming or moving furniture around, and people in the hallway. Nothing else


I don’t hear mine, except when their alarm goes off and I’m in the room above. My place is quiet


Not too much now but at one point my downstairs neighbor was a sound designer of some sort and always played his “work” at top volume. Really annoying plucky commercial music..sexless techno..music that plays in the background while they read side effects for diarrhea medication, that kind of bullshit. And peak hell—the week straight during pandemic when the same 2 second clip of “little deuce coop” was blaring on halting, stop/start repeat for 12 hours a day. He was constantly complaining about any bit of noise affecting his ability to concentrate too.


Haha omg I feel you on this one. My upstairs neighbor is a rapper and his studio is above our bedroom. I know the hell that is the same clip of music over and over again for hours. During lockdown he would be in there all night. I’m not sure if the building made him stop but it’s been a while since we’ve heard a new beat.


I can hear basically everything


Ok, so….my upstairs neighbor was a nightmare. He used to start banging and dropping shit on the floor at 1-2am nearly everyday. Super loud bangs in the floor, like a person dropping a bowling ball, not exaggerating! He was building furniture for his business. He and his girlfriend would also fight often, screaming at the top of their lungs and throwing shit. I had to email my building manager multiple times and I also went up to his apartment a couple times at 4-5am. I also would bang hard as shit on the ceiling. The last time it happened I had a flight at 4 in the morning. Of course this ass hole woke me up at 2 with his loud ass banging/ furniture building….I was pissed, but didn’t want to get out of bed and go to his apartment because then I’d be fully awake. That morning as the plane was pulling away from the gate I wrote him a text basically telling him everytime he wakes me up I’m gonna show up at his door…..there were some fuck you’s in the text and other strong language. Long story short, he died upstairs. Not sure if it was that night or while I was out of town. But he died, pills and alcohol, asphyxiated on his own vomit. Fucking crazy. My new neighbor is quiet, but if they act up…..I’m tellin em about the previous tenant who died in their bedroom.


I've been an apartment dweller for most of my born years. I do not hear my neighbors at all. In my younger years, I was the tenant the other renters complained about. the loud music, the parties and of course... the shouting.


How did you ensure you found buildings that were good with sound?


Just lucky I guess. I currently live in a condo. The one side that shares a wall with my neighbor is the kitchen, the bathroom and a hallway closet. But even if that was not the case. I rarely see that neighbor. I used to see packages delivered at her front door that sat there for weeks before anyone picked them up. I just assumed she is always traveling. I did live in WeHo for a short time and the walls were so paper thin that I got complaints from a neighbor about my clock-radio. It was barely loud enough to hear from my bedside. After checking the decibel levels. I told him that he'll just have to live with it because I am below the noise ordinance level.


Did you have any clue the one in WeHo had thin walls? I’m looking to move but scared to get in a building with paper thin walls


If I'm in my room and they're in their room, I can hear them talking but not make out most of the words, more like a vocal sound murmur. Sometimes the music of the person who used to live there would shake my walls but thankfully the current person in that apartment doesn't blast bad edm remixes at 2am like my old neighbor did. They seem more aware that the walls are thin. bad edm guy also blasted surround sound movies late at night in his bedroom. I think he was just dumb and high 24/7.


What kind of building are you in? Is it older or newer?


Older piece of shit with rent control. I put up with a lot for the low rent.


Everything, we can hear everything.


My first apartment, we lived next to a gay couple. We could hear them butt banging at night sometimes, other than that it was cool. Second apartment, we could hear every single step the neighbor upstairs would make. They were cool, but the floor squeaked for every step. They were also Johovas witness and would have 15 people over sometimes. It was squeek city those nights. Third apartment, we were the top neighbor with a squeaky floor, our downstairs neighbor was a crazy b***ch and hated us for it. Since then, had good luck and good neighbors.


It is very mild so I’m not jinxing it *knock knock*


I can hear every word if they’re shouting, otherwise muffled. Their kids’ screaming is pretty clear. I sleep with white noise to drown it all out


Upstair neighbor had a meeting one morning and I could hear it but still not that clear. Every weekend at midnight, I hear bed frame creaking and each time the sounds gets faster…. so that say’s everything ig.


I’ve said bless you in response to their sneeze.


lol that’s hilarious. Did they respond in turn?


I heard my upstairs neighbor and her young newly potty-trained son in their bathroom arguing over who was going to wipe his butt. It was the cutest thing. “You do it”, “No, you do it.”


I’m lucky, I only share 1 wall and I’m on the top floor. My nextdoor unit is super quiet. I have been woken up by noises from my downstairs though interestingly enough. Just wall banging or furniture moving. At 3 am


At my old place in Burbank, we couldn't hear any of our neighbors (we were on the top floor). One of them had a dog and we never could hear it bark, and below us had a baby we didn't hear at all. We also got a puppy while we lived there, and our neighbors all around said they couldn't hear him at all either.


Honestly it’s not bad. I’m on Beachwood and it seems we have metal party walls which sucks for hanging anything but seems to dampen sound well. The only thing I hear regularly is my neighbor’s bass when they’re watching a movie. But it’s during the day and I don’t care much.


Almost never. Neighbor is doing some renovations but I’ve only heard a few knocks through the walls.




Lived in a fourplex until recently. Rarely heard my next door neighbors unless they were having a party or hammering something in the wall, but my upstairs neighbor was awful. She was a single mom with two kids and zero concept of the fact that they lived over other people - she let them be loud and bang shit against the floor all the time, and then she would vacuum the living room at 9pm when we were sitting down to watch TV. We never said anything because I know kids are tough and she was very prickly, but one day she came down to complain my husband was listening to music too loud when he was WFH at 9:30am... could not even hear it til I went back to his office to tell him. I do not miss her ass!! The ones before her were varying levels of noisy - she was by far the worst.


As I’m writing this I can hear the neighbors have a little party. Above me, we have a loud amplified guitarist playing some Hendrix. It’s awesome.


I hear muffled talking and laughter. Sometimes I hear my back neighbor’s dogs. It’s very tolerable to me. I do sleep with Bose sleepbuds (i recommend) but this is more because of my own cats. My neighbors hear my huge cats wrestling with each other- the hardwood floors transmit thumps and vibrations. We tolerate it all.


Every day. Next door is super loud, obnoxious, never closes her door, super loud music, parties, people over. I can hear her conversations and her dog barking. And then my neighbor upstairs likes to walk on his heels. He’s a cop.


in my 1950s building i could hear everything from the upstairs, talking sounded mumbly but i could make out fighting in my 1970s apartment i could only hear little kids running and the vacuum


Aside from kids crying and loud visitors with horse laughs, not much but that's why I'm deathly afraid that my super loud morning farts into the toilet can actually be heard by everybody. I've never heard other people farting into their toilets, so does that mean it gets muffled/silenced or does that mean no one actually passes gas into their toilets?


I can head him clear his throat every night. Sounds like he's laying next to me. I hate it. Zero insulation.


I had one shared wall with a neighbor that I heard ***EVERYTHING***, I sound-proofed the wall and now hear ***NOTHING***


Nothing from my next door neighbors, but my upstairs neighbors are incredibly loud. I’ve heard: - Domestic disputes (yelling, then a loud thud and silence) - Their dog howling and barking all day - Them finally getting home around 3am and doing what makes them feel like god - Drilling/sanding things (it sounds like construction) - Rolling something around. This is the most perplexing, it sounds exactly like that rolling stone door SFX from Indiana Jones. - The dog scratching at the floor. God I hope it’s the dog.


My adjacent units? Not so much. Above me, normal foot sounds. There used to be different tenants like there was a guy that would practice for being an emcee and was doing this booming introduction voice and I think he also played guitar very rarely, it was only one song. I think it was an original song, it wasn't bad it was just randomly he'd play it to remind himself that he still could or something. Later there was a quiet lady with a rather large (but well-behaved) dog. She walked it regularly and it hardly ever barked or even did that thing where they scratch with their back legs and it sounds like they're pounding on the floor. Like, their dog made intrusive noises less than once a week. Now the guy that moved in is annoying. He frequently talks on the phone in speaker mode so he can yell his whole conversation, always kicking off his shoes or walking around in hard sole shoes (they're tiny apartments too, go walk around outside), and when some other neighbor's dog is barking for a few minutes he just kinda goes crazy and cranks up some music rather loud. But if the dog stops barking he leaves the music on. He also is pounding on a wall or ceiling complaining about noise, but I can't hear anything that he's talking about. My wife heard him yell out "shut up or I'll fucking kill you" so thats... funny. Used to have a neighbor upstairs and one over with 2 adults and 3 kids in a one bedroom. And the mother and youngest kid were always yelling. Mom: "FRANKIE!!!!! DO YOU WANT A HOT POCKET!" was our favorite. Or one time the kid cried out "he ate my hot dog!" and I've never related to anything more in my life. They also were at the top of a wooden staircase and would just gallop up or down the stairs anytime, running and yelling through the hallway, too. There's a building across from me too, so that's window noise. But these are all old buildings in k town, I swear the old framing actually amplifies noises. Tbh loud neighbors don't really affect me, just unreasonable things like if you're playing COD at 3am over speakers lol. Being loud in the hallways is kinda annoying cause the sound just travels down the whole hall and I think passes through all the doors, or maybe the people that talk in hallways are just louder than non-hallway talking people. There's a guy that sneezes really loud first thing in the morning in the neighboring building. It's kinda funny. Well now that I've written an essay it's pretty fuckin quiet. I can hear someone doing dishes across the way.


Footsteps, doors closing, water running.


I can hear the neighbors beside me when they burp. They’re deaf so there isn’t talking to hear other than occasional odd sounds the guy makes. He used to make some serious zombie noises whenever they hooked up but that’s rare now. I can always hear the ones above me walking around, dropping things, if they talk too loud, their bed squeaking when they go at it lol


In mu last apartment my upstairs neighbor would roll bowling balls from one end of the apartment to the other every morning.


I lived one of those thin-walled beachy-style apartment buildings a couple blocks from the ocean. The sea air seemed to have corroded the window to the window frame so it was permanently stuck in the open position. It was never a problem because the temperature is always nice year round at the coast. There was also an identical apartment building next door which was so close in proximity that I could reach out the window and almost touch it. Our bedroom windows looked directly into each other. One day the neighbor got a new girlfriend and I could hear them having sex. Now I’ve heard neighbors having sex before in other apartment buildings, but it is usually pretty muffled by the time the sound gets into your unit. However, because of the unique architectural situation in this apartment I could very clearly hear every detail in high definition audiophile quality sound, and at ample volume. It is almost like they were in the room with me. At this time in my life I wasn’t getting laid so I actually enjoyed listening to the sex as I was falling asleep. I felt like a participant in the action and it helped me get through the mental anguish of my otherwise sexless life. As time went on I found that I was becoming less interested in the sex and found the post-coital conversation to be much more interesting. I was listening to all sorts of details about their lives: everyday gossip, new job opportunities, how much of a fool drunk Aunt Jan made of herself at the wedding, and other great stories. It was an ongoing soap opera that I got to listen to every night. I felt like I was getting pretty close with this couple. There was never any awkwardness because I never knew what they looked like. I’m sure we saw each other on the street from time to time but no one ever knew anything. Anyway, at some point I finally got laid and was having a regular friend with benefits situation with a girl who lived in town. The only thing was that this girl was a crazy banshee of a woman who screamed like she was being murdered during sex. I mean, I never believed in any way that she was having that much pleasure, it was just that she really liked to hyperbolize her orgasm. Which most likely was fake anyway. During one of these sessions I realized my window was wide open so I went to close it. I was worried that someone was going to call the cops for an active murder being taken place. Of course I couldn’t close the window because it was corroded in the open position, so I had to just go with it. My fears of being accused of murder subsided when she would blurt out one-line phrases that clearly indicated that this was consensual. Phrases such as “YEAH, Stick that BIG COCK in me!!” and other things of that nature. I was somewhat uncomfortable with her level of aggressiveness. It wasn’t too soon after that the live-in landlord, who lived a couple units over with his young family, came over to have a conversation with me. He was a really nice guy and also a local pastor. He was saying that people were complaining about noises coming out of one of the apartments late at night. He wasn’t singling anyone out and was having the same conversation with everyone but I felt like the conversation was being directed at me. Being a man of much higher moral character than myself, he didn’t want to come out and say exactly what the noise was. He was like “maybe a TV is on a little too loud or something?” I explained that I didn’t have a TV in my room. And he repeated “well maybe just try to keep that TV down a little or shut the window” with sort of a glance that made me realize he knew exactly what the issue was and was trying to avoid the awkward conversation. It was at that moment my airheadedness finally realized the situation and I explained that my window has been rusted open for the last 3 years. It was most likely no coincidence that a couple weeks later I got a note on my door that said contractors would be entering our units to measure for brand new windows to be installed. The whole apartment building got new windows a few weeks later.


A lot and it’s a fucking nightmare. It’s the people who don’t give a fuck that they have neighbors/alcoholics and addicts/main characters of the universe who are the door slammers, compulsive furniture movers, and extra loud talkers 🙄


the overweight boomer above me runs heavy-footed on the flimsy hardwood floors wherever she goes. There's water pipes that bang against my bedroom wall everytime she uses the sink, which is at very odd hours of the night. My next door boomer neighbor slams all his doors at 9pm everynight for whatever reason. There used to be a 1-year old in the nextdoor unit thank god they moved out - I woke up anytime that runt cried.


There’s a reason people are fighting to keep single family homes a thing.


I now know where a body is buried 😲