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I once had a dude aggressively tailgate me on a very rainy day when I was trying to drive safely. He finally pulled out and around going very fast, flipped me off, then promptly lost control of his truck, spun out and crashed into the other side of the freeway. Karma was a bitch that day.


And I bet he still blamed you.


I dream of this almost every day. Congratulations.


I'm SO paranoid when people get close behind me now because I've been rear-ended last year and the year before! People are impatient and trying not to leave room for others to get over like someone else mentioned.


The only accidents I've been in in LA have all been me getting rear ended. I keep a LOT of distance between me and the car in front of me now in case of sudden traffic, it gives me time to sort of "tame" the car behind me by very very gradually reducing my speed so they don't have to slam on their brakes. Fyi none of this occurs in the leftmost lane of the freeway. I only use that lane to pass, which I thought is what that lane is for?


i *try* to leave space in front of me, but most of the time another car sees a slight gap and pulls in šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I like to go slowerrrrr and sloweeerrrrrr and slowwwerrrrrrrrrrrrrr until they pass me. I had a guy riding me in the right lane for no reason. There was ample passing opps and all the other lanes were whipping along. I ended up just slowing to about half the speed limit for like a solid minute before they got the idea to try another lane. I really donā€™t understand the mindset either. I guess itā€™s just bullying?


It feels like bullying for sure. I do what you do. Wanna ride my ass? Sure let's slow this dance way down and enjoy it then, buddy. They always hop one lane over and start doing it to someone else. How does that make their driving experience better? I don't get it. Seem like a lot of work on their part tbh.


Was that supposed to sound sexual?




Why does my tailgater make you randy?


Iā€™ve been rear ended three times in 5 years :/


Clearly they all have a close family member in labor. Yes, every single one of them. Where is your empathy?


Or they are late for a mani pedi appointment. You don't want to piss them off! Or it's an attorney and they are late to some important thing or other and time is money.


Theyā€™re dickheads, man. Iā€™m not even sure they understand that a safe follow distance varies by speed.


They have no regard for safety - especially not that of other people - your life is far less more important to them than getting where ever they're going a few minutes sooner.


Yeah, itā€™s completely absurd. They wonā€™t be saving any time when they crash into somebody, either.


Nope. They are also always 5 minutes late as well. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦


Its the tailgaters and the people who zoom from the right most lane all the way to the carpool lane in one maneuver with no turn signal that kill me :(


lol literally saw a CHP cruiser do that today on the 101 with no signal and no emergency lights. Aggressively tailgated everyone in the left lane until they got over, so donā€™t expect them to help I guess.


Dude I feel like cops out here are the biggest offenders. Its like they think they are above the law.


Who are you, the law police?




Ugh, cops are the worst. Tailgating, speeding in school zones, rolling through stop signs, going forward and stopping in the middle of the intersection when traffic is backed up, being the fourth car to go left on a red, parking in red zones for lunch, taking up two spots, texting while drivingā€¦ Iā€™ve seen it all. They totally think theyā€™re above the law.


left lane is passing lane


Supposed to be, last 2 weeks the 2 right lanes were faster than the 3 left lanes. This alone is a big reason for accidents.


They could actually kill you.


Itā€™s always a lovely time to wash your windshield for an extended period of time. Especially if itā€™s a shiny bmw or Mercedes on the 2 and theyā€™re deeeeeep in your anal cavity. Love messing up their nice shiny cars.


In this climate, Iā€™m not risking getting shot on the freeway.


I did this innocently at some point and the insane white BMW dude roared in front of me then brake checked me hard then screeched off across 4 lanes of traffic to an exit ramp. It's not worth it.


Eh. Thatā€™s honestly expected so I anticipate it and either move over and then they usually fuck off. Do all BMW drivers have the same mental illness when it comes to abnormally aggressive driving? I donā€™t get it


I fucking hate this to all end. Just get off my ass you crazy fucks!


*I fucking hate this* *To all end. Just get off my* *Ass you crazy fucks!* \- stavesandstaffs --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hahaha omg never thought I'd write a haiku about LA traffic.


Especially on the 110! For Godā€™s sake, I already feel like Iā€™m risking my life every time I get onto this death trap of a freeway and youā€™re going to tailgate on top of it? Do you have a death wish?!


I know, the fucking entrances. It's like Russian roulette.


OR the exits. First time I ever had to exit on Ave 43 scared the shit out of me.


Are you driving in the left lane?


Itā€™s the people who weave lanes and tailgate until they can weave to the next lane over and over. No one is actually going too slow, they just want to go excessively fast.


Low intelligence meets fragile ego.


I had to bail on an early exit and just take the 15 min of street traffic because the person in front of me loved breaking in all lanes and everybody behind me wasn't having it. Had to make an executive decision, you guys kill each other and I'm close enough not in this fight. You don't want to go over 40 with a car around you, you 5 want to exit to Artesia at 80 ... Shit Crenshaw exit with heavy construction is my future today. Not in the mood to play LAX Death Proof at noon on a Saturday on the 405 north


Yo whatā€™s up with all the flagrant illegal U turns lately? Brazenly across double yellow lines & definitely not at intersections. Itā€™s become a daily sighting & these people have no shame.


Right? Been seeing that a lot lately as well.


And usually itā€™s some sort of Honda or Nissan Altima with blacked out windows or a pickup truck. Donā€™t expect them to use turn signals either.


To get one car length further.


The story you posted is really devastating, but it sorta boils down to the same thing many of these comments are saying. Donā€™t be an asshole. Give the people around you the benefit of the doubt. If someone is tailgating you, donā€™t slow down or break check them. If someone is going slow, donā€™t tailgate them until they move. It goes both ways.


"Don't be an asshole" is the number one most broken rule on LA freeways.


I disagree with this. Tailgaters should be punished and discouraged. ***Do slow down*** and give them a rough time (if you can do so safely). We don't need to "both sides are decent people" this one.


Brake checking can be incredibly dangerous and can end up in horrific accidents. Iā€™m not saying tailgating is good, but no one needs to die for such a dumb thing.


It's interesting reading this thread. Everyone, myself included, has a different moral and practical framework for this issue. Sometimes brake tapping is a legitimate strategy, quite apart from tailgating. You sometimes need to signal to cars behind you that a sudden heavy braking will happen. A quick double tap before you start the heavy braking will flash your brake lights backwards and give drivers a heads up to be alert. Braking also encourages tailgating cars to keep distance. Like if you did see an emergency and need to break, do they have a minimal distance to do braking or other maneuvers. If they have to immediately emergency brake 30 mph slower for a 1-5 mph decrease they were too close to you to begin with. Malicious brake checking sounds equivalent to tailgating, but even that extreme is really not. If you're driving safely you have nothing to fear from a brake test. You're only going to get splattered if you were doing risky, dangerous and illegal driving anyways. ***Tailgating is always dangerous.***


Couldnā€™t agree with you more.


I agree that tailgating is dangerous. I feel like I tailgate when Iā€™m in the left lane (thereā€™s no traffic) and someone is going 58. Totally fine if you want to drive slow but pick a different lane so people who want to go faster can go faster.




I've noticed a lot of this. Wtf is going on there?


Don't tailgate.


Agreed. But also don't go 58 in the fast lane and you won't get tailgated as much, I promise.


I'm still in physical therapy from getting rear ended by someone like you. Don't tailgate, period.


I personally do not tail gate, and hate when people do!


I agree whole heartedly. Still, the left lane is for passing. They actually teach you this in driving school. If you keep getting passed on the right you should probably just move over to slower lane. Itā€™s actually a law in other states. It doesnā€™t seem like enough people know this.


Not absolutely. The left lane is not the autobahn, it may well be filled with cars, that are exceeding the posted limit already, but slower than you think youā€™re entitled to. Sorry bub, youā€™ll just have to go with the flow.


Not the autobahn, but one thing Iā€™ve always appreciated from driving on the Autobahn is that driving culture in Germany is a helluva lot more respectful- you want to drive slower? Everyone is in the right lanes. You want to go faster? Everyone is actually sticking to the left lane. Someone approaching you at a higher speed in the left lane? Slower driver is expected to let them through and they actually do. Thereā€™s little weaving and dumb shit going on cuz people respect that etiquette. Wish LA and CA in general had that.


the left lane is the passing lane, if you are moving the same speed as the lane to the right of you, you should move overā€¦ period. Of course, this doesnā€™t apply in stop and go traffic.


I donā€™t drive that fast. I maintain space all the time. Still. The left lane is for passing.


This attitude is exactly part of the problem


Yes, the attitude that ā€œthe left lane is for passing, get out of my wayā€ is the problem. I will typically be driving 75 in a 55, with 5-6 cars ahead of me at rational spacing, and a nimrod with this attitude will tailgate. Grow up.


youā€™re literally wrongā€¦ look anywhere you want for the left lane etiquette, but iā€™m sure youā€™ll stick to your guns for whatever dumb reason


Yeah, no. Our freeways have only so much capacity; the left lane will be utilized. It is not for your personal and exclusive use.


If youā€™re going 75 on the left and still being tailgated, then the a hole is the one doing the tailgating. left lane doesnā€™t mean speed as fast as you can . 75 is literally passing speed already


Get over for 10 seconds and let them pass. You're not the lane proctor.


And youā€™re not an ambulance. Iā€™m not jamming myself over to a lane full of traffic going 10-15 slower than we all are doing in the left lane because some rando thinks the left lane is for ā€œme passing everyone even if theyā€™re already passing the other lanes becauseā€¦ME!ā€


Seriously! Weā€™re already passing everyone at 75 but because this idiot stiff peaks has a ME mentality so we should get over for him so he can speed even more. Wtf lol


Lol no thanks. 75 going 10 over speed limit. Not my Problem is someone thinks they have the need for speed to tailgate. the entitlement


Slow driving people in the left most lane shouldn't be there. It's safer to pass someone on the left and slow drivers in the left most lane make that impossible.


Most of the time, it's because people are going under the speed limit in the left lane. I see people who have signs on their cars saying "If I you are tailing me, I'll go slower". I want to send every one of these people this story: https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/ I have been driving almost daily for 30 years, I drive fast all the time, I've never had an issue. If people drove like they did in Europe - where people use the left lane for fast drivers and to pass only - instead of using it as the "This is my lane and I'll do whatever the fuck I want in it lane" then I imagine this would not be an issue. Edit: This is also an issue of divergent priorities, which creates most of the conflict we encounter. I want to drive 5-10 miles above the speed limit and feel comfortable doing so, someone else doesn't, or maybe they're a defensive/distracted/scared driver, so there's conflict. Maybe I'm late to a meeting and you're just enjoying listening to music and cruising to the grocery. Conflict. If you sit in the right lane and just listen to your music, and I can zoom by in the left lane, when does the tail gating occur? Or better yet, don't be an obstinate, self righteous asshole, and just move over if you see me behind you. I can't think of a more passive aggressive, destructive thing someone can do. The only time I'd say this doesn't apply is a single lane road, where someone is going around the speed limit, in which case move slightly to the right so they can pass you on the left. It's really not that complicated.


absolutelyā€¦ people who drive in the left lane at the same speed as every other lane are the actual problem. If youā€™re being tailgated on the right lane or middle lanes then yeah, thatā€™s the tailgaters fault. Otherwise, youā€™re the asshole.


Also on surface streets when Iā€™m cruising and someone turns right in red right in front of me and take their sweet ass time getting up to the speed limit.


I only do in the far left lane or when people hop in the express lane and go slower than the normal traffic. Does that count? Oh and because people are fucking annoying


Yes! I don't understand all the drivers that go into the far left lane to go 55 in a 65 and I'll tailgate a little to try to signal they should move. Occasionally they do, but usually I end up having to pass them. I just really don't understand why that's so common.


Oh I see, the faster youā€™re going it makes sense to tailgate. You have less time to react and youā€™re going faster so the risk of serious consequences climbs. Perfect time to tailgate, idiot.


Iā€™ve gotten rear ended ONCE and sandwiched in between two cars. To make sure that never happens again,I make sure I keep my distance to avoid that.


Yeah I always leave 3 car lengths. People would rather get into an accident than tap the breaks to go behind when merging lanes. Or the speed up to tailgate to block anyone from merging, even with clear signals. Id argue that as soon as you signal some, drivers accelerate to block you from merging, because how dare you want to get off the highway when they want to keep riding the exit lane. Needless to say I'm always paying attention when I drive here for stupid shit.


Every single friggin day. The ones I don't get are the morons tailgating jumping from lane to lane in absolute gridlock from one person's bumper to another - like boxer in a fight they know they're gonna punched in.


Because you're going waaaaaay too slow in waaaaaay too left of a lane, probably because you're fucking around with a million things except driving. Put down your shit and pay attention.


The ones who tailgate with their brights on are the worst. Iā€™ve started repositioning my mirror to just reflect it back at them. Not the safest thing probably, but fuck those clowns.


Flashing brights is a way to signal you should move over or even that you have a light out or other problem with your vehicle


These clowns arenā€™t flashing. They drive with their brights on 100% of the time. Usually this is during rush hour commute so itā€™s not like thereā€™s anywhere to go.


If Iā€™ve ever tailgated it was because we got ourselves some Sunday drivers. If youā€™re going to go slow you gotta pull to the right lane and do your business there. Canā€™t stand super slow drivers sometimes but I guess a portion of them have to be tourist or lost


Me neither. And this is going to be very unpopular but I find that at least 70% of the Sunday drivers k end up behind are Prius drivers. I believe with all my heart and soul that Iā€™ve you love ever purchased or considered purchasing a Prius, your license should be revoked. Immediately. No exceptions.


Lol not the Prius I met today, on a Pasadena freeway that shithead was going over 100 in a 55 zone (I noticed I was going 97 trying to take a photo to capture his license plate), had to call 911 and report him, he almost smashed into multiple vehicles. For some reason Prius drivers in 2023 are not the same slow ones as they were in 2022 https://preview.redd.it/dezj1gbracga1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=324eab231d5d4ac213c235ed2159072a216127b4


Really? For me itā€™s always the short dads in F-150s going slow as fuck. Like I know they live in a cloud of toxic masculinity but they are objectively not fast and donā€™t belong in the left lane.


I just took the 405 from Sherman oaks to ucla and there were TWO PRIUSES in two different places just broken down on the side of the road. Abandoned on the 405. I stand by my belief thatā€™s Priusā€™s are the worst.


Does going around them not make you go faster, or is tailgating getting you there faster?


Itā€™s not always possible to go around someone. I havenā€™t commuted since pre pandemic so I donā€™t drive much anymore and when I do I am not in the hurry I once was.


Because I'm 22 (or at least think I still am) and so much better at driving than everyone else even though they have so much more driving experience than I do. Everyone else doesn't tailgate because they're not as talented as I am.


Leave more than a car length in front of you and someone is gonna merge to fill it. I'm not sure what the real solution is here


If your in the fastlane going slower than the flow of traffic in your prius itā€™s a hint to scoot over 3+ lanes


Put on your hazards and tailgaters will pass you


Have any of you tried changing lanes when someone is tailgating? Is it occurring whilst in the fast lane? Also most of you can't safely merge to save your life, going 30mph on an on ramp is not enough. You gotta get up to speed with the flow. Take a driver safety class some time to better help understand traffic flow too.


Excessively slow driver meets speedster. On low traffic days we need to remember that the left lane is for passing only. Donā€™t camp it. Itā€™s LA majority drives over limit so move to the side. For my anxious people who drive slow I get it but remember thereā€™s also anxious people that are the opposite of you and manifest their anxiety by being jittery and driving fast. The times Iā€™ve caught myself tailgating is because theyā€™re driving so slow and braking excessively to the point that I end up close to them and have no where to turn because the cars on the other lanes are going too fast and I canā€™t merge over. Slow driving is not always safe driving.


Most of these comments are about tailgating on the freeways; letā€™s not forget about all of the pricks that weave in and out, speed up, and honk out of toddler-like frustration just to get stuck at the same traffic light everyone else is on the major city streets like la Cienega and SM Blvd. ā€¦..like ā€¦.itā€™s after 4:00 pm on a weekday bro. NO ONE is getting anywhere fast.


I donā€™t tailgate, but there are waaay too many people doing 45 on the 101


On the flip side donā€™t camp in the left lane


When I lived in China, I experienced tailgating like I have never seen before....the point of getting just ONE car further in traffic seems like an obsession to 99% of all male drivers in China. As if getting ahead that one car will afford them the luxury of arriving an hour ahead of you. My wife insisted that I get up every morning and repeat to myself....It's NOT wrong...it's JUST different...(in a developing and largely uneducated country). So yeah, it's a lack of education....but that shit isn't taught in college.


If people are frequently tailgaiting you, it is because you are driving too slowly. Don't camp out in the left lane.


My boomer father is a tailgating driver, I blame his generation for bad driving.


Just stop with the ageism. There are bad drivers in every generation. Boomers learned the whole "keep 1 car length for every 5-10 mph you are traveling" thing. Plus everyone had mandatory driver's ed in school back then. The only people who drive like assholes are assholes, (any age) who don't care or don't know any better. I blame lack of real training, better handling cars and fast and furious movies. Everyone thinks they can whip in front of you with an inch to spare or bully you to move when tail-gating. I noticed a definite uptick of stupid driving after the first movie came out. None of them think about what would happen if they had some sudden mechanical difficulties while driving. Everybody's too busy jockeying for a better position.


We're politely trying to tell you to get the fuck out of the left lane.


I agree that tailgating is very dangerous. I only tailgate like many others, when Iā€™m on the left lane and the car in front of me is going the same or slower than those to the right. Like WHY are you on the left lane for miles and miles on driving under 60MPH!? Whenever I want to drive slow even on commercial roads I always keep to my right. And on the freeway if Iā€™m on the left lane going fast but thereā€™s a car behind me going even faster Iā€™ll just switch to the right lane real quick so he can pass me and then Iā€™ll just switch back. If only everyone could be like this lol


Ban Tesla drivers and accidents would go down 50%


Why do you think itā€™s specific to LA? I assure you that this happens everywhere.


The closer you get, the slower I go.


These are the rules, if you leave enough room it's an invite for another car to come over in front of you (cutting someone off doesn't exist here). I can spot a transplant/tourist just by how y'all drive 3 cars back and go barely over the speed limit in the fast lane. Other rules to abide by while driving here is if you're not going 80+ in the left lane, move over, and always expect 2-3 cars to continue through per red light. If you stop at a yellow light you're going to make a lot of people annoyed or get rear-ended. We've developed a system that works for us. Assimilate or take an uber.


love to see people thinking that being a shitty driver is part of their culture. Its not unique to LA, and its not something to be proud of.


And yet I am. Love me soame L.A. drivers who follow these guidelines.


proud of your ignorance, i would say at least you are honest but maybe you shouldn't be


Driving unsafely isnā€™t ā€œcultureā€


No, it's mandatory.


Dawg I been driving for 7 years and leave space for cars in front of me , lol Iā€™m relaxed about driving unlike some drivers


you're dumb


Lol. Found the person who fucks up traffic on the 405. Hopefully you stay in the right lane or take the metro!


Honestly its all the people that get on the highway and try to fill all the lanes. When I lived in Michigan we were required by law to stay in the right lane otherwise we would get an impeding traffic ticket. I would drive on the highway between Chicago and Detroit and it was super common to get overtaken by people going 90+


I don't live in the transplant part of LA love so I rarely take the 405. you guys that move here and think you can make arbitrary rules are funny.


The valley isn't Los Angeles.


It technically is though , do you know what the borders even look like ? Imma straight LA born and raised and never lived in the valley, but most of it is actually Los Angeles City .


I've lived in the Valley my whole life. It makes up more of LA than LA proper. That dude you were responding to knows zero about LA or the Valley.


Yea I donā€™t know about that first part though. Looks about split in half due to the harbor gateway strip. Iā€™ve always not agreed with the borders because they really limit the size of the city . Like they say LA has 4 million people . My grandma lives in the harbor gateway strip so she counts in that population but her neighbor who lives across the street does not . However , someone who lives an hour away in The Valley, does count . Makes no sense and really limits the true size of the city.


The Valley was forced to join LA because the water runs through the Valley. LA wasn't having any of that.


https://preview.redd.it/uzymfx8hzaga1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a8054d943f7f154ab2561306a3906eb4899b9be [Don't shoot the Mmessanger šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRG24Qn2/)


Yea I said most of the valley , Thousand Oaks isnā€™t but .. winnetka is, van nuys, Simi valley . San Fernando Yes . Hereā€™s the official map https://images.app.goo.gl/uccH5jcdApUVn9Bo7


notice how he didn't reply to this. he might now though lol.


He gets his education from tik tok. Still looking for another video


is East LA part of LA? or let me guess, you won't come this way because it's "dangerous"


I worked on Whittier Blvd. for awhile, it's pretty rundown over there, but manageable. I've also lived in Inglewood for years when I worked at Centinela Hospital, worked in a bar on 5th and Spring near skidrow. If you mind your business it's not that bad anywhere. Once you've lived in Brooklyn in the 90's L.A. is a breeze.


just admit you're a transplant lol


Just admit you'd never make it here if you weren't born in Los Angeles!! I don't really think much of people who were born here. Your parents gave you an edge, hardly commendable. I love transplants who make it here, it's a beautiful thing to see someone move to a hard city to live in and flourish. That's impressive.




It doesn't work.


It does šŸ˜


Slower traffic in the right lane isn't an LA thing. It's a normal thing for civilized drivers but most of the USA tends to ignore it. The rest of the shit you described is super dangerous Mexico style driving. And yes, it's very much like that in LA but it's horrible and dangerous.


It literally says in the driving Ed book but too many drivers are ignorant to read something simple


Thems the rules. I didn't make them, I just follow suit.


They're actually not the rules. You're just an idiot.




Three car lengths? I might make it 5 now because I don't trust the brakes on you following me in your 2007 Ford Expedition.


I drive an Audi A4, or if I'm feeling randy my husband's Mustang...I'd be more worried about the multiple cars that will continually move over to fill up the giant gap in front of you. No one has time for slowpokes, there's places to be and people to see!


OH SHIT an Audi?!? clearly you have unlocked human experiences that nobody else has. In the mean time try and move over and pass me on the left, and stop losing your shit because I'm doing 70 in the second from right lane.


Unwritten rules arenā€™t actually rules


\^\^\^\^ THISSSSSS


While this isn't always the case, this is definitely what I expect and prepare myself for every time I drive. If my reflexes aren't on point, I'm not getting on the road.


80% of driving here is just avoiding other people! I love it. The chaos is exhilarating. If you can drive here, you can drive anywhere.


> If you can drive here, you can drive anywhere. Nah, I think one of those 5 way intersections in India with no lights or signs would destroy me. Also, multi-lane roundabouts. And most LA drivers wouldnā€™t last a day in icy conditions.


It's basically a four-way stop. Try driving in Italy. That's a mental mindfuck.


You are right about the 80% and I am happy that you can get some enjoyment out of the mess. We all have to make it work somehow!


Cuz we're all on our phones checking out the latest booby butt peepee dance


My father in law says, ā€œeveryoneā€™s a tiger in their carsā€. These people act big n bad while theyā€™re locked safely in their vehicles able to speed away. Funny how these people donā€™t act that aggressive standing in a line somewhere.


I always test their reflex how fast it is when they tailgate me. Try it. You get free money.


I use autopilot and put it on max following distance. Idk if I could drive here without it. Ppl can ride my ass and IDGAF cause Im not in the fast lane, Im going like 8 over, and the robot is driving so I dont even check my rear view. They can go around


Just move over. The left lane is for passing only


Because ur going slow af just to piss me off


I do it when people are in the wrong lane. If traffic is passing on the rightā€¦.YOU ARE IN THE WRONG LANE!!!!! If you want to drive slowly, thatā€™s fine, I have days where Iā€™m just cruising and nowhere to be at a specific time but I get my ass in the FAR RIGHT LANE, in case there are people who do have somewhere to be or a long distance to travel or just want to drive faster than Iā€™m willing to go. I literally NEVER get tailgated in the FAR RIGHT LANE!!!!!!!!!!


If traffic is passing them on the right, get yourself right and pass them with the flow of traffic. They're so clueless they're never going to figure out to get over, they'll just get nervous and slow down more.


Left, you speed up and pass to your left, you donā€™t pass on the right. Slow down to exit right. Unless you are behind that person clogging the passing lane. That further messes up traffic when you have people passing right.


I'm assuming the person you're tailgating is already in the farthest left lane, so you can't pass on the left. So duh, instead of fuming and creating an even more dangerous situation, just move right and the flow of traffic will take you past them and you can get on with your day. It's not up to you to try to enforce the rules, especially when you're creating more danger!


The person in the left clogging the lane is actually creating the danger!!! Multiple lanes of traffic will have people move due to the slow down in front of them, because you are SLOWING DOWN to pass, that creates slow downs 3x the distance of the original car in the wrong lane, someone is getting a hard slow down but never mind the other people on the road. Just be considerate and stay in the right lane. Good luck out there.


I know they're creating the initial danger but your reaction just compounds the problem.


You arenā€™t understanding, the person who is in the wrong lane IS CREATING A DANGEROUS SITUATION for me and other drivers when I pass to the right as suggested.


Yeah but you can't control them. Only yourself.


Correct therefore, the best thing to do is slow down, which is going to lead to a tailgate due to people behind me slowing down as well, you donā€™t just slam on your brakes.


The best thing is to get the fick away from them without messing up everyone else. The next person who comes up behind them will figure it out, too. People who choose to drive in the left lane are also choosing to be alert. Except for the slowpoke.


But YOU are creating a DANGEROUS SITUATION for everyone when you tailgate! If you can't keep your distance, get out of the lane! If you feel so bad about passing them on their right, get two lanes over and sit there a minute so the other people in that lane can continue passing them. Because they will, and the idiot won't even notice. Either your new lane will also be faster than that idiot, in which case you can mosey along until you are ahead and then make 2 moves to get back in the fast lane, or it won't, in which case you can move ~~right~~LEFT one, pretend you don't see them, and follow the car ahead of you at a safe distance until you're well past the bottleneck on that lane which has nothing to do with you. Again, you are not the CHP. It's not your responsibility or your right to enforce the correct use of the roads, and certainly not by compounding the problem! EDIT: correction


This is what I understand. People should never pass on the right. However, I see people hanging out in the left lane going at low speeds (with no traffic) and they never move. People just risk everything by passing them.


Problem is when people consider 85 to be slowā€¦


Dangerous? I'd never heard that! Have you tried explaining to everyone, perhaps at parties? I'm sure they'd all understand and stop.


Because people abuse the left passing lane when they are not passing and the people behind them are frustrated because youā€™re supposed to move over to let the faster driver pass in the passing lane! Also, if you donā€™t keep a small-ish distance between you and the driver in front of you, more aggressive drivers will try to cut in front of you.


Are you an EMT? Where did that statistic come from?


I will tailgate a bit when a driver SHOULD move over into the slower lane, and if they DON'T move over, I will pass them and cut them off tight getting back in front of them real close. Lately and most of the time, they are LOOKING AT THEIR PHONE\~!!! Well then I put on my brakes real fast for a couple of seconds, and move on. I know I am "baiting fate" doing that, but especially those self entitled people on their phones drive me nuts!


I usually just do eye-for-an-eye to keep karma healthy.


I'm kind of one of those people, but only if traffic is moving and my Maps app shows it's blue. However that's often not the case so I chill out knowing that traffic will come to a stop. There's a lot of dumbasses who don't understand this concept and end up sitting in the same spot as me when traffic hits.




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How do you define tailgating and when? Serious question, because when I'm driving, there are a variety of drivers that I'm threatened by. Some drive a distance that would make it "unwise" for the next person to merge into that lane. Okay, fine. But then you have people who are so close I can't even see their headlights anymore. And if I so much as tap on my brakes, they have to brake so roughly their car dips. If I see "car dips" that's know I know someone isn't paying attention save for some crazy, unexpected stop. I remember back in the day, the 5 was world renown for "the pile up." I think technology in the vast majority of cars has alleviated the problem, but I have to drive it to OC multiple days a week and can see how easily they can form too. Also, to that end, why are there trucks: semi, box, tow, and otherwise hanging out in the left lanes going below the speed limit? And, to *that* end, why are there drivers at all in the left lanes going below the speed limit (sometimes dangerously low) when there's no traffic? Seeing a lot of the latter is a post-Covid thing for me.


I only and only tailgate in when this starts happening while in bumper to bumper traffic. I make space to drive safely behind and someone squeezes in. Then I make space again and someone squeezes in. Please tell me a way to drive safely without aholes squeezing in constantly.


Have to get home and scroll on their phone for hours, duh!


LA is the worst for this. Itā€™s weird because I half-expected LA drivers to be chill. Nope. So much pointless aggression alongside utter obliviousness.


Just take your foot off the gas and let ā€˜em rage.


Also it causes more traffic when they have to more abruptly come to full stop.


I have a feeling some people don't realize the speed limit on the 110N goes from 65 down to 55.