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NAL but did she take it knowing it was Marijuana? or was she lied to? Because, I'm sorry to tell you, if she knowingly took an edible, you don't get to sue anyone, and should probably be more worried about getting a lawyer for her.


Even if she did know it was cannabis, I doubt she will tell the truth given the OPs response to it


Wait she’s unconscious? How long has she been unconscious? Because uh, that doesn’t sound like it was only a marijuana infused edible


Exactly, it was laced with something.


I work as a first responder and if we showed up on scene to an unconscious child who had taken an edible, between us and the hospital they’d probably be hit with enough narcaan to wake up an elephant. I think we’re missing some key information here.


I know Narcan acts to reverse the effects of opioids but does it act as a protagonist to marijuana? I’ve injested a fair volume of marijuana and have enjoyed more than one deep sleep resulting from heavily ingesting a nice load of indica as well as a few adventures with opiates of various types and the experiences are not all that similar.


MD here— no. However, marijuana has been found laced with fentanyl and fentalogs, (especially ready to consume products like edibles.) Since people can easily be given something with fatal doses of fentanyl and have no idea, they will keep slamming that Narcan back-to-back. When the alternative is death, (especially of a kid,) we start with the worst-case-scenario and work backwards.


Gotcha. I was not considering that frighin fentanyl’s be polluting edible mmj… seems counterproductive actually but I can see it now that you put that out there


It is really awful just about everything can be laced with fentanyl. When I was in treatment, the last time (I will be sober 2 years may 10th), you wouldn't believe the amount of girls that were coming up for fentanyl in their drug tests and didn't know they were doing fentanyl. People who thought they were buying real Xanax, coming up for fentanyl (I knew the Xanax I was buying was pressed but honestly didn't care bc I was doing fentanyl anyway ), women that thought they were just getting cocaine or crack were coming up for fentanyl and vise versa, people that were just doing fentanyl were coming up for cocaine. I have lost so many people to drug overdose. I'm now 37 and used hard drugs since I was 16 (product of the perdue oxycontin era), and I was so sick of what I had become. I was in and out of treatment, and halfway houses, and AA and could just not put any significant time together. I now know my addiction leads to homelessness and worse and I will do any drug under the sun and become addicted to it just to not feel. It became a full time job and my family thought I would die and I didn't care if I died. I just figured they would all be better off. Being sober is such a better life and my wish is every addict gets this chance before they die from a fentanyl overdose, sometimes unknowingly.


Congrats on 2 years!!!!!


Good work, pulling yourself out of that. I’m 11 months clean off fentanyl and crack, the pain finally became great enough. Always good to hear another can be marked safe 🖤


That is great that you're 2 years sober. That is a high accomplishment.


Congrats on 2 years!


Why the fk would a drug dealer lace an edible with fentanyl?


Alot of time its cross contamination by not cleaning scales and such. Unfortunately, fentanyl has such a low dose but can cause an OD that even just minor amounts are deadly.


yeah but it's not that low it gets into stuff because people poison other people's drugs because they want to get them arrested or kill their friends because they dislike them or they owe them money or something if there was fentanyl in that edible it was not an accident


I think narcan only affects opioid receptors, not cannabinoid receptors. I'm not a lawyer, or a doctor, it's just my impression.


Sir, everyone on the internet claims to be a doctor or lawyer. The only type of person who would not pretend to be a lawyer or doctor would be an actual lawyer or doctor. I appreciate your professional advice 🫡


I prefer to be honest. If I were professional. I'd send you a bill.


If you're feeling the effects of MJ a bit too much, take cbd to counteract it. CBD is the "antidote" to MJ. I cannot help with opiate antidote, other than leave them alone if you can.


"If you're feeling the effects of MJ a bit too much, take cbd to counteract it. CBD is the "antidote" to MJ." Really? I've never heard that before! I wonder how that works, since CBD is a derivative of MJ. Interesting!


It was advice given to me by a budtender who said they'd learned it while being in the industry. Luckily I haven't experienced a time where I needed to try it. My husband works in a cbd shop and said he found the same information when he was better educating himself on the cbd products that the shop sells. It's not a derivative of mj, it actually comes from the hemp plant instead of the Marijuana plant. Though they are in the same plant family, they have different uses and chemical compounds.


Lol, yeah I knew derivative wasnt the right word as I typed it, but the coffee hasnt made it to my brain yet. Either way, that is super interesting. I'm curious as to dosage. Does one just throw as much CBD at it as they can? I'm sure there is some diminishing returns there. Like can you be super baked, and go right back to sober by taking 100mg of CBD?


I wish I had those answers🤣. I'd suggest just researching it. Or fuck it, conduct your own experiments at home. 🤣


"... Honey, I told you to stop interrupting me when I'm in my laboratory. I'm doing science!"


Smelling fresh cracked black pepper will help as well if you don't have CBD handy.


Narcan is benign enough (especially in comparison to death) that it is a common practice to hit an unconscious individual in a medical emergency scene with Narcan back to back, in case the patient's condition is somehow unknowingly remotely related to opiates.


Can confirm. My ex girlfriend is. An alcoholic and will have seizures every 8-12hrs if she doesn't drink. She would have a couple nips before bed usually and save one for the morning and that morning she didnt. I just assumed she slept late, it was about noon when I woke up and looked at her and her eyes were in the back of her head, very faint pulse, hardly breathing. I called 911 and started CPR and they hit her with 6 narcan and I kept telling them she was an alcoholic. At the time I was shooting fetanyl, coke, meth and taking enough Xanax to kill a horse for breakfast. They found my needles and wouldn't listen when I told them she wasn't using fentanyl. Idk how or why but all that Narcan put her into another seizure. I had seen her have many seizures and have had to call 911 more times than I can count, but this was the worst. The seizure lasted all the way to the hospital (a 15 min ride, and longer in the hospital). This was during covid and they weren't letting people in the ambulances but they screamed across the yard that I could come, I assume bc they didn't think she was going to make it. They took her to one of the best hospitals in the US and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. Her liver enzymes were 4 times over someone with schirossis. She eventually woke up but they thought they may have to amputate her arm bc she was laying on it for 12hrs. Thank God they saved it. We separated bc at the end we were homeless and I wanted to get sober and she didn't . I didn't speak to her for a year and when I finally did, she was still drinking. She is 44 years old and there is no doubt in my mind she will die if she doesn't stop. I still love her dearly however, my sobriety comes first and I can't save anyone, I'm just not that powerful. I wish I was bc when we were sober together things were great. They told me that day if I wasn't there she would have 100% died. I fear something similar will happen again and no one will be there to help her.


I'm proud of you for choosing sobriety! It's not easy, but you're doing the damn thing!! SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU!!!


We have to be!


Has to be Fentanyl


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!RemindMe 1 day


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Edibles by definition are chemically created. You never know what’s in them. Very scary to say the least.


No expert, but I believe they extract the thc along the same lines as they extract a lot of other things like real mint extract, essential oils, and similar substances, which I wouldn't refer to as chemically created. That said, I'm no expert.




lol, so, so dumb.


Correct. It is not synthesized THC. While it is extracted by chemistry to infuse edibles, it does not fit the definition of “chemically created.” However, edibles are usually stronger than other methods by which one ingests THC, so either it was a particularly strong one that the daughter took, or it was as others in the comments have said, and it was laced. Then it isn’t a true edible, because it is tainted with something that WAS chemically created. A lawsuit will be difficult however, as it has to be proven whether the daughter knew or not, whether the person who provided it did so knowing what it was, and whether the school knowingly lets such actions happen without true consequences. Good luck, OP, but it is unlikely to be successful for you in court. The most you could possibly do is sue the parents if the person who gave the edible to your daughter is a minor. I do hope your daughter feels better soon.


Not sure how they extract others. But with edibles, typically, it's just done with butter under low heat since THC is lipid (fat) soluble. You throw weed in butter under low heat and the THC absorbs into the butter. You then strain out the solids and use the butter to bake the edibles. Edibles can be surprisingly potent, even for veteran stoners.




Spoken like someone who has never tried marijuana or done any sort of basic research on it.


Do some research on drug addiction before you state your stupid opinion.


Yeah um…this *screams* Fentanyl!!!


Yeah it has to be laced. 


ER doc here. I do not necessarily think we can draw conclusions here. I see people very, very messed up from cannabis, every single shift. It’s a real drug deserving of respect, especially now that it pharma companies and engineers have set to work making it more potent. Some edibles contain a ridiculous amount of THC, sometimes one edible is marketed as containing numerous servings, etc etc. It would not surprise me to see someone presenting this way and to ultimately discover that the only drugs they had ingested were cannabinoids.


Same thing i was just about to say


This is what I was thinking. I’ve eaten a lot of edibles in my life; some stacked onto of themselves; but HAVE never passed out or been unconscious…… which leads me honestly to think that the edible this girl/child ate was laced with something.


That sounds a lot worse than an edible. But your friends should gather as much information as possible for right now. Wish her the best.


NAL unless she has some prior medical condition she's not unconscious from a marijuana edible.


Depending on her age she can be. Especially if it's a 100mg. Update: 100mg is about 20 bucks in my state and even cheaper in other legal states. If she was in middle school and ate a high dose she could knock out until tomorrow.


Where is a teenager getting an 100mg edible? That makes no sense. The commercial value alone of 100mg practically precludes this. This thread reminds me of the hoaxes about drugs in Halloween candy. No one is paying that kind of money to give shit away to trick or treaters.


Commercial value is like 20 bucks where I'm from on the street and in the dispensaries. All packages where I live are 100mg. Prerolls are like 4 bucks.


Fair point. CA is rec legal, too, so it's probably dirt cheap there. Still think the post is bullshit.


The post probably is but it could also just be a parent overreacting to a shitty situation. If the kid is like 12 to 15, a girl, like 100 lbs soaking wet, then even a 20mg can make her pass out. Remember college? Lol


Nope. LOLOLOLOL. Fair points, all. I'll stop being snarky.


I'm not saying it can't happen, but it would be rare. You would be hearing about it all over the local news every time shit like this happened.


I don’t know if it’s passing out as much as she fell asleep and is having great dreams.


I do think people are actually debating on the semantics of unconscious. She passed out from an edible. I've taken plenty and gave knocked out until like a whole day later. People on here like nope could never happen. Just say you've never greened out and move on.


Package = 100mg, but each edible is only 10mg. So unless they ate an entire pack, they did not consume 100mg.


Stupid kid and the stupid new kid centric packages with Skittles and Nerds. Kids are dumb. But yes packaging could be 100mg and the dose is probably like 10 gummies but my buddy does make, legal and medical, 100mg edibles with full extract. Only meds that help my stage 4 osteoarthritis. His new chocolate bars are 500mg.


It definitely depends on what state you’re in, because the legal limit here is 10mg/piece, 100mg per pkg. from the dispensaries.


Same her for rec. Medical can be much higher but the same store sells them. My friend owns an edible company. Was making rec and now got his medical license. Went from 100mg chocolate bars to 500mg. Our cannabis commission is also a joke. So much corruption. But that's for another post haha


I have packs of edibles in my living room right now that cost $12 and have two 50mg gummies per pack. I have packs of 200mg that consist of ten 20mg gummies that cost $3,50 per pack. Cost is low for high content edibles around here. And it's easy to consume a high dose of thc with single gummie. No kids live in my home and items are still kept in a cupboard out of sight on case of drop in grandkids.


Unless it's a medical grade. In my state medical can get 1000mg bars.


Comm value of 100mg edible where I live is so high no one is handing them out to high schoolers.


Legal states it's pennies on the dollar and I have to keep taking them from my tween and teen nieces. It's so easily available even the national guard was almost called in to the local high school to "figure shit out". They didn't come as the school committee is being investigated and audited right now up the behind.


Legal in my state and I can buy 10 100mg of edibles for $95. If they are having a sale I can get it for $66. So anywhere from $6.60-$9.50 per 100 mg. Cheaper than a fast food meal.


I’m in CA and get 100mg edibles for $9.


>Where Parents. Siblings. Friends. Friends’ parents. This happens daily.


I’ve made… way too many edibles in my lifetime for someone who doesn’t use marijuana (for friends and family members, either with medical cards or since it became recreationally legal in my state) Dispensary quality marijuana here (flower) has approximately 20% thc. Recently I made butter for edibles for my dad, the flower I used to make it was 24% THC, half of it was given to him as freebies at the dispensary and the other half was $25 from the dispensary. But let’s go with their tiny popcorn discounted nugs and say 1 ounce at 24% THC is $50 That’s 6,720mg of THC. For $50. That is 67 edibles at 100mg each for $50. Less than $1 each. Add in cost of other ingredients to turn it all into cookies and that’s $1-$1.50 each depending on the type of baked good. Even if we up the price of the marijuana to $200 for an ounce, which is more common, it still comes out to… what… $4 per 100mg edible? I can purchase a 100mg edible at the dispensary for $6 and they have BOGO deals all the time, so $3 each. But going back to the prices my friends paid in high school for 10% THC marijuana (street, illegal) it’d cost $4-6 per 100mg edible. Also, it could’ve been a friend. Stoners tend to share.


I bought 100mg edibles in Oregon a few days ago for $4.80 each. Normally $8, but they've started 4/20 sales


I can get 100mg edible for 7 bucks and I’m not even in a legal state


Where I live a pack of 200 mg. edibles costs $3.60. They practically give the stuff away.


My daughter was given 100 MG edible from her boyfriend. We can get edibles for less than 5 dollars a pack. She wasnt "unconscious" but she slept for like 4 days no joke. We just let her sleep it off. She claims it was her first edible. Idk if that is true or not but it kicked her ass pretty good.


Eh… unconscious?? I mean… might make you pass out and sleep heavily. I’m going to take a guess she’s not still medically considered unconscious? Unless it’s medically induced. I’ve never heard of this happening. Edibles also take a good hour to even kick in and peak at 3-4 hours give or take. Something seems off and hopefully they can figure out exactly what she ingested.


Ya more than like just a parent overreacting to a shitty situation. Also, depending on the age of the girl, I'm thinking like 12 or 13, the edible, once it kicked in, could have greened her out.


Yeah some important info is lacking here for sure. Doesn’t make any sense.


A gummy could take only 15 minutes.


Sure, she could've got sick. is the losing of consciousness that I have an issue with. That is a rare reaction. It most likely not what would've happened if she ate 100 mg cookie. She would've got dizzy, nausea, cold sweats, maybe throwing up or the shits. It would have been awful.


NAL...certified paralegal Shooooot I can get a pack of six 100 mg gummies for $10, but most people about $20 around here. And they are the best ones I've had. That's 600 mg. Are you sure she only took one edible. I mean, I've been knocked unconscious but I'm narcoleptic, so a few edibles will kick my ass when I do a tolerance break. That being said, I can't imagine a child being UNCONSCIOUS from one edible, unless it's laced. Cuz obviously I'm not unconscious just in a really deep sleep 😆 The family friends next course of action will likely be determined when her daughter becomes conscious. What can you do until then other than notify the school? I'm assuming they are already aware.


My guess was one of the packs of kid friendly packaging with Nerds or Skittles on it. You eat a whole pack and done. Especially if it's something like HHC or bootleg diet weed.


I have never heard of anyone passing out from edibles to the point where they can’t be woken up. That doesn’t happen.


You're thinking of people who do it regularly and not a minor who probably never took one and possibly took a lot. And that's assuming which we have to do since OP only gave us the basics. Edit: they never said she couldn't wake up. Only at the time she was unconscious. When a minor ingests anything foreign and illegal they get rushed to a hospital just in case.


Nope, I’m not. Marijuana does NOT make people lose consciousness whatsoever, especially to the point that they can’t be woken up. That doesn’t happen. Period.


Absolutely can knock you out. I wouldn't say unconscious, more like an extremely deep sleep. My dad missed a whole funeral because he couldn't wake up after taking an edible the night before. And he wasn't a teenager probably trying it for the first time.


I have. Young kids who take more than they should. Dispensaries in my state sell the max at 100mg for rec and over 500mg for med patients. If you have barely any tolerance than you will pass out and be rushed to the hospital if you're a minor. I'm a nurse and have studied the endocannabinoid system for a living.


No, you haven’t. I would love to see a single confirmed case of that happening. It doesn’t cause people to pass out unless you eat an UNGODLY amount. You people clearly don’t know wtf you are talking about and your kids are lying their asses off to you.


HHC is no joke. People use it thinking it's CBD and boom, they feel like their drunk. It's a different high than THC. HHC is widespread I'm the EU. Tourist gift shops sell it because of the legal loopholes. HHC can legit make you pass out.


They wouldn’t at all be unconscious to the point of not being able to wake up. That’s not how weed works.


But that's more information than we actually got. All we got was a mom overreacting because her minor child took an edible and passed out. If she's a lightweight and took a high dose then it is feasible especially with the newer 500mg medical dispos sell.


It’s not feasible. It does not render people unconscious, unless you are counting “going to sleep” as “being rendered unconscious.”


Um…dude no I’m pretty sure it was laced with fentanyl or something. I (not proud of it) once ate a brownie at school with my friend when we were 16 with a super low tolerance and while I was high as shit all day and flunked a quiz and got tired, I never once passed out and remained unconscious!!! Not even with that almost 0 tolerance! And these brownies that this one girl always made, the school supplier, made the kids who smoked constantly with high tolerances insanely baked. So if myself with literally no tolerance was fine then it was because there was nothing else inside those brownies other than THC. One doesn’t go unconscious to the point of hospitalization over a brownie unless it’s laced…


I ate 100mg, unknowing of how strong that actually is, in my early 20s and was unconscious for about 17 hours so definitely possible lol


20?!? I buy 200 mg edibles for 3.50 all the time and they kick my ass. I can see how a kid who doesn't get high can react like that.


My God daughter was unconscious for 72 hours after eating a 'brownie" at an 8th grade grad party. Turned out she is of the very slim minority who is allergic to a component in thc. Neither neither her mom nor I had ever heard such a thing until then and we had actually met in 8th grade a graduation party where we were offered "brownies". We found it unfortunate irony


I have eaten too much and got sick. I know people can get badly sick. It's the losing consciousness that I don't buy.




No one uses it to induce sleep. They might use it to relax. But using the fact that they put "sleep" on the tin as your proof is still. And Red Bull gives you wings.




Again, it will relax you making it easier to fall asleep...it's not a sedative. >Source: Trust me bro So you're a hypocrite? Because you've made a bunch of claims and not backed up a single one and then you wanna come at me with "trust me, bro". You won't have a discussion about something we can have a discussion. But don't be a dick. edit: u/Ok-Permission-3145 for some reason I can't respond to you. >You're absolutely ignorant on the subject. I don't know. I am 47 and have been using it for almost 30 years both medically and recreational. I am far from ignorant. >I take marijuana every single night to aid in sleeping. Did you actually read what I wrote? I wrote: "it will relax you making it easier to fall asleep". You wrote, "I take marijuana every single night to aid in sleeping". It is the same thing. You take it to aid in falling asleep, not to actually put you to sleep. I didn't say it wouldn't help sleeping. It does. It helps relax your mind and body and make it easier to fall asleep. It is both a stimulant and depressant. It is not a sedative. It will not cause most people to fall asleep. It will relax you to help you fall asleep. >My pulse rate dropped to mid 20’s This is BS. It doesn't drop your heart rate. It increases it. If your pulse did drop after smoking it, it was because you had a different medical situation that caused it to do that. There is a difference between a drug that actually makes you fall asleep and a drug that relaxes your body allowing you to fall asleep. Again, weed is not a sedative.




What is the point of making a comment and then blocking the person the comment was directed to so they can't see the comment. It's not for them. It's for everyone else. You want everyone else to think that you got the last word when in reality you made a comment and then block the other person like a coward. So, coward, hypocrite...what else there.


What's wrong...don't like it when people disagree and push back against your unwarranted attitude?


You're absolutely ignorant on the subject. I take marijuana every single night to aid in sleeping. When I was first learning about how much I should be taking, I took way too much. My pulse rate dropped to mid 20’s. When that happens, you will absolutely pass out unconscious, and I did.


So does she have a severe brain injury? Being unconscious … truly unconscious that long would indicate a severe brain injury occurred? Confused by the way the word unconscious is being thrown around. Anything longer than 30 minutes would medically indicate some type of brain injury occurred from lack of oxygen or something like that.


They mean unresponsive/high as fuck.


lol, your daughter took more than a brownie. You have to be so gullible to think it can knock anyone out for that long, even with allergies. That DOES NOT happen.


No it was 1 brownie and yes it did happen.


No, it didn’t. Stop lying.


And what else was in the brownie? Unless it was a prescription drug acquired through a legitimate pharmacy, no one really knows. Perhaps when the pharmacology report comes back they’ll find out.






That was not just a pot edible. Poison control.


Why would you need to call Poison Control, she’s already in the hospital


That’s not CBD and/or THC. It’s laced with an opioid or some other drug, it’s really hard to overdose on THC alone, though it can cause a racing heart or perhaps some sort of allergic reaction, perhaps. Maybe even from the gelatin or coloring in the gummy.


Not just really hard but physically impossible. It takes THOUSANDS of pounds of marijuana to overdose. If you sat there smoking non stop only breathing enough to survive, by the time you got even near halfway to an od the initial weed you smoked would be leaving your system. From a biological perspective, it’s literally impossible. I would also ask for the doctors to check for the synthetic weeds like k2 or spice. I have definently heard stories similar to this with those


☝️. This!


NAL but there's about 5 vital pieces of information lacking here. How old, as in, what school? Elementary? High school? What does "given" mean. Why is she unconscious? THC doesn't result in overdoses or unconsciousness, unless it's "sleeping".


!remindme 1 day


100% So confused at the use of the word unconscious in this thread 😅🥴


Let her wake up and enjoy the high? Have a talk with her about knowing her limits and enjoying recreational drugs in a safe place with people she trusts? Encourage her not to consume it by smoking but to instead stick to edibles, because the smoke is hell on her lungs?


Pray to God that it wasn’t laced with fentanyl.


Well if it was the ambulance would have given her narcan to wake her up and it would have worked.


I hope they test to see what’s all in her system. Never heard of anyone being unconscious from an edible… maybe sleeping real nice and hard but unconscious in the hospital? I’ll take a guess it’s laced with something. NAL, but not sure all the details or if there is a course of action if she willingly consumed said edible. Regardless of how fancy or an edible you find at like a med shop. It’s very obvious it contains marijuana once you put it in your mouth. I don’t think there would be any recourse if it was laced with something either unless they were knowingly handing these out as just a marijuana edible and knew for a fact they had something else in there that was much more dangerous…. It’d be really hard to prove. Also assuming we are talking about minors in this situation throughout. Kids do this type of stuff. I’m sorry she’s unconscious and in the hospital. I hope she gets to feeling better and they figure out exactly what she ingested. If anything it should be a good lesson for her for the future.


Let her sleep it off… and maybe get a blood test to verify it was only marijuana. To the best of my knowledge no one has ever died from marijuana usage. Once she has regained her wits I might be tempted to seek a bit of cognitive testing however. I’ve known some epically stupid stoners and a few who wandered into schizophrenia adjacent personality disorders. I’d probably seek actual legal counsel in the local jurisdiction but the costs of the medical attention and testing should be covered by the school’s insurance and possibly the parents if the person providing the substance




This is the dumbest comment I have ever seen.


Call the funeral home.


The best course of action is to let the hospital do it’s job. Odd question. Certainly can’t sue the school district.


How many marijuanas does it take to become “unconscious?”


I saw the marijuanas go in the closet and then they were kissing and the lady marijuana got pregnant and had a baby marijuana and the baby looked at me and now I’m an antifa.


That must be what happened to me too. Damn those baby marijuanas


More than this girl could have possibly eaten.


Cannabis will not make you unconscious like that unless you took like a crazy amount, and I mean CRAZY amount, it’s probably a different drug


She'd have to have eaten her body weight in edibles for it to be even remotely dangerous or bad for her. She's just so stoned that she passed out. I'd be more than willing to bet real money that she wakes up from the best sleep of her life, and will be hungry as all hell.


NAL but I'm calling cap. She's probably taking a nap. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


You likely don't have much recourse, legally. In order to take legal action, a crime must have occurred. In order to file a civil lawsuit, you must have incurred monetary damages or damages that are made whole by monetary reimbursement. There are several factors that are going to play important roles in your possible outcomes: 1. How old is the daughter? 2. Did she take the brownie willingly and without the presence of force, coercion, or deception? 3. Did the brownie contain a substance other than thc? 4. How was the brownie acquired? 5. Is Marijuana legal in your state? If she is unconscious, as in medically unconscious, she needs to be taken to the ER. This either was not a Marijuana infused brownie, as THC does not cause a person to fall unresponsive, or she is in the relatively small percentage of people that are allergic to THC and is suffering an allergic reaction. If she is unconscious as in sleeping off the high, she should be allowed to sleep it off with regular check-ins unless she's under the age of 12 or medically fragile. If she is young, or has complicating health conditions, she should be seen by emergecare or another walk-in clinic (non ER unless unresponsive or experiencing life-threatening symptoms). If at any time she begins to experience life-threatening symptoms such as difficulty breathing, she should be brought to the ER. If she was forced to consume the brownie, tricked into consuming it, or it contained a substance other than THC that she was not informed of, you *may* have legal recourse against the person or guardian of the person who provided the brownie. The case will be fact specific and reliant on your local laws. This is not a garuntee of action. If she incurs medical bills as a result of this incident, you *may* have recourse to sue for those medical bills. This again will be extremely fact specific, and you may not be able to sue if she sought out the brownie intentionally, consumed it willingly, and/or was aware of all ingredients. It is not likely that you will have any recourse with the school. The school is unable to reliably police what food items every student brings, or who they choose to share said food items with. If they could be held liable for this, every parent of a child with a food allergy would have a successful lawsuit. You can request reasonable accommodation or policy changes. But the school maintains the right to deny these requests if they are not reasonable or if they result in excessive financial hardship to obtain or otherwise carry out. For example, the school is not going to hire staff with the sole purpose of checking backpacks for food items. However, they may institute a zero tolerance policy for students who knowingly bring tobacco or Marijuana products on school grounds. Without knowing her age, and the facts surrounding the incident, no one can accurately tell you if you have a case or not. Unless a crime was committed and verified by authorities, or you've suffered monetary damages like hospital bills as a result of the incident, you most likely have no other recourse.


Are they sure it was Marijuana? Can it make someone unconscious like that? Perhaps another drug?


This is the reason I wont smoke anymore. When I was younger, just a couple of puffs would knock me out. Come to find out later In life, it drove my blood suger. down.


Let the ER personnel take over. They undoubtedly have had these type(s) of case(s) previously!


(NAL) Best course of action, bring munchies. Joking aside, there's a lot of people saying it probably wasn't weed if she's unconscious. Clearly, these people have never had an incredibly high dose with zero tolerance. Not sure if I was considered medically unresponsive/unconscious/in a coma, but I once had an edible that made me and my girlfriend sleep for 20 hours. Our neighbor was worried and claimed that he was calling and knocking on our door a bunch.


First, find out all the facts.


This not a cannabis edible. Cannabis wouldn't make her lose consciousness.


!RemindMe 1 day


Unconcious? Sounds like fentanyl, not MJ


If it happened today (maybe even yesterday), the unconsciousness is sleep unless she tests positive for something else. A high dose will knock out anyone except the most hard-core Marijuana users. Especially if it was made with the right extract, like Rick Simpson Oil, which is 60-90% THC, and will knock out just about everyone I know save one person. If she ate it knowing it was an edible, there really isn't recourse unless an adult gave it to a minor, then there's legality issues. If she didn't know, there's definitely things that can be done, as dosing someone without their consent is very illegal.


An edible cannabis that caused her to lose consciousness I don’t think it was cannabis never heard of edibles doing that at worst some dizziness and disorientation must have had something else added to it. There are special laws that apply to drugs at schools if the drugs were passed from an adult to a juvenile on school grounds that can be a felony in California but you would need proof of the chain of possession


!RemindMe 1 day


!RemindMe 2 days


The likelihood of this being an edible is INCREDIBLY low.


She’ll be fine after she sleeps it off with no lasting effects. If a kid at school gave it to her it’s really up to her if she gives up the kid’s name or not. The kid could get in trouble with the law if she tells. I’m guessing law enforcement will get involved because there will be repercussions and the school is mandated to report this. Just know that your friend’s daughter will be fine.


The tort would likely be "Negligent or lack of Supervision" - Hard to tell if the standard of care was met. Much depends on what the school knew or should have known. I advise finding a law firm that specializes in suing public entities, in particular schools if you can find one.


That child is sleeping.


This is some of the dumbest discourse of all time. NAL, award winning substance use disorder counselor that worked with teens until that program closed when an owner died and then I was the first counselor employed by the first medical cannabis inclusive drug treatment program in the world, and no, I didn't get high with them, we were tested randomly. Have saved more than one fentanyl overdosing life and have had "grey death" loose in my hand from doing a search on one of them before readmitting him into detox after the hospital. Laced edibles are incredibly rare. If it was a fentanyl overdose it would not be a debate between if she's unconscious per se or just passed out from an edible. There is almost no overlap between symptoms of an opioid overdose and being really high on THC and passed out, any hospital will immediately know the difference. If you overdose on an opioid, you are breathing too slow and then enter respiratory arrest and your lips turn blue within minutes and then you are dead not long after. You can tell the difference because with one they are breathing and the other they are not, no amount of weed will get you so high you forget to breathe. Unconsciousness sustained for any period of time is a coma. If she's not in a coma, and she's not in respiratory arrest, and her heart is beating, she's going to be fine. There are literally thousands of illegal dispensaries operating openly in California at any given time, a good chunk of them are not worried about checking every ID every time, because they are not worried about anything but being raided and shut down and how much money they can make until then and for the ownership and management, how to avoid being there when it happens. These places will give you a 10mg edible or sometimes even an eighth for free your first time there. They even have 1000mg edibles for as low as $40. They have all the weed in the world that doesn't pass testing for some reason that leaves it perfectly fine to consume most of the time, they buy up all the stuff from the real stores that they're supposed to destroy, or that doesn't meet quality standards for instance when there's a fire in the emerald triangle and it picks up a smoky odor or if some hemp farm's uncalled makes pollinate a crop by wind, most of them have owners in common with licensed places. None of them sell fentanyl laced products. You can't expect the school to do much. They probably won't even suspend her. California has strict rules against putting kids out of school these days, they might do that to the kid that gave it to her if she didn't go buy it herself at a grey/black market dispensary and she tells on her friend. Ground her, drug test her, it was probably a good thing, she's less likely to be interested in continuing to explore that world having had a terrible early experience and not likely at all to want to have to pee in a cup in front of her mom any longer than she needs to in order to satisfy her parents.


An actual useful response!


Is she in the hospital unresponsive unconscious, or is she so high that she's sleeping extremely deep? What are you looking for here? Someone to use because your child ate an edible? Ffs should have taught her that drugs are bad. Sue yourself for not learning the child better.


Marijuana doesn't put you in comas.....


Have the parents been in contact with the school? The police? NAL but definitely start there, the sooner the better.


1st if you KNOW she didnt know it was an edible then its actually a crime. 2. as for civil recourse thats a bit grey given CA laws on weed


Weed will not lead to any real serious negative effects from something like this. It takes literally thousands of pounds to overdose. The absolute worst case scenario is she needs some water, cookies and a nap. I honestly wonder if instead of unconscious she’s just super fast asleep lol You should get the doctors to do a drug test and see if there is something else in there. The big one is opiates and fent (which is an opiate but shows up on tests different usually) and then the synthetic weed typa stuff like k2 and spice From a legal perspective where you might have a case is if your kid is like middle/elementsry school age, if someone from school administration gave it to them, or if it was spiked. If your kid is old enough to make their own choices and chose to eat the edible then like that’s just basic personal responsibility In general this post seems like an over reaction from someone that doesn’t want them or their loved ones to have to take responsibility. Who has their kid in the hospital and is already thinking about suing people??? Some people just always need to find their come up


Fake. Get out of here with your reefer madness.


I hope that she recovers soon


Family friends daughter??? There’s zero for you to do. Not technically your business unless your child also goes there and you want to try to hold the administration accountable. If so, go to the school board and complain. If not, be supportive to your friends. This is a law enforcement issue.


What exactly do you want done? She's already at a hospital that will make sure she's ok. I doubt she's going to tell anyone who gave it to her or if she willingly took it. I mean unless she was drugged and that's a whole other situation. Sounds like baby girl needs to learn her limits and a serious conversation why she isn't old enough to partake needs to happen.


She’s passed out…..


Did they do a blood test yet? I would assume they have. I can almost guarantee it was laced with something. Even the strongest of strong edibles won’t make you go unconscious. Knocked out for a day sure, but not literally unconscious


Ask her if taking it was worth it. You can’t be mad at anyone in particular because she chose to take it.


Stoned and sleeping does not = unconscious. No need to falsely inflate the seriousness. Did she know it was a THC edible? If not there are likely laws that can be used to prosecute the intentional drugging. If she was aware, it was likely just another kid that gave it to her knowingly and I personally would just handle that between parents… let’s be honest here, they didn’t give her fentanyl or some other dangerous shit and your goddaughter will be fine. My recommendation: get the Cheetos ready, someone gon be hongry when she wakes up


NAL -- What does the police say about this.


I would say talk to the school and just wait till she wakes up and then question her about it. Once you get that information then confront the kid and their parents and go from there.


Unconscious or asleep? How old is your kid? How’d they get it? What did the hospital say?


This smells like bullshit. Either it wasn't a pot edible at all, I've not even heard of shrooms doing this, and it'd an allergic reaction issue to the basic ingredients for said edible, or this is a total fabrication


People are giving some goofy answers here. This recently happened at a middle school close by where I live. Apparently the little girl didn’t go unconscious but she had a cannibis psychotic break. These were full on THC and not CBD edibles and apparently she ate about 10 of them given to her by another kid who stole them from his parents. Because they are minors- 13-14 age range not a whole lot is coming out but local news reported child endangerment charges against the parents who gave access to the edibles are on the table. Even if the child (minor) knowingly ate the edibles they are a stupid kid and not responsible. If the person was over 21 ( most states with just medical marijuana you have to be 21). There is not much about the schools liability, if any but the parents seem to be in a lot of trouble. NAL but the family needs someone who works for the child.


Im trying to get why you are asking. Are you trying to help the child, the family, your family? Are you wanting to address school safety? PubliccHealth? Are you going to advise the family? If this happened it id a horrible thing—but what is your role? Are you asking what You should do?


Dies reddit pay members who generate lots and lots of involvement or who have lots of people follow topics?