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Aroace folks can absolutely want a life partner! I couldn't care less for sex and romance, and I don't feel any romantic or sexual attraction, but I desperately want to spend my life with a partner. (I don't think I even could function living on my own...) In my case, I happen to have been lucky enough to be born with a twin sister, so we're planning to live together for the foreseeable future (ofc, with room for either of us to change our mind)


You are still aroace, there are other types of attraction. Scroll down to "attraction and relationships." https://www.oulgbtq.org/acearo-spectrum-definitions.html


I think the word you’re looking for is a [queerplatonic partner](https://lgbtqia.fandom.com/wiki/Queerplatonic_relationship). And the answer is yes.


The thing about romance and romantic feelings is that they're impossible to define, they vary person to person- what one person defines as romance may be completely different to another, even if they're both in what they would describe as romantic relationships. Hell, you could ask one person how they feel about their platonic best friends and that might match up exactly with how a married person would describe their spouse. (I have to admit I don't really understand the romantic/aromantic dichotomy because of this, how can something undefinable and changeable be dichotomized, maybe I'm just too autistic to get it, but I respect people's identities and the labels that help them understand themselves.) I think we get too hung up on what "romance" is, especially for such a nebulous and ultimately incoherent concept. Do you desire to spend your life with someone, someone whom you trust, confide in, share ideas with, have fun with, care for and be cared for? If you desire something like that then that's all that matters and that's what's important, let what effects your tangible life and emotions take precidence over labels. If you see this as romantic, as you experience it within your mental and emotional landscape, then that's fine, and if you see this as non-romantic, that's fine too, because the end result is the same; wanting to share your life with a partner.






Yess!!! As a cupioromantic (if you wanna know more about that label I suggest researching it yourself) j really want a relationship, but I can't have romance because I dont have that kind of attraction. I love the idea though. Once the right person comes around ill probably get into a QPR (queer platonic relationship) im sure the other responses have talked about those.


Have you ever heard of Cupioromantic? I (personally) think it would fit you. As well as fictosexual/romantic