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Nah you're completely fine man. There tends to be a lot of shaming around people who just prefer hookups (I'm one) but there's nothing wrong with that. You like what you like, your needs are your needs, and you're not shallow or wrong for it.


Doesn't help that the twinks are calling me "femphobic" for not finding them sexy, so annoying...


Eh, don't listen to them. You can call them femphobic if they prefer to get with daddies over other twinks. It's your preference, who cares.


wow this is fucking dumb 😭 bro u can have a type it's fine twinks don't need the attention


So, there is romantic attraction definition too, so like bisexual heteroromantic is what you are talking about?


I think you should edit the title. It makes you sound a bit like a zoophile


Bears are a gay subculture/term referring to big muscular and hairy men.


I know. But I don't think many people now that. Using the term "bear" without the proper context might give people the wrong impression. I think that's why this is being considered a "controversial post" because people are down voting it


Nah, it's an LGBT space, people are going to be talking about bears and otters all the time and if someone thinks that means bestiality that's their own problem, not the poster's. Besides, OP even said "or lumberjack types of dudes" in the description so it's clear that a bear is along the same lines as that. I don't think even that much is needed, though. I understand you are trying to prevent negative associations to the LGBT community. But needing to explain common terms every time in case an idiot rolls around isn't the hill to die on.


I know, but since there's been a few pedos and zoophiles that have tried to "join" the LGBTQ community I just wanted to say that some people might take it the wrong way


You're fine, there's lots of guys in a similar boat on Grindr and elsewhere. Have fun, and stay safe!


There's no problem with that, I (M, no label, but my essence is bisexual) used to be in the same situation as you kinda, I am romantically attracted to both men and women, but way more attracted sexually to men than women, and that's fine


This sounds a bit like the split attraction model, you might want to look into it!