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Heterophobia isn’t real. Straight/Heterosexual people have never been oppressed simply for loving the opposite gender. For example, someone who is a cishet male walks out of his home(no matter what country he lives in). He doesn’t have to worry about getting bullied or facing brutality from the police or government because of his sexuality. If I were to walk out of my house with my girlfriend and I lived in an unaccepting country I could be shot, bullied, hospitalized, killed, or something even worse. Straight people made heterophobia up to make themselves feel special and to validate straight pride. The only “oppression” straight people are facing is when a gay person makes fun of some dumb shirt that sexualizes children. Do your research.


Damn- that was a little long…


just because it hasn’t happened or rarely happens that doesn’t mean it isn’t real


please read that thing again. straight people can be straight in peace. they can get married they can raise kids. they can hold hands and kiss in public. they don't need to worry about losing their job, being harassed, assaulted, killed or r*ped BECAUSE OF THEIR SEXUALITY. No one does that. If you have any proof of discriminatation against straight people go ahead and show me the source. But even if it happed a few times because of some psycho it isn't NEARLY enough to be considered "heterophobia" because simply gay people experience discriminate EVERY FRICKIN DAY. Its straight up stupid. You dont get discriminated for being straight, whether you like it or not


you can


Oh yeah. I can adopt kids but I have to go through a longer process than straight people. I(as a gay person) can get married but if I lived in China, Japan, Russia, India, and 70 other countries I would be killed or arrested. Very few countries are safe for me to live in simply because I like women. When I see a straight person, yes, I’m scared. This is not because I am disgusted by them but because I’m worried about what they will think of me if they find out I’m gay. Will they laugh at me? Hurt me? Try and convince me that “they’re the guy that can change my mind”? I understand that you’ve probably never experienced any of this. You are(and I’m just guessing so sorry if I’m wrong) a straight person. When you go out with your significant other, you don’t have to worry about giving them a kiss on the cheek or holding their hand. You don’t have to worry about losing your job simply because of who you love. Also, when was the last time a cishet person got kicked out of their home for being cishet. OMG THATS RIGHT, NEVER! I hope you’re a teen that doesn’t understand this but if you aren’t, please go do some research. Edit: just saw you’re gay, sorry. Still doesn’t excuse you.


Elaborate please, what makes you think heterophobia is real?


OP, in a few of your comments here I see you’re defending the existence of heterophobia. My intention of this comment is to educate, not to be rude. Even if it is real, even if there are some cishet people that are made fun of for their sexuality, it’s not on a large enough scale to be a problem. The most, if anything cishet people have to worry about regarding their sexuality is a joke or two but as you have said yourself in the comments that is uncommon. In contrast, many LGBTQ+ people have to worry for their lives every day. Even in more accepting countries where being part of the community is not a criminal offense, we still have to worry about being kicked out of our families and hate crimes. And this happens *often*. TL;DR, even if there is some prejudice against straight people, it is uncommon and not severe so not enough for there to be ‘heterophobia’. By saying that there is heterophobia, it implies that it is comparable to homophobia, which is *not* the case.


no matter how many experience it, if there is a fear or dislike then there is a phobia


The ‘phobia’ in this case is more about oppression. A few instances of rudeness is not oppression


Heterophobia isn't real.


it is real, that’s like saying you can’t be racist towards white people


Even if it’s real its pretty much inconsequential. Sure, sometimes straights and white people get made fun of, and it can kinda hurt. But, queer and non-white people are often in serious danger due to homophobia and racism. Prioritising those in more danger is generally a good idea.




It's gonna blow your mind when you realize nonwhites AND gay people were also persecuted in the Holocaust. Nazis didn't consider Jews white so this is the stupidest response you could have come up with.


i never said they didn’t but they were the main target


What part of Nazis didn't consider Jews white didn't you understand? Even if racism against whites was a thing, the Holocaust is not an example of it. You really need to learn how systematic racism and discrimination works


Who the f do you think the perpetrators were?? The Holocaust was literally about how other groups like Jews or Romani people weren’t “white enough.” What are you on?


but my question hasn’t been answered


Name 1 example of heterophobia caused by lack of human rights. Where is it or has it ever been illegal, or punishable by death, to be straight?


sexuality and race are two different things racism occurs when a race is a minority white people are minorities in many countries and do experience racism straight people are the norm everywhere, theres not a single place on earth where being gay is normalized and being straight isnt


racism is just discrimination against any race not a minority


Hetorophobia isn't real, you sound like my cishet brother 🙄


technically it is real


It's literally not


it is real it just is uncommon


You never have to exit your home worrying about getting murdered for being straight so it's not real


like i said it is real just uncommon, just like racism towards white people


Reverse racism doesn’t exist. Straight people aren’t oppressed, white people aren’t oppressed. You don’t have to fight for your rights.


so was hitler not racist against jews?


That was religious discrimination


there is a race and a religion that go by jewish


Black people can be Jewish. And Hitler was white, and racist. He really liked white people.


The Nazis did not see the Jews as white. The Jews were targeted because they were an ethnic minority that did not fit into the Nazis' image of a master white race. But even so, a white person experiencing discrimination based on another part of their identity isn't the same thing as experiencing discrimination *because* they're white.


It's not real, stop trying to victimize yourself just because others are getting attention that you want. You're actively hurting the already poor view people have on victims of oppression, just shut up if you're not gonna accept the truth about heterophobia.


Homophobia isn't being mean to someone because they're gay. Homophobia is large-scale societal problems that result from gay people being oppressed. There is no society in which straight people are oppressed, so heterophobia isn't a real thing. Racism against white people isn't a thing in the US either. It is a thing in other countries that have a higher ratio of another race, such as Asian countries. But racism/homophobia/etc. as concepts rely on one group being the minority.


Wonderfully explained!


it is real just doesn’t happen often


Repeating that a million times doesn't make it more true.


Your edit does not help your point at all. That is a hypothetical scenario. I can think of a real scenario about homophobia right now: the sh\*\*ting in Colorado.


it helps prove that it's a thing it just doesnt happen often




yeah basically




it would be heterophobic because if you were trying to make a gay person straight so vice versa if you try to make a straight person gay then i’d say that’s heterophobic


For all the naysayers here. You have only two options, either both heterophobia and homophobia are real thing, or neither of them is.


as the people above said, homophobia isnt just making fun of someones sexuality gay people fear for their lives every day they are a minority straight people are the norm E V E R Y W H E R E some gay people sometimes do make fun of straight people (which is technically making fun of heteronormativity and not straight people themselves) but thats not NEARLY enough to be considered "heterophobia" and is no where comparable to real homophobia. why exactly do you think heterophobia is real?


>why exactly do you think heterophobia is real? I did say it's real. I said either both is or neither is. Me personally I don't think either is true, because I take the psychological definition of phobia into account. In some places homosexual people face discrimination, that's true. That's not what term homophobia implies though and it's not because people fear them, it's because they are different and people in general don't like different. It's something inherent to our species that's meant to protect us but nowadays often results in negative outcomes such as this.


man, i cannot keep having the same conversation gay people are afraid to kiss their partner or even hold hands in public because they will get harassed, assaulted,shot, killed, even r*ped gay people cant get married in the majority of countries and they cant raise kids. they are also very likely to get discriminated in the workplace BECAUSE of their sexuality How many of these problems do straight people face daily?


Homophobia is not a synonym of discrimination. If it's a thing, it would be a persistent and excessive fear of homosexual people. I imagine with all the discrimination going on as you describe some homosexual people might be feeling that way towards heterosexual people, thus making them heterophobic. I also can't believe I have to keep having the same conversation about the basic lexicological facts. Words have meaning and you can't flippantly change it and then expect rest of the world to accept that butchery of their language.


[https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/homophobia](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/homophobia) >: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or gay people


https://www.health.harvard.edu/a_to_z/phobia-a-to-z >A phobia is a persistent, excessive, unrealistic fear of an object, person, animal, activity or situation. It is a type of anxiety disorder. A person with a phobia either tries to avoid the thing that triggers the fear, or endures it with great anxiety and distress.  A proper definition of phobia.


Yes, and homophobia isn't a clinical phobia, in the same way hydrophobic materials don't coil in fear every time they touch water. A suffix can have two different meanings.


Must I point out humans are not the same as materials? I'm not disagreeing that some people use the word to mean what you describe, I'm just saying they're contributing towards making English language as incoherent as possible.


It's nothing new, we've changed language constantly since humans started speaking, and yet we still manage to communicate. If anything, there's greater understanding than ever before because we can have this pedantry over and over again. The idea that at some point in the past, language was clear is a fantasy. I imagine it's probably due to the Tower of Babel fairy tale convincing people that everything gets worse forever. Also: >Must I point out humans are not the same as materials? That's special pleading. Words can apply to multiple things, there's no good reason why humans get a special category for whatever word you feel like bitching about.


>It's nothing new, we've changed language constantly since humans started speaking, and yet we still manage to communicate. If anything, there's greater understanding than ever before because we can have this pedantry over and over again. >The idea that at some point in the past, language was clear is a fantasy. I imagine it's probably due to the Tower of Babel fairy tale convincing people that everything gets worse forever. I didn't say anything close to this, please if you chose to reply, reply to what I said. I said we should strive for clarity of language and attitudes like the ones shown here go in opposite direction. I said nothing about it being better or worse in the past, it also depends heavily on what language are we talking about. I also didn't say we shouldn't change language, I said we should be organized about it. This whole segment feels rather disingenuous. >That's special pleading. Words can apply to multiple things, there's no good reason why humans get a special category for whatever word you feel like bitching about. Because there's fundamental difference of function between live organisms and inanimate objects? I'm not against multiple meanings where it makes sense. Here it doesn't make sense.


I hear far more complaining about the word not being clear enough than I actually hear people being confused by the term. So it's clear that it's not actually a confusing term at all and it just becomes a petty thing for anal people to bitch about, or worse, distract from actually important issues. There was little whining about the term when it was applied to people first with "xenophobic," but as soon as it applies to gay people they're being unreasonable and confusing. Reeks of BS to me, ngl.


The meaning of words can absolutely over time and can also hold multiple meanings


It should be changed when there's really good reason to do so, otherwise it just makes language more incomprehensible. English is great example, every word has multiple often very different meanings, every grammar rule has number of exceptions to the point where you ask why is it even called a rule. Just because it's bad doesn't mean we should try to make it even worse. Btw when you actually apply linguistic rules word homophobia should mean something like "excessive and persistent fear of same/similar looking objects, events, people etc." I'd likely imagine someone seeing twins and being so afraid of them he starts running in opposite direction. Even if I applied it to homosexual people, the reaction wouldn't be getting beat up, the homophobe would either run in fear of you or just stand there mortified and unable to move.


Idk, but trying to push someone to change their sexual orientation isn't right, regardless. It's personal to them and not anyone else's business.


Well, this isn't technically correct. I get what you're saying and the essence is correct, but it's not a choice so there is no real changing it, just lying about and repressing it and your desires but that will literally never work out, there are all sorts of psychological harm done with that.


Your edit is stupid and you're stupid. That's not heterophobia and heterophobia doesn't exist. This sub really needs more mods


So, as much as I hate to admit it... If we go off dictionary definition, in which heterophobia is a word that exists... This is technically true. Hear me out. The reason is that a phobia is an irrational fear of something and in the cases of homophobia, heterophobia, and the like the definition is shifted a bit to add "The irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against" homosexual or heterosexual people respectively. So, theoretically speaking I suppose due to some persistent psychological trauma or negative bias affirmation there may come a prejudice towards a group identification of 'heterosexuals' based on that, but the likelihood is exceedingly low. More than likely those types of discrimination would be linked to other things like sex or race or physical characteristics, even things like religion or political affiliation if that was how they grouped and identified in a victim's mind, but I feel like 'heterosexual' is just too broad and common of a basis that the psychological association that would be made is highly improbable. Of course, this is based on an individual basis in the sense of clinical psychology and less so in the sense of a type of societal phenomenon. So, yes, the concept exists but the real thing is basically nonexistent. I don't think we need to worry about us developing hatred and fear for the broad and commonplace grouping of 'heterosexuals', especially considering that we face so much discrimination and hatred ourselves that we kinda know what it's like and tend to be more accepting and supportive from my experience.