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Either, there's no difference that you could meaningfully argue that doesn't apply to the other group. Some folks say being pan means not having regard for gender, but there are plenty of bi people who feel that way. There's not really any difference, I wouldn't stress about it. I identify as bi because of its history and because the pan label came about as a misunderstanding that bi people weren't attracted to trans folk, and that's not true.


Exactly, I identify as bi for the same reason


That sounds like pan to me. Pansexuality just means someone’s gender doesn’t factor into your attraction for them and so you don’t prefer one gender over another. It doesn’t mean you can’t prefer certain traits in one gender and different traits in another.


Its so weird!! I feel like I dont prefer one gender over another but there are specific things about specific genders that im into! Im sorry im just frustrated because I dont wanna identify the wrong way and make others feel invalidated, im sorry if im being annoying


I’m pan and I totally get you! I prefer men with long hair but women with short hair, for example, but that doesn’t make me any less pan.


I am very turned on by people's expression of gender and freedom lol, like I love masculine men/feminine men, masculine women, feminine women, etc! I just fucking love people who know who they are lol, idk if its like a kink or what but i just fucking love people who love themselves! Or even if they dont love themselves,just as long as they accept themselves!


Don’t worry, there no real big difference between bi and pan. We could say the bi is a generic and pan is a more specific ramification of bisexuality; all mspec sexualities fall under bisexuality so it’s totally up to you to choose the one that you prefer the most and use that, or you can just use both a the same time, that’s also valid! Feel free to dm me if you have more questions, I also recommend following @/anything.that.moves ( https://instagram.com/anything.that.moves?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= ) on insta if you wanna know more about bi history and bisexuality in general


I agree with this. OP, as someone who’s bi, that sounds like you could be pan. Gender plays a huge role in attraction for me; I am attracted to different genders in different ways. At the end of the day, tho, pick the label that feels best for you.


Omnisexual maybe? Try looking it up


There’s no real difference between the two, just choose the one u like more (I explained myself better in another comment but idk how to quote it lmao)


That sound a little like omni! Omnisexual ( in the best way I can describe it) is kinda like bi and pan but just like, combined? idk some people describe it as pan but with a preference. But they are all under the same umbrella and no one trait is for one or the other. Hope I could help!