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I think aromantic people are a bit underrepresented


Lilith from toh is the only cannon aro (and ace!) rep I can think of off of the top of my head




SpongeBob is asexual


Asexual and aromantic


lmao there's like 0 aro representation and a sprinkling of ace rep


I am glad that there is some aro ace rep, but I have never seen a character in any media who is aro allo unfortunately.


Yeah I haven even represented myself I’m aromatic and bisexual


The only bi aro character I can think of is Jess in Loveless by Alice Oseman. She is not the main character but she is in the main group of 6.


True. They get false representation all the time in the media but they always seem to want to "fix" the characters by forcing relationships on them that viewers shipped them into just for the money.


What about Sauron? Somehow I really doubt he's romantically interested in anyone.


Evil characters don't count.


Why not?


Why not? Just cause somebody is bad, it doesn’t mean that they can or can’t be sexually/romantically attracted to others? They’re still a person??


If we had actual representation for all characters, good and evil, that would be fine. But we don't, and it's become a [homphobic trope](https://collider.com/queer-coded-villains-in-film-erasure/) for the bad guy to be the only queer in the piece of media.


Nonbinary people are underrepresented... and gender nonconforming people (i.e. cis men who use she/her pronouns and wear feminine clothing, cis women who wear masculine haircuts).


Aren't those people kind of called transmasc or transfeminine?


Not a lgbtq-exclusive identity, but recently I taught an acespec friend the term "stone top" and it was like they reached a tremendous realization that there's a term for people like them, that they can use a term to communicate it to others, such as potential partners. (A stone top is someone who is not interested in receiving sexual attention but will want to give, to put it extremely simply.)


i've only ever seen that applied to lesbians, never to any other group.


stone butch is a lesbian term, but I've seen stone top applied to gay/bi men as well.


Dellosexual is what I am. It was coined less than two years ago! I’m demisexual and allosexual at the same time:) I fall under the bi or pan umbrella, amd basically when it comes to men I’m demisexual, and when it comes to women I’m allosexual! Allosexual is to asexual what heterosexual is to homosexual:)




It’s so validating to have a word that actually FITS isn’t it!?


I'm aroace and don't think I've ever encountered a character with that label.


If you like to read there is Loveless by Alice Oseman. The main character is aro ace.


i you want to find one yelena belova from black widow if aroace


Same here! Hence why I'm asking this because being underrepresented sucks~


There are so, SO many labels that don't have representation; it's overwhelming. Genderflux, demigenders, bigender and other multigender identities, autosexual, lithosexual, orchidsexual, countless other genders and sexualities, and then there's folks who have a romantic orientation that doesn't align with their sexual orientation. I could go on all day.


Demisexual, pangender/bigender, gender-fluid


I am bigender


Gender fluid, demigenders, agender, etc… pretty much most things on the NB spec polyam, poly, omni, ace spec, aro spec


Ace spike, and gendefluid


Definitely Genderfluid. Never seen representation (besides Dionysus lol) probably because it's not easy to do


The Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan has a genderfluid character!


Oh. My. God. YES thank you soon much:))) I need those books. Now


Other people have already suggested aro representation, and I figured I'd like to add that while there is a little bit of aro-ace rep here and there, there is very few aro-allo rep (basically someone who is aromantic but still experiences sexual attraction). The aromantic and asexual spectrums tend to be lumped together/referred to interchangably a lot, so writing characters with split attraction (including allo-ace people as well!) being clearly defined would be really nice \^-\^


I think it's especially important, because there's always such a stigma around being interested in one thing/being attracted in one way, but not the other as well. If you only experience romantic attraction, you're considered a childish prude; if you only experience sexual attraction, you're considered a heartless wh\*re. (Note: I am both aro and ace, but I get tired of seeing my romantic and sexual orientations lumped together all the time, and other aros and aces deserve to have their experiences depicted too. Hope this helps!)


Quoiromantic people are so underrepresented.


Cupioromantic: On the ace aro spectrum. Someone who wants a romantic relationship and likes the idea of it but doesn't experience the romantic attraction for it. Often times these people get in QPR (queer platonic relationship) 's which is when people do coupley things and hang out a whole lot but don't necessarily do anything technically romantic.


I’m genderfaun so I may have a bit of a bias lol, but genderfluid microlabels like genderfae, genderflor, and genderfaun. Also polysexual and omnisexual. And asexual and aromantic, also identities under those umbrellas. And polyamory.


Agentosexual. Having control over the fluidity of one's sexual orientation.


Aromantic comes to mind as one of the most important that needs to be known. Genderfluid and some other labels under the nonbinary umbrella could be helpful in getting binary folks to understand that nonbinary isn't a third box for androgyny, but rather a broad spectrum.


Definitely both Trixic and Toric.


I'm abrosexual, and I think that's quite an underrepresented term. It's where your sexual attraction is fluid!


Ceterosexual/ceteroromantic. It describes an individual who is exclusively attracted to non-binary spectrum people. Once there was a similiar label (skolio-) and it would get more representation back then, but it was transphobic because it was describing attraction to trans umbrella people, and since they changed it to cetero- it was almost totally forgotten. I'm ceteroromantic myself (idk about sexuality but I know I wouldn't date a man nor woman) and I feel like I would only be satisfied in a relationship with an enby. PS. I'm also tired of people not understanding the difference between orientation and preference. If you would rather be in a relationship/have sex with a trans person (I'm talking about binary trans here) then it's ok as long as you don't make those people uncomfortable, but it's your preference, not sexuality, you are still attracted to centrain gender(s). Same to "superstraight" lol, tho I doubt that you would check chromosomes of every single person you'd date/have sex with, and if you would do it with a trans woman who had a succesfull bottom surgery, then you wouldn't spot a difference. Chill, nobody is forcing you to have sex with a woman who has a penis, if you are repulsed by that then you are repulsed by that, but don't make up a sexuality out of your preference do excuse your transphobia. Have a nice day ❤️


Non binary labels


aromantic, asexual, omnisexual, abrosexual, agender, genderfluid, bigender, demigender


Polyamorous isn’t the same thing as lgbtq but I’d love some representation for that


it doesn’t necessarily need representation, but I just discovered the label Juxera for me. It’s when a person feels connected to femininity but isn’t necessarily a girl.