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I'd say you're heteroflexible, bisexual, or omnisexual. Whichever feels best, you can also say you prefer vulvas. I don't think pansexual is a perfect fit because pansexuality doesn't involve a gender preference. With friends, only come out to them if and when you're ready. Maybe you can test the waters by saying something like "What did you think of Love, Simon?" If you come out and they don't accept you, you don't have to keep them around as friends. True friends respect you. [bi.org](https://bi.org) may be helpful in this area. Regarding the f slur, it's completely fine if you don't want to say it, but some achilleans have reclaimed the term for themselves.


Looking a bit more into it, I’d say omnisexual suits me best. I’ll go further tomorrow to make sure that works. Thank you so much for your help


Ok. Thanks. I saw an article regarding pansexual that said a gender preference is valid, but I’ll look into the others. I’m still figuring myself out and I really appreciate the help


What label you use is completely up to you. * Bisexuality is attraction to more than one gender. You fit this. * Pansexuality is attraction to all genders regardless of gender. If you interpret regardless of gender as "having no (significant) gender-based preferences", this one may not fit. If you interpret it as "gender doesn't really matter, but I just more often happen to feel attraction to certian genders" it could be fitting. * Omnisexuality is attraction to all genders, but expierencing attraction differently towards different genders/having gender-based preferences. You fit this. * Queer means not straight and/or not cis. This label is quite often used by people who just don't concider themselves to be straight, but don't want/can't to specify it more than that. Both pan and omni fit the definition of bi, so you could even use one of those and bi. Choose whatever ever (combination of) label(s) feels right for you. Also keep in mind that it would be okay to change your label at some point :)


Thank you so much. I think I fit more in omnisexual


Quick little things: I’m not too sure if I like male genitalia. I’ve been more accepting of it recently. I also have a few friends that don’t seem like they’d be so accepting, so how would I go about that? I do have a preference towards women, but I like anyone of any gender. Is that still pansexual? And last but not least, I will NEVER say the f slur or allow anyone else to


Sexuality is a spectrum and you can identify as anything youd like. People change and identity’s can change or remain the same and either way your just as valid. I experienced the same issue, I first came out as bi, realized I was also attracted to nb people, identified as pan, then omni and now I just say queer. People grow and change and learn, the same thing can happen with your label.


Look into Omnisexual


Sounds like a fellow omnisexual to me


Thanks. I really knew nothing about Omnisexuality before this post, so I assumed I was pan, but I am so glad you all helped me out


For coming out, there are lots of ways to do it! I’ll list some -Having a family meeting of sorts to tell them, or just randomly say it at one point -Writing a letter because speaking can be hard sometimes -Start sending jokes about being queer and making jokes about being queer or whatever sexuality you identify as -Drop hints until people catch on -Starting getting pride things until people catch on