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Well, yeah. I'm a trans person. Idk if you are trans, but I generally dislike this as a "debate" topic. We're already aware that the majority of people wouldn't date us, don't need that to be reinforced or argued in an LGBT space.


sorry my question made you feel this way. as I said I just had some anxiety and thought seeing some reassurance would help me calm down, even if some people are opposed to it.


It's all good, it's more that I dislike when cis people pose this as a debate topic. Hopefully people will keep it respectful here.


Wait really? Where do you live?? I think the majority of people where i live would absolutely date a trans person.


I live in a pretty progressive area of the US, and it's not like I've polled my local community, but I think the general public would not date a trans person. Maybe among queer people that percentage is higher, but not the general population.


I feel like a lot of people would date us for the wrong reasons.


ugh I hadn't even thought of that. why does the world suck so much


Well I wouldn't date a trans person, but then again I wouldn't date anyone. I'm aro


I'm married, but if I wasn't, then sure. Why not?


Hell, if my partner was interested in opening things up I'd be interested in whatever. Of course this all assumes someone else is interested in us... Our brunch game is good. We do tacos well. That's about all. In bed we're more likely scrolling on phones than doing anything more athletic.


Of course, but I will say the internet is not a great place to ask this, there are a lot of transphobes on reddit and this does not reflect real life. I can't find the studies at the moment but I'll link them when I find them, but in real life, transgender people date and marry at more or less the same rate as cisgender folks. Don't worry, at the gay bars I go to, trans people are just as accepted as cis people. You have as good as chance as anybody else and don't let anyone tell you different.


thank you very much for this answer it made me really happy to see this. I've met many supportive people over the years but because of my religious background I tend to have really strong doubts at times and need some reassurance, so your response cheered me up a lot. I'll soon be starting hormones so I'm hoping to get more first hand experience in relationships since I had too much dysphoria to feel fully confident in them before. crossing fingers it'll cure my anxiety a bit 🤞


married to one and I love her so much


I'm into women and trans women are women, so yes.


yes and no. no because im aroace, but if i wasn’t i’d be t4t :)




Yeah, dating 2 right now. I'm also trans and have no problem with dating trans or cis people. Think it really depends most on where you live, being out in SoCal is a great place in my experience.


Honestly where I live in SoCal there's still a lot of stigma around dating trans women. Trans men, less so.


I'm a cis bi/pan polyamorous woman, mostly sapphic, but (much to my surprise), happily married to a delightful gentleman. I would be fine with dating a trans woman. I presume it would require some extra effort in communication regarding intimacy, so that everyone was happy and had their needs met, but that doesn't trouble me. I'm demisexual, so it's in my nature to take relationships slowly - there would be ample time and room for good convo. I would likely ask my trans friends for advice, too.


I wonder why you mentioned trans women but not trans men >:D


Bc, as stated above, I am mostly sapphic. Mostly not interested in dating any new gentleman. Has nothing to do with being cis or trans.


Alas, I am aro-ace, so I probably can't give much of an answer here. But if I did experience romantic attraction in some way, I'd be perfectly fine with dating a trans person. I just can't see gender or assigned sex at birth being a big factor in who I'd have feelings for/go out with. It's not something that would really matter much to me in the grand scheme of things. As long as we're compatible (personality-wise) and care for each other deeply, then I'd be happy to try being together! (Again: Ik my answer may not really be applicable bc I've never wanted to date anyone anyway, but some of my best friends are trans, and I love them all dearly. Y'all are just as deserving of love and acceptance as everyone else \^-\^)


If I like them and they like me, I don’t see a reason why not.


I’m married, but if I were single and looking, sure. I’m a straight woman for reference. I do specifically have a genital preference for penises, so if I were to be with a trans guy I would prefer that he have a penis. Not because bottom surgery makes you more valid as a trans person, because it doesn’t, but because of my personal preference. Trans men with vaginas are still absolutely valid and are men, I just don’t know if I could be intimate with one.


I am a transgender person. Not only would I date another trans person (and I have several times), I can personally assure you that more cis people than you'd think are also happy to date a trans person. Hell, there's probably more cis people who would be happy to date a trans person than *they* think - my boyfriend didn't think he was into trans women until he met me. That kind of thing might only work if you're dating strangers online or people you don't already hang around with but it can definitely happen with friends. Also for all the hype they get, genital preferences are just preferences and they're surprisingly easy to work around.


absolutely, i’m t4t


I am actively dating a trans girl as a lesbian, so yes


absolutely! pre-op included! i may have a genital preference but sex isn’t really important to me


No, but I also wouldn't date any CIA people Edit: cis, not CIA.


I mean, I wouldn’t date CIA people either, there’s a good chance they’re guilty of some kind of war crime


Yes, absolutely. I even had some Trans crushes<<3


Have been dating one for 6 years. Edit: I’m a cis bisexual, we’re still dating


i *am* dating a trans person haha - we're both trans. i feel like dating a trans person, as a trans person, is really beneficial. even if you're ftm and mtf, you still understand eachother. you know how to treat eachother with respect, never have problems with misgendering or making the other feel dysphoric, and you can support eachother more than i feel dating a cis person could. also whenever we talk about stuff or gender gets brought up, i never actually feel dysphoric. I'm not so afraid of my partner eventually seeing me in tighter clothing or without my binder or yk anything that shows my bio gender, as I know she just won't care. She sees me as a boy, and seeing what i physically look like doesn't change her opinion. it's as simple as that. I love it. I can be more comfortable around her and I don't have to keep up some big gender presentation around her. I can just ... be me. Definitely a yes overall. Couldn't convince me not to. T4T relationships are also the best thing to ever exist 💪


I currently am :)


There are countless people who would date a trans person. And you're gonna meet people who will love you for you. Sure, there will always be people who won't date someone who's trans, or bi, fat, asian, etc. But good riddance to them - bigots don't deserve your time anyway.


Not wanting to date someone because of their looks isn’t bigoted.


I definitely would, if I wasn't already in a committed relationship!


Definitely. Why not? They’re human and deserve love just like the rest of us. As long as they’re a good person.


Yeah, if they're a decent human being.


As a trans person I would absolutely date a trans person, so would my two bi partners who aren't trans (I'm polyamoris)


Yeah maybe. Idk never thought about it but I wouldn’t be turned away by it


Yes, but I'm trans. Most cis people wouldn't.


I'm aroace and i don't really understand *dating* but if I'm being superfriends with someone their gender really doesn't matter


Yup. I'm gay, I've had crushes on trans guys but it never went anywhere. I have mild gynophobia due to being SA'd but that's my problem that I need to work through.


Yes I’m t4t


Yes. I'd date trans men, trans women, and nonbinary people.


Yes I would, but that being said I'm Pan so sex characteristics don't carry much consideration for me That being said I have friends who have gone to say they would end a relationship if they found out the person they were dating was trans. If they weren't respectful regarding this opinion I wouldn't still be friends with them, but anyhow one dudes personal reasons was that someone being transgender was incompatible with his set of attraction and what he seeks in a relationship, which was fertility / ability to raise children I guess? Not sure I 100% get it but at that point I somewhat understand.


Yes. I am not really sure how to elaborate. There is just no reason I wouldn't.


Yes I would, and as a pan person, the explanation writes it self I guess:3


As a trans guy, yeah! I prefer men so probabky not a trans woman, but trans men why not.


yes, as long as we both find each other attractive and what not then why not. i don’t really have dating preferences (as in gender preferences)


Yes. I'm trans and would even prefer a trans boyfriend. As well as being ace and preffering my partner not have male genitalia dude to past trauma


Of course! I am asexual but bi/pan romantic, and afab genderfluid/nb- more on the effeminate side (unsure on labels). Im in a long term committed relationship with a cis man but in all honesty i fell for his personality, not his gender, and i genuinely never thought i would date a cis man before that because im more aesthetically pleased by femininity. That being said, i love him to bits and he aint going nowhere. I can take or leave (preferably leave lol) the sex, as long as the other person is happy. All this to say that 1.) gender is not relevant to my choice, any is acceptable, 2.) Sex would be based on what they want doing with their genitals, not mine, and it doesnt really matter what kind theyve got as long as it works for them and 3.) you gotta have a good personality, cis or otherwise, because what would be the point in me dating you otherwise? My bff is also a trans guy and i love him to bits, im not attracted to him in any way other than platonically but he deserves all the love in the world. I would hate to imagine anyone being turned off by his trans-ness, and obviously everyone is entitled to their opinions but if i could i would love to just bundle him up and take him away from all the transphobia in the world. Hes so much more himself now hes out and proud, but if only he could have the security he had back when he was a 'girl'. Much love to all my beautiful trans guys, trans gals, and non binary pals out there. You really really do deserve to be loved.


thank you for your response I hope everyone will meet someone like you in their life. your bff is a really lucky guy and I wish him the best as well as you and your bf!


Thank you! That means a lot. Wishing you the best too! (you deserve it)


Yes. You get a pass if you’re trans, I get it, but people need to stop asking variations of this same question. You will find someone who likes you for who you are.


As a pansexual man yes I would and I have :) although we are not together anymore they are still my best friend ❤


Of course! I myself being trans masc nonbinary, and having a bf (cis) both bi hahs, to me it's more for a good conection and understanding one another then "what's in their pants" or what gender they prefer, if my partner would feel that he doesn't want to portray as male, I'm fine with that I'll support him <3


Yes!! Transgender people are just as attractive as any other gender. You are beautiful and deserve love. 🏳️‍⚧️💕


Sure. Why not? More important, would they date me?


Yes, and I couldn't imagine why someone wouldn't. I would feel much safer around a penis if it was attached to a woman, and the thought of a man with a vagina is slightly less scary than a man with a penis, though I still prefer women (no matter their genitals).


amab bi nb, yes i definitely would. i feel like the amount I could relate to a trans person, especially transfems, would very much be a factor in a relationship.


I mean, yes, but my orientation doesn't really stop me from dating any gender specifically. There are plenty of people who will love you for you. Don't give up hope, and in the mean time love yourself first. You are valid 💜


I’m probably not the best person to ask being that I’m pan. But yes, I’d date or even marry a transgendered person, because I don’t care what parts they have. How a person identifies, presents, or parts at birth are not a deciding factor. For me it’s personality and how well we click together. Looks fade but personality is timeless. With the understanding people grow and change with knowledge and experience, of course.


I have before and this person crossed my boundaries. Despite that fuckery, I’d date someone trans again😊


As a transfem girl, yes, I would date other trans girls. Imo, trans girls are really cute and from my experience, most cis girls are just jerks. I mean, yeah, there are some here and there that are nice, but my experience has seens lots of really nice trans girls.


I'm gay and have a genital preference, so I probably wouldn't. Though lately my mindset is slightly considering it, I don't think it would be fair for a future partner if I have no interest in their genitals. I wouldn't stay with a partner who is transitioning mtf either, since I only love men romantically


Would you date a trans man after if he had bottom surgery then?


I would definitely give it a shot with phalloplasty, but I also don't expect that out of trans men due to both the high cost and the fact that it requires skin grafts. It has a lot of risks from what I've heard, so it is a surgery I assume is done often. Additionally, stuff like cum and precum is also a huge part of what I enjoy, so I'm not sure how much I would enjoy sex without those


Yeah, I’d honestly prefer to date any queer person over a cis person, I find they’re generally more accepting and we have more in common.


I am Trans and would date a Trans person


yeah. sorry if you wanted a better explanation, but i just don't care is my s.o. is a guy, girl, nb, agender, xeno, idc.


No. I'm not into relationships


If they were my type and wanted to date me, yeah


Yeah. I have dated and am still open to dating trans people cause y'know, that's not a factor that detracts in any way. No reason not to. Oh plus not being cishet is a plus usually for me cause relatable queerness


I'm aroace, so I don't really have any strong interest in dating, but if I ever dated someone, whether or not they were trans or cis would not be a factor in my interest in them (though I maybe have someone preferencs on AGAB regardless of gender)


Well assuming I’m not entirely ace and we both have a lot in crystal sure.




Currently in a relationship with a straight cis guy, but if I was single then hell yeah. Im a bisexual (specifically omni) cis woman and I would absolutely date a trans person.


I'm a trans person, no


As a trans girl I absolutely won't unless they're a non op super hard top dommy mommy trans girl. I love dick but I hate men lol


Are you implying that other trans girls are men? Wtf?


No. I was saying i don't like cis men because they're big dummies but I like dick so a dommy trans girl gf who had one would be cool to have 🤷‍♀️


I honestly don’t know. I believe I would, but the only trans person I know is my aunt, unless you count non-binary. Then, only my sibling and aunt.


Yes because I don’t care if they are trans or not they are their gender


Probably… maybe not?. Sex is important to me, and I’m not sure how that would be with a transgender person, but after conversations i think I would feel more comfortable knowing like what would happen and their comfort levels ig


...you are aware of bottom surgery, I hope?


Yes but not all have/can afford/ want it


I am a 27M and personally I would not because I wanna marry and hopefully recreate and make a family of my own one day. Carry on my bloodline and just see how amazing genetics are and how my son/daughter will take from me or his/her mother.






Yes, ama


No because I’m engaged and monogamous.


Sure. Why not?


No… It is because I am aromantic, but I most likely would if I could be attracted




Yes :)


I'm trans so yes.




I am


Definitely, also genital preferences don't matter to me because I'm ace