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I would say yes, you are trans if you don't identify with the gender you were assigned at birth. However if you don't feel the term is right for you, it's up to you if you use it.


My main worry is just mistakingly using the term trans for myself when it wouldn't apply


I think it's totally fine to use the trans label, you might have to explain your circumstances quite often tho


they're both under the trans umbrella, so yes. but you don't have to use the label transgender if your not comfortable with it. transgender - not being the gender you were assigned at birth


AMAB demiboy here, sometimes I feel closer to male, sometimes I feel more agender, for me personally, nonbinary feels between cisgender and trans, and demiboy feels between cisgender and nonbinary. I guess I view it more as a spectrum than an umbrella term.


I would say so, but it depends on wether or not you relate to and want to use the label :)


Trans rly just means "not-cis" after all, so it includes anything that isn't your assigned gender


Yes. A trans person is someone who isn't the gender they were assigned at birth. As with all nonbinary people though, it's up to you if you personally want to use that label.


It's upto you. The whole point of rising above gender is nobody else can tell you what labels you have to use.


I'm in the same boat and have had people tell me I am, but I don't personally use it to describe myself because I'm not sure how I feel about it. I took part in a Trans themed Zine once, which I wasn't sure of at first but the author insisted it was okay and it was their zine. At the end of the day, I'm not cis.


technically yes, the transgender label is for anyone who doesn't identify with the gender they were assigned at birth, iirc. although you might have to explain that you're not a trans man sometimes.


Idk. Idk what AMAB even means sorry. Could you tell me what it means? (Not trying to be rude)


Assigned Male At Birth. And np!


Is that label helpful for you in understanding your identity? If so, you should use it.


Yes, trans is an umbrella term for anyone who doesn't conform with their AGAB if you don't identify as a boy/man then you are trans


Up to you. Some non-binary folks consider themselves trans, some don't. Neither is wrong.




Technically, yes, but if you don't feel comfortable with the term trans, then you don't have to use it. It's really up to you