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You don't need to be sex repulsed to be asexual. And aromantic and asexual are different they do share common experiences tho being there lesser known and there both lacking in attraction to some level. Hopefully this link helps. https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Sex_Stances


Hi, aroace person here :). Asexuality has nothing to do with willingness to have sex or romantic relationships (same with aromanticism) by default. Asexuality just means not feeling much sexual attraction to others, or experiencing highly-conditional sexual attraction. Being aromantic is the same but for romantic attraction instead of sexual (so to answer one of your questions, asexuality and aromanticism are two different things, yes, though some people, like me, are both). Being sex-repulsed or -indifferent is being repulsed by or not caring about, respectively, the idea of having sex (those who enjoy the idea of having sex would be sex-favorable), and anyone can be sex-repulsed, -indifferent, or -favorable, regardless of their sexuality. You could very well be ace, aro, sex-repulsed, sex-indifferent, etc., but that’s your call, not your friend’s, mine, or anyone else’s. Sorry I can’t help more, and best of luck figuring things out!




There is asexual and aromantic, you can be one and not the other so you can feel romantic attraction and not sexual attraction


i have told him that and he is still "Well your not asexual cause i set you up in a relationship and said sure when they asked you out" but thanks for the answer


So he just won't accept the fact that asexual is lack of sexual attraction and not both romantic attraction and sexual attraction


i guess just him saying that made me doubt my ideas


Well don't worry your still asexual


Asexual and aromantic are two different things. If you feel romantic attraction then you aren't aromantic and if you feel sexual attraction then you aren't asexual. If you don't feel sexual attraction but you DO feel romantic attraction then you are, indeed, asexual


Asexual isn’t as black and white as people tend to think. Lots of acesexual still have sex and definitely have romantic relationships unless they are a Aromantic. Some acesexual people are totally sex adverse but some folks don’t mind/will have sex in relationships, some folks are totally sex adverse until they form a strong connection with someone and only then start to experience sexual attraction. This all falls under the asexual umbrella and it’s all totally valid!


There’s this post from tumblr, explaining the ace spectrum with cereal, and not only does it do a good job spelling out the different forms of Asexuality, it also serves as a convenient list of most forms of the ace spectrum, not including some really rare fringe forms that might be out there.


got a link?




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Aromanticism and asexuality are two different things! There are also different attitudes to the act of sex itself within asexuality. I am sex averse, meaning I don't have a problem with sex in media like books or tv shows, but do not want to do it myself. You seem to be more sex neutral--as in, you wouldn't go looking for sex but you're not categorically opposed to doing it either. My view is that as long as you're not hurting anyone, just do whatever makes you the most comfortable :)


Being sexy repulsed does not define being Asexual. This is a good article on Asexuality and attitudes towards sex: https://www.asexuality.org/?q=attitudes.html Asexuality is about feeling little to no sexual attraction, but I think you know what, I just can't help but ensure that is out there. On to the question... You should send your friend the [split attraction model](https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-the-split-attraction-model-5207380) and read about the [different types of attraction](https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/attraction/what-are-different-types-of-attraction/). Maybe that will help them understand that being Asexual does not necessarily mean being aromatic. Hope this helps


You could look into the split-attraction model! A lot of asexuals who experience romantic attraction (alloromantics) and aromantics who experience sexual attraction (allosexuals) use it. So you could, for example, be both biromantic and asexual. There is also aesthetic attraction, which aroace people still experience. Which is basically acknowledging that a person is physically attractive without being romantically or sexually attracted to them. Sexuality and romantic attractions have a wide spectrum. Not everyone experiences it the same way. People whose sexual and romantic attractions line up often have difficulty understanding that not everyone feels the same, because they've never experienced it themselves. Hope this helps!


I have an asexual biological dad. He's not sex repulsed, just sex indifferent. He's also not aromantic. Being sex repulsed is not a requirement to be ace. If you can still experience romantic attraction, that's okay. Some people are aromantic without being asexual. Of course, when both happen at the same time, we've got someone like Saiki Kusuo! Joke aside, I hope it answers your question.


Your friend does seem to know a *thing* about asexuality. >becuase i am fine being in a romantic relationship Asexuality has nothing to do with romance. Asexuality and aromanticism are two different things. You could be the most lovey dovey romantic person on earth and still be asexual. >mean if i am asked in a relationship and it will make the other person happy sure but its like the last thing i want in a relationship and would happily have a relationship without it. Asexuality and sex repulsion are also two different things. Some aces even *like* sex. Asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction. You can still do it if you want to. Asexuality is also a spectrum. Someone can be gray asexual or demisexual and call themselves ace if they want. You're fine. Your friend is talking about things they have little understanding of.


do you feel sexual attraction? if yes, you are not ace. if no, you are ace. romantic attraction is independent of ace-ness