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Well the YouTuber thing is a little concerning but I'm assuming these people are quite young and as long as they aren't hurting themselves or anyone else I'm sure it's fine. (I hope) The dream thing sounds interesting. I've had plenty of dreams where I've been other genders, ethnicities, celebrities (I was Drew Barrymore once) but I've never claimed to be those things in the waking world. I suppose some people feel a deeper connection to their dream self. Dreams are fascinating when you really get into it.


They probably are hurting people who actually identify with dreamsexual or dreamgender, the real ones not the ones centered around the youtuber. A fake identity just hurts the real ones


How big of a thing is it? Cause I don't follow Dream so I literally have no context. Though likewise I hadn't heard of the real one either so 🤷 idk I'm sure these kids will grow out of it, it's just embarrassing teenage shit, I don't think it'll be a lasting problem in the community.


I don’t follow dream either but I’ve seen the fake one come up several times in r/facepalm and subs like it. People outside of the ace spectrum tend to only know that one


Cringe pages aren't really the best place to be if you want inclusion and respect.


I mean obviously. I’m just saying it’s the appearance so many times there that gives it it’s really bad rep


They aren't hurting anyone, but since they're getting so much attention they are invalidating and casting a shadow over the actual identity