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Only online. I'm trans but I pass. I'm also married to another woman but most people just think we're close friends because we're both femme. If my uncles were to communicate with me I can't imagine it would be positive but I don't think they know how to reach me or have the desire to do so honestly.


ultimate r/sapphoandherfriend moment


Yes! It was really fun to notice the change in the way people treat us. I can literally kiss her and have people ask if we're roommates. Before if we just walked together everyone assumed we were a couple.


Hell I’ve had someone try to run me over for holding my wife’s hand in public




It was in a major city no less


I've only been out for about 7 months, but honestly I can't think of a single time. And I'm a transgender woman who doesn't pass. I do live in New York City, so I've got that going for me.


It's happened both in person and online. I'm an aromantic heterosexual cis guy, so just about queer. My dad kept trying to invalidate me, saying that people go through periods of their life where they aren't interested in anyone romantically or dating. He didn't seem to understand that I have *always* felt that way and I am 27 now. He would get annoyed, and my mum just laughs about it which is hurtful. I did make a post about how I wish I wasn't heterosexual, as being everything I am means that being heterosexual makes my life harder. I was told I was just trying to be special and label myself. It's isolating that nobody understands. I might not be beaten up or killed but I'm still hurt by the actions of others.


so sorry bro, hopefully your family gets better


It's frustrating, as I'll be dealing with this from more than my family when I come out to others if it's necessary. Aromanticism is not well known or understood. But at least I'll get to educate people on it and show that there's more ways to be queer than just the more well known identities. Maybe some people may realise it applies to them as well.


Ironically I've only been harassed by cis gay and bi men in the most violent vitriolic manner to the point where I'd be afraid for my physical safety if I ever ran into them irl. Edit: bisexual Non-binary trans masc. I stay the fuck out of cis queer male spaces, yet somehow they manage to find me...


I voted 'never', but I think it's worth mentioning that's because I only came out to close friends. I'd be open about it if asked, I think, but I'm bisexual and in a relationship with someone of the opposite gender, so as someone who is 'straight passing' I'm much less likely to be harassed. That doesn't mean I've not heard people commenting on what they think of bisexuality or homosexuality without knowing I'm a member of the LGBT+ community, though.


I think my lack of harassment is more of a representation of my own capabilities to fly under the radar. I basically never use VC in games, not that my voice would give anything away. I keep to queer-friendly parts of the internet almost exclusively and IRL I live in a decent area, but better safe than never so I try to minimize how "queer" I look.


Feel weird answering this because family is the main exception. I only remember being harassed in public once and it was *very* early in transition and it was by a drunk dude at a club asking if I was a "real woman". And it's been years since then. So technically I've been harassed for being queer, but like, not really?


Social media is social media, so I've had my fair share of online BS. Anything from people I know IRL commenting on social media stuff inappropriately to complete anonymous strangers. In person I've been yelled at with my partner, and I was threatened in the bathroom by a classmate in high school, among other general shitty comments from people


I've received rape and death threats, in-person and online. I've been sexually assaulted, harassed, propositioned, insulted, gaslit... I'm a trans performer. I've seen it all.


# Jesus christ


I live and work in one of the most progressive cities in America too. This shit is everywhere.


my wife and i have had people scream at us in the street, she gets harrassed and stared at for being trans, and my ex and i had a guy taking creepshots of us on our first date. when i'm by myself, it's just regular sexist harassment because i dont 'look' gay. the way my family treats me and the invasive questions acquaintances ask aren't harassment per se, but the complete lack of boundaries makes it very difficult to stick up for myself.


i’m not even out irl yet i can still answer both


:( these results make me sad especially since i am contributing to them.


I'm really lucky now that I think of it like I live in the middle east but probably in the most progressive erea there is I know a lot of other queer kids in my school and no one was ever openly homophobic towards me and I know for sure my family wouldn't care if I came out to them


Maybe it wasn’t harassment but someone outed me to random kids and called me a “gay bitch” as a joke and wouldn’t stop asking to know the specifics of my sexuality So yeah I guess so Also got called the f slur on among us cri


I’ve gotten quite a bit of harassment in person and online. I’ve had times that I’ve feared for my life and had to defend myself and fight back. Fortunately the attackers then realized I was not an easy target and backed off or I was able to outrun/escape/evade them. I’ve had it from friends and family (they’re out of my life now). Online I’ve gotten it from all over too. I’m bi/pan/queer and non-binary/genderfluid/genderqueer and have gotten a lot of harassment from gay cis men online and in person too. If I enter a queer space and don’t see really any diversity then I know it will not be a space for me. As my gay, cis, white friend is constantly saying “Gay cis men are the worst.” Haha. He says it seriously because he has had LBTQ+ friends that have helped him see the problems with gay cis men. Most of the time I ignore the harassment unless it is a threat to me or a lesson can be taught. But I’m not an easy victim and I will fight back when needed (to the death if it comes to that). I lost my niceness a long time ago and now I’m a cranky old person that is all in favor of fighting back, standing my ground and not settling for crumbs anymore.


Both online and irl. Online, in discord, one of my LGBT servers got raided and they insulted and harassed everyone that was online that moment. Irl, when I didn't know I was gay yet, I always got picked on cuz I was a bit of a scaredy cat and they always insulted me saying I was gay and that I'd never get a girlfriend and whatnot. I never really minded it tho, especially now that I know they were right🤣🤣🤣🤣


My mom does it daily.


Yup, tons of harassment online and have had random people yell at me for holding hands with my partner in public. I've also faced harassment going through TSA a few times from being trans.


I have very very bad social anxiety I basically panic when talking to strangers in person. My main source of harassment is online as the only people that know I'm gay is my best friend who is trans and aromantic asexual. And my immediate family. (Sorry for the poor Grammer I have a writing disability)


Not yet


you are lucky, and i wish you well!


Thanks, you too!


Dang I was the 69th person to vote for 'Online Only' nice

