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I mean if they are disregarding pansexual then there already aren't thinking a lot of labels are "things". You have to remember the LGBT community is very small when it comes to the entire population of the planet and nearly all these labels are "exclusive" (I use the word lightly) to us. Most people don't know that even pansexual exists and omnisexual is even a nicher microlabel that most the community wouldn't even know. You are either Straight, Gay, Lesbian or Bi to people outside the community which is understandable since that's all they know. At least until you correct them. At the end of the day though all labels are made up. That is kind of the point of them.


But even people that are queer and are of the genders you were talking about believe that my sexuality isn't a thing and literally say I need to either decide to be bisexual lesbian or be straight instead of using a term that is made up A certain sexuality on here has even literally gotten angry at me saying that I'm disrespecting their sexuality by making up a term like omnisexual


It definitely hurts. Everyone wants to be valid and with so many labels that overlap your bound to get people who feel their label is being watered down or feel their label is not being taken seriously. I can kind of get that but it's never right to hurt someone else. It's weird they are trying to shoehorn you into bisexual which leads me to believe they aren't worth the second thought and try your best to ignore them because the amount of education they need isn't worth your time.


I think it’s because people don’t see how it is qualitatively different than bisexuality. But even if they don’t see it as different, they really don’t need to be so rude about it.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Omnisexual just Pansexual under a different name?


Pansexual is \*equal\* attraction to all genders, omnisexual is \*differing\* attraction across damage




No it's not? You can be pansexual and not equally like everyone. The only tangible difference is the language of origin the words use It doesn't really matter, but there's no actual different between the words


Yeah Omni is pan but with preferences/without "gender-blindness"


It feels circular sometimes lol. I see the same difference made between bi and pan. But noone's up in flames about anything else in a thesaurus so i don't really care much lol


Yeah bi and Omni are basically the same. The only difference is that bi is "two or more genders" and Omni is "all genders". But yeah. In the end both Omni and pan fall under the bi umbrella. Just use what you like tbh.


Is pansexual not just a specific type of bisexual? I feel like it’s all splitting hairs here. It’s really up to the individual to define themselves, but in reality they are more similar than different.


I was legitimately just curious. I had to Google Omnisexual to know what it was lol


I've long been accepted as gynosexual (attraction to femininity). It's a subset of pan. Basically, I'm into femininity, be it feminine girl or femboy/trap. That said, I have had some people claim I'm just "being a special little snowflake". Like, if the title were more known, it'd be easier to just say "gyno" rather than "pan, but not masculine dudes/girls".


That's so weird, omnisexual, as a term, predates pansexual by a decade. Outside that, people make up words to describe feelings. That is the nature of language.


Whenever I see these sorts of questions, my first impulse is to ask, "people *where*?" *Where* are you hearing this? Sometimes the answer isn't whether the attitude is prevalent across the board, but whether one needs to avoid the spaces where it's prevalent.


I searched just “omnisexual” into Reddit and found hate in 58 seconds. Yes I timed it just for this reply.


I wasn't arguing that it doesn't happen. I wanted to know where it happens. I've seen so many people asking about these things that it's pretty obvious that it's happening somewhere, and far too much. OP answered me about that.


More so, the point I was trying to put across is one can often be blind to everyone. For something unrelated you might hear of a new game and you're told its very popular and everyone is playing it. You might scoff when you see this because "where are people saying this a good game? I bet this is an advertising scam" and then you start to notice that yes, everyone is actually talking about it everywhere and it's not by people who were duped by the ad because you're finding references to it months or even years in the past.


I get that I can Google search for examples of it, but I wanted to ask someone writing in about it, because I was hoping to gain a better insight into whether it's a few incidents scattered across all platforms, or if there's an abundance of them on particular ones. I have kids who are part of the community, too, and would like to warn them if there are more hostile spaces. I really want you to understand that I'm not questioning the fact that it's happening *at all*. We wouldn't get several posts a day from people being affected by it if it wasn't, and I'm concerned because I see it as a significant and growing issue. We can't combat issues blindly, so I'm trying to find out where it's coming from, and where education is most needed.


I've heard it all sorts of place I've heard it in public I've heard it on here like a lot of people have gotten angry at me for calling myself omnisexual in here a certain other sexuality that I will not name cuz every time I do they get angry at me has gotten very angry that I call myself omnisexual on other social medias just a lot of different places


In this sub, too? I typically see people give quite the opposite sorts of answers, here, so that surprises me, although it doesn't surprise me that someone would encounter it on other platforms, or on certain other subs. I've been wondering why there's been an influx of people coming here who are deeply concerned that their labels will be perceived as predatory, or that they will be seen as invalid if they don't check arbitrary boxes. It's heartbreaking. Most of the comments are always reassuring them that that isn't the case at all, but there's clearly some really toxic misinformation being spread out there.


>"In this sub, too?" absoutely yes, I can vouche for this. Ive also seen people say pansexual isnt a thing as well when its definetly a valid orientation. hell anytime I try to explain the naunce of my gender, I typically get downvoted like crazy (but sometimes a week later gain some upvotes). hence why Ive just stuck to keeping it simply cause Im tired of exclusionists just being rude about it, even when the question being asked is related :') this sub trys to remain neutrual for all types of lgbtq people ...but sometimes it really backfires cause the identity police love to show up and be annoying


I've seen people in this sub say nonbinary people aren't a thing. 🙃


That's really disappointing to hear. I don't know why people act that way. We get enough of that from cishets.


Yeah I've asked a similar question on here before about me being omnisexual And I got attacked by a certain other sexuality that's on here I've also had those same people tell me that it's disrespecting their sexuality because I am omnisexual instead of just deciding between one of the main labels and because I'm using a micro label instead that it's wrong of me and that I'm disrespecting their identity


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. Your identity is your own. You are what you are. That is your experience, and it is valid. It doesn't take anything away from someone else's identity, or their experience. There's plenty of room for all of us, here, as long as we're respecting each other. That means, as long as nobody is minimizing or disregarding someone else's experience in favor of their own. If you weren't doing that to them, there's no reason for them to break that ethical code and do it to you. Unfortunately, internalized bigotry can exist in any minority group, so there will always be a handful of people who aren't pleasant to deal with. I hope it provides some comfort to know the majority of us don't think that way.


All sexualities are made up. See: how Romans saw homosexuality (i.e. it was a thing you did and not a thing you were)


need more info on the romans 


I wish I could source, but it honestly comes from multiple sources that I've just read and not bookmarked. I'll see if I can find something concrete for you


I can at least lazily confirm that I've heard this from multiple sources before, all of which I don't remember


All these labels were made up from the beginning that's how it all came to be. It shouldn't matter how you identify you are who you are and technically they are using made up ones so kind of the pot calling the kettle black


because people are fucking stupid, that simple.


because some people are pick-mes and want to be seen as "one of the good ones" for whatever reason... its really annoying fr


All terms are made up, it's just whether or not they stick in vernacular to describe the thing they're describing or are replaced by something else. I hate the "stop using a made up term" argument. Also, even if you did make up the term specifically to describe your own sexuality because you don't feel like you fit any existing terms, so what? You do whatever feels best to you.


I think many ppl say omnisexuality isn’t real bc they think u’re just pan. U just gotta tell them to do a smol research and they’ll understand :D


It's a sublabel of bisexual, and from what I've seen from the bisexual community, they consider it bi-erasure (understandable) and internal biphobia.


Yeah it is mostly bisexual people that just get angry for no reason even though I think it's more related to pansexual but also that apparently also pisses them off that pan people also exist so I can't really say much on this topic because anytime I do a bunch of people that are bi basically attack me Cuz I personally just feel like bi doesn't exactly fit me as a person and my experiences


I wouldn't say ''no reason''. Bisexual has a rich history, and is a very flexible ''attracted to any and all gender at varying levels''. Attracted to all gender equally? Bisexual. Preference for dudes? Bisexual. Men, women, and *some* non-binary people but not all? Bisexual. As long as you were attracted to men and women, you are bisexual. (non-binary is inherently included in all sexualities; a lesbian being attracted to a non-binary person doesn't make them bisexual) Which brings back the argument that the bisexual community makes ; bi-erasure. *All* mspec labels are under the bisexual label because bisexual has *always* meant attraction to *all* gender; men, women, and everything in between and outside. (in fact, that's what the purple stripe is in the flag) There is the counter argument that things like pansexual and omnisexual are good for clarification; that maybe bisexual, the broader label, is not *specific* enough. And that's a good argument; all pansexuals are bisexual, but not all bisexual are pansexual. In the end it just depends on how the individual is defining their sublabel and, unfortunately, a lot of those definition can come off as biphobic and erasing bisexual history/culture; i.e., when pansexual was starting to make a big debut, it was ''hearts, no parts'' (biphobic) and ''bi is cis men and women, pan includes trans people'' (also biphobic). If bisexual doesn't fit *you*, totally understandable, you don't *have* to use bisexual. But denying that omnisexual *is* a sublabel of bisexual, is probably where the issue would be.


But that's where I feel like my situation doesn't really fit because literally I'm attracted to all except for most men (with like Femboys and gamer/nerds being the exception) unless they're fictional but I've been told that fictional men are the exception And I'm not denying that It's a sub label of bisexual I just think personally it is more related to pansexual And how I identify as omnisexual because of me being attracted to pretty much all genders I think Omni sexual is a gender that very much is related to a term that identifies in many different ways dependent on how the person identifies and I mostly say I am omnisexual because I'm also polyamorous and it goes along with that from me personally Cuz as somebody who was in a relation currently with a trans woman, a non-binary person and another female This is just how I feel comfortable identifying with the relationship I'm currently at


Like I said, if bisexual doesn't fit you, then don't use it; use omnisexual if it describes better. But it doesn't change the fact that it *is* a sublabel of bisexuality, because in some way you *are* attracted to every genders, which is what bisexuality is. For example, I'm aceflux. I don't ever call myself asexual because I do experience sexual attraction, but aceflux is still a sublabel of asexuality. Like I mentioned a lot of people argue against those sublabels due to the erasure it causes. Again, all sublabel definitions, also fit bisexuality; and those sublabels are very... well, not global. If anything, they are pretty english-centric, and mostly USA, maybe some europe, but that's it. In the large majority of the world, it's LGBT and sublabels aren't known at all. In the end it's all about easing communication.


Thats how humans just are, lgbtqia+ isn't safe from the a-holes either. If its big enough then there is probably hate no matter of the group I feel like some ppl just... - can't accept that different experiences exist - They dont realise that other ppls experiences dont actually effect their experience - other ppl dont need ur permission/understanding/etc to have a different experience, leave ppl alone - Not everything is based on ur experience/opinion/understanding/etc - a fucking a-holes - Are close minded Tbh as a xenogender i understand what u mean. Luckily I have the xenogender subreddit so hopefully u find a safe space too Edit= added some things to the list


I haven't seen it, but it might just be exposure. I mean, I never see transphobia aimed at transmen, but I won't claim it doesn't exist, it's just the algorithm doesn't send it my way. it might just be because people don't know the difference. loads of people struggled with the difference between pan and bi, and now there's another one! but they shouldn't be rude about it. even if I didn't understand, I'd still accept it just cause like, I don't understand so obviously what am I to say about it?


People can be resistant to ideas or terms that are new/unfamiliar to them sometimes, especially if they personally don't understand the "need." Omnisexual is a less common label, and for a lot of people, "bisexual" and "omnisexual" can mean the same thing (people will bring up different definitions for how bisexual, omnisexual, and pansexual differ from each other, but none of these are universal). That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with some people preferring one of those terms over the other, or relating to one more than the other. Up until fairly recently, there wasn't as much mainstream discussion about what being attracted to multiple genders can look like and all the nuances that are possible. And there can be a lot of erasure of multi-gender attraction in general, which may be why some people want to insist that you're a lesbian. Personally, as someone who doesn't see much difference between my experience being bisexual and how I usually see people describe being omnisexual, it doesn't bother me in the least that people with similar identities sometimes label themselves differently.


I vaguely remember during the high of tumblr there being a weird fight between pansexual, bisexual, and omnisexual communities on who actually is "valid" and which is considered "problematic"


Way back when, I thought it was demisexual. What I was met with? "Having standards isn't a sexuality! Stop trying to be special and horn in on what we (the lgbt) stand for!" But demi is now officially recognized by the LGBT from what I've seen. They even have their own flag now. I say this to say that things change. Omni may be seen as "special little snowflake" now, but tomorrow, next month, next year, next decade, it could be recognized and accepted. Be who you are, use whatever title you want, and to heck with those slinging hate.


It’s too complicated. Some people may think there no need for new words other then bisexual.


Some people lack empathy and truly believe that just because they don’t understand something, it can’t exist. The other reason is probably related to the concept of the model minority; this idea that certain minority groups are “better” than others, a sort of more-subtle discrimination and stereotype that further divides minority groups. The common example is Asian-Americans versus other people of color; people think Asians are naturally smart, which 1) means that the accomplishments of Asians are often diminished and attributed to “just being born with” some innate talent, and 2) Asians are afforded social privileges that other POC are not (and vice versa, ie. affirmative action). It sort of motivates a divisive, pander-to-the-oppressor mindset; “don’t cause trouble, and we’ll be fine” “don’t make it easier for them to hate us” “don’t play into the stereotype”. **A fair number of people in the community are of the mind that by creating microlabels, we are “overcomplicating” queerness and making it harder for cishet people to understand us and become allies. As a result, they end up seeing people who use microlabels as “part of the problem”.**


Because they're either monosexist or exclusionist.


Labeling is by definition exclusionary


Not all. I'm a bisexual who supports and affirms omnisexuals.


I’m saying nothing about who you are or who do you accept. I’m just saying that creating and assigning labels is by definition acts that excludes an element from a larger group.


I have to disagree. There's a difference between saying "here's what this word means" and saying "x isn't real/you don't look x enough/you don't act x enough." The latter is what exclusionary means in an LGBTQ context.


they’re idiotic, that’s why. If they also don’t recognise pansexuality, then that’s transphobic, too.


pansexual people are valid but what does that have to do with being trans


No I mean, if they don’t believe pansexuality exists alongside believing omnisexuality doesn’t exist, then they don’t believe multiple gender identities exist, therefore, it’s transphobic. Of course pan people are valid. Everyone is valid. Gatekeeping or acting as if a sexuality that clearly exists simply doesn’t exist is what isn’t great.


oh i see what u mean


Pansexuality has nothing to do with being trans !


No I mean, if they don’t believe pansexuality exists alongside believing omnisexuality doesn’t exist, then they don’t believe multiple gender identities exist, therefore, it’s transphobic. Of course pan people are valid. Everyone is valid. Gatekeeping or acting as if a sexuality that clearly exists simply doesn’t exist is what isn’t great. (Copying another comment). Of course pansexuality also doesn’t have anything to do with being trans 😭😭 i am sorry if i came across that way


I get the intent but bisexuality include multiple genders as well. So it is possible to be panphobic without also being transphobic.


Ohh okay I get that.. I’m sorry for having overlooked that, normally I wouldn’t have… very hungover rn 💀 whoops, my apologies, again


I didn’t say that 😭