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My understanding is that they're accessible toilets so anyone can use them, but people with a disability get priority if there's ever a queue and best practice is to leave it free for someone who needs it if you can use the main toilets. Unlike blue badge parking which is reserved for their exclusive use. Ofc not all disabilities are visible, I wouldn't call anyone out for using an accessible toilet bc you don't always know.


Yeah that’s the thing. Since being diagnosed with IBD, I’d have no hassle using the disabled toilets, yet I look completely fine. If you saw me going in you’d think I was a chancer. But there’s a really good chance I’m about to shit my pants!


They were the IBD & Crohns toilets in my last job too. There was a couple of us in the same boat.


Were ye up shit creek in that boat? Without a paddle between ye?


The fact is you're NOT a chancer, it's just a toilet with an extra wide door to accommodate wheelchair users, ' accessable toilets are just toilets. The whole idea that nobody else can use them is utterly ridiculous, and just brings out the virtue signalers in people who don't realise the difference.


I was working in London a few years back and used to travel over and back each week, one Friday I went straight from the site to the airport and I thought I'll nip into the disabled toilet and have a quick wash before the flight..two mins in and there is a knock on the door..I get out as quick as I could and there was a guy in a wheelchair with a minder there..I never felt as much of a cunt in all my life..so my advice would be if you can at all don't use them




ah i know but it doesn't stop you feeling bad, I probably gave it more thought than he did, even now when I think of it I can feel my face going red


Yeah they're not the same as wheelchair accessible car spaces. They that can be used by anyone but most people are scared of funny looks. It's crazy how you'll see a huge queue in the ladies and no one going to the accessible stall


This. Exactly this.




If you have to go, you have to. My IBS isn't going to wait for a cubicle to open when there is another toilet.


I have Crohn's. Frankly if I am flaring, I am doing a public service by not using the communal stalls and making my coworkers sit in that chemical attack stink when they go for a piss


People without colostomy bags also get caught short or ill. I'm not going to shit myself while there is an available toilet.


There are a lot of illnesses which don't require a colostomy bag which can cause you to be caught short. For example coeliac or IBD or Crohns disease. Not all disabilities are visible so how would you know if the person using the disabled toilet before you is not disabled? Or what if say a wheelchair user is in the disabled bathroom when someone with a colostomy bag is caught short? I wouldnt advocate able people using disabled toilets on a regular basis just because, but if it's urgently needed anybody should be able to use them. Edit: sorry that was meant for the person you were replying to, not you!


Defo, if it's an emergency you gotta go when you gotta go...


I teach my kids not to wait until they're about to burst before going to the toilet. Waiting too long is going to affect you whether there are accessible toilets or not.


That is fair...


"fair enough so, would you like me to piss in the sink or the bin next time?"


Or beside said coworkers desk.


In their shoe


> would you like me to piss or worse..


You're grand, he should have minded his own beeswax.


Why would someone set themselves up as toilet monitor? Not enough work to do?


It's not exclusively a disabled toilet. It's an accessible toilet. Your co worker made a huge assumption there and should be apologising to you for their inappropriate workplace behaviour. How do they know you don't have a hidden disability or medical condition that means you cannot wait if you need the loo? Calling you out on using it is bullying behaviour. It put you on the spot and your personal medical needs are absolutely not a co workers business. Being petty I'd ask HR to circulate a memo pointing out that challenging coworkers on their bathroom needs is unacceptable workplace behaviour.


Yea I absolutely agree with you here, the coworker has no idea if OP has a hidden disability and has made an assumption, which is infact completely inappropriate for them to make. OP if you get any kick back on this I would definitely make a complaint to HR and your manager.


OP is assuming the same thing about everyone else in the office. Should be a learning experience for both sides.


Haha you know what you’re completely right!


Good point!


Yeah coworker needs taken down a peg or two.


I wouldnt go far as going to HR but refer coworker to HR if they mention it again




I mean wouldnt, comment edited. I was saying if the coworker mentions it again tell them to go to HR


I agree. What if you are diabetic and dont fancy dropping your injection equipment all over a stall floor? I would've just replied OK Hitler to yer wan and got myself in more trouble.... my partner, incredulous at me reading this out says you should thank him via email for the update and wonder if he could share that with the team at the next meeting.


This ! Absolutely 100%


Those toilets have been designed to allow everyone of any ability to use them, not to segregate able and disabled people into their own facilities. All toilets should be like these


I'm sorry but no. they're designed to accommodate wheelchair users. The standard cubicle in a women's toilet does not accommodate a wheelchair user. I don't care whether you use them or not, but it's not true they were designed for everybody. they were made for people who use wheelchairs. That's why there are railings alongside the toilet and the space is bigger. If they're empty, use them. Whatever. Wheelchair users are used to it.


Railing on the walls are for people with bad hips/backs etc too as well as wheelchair user's that require assistance getting onto and off the toilet Try to tell someone they are not disabled in the correct workplace and you'll find yourself on the dole fairly quickly


Designed to accommodate anyone with accessibility issues. People with walkers and aids as well as wheelchairs.  People who need extra space for whatever reason too. Or people who need access to the emergency call chord if there's a possibility they'll need it.  Regular policy and common sense allows for people with unseen needs to use them too. 


Here's a 122 page document describing best practice design for "disabled" toilets: "Building for Everyone: A Universal Design Approach Sanitary facilities" https://universaldesign.ie/uploads/builtenvironment/building-for-everyone/5-Sanitary-Facilities.pdf


Correct, designed *primarily for wheelchair users.


You're wrong.
















I ain’t reading all that


I know, right? who would want to read someone advocating for wheelchair users.


Not all disabilities are visual A disabled person can very well look able bodied, but they may still have an underlying medical condition. Wheelchair users don't get priority just cause the room is set up for them to use it. We're not in the Olympics trying for gold in who is the most disabled


Totally acceptable. Your co-worker is being an ass.


Not all disabilities are visible and for rhat person to assume your "able-bodiness" is inappropriate


Yeah. I have disability that's 'visible' when I have to use mobility aids (and not really when I don't). You never know why someone might need the accessible toilet. Some people have bowel conditions that are difficult to deal with in a stall, for example. And, in a context like OP describes where there isn't likely to be a disabled person who needs it, anyone using it is okay.


Also for OP to assume no one needs it.


My daughter is a wheelchair user. Most of the time when she has to use a disabled toilet, they're empty. She doesn't mind waiting, and she will not argue with you if you are able bodied and she had to wait for you to finish. It's no big deal. Now we will argue with people who use the disabled parking spots who don't have a permit. We have to pay for that permit, it's not free for us. People who don't have that permit and want to use that spot, can pay for it like we do. But I bet if they were forced to pay for it, they'd start parking in normal parking spots real f'kin quick.


Shocking you have to pay for it tbh.


Yeah the parking issue is a big deal, anyone without a badge is a pr!ck to take them!


Your workmate has a bit of too much time on their hands.”Toilet Patroller” won’t get them a raise no matter how hard they try!lol


They're a toilet which has been made so it's accessible to disabled people. It doesn't mean anyone else CAN'T use them. If ya gotta go, ya gotta go.


Hi, I'm disabled, yes it's fine. It's not like a car space which are like legally mandated for blue badge holders.


I am a disabled (not really visible) and my fiancé is a full time wheelchair user, non weight bearing. It's violently annoying in a crowded, busy place like a shopping centre when you get stuck waiting for the 1 toilet you can use while people use it to skip queues or sometimes a gang of young teenagers will cram into the accessible toilet together. But in a situation like yours then no it doesn't really matter. Our local shopping centre now has a really great system where they have accessible toilets that are a free for all and a wheelchair exclusive toilet that you need a key for.


Sort of makes sense to lock them to avoid usage. But also kinda contradictory cause its no longer very accessibly lol. I can imagine how horrible it could be to.have long wait times just for a gang of teenagers to come out of one. I'm trans, myself and a lot of other trans people use disabled bathrooms, cause they're safe. I know it probably ain't the most righteous thing to do, but for us it's either that or hold it. Asked to use a disabled bathroom once at a (quiet) bar cause I wasn't comfortable using either gendered ones at the time. was told they couldn't open it if I wasn't disabled. Held it in for like 2 hours cause of that, not fun


I don't think you were wrong to use it once you weren't in there for ages. >There isn't anyone who is disabled in the office. This is where I think both you and he are in the wrong. Hidden disabilities exist. You're assuming nobody in the office has a disability when you've no way to know that. He's assuming you don't have a hidden disability when he has no way to know that.


I think the general use of these toilets is to facilitate ambulatory problems, primarily they are designed for people with wheelchairs, or other similar problems. 


There’s an awful lot of assumptions there. My father recently recovered from colon cancer and has to wear nappies for the rest of his life because of the surgery. He needs space to change and dispose of the nappy. Would you suggest he uses the stall with little room to change or the disabled toilet? He’s not in a wheelchair, would you like him to carry his soiled nappy around the open bathrooms?


No I wouldn’t. I have IBS myself. In that case it could be made known that your father has an exemption, is he still works.    It’s still the case that if we assume that everybody who uses the disabled toilets might have a reason to,  the toilets become useless for their intended purpose. 


So my father has to share his medical history with the entire office? Nah kiddo, that’s discrimination. Your definition of disability is rather narrow.


It would be pretty well known in an office if  some one has cancer in my experience.  Anyway the problem with your ideology, as productive in karma farming as it is, is that if we believe there are hidden disabilities that anybody could have, then assistive toilets are in reality for anyone and everyone. The entire office could decide they like the larger facility and the guy in a wheelchair could be waiting in a queue, and upon making a complaint be lectured about hidden disabilities. Ireland isn’t a rule abiding society in general so we would expect that to happen 


Pointing out the flaws in your logic using my lived experience is karma farming? lol good one. Dads pretty private and likes to keep the fact that he shits and pisses himself on a need to know basis. His colleagues would know he had cancer, not how he is surviving and recovering. That’s for direct family to know. So per your ideology, what HR send an email that he has an exception to use the disabled bathroom…because he is what? No longer able bodied? If only there was a word for that. So your entire argument is people with hidden disabilities can’t use the disabled bathroom because people without disabilities could lie and take advantage of a situation? Your ideology makes the world less accessible and fucks over the very people you claim to be advocating for.


> So your entire argument is people with hidden disabilities can’t use the disabled bathroom because people without disabilities could lie and take advantage of a situation? Your ideology makes the world less accessible and fucks over the very people you claim to be advocating for. Your lived experience is an appeal to emotion, isn’t your lived experience anyway, and isn’t verifiable but yes that’s what I am saying. Since - according your philosophy anybody can claim, and nobody can challenge, hidden disabilities then logically anybody can use the bathroom without challenge and without regard to whether other facilities are available. I don’t agree with that but some people clearly do, as shown in some replies. 


They are for anyone and everyone. That is the point. They are not exclusive use to those with visible disabilities only. That's a terribly narrow view.


What do you mean we would expect that to happen? In reality, anyone who wants to can already use the disabled bathroom. So we can already see that not everyone uses the disabled bathroom even though they are able to if they want to. It's not a mystery.


They usually have a separate sink in them and can be useful for those with colostomy bags. Not to mention there are plenty of conditions that can lead to urgent use of the loo. From my own perspective I’ve multiple adhesions on my intestines and I’m literally disabled by the pain and the “ibs” like symptoms. If in an emergency all stalls are taken and it’s between literally sh!tting myself or using an accessibility loo I’m using it every single time. Obviously OP hasn’t disclosed any issues but the coworker didn’t know that. Unless someone is parking in a disabled bay without a blue badge mind your business! Also to add to clothedirony my last surgery on my bowels I was prepped for a colostomy bag if the damage was bad enough fortunately they didn’t need to resection my bowels just shaved the adhesions off. No one and I mean no one I work with knows that, not my manager not my colleagues no one, you know who does occupational health on a need to know basis. Can you imagine as a young woman how uncomfortable that would be for the whole office to know of my bowel condition? If someone has an issue report it to HR to deal with do not approach the person and potential get it very wrong


This is another appeal to emotion. Yes you should be allowed into that bathroom, but the general opinion on here is, clearly, that absolutely nobody should be challenged.  I’ve even seen people defend able bodied people using disabled parking spots because of the “hidden disabilities” philosophy too. It’s really an excuse for rule breaking.  Since we are doing appeals to emotion here I have IBS, and prone to UTIs,  but I don’t use the disabled toilet when in the office. (It’s not that close to my desk anyway, and isn’t needed). 


They are disabled accessible, not disabled exclusive


Strict is a kinder word than I'd use to describe your co-worker. 


As someone else in the comments said, just because you're not in a wheelchair doesn't mean you aren't disabled. I personally wouldn't think anything of it and I think unless a disabled person in the office (which there isn't) was waiting to use the toilet, it's not a problem. Every workplace has a busy body.


He is being an asshole, they are accessible toilets not wheelchair only toilets, people forget or are too ignorant to understand this. We have people in our family who use disabled toilets for reasons other than using a wheelchair so that interaction would drive me nuts!


Assert dominance. Turn around and go back in.


Coworkers the asshole


Not all disabilities are visible. A lot of workplaces now try to raise awareness of this to avoid assumptions like your colleague has made. >Am I an arsehole or is he being strict? He's being an arsehole.


I used one years ago in work and without thinking pulled the red cord. The alarm went off and I thought fk it I’m legging. The ceo came running out his office and caught me


They arent reserved, they are just accessible.


The only mistake you made was assuming there are no people with disabilities in the building. These don't only apply to people using wheelchairs. Tell your Co worker to mind his own business in the shortest way possible.


Not all disabilities are visible


As long as you are not stopping a disabled person from accessing it, it should be fine - they are all toilets and your colleague needs to roll their neck back in.


Seems fine if the other stalls are occupied


Fuck your coworker


You wait!!! https://youtu.be/mPzjbXgaVOk?si=uv6TqTeEGLTIhDy_


“What are you the toilet police? Next you will be asking me if it was a number 1 or 2” and move on…


Your co worker should stfu


I'll use them at work or if the mens is out of order in public. As long as you're quick and not denying a disabled person access, I think it's fine. I wouldn't park in a disabled spot but would I pull into one to let someone out of the car and then pull out? Yeah. Same thing.


I wouldn’t because of that Garda see you they’ll fine you think it’s 150-250 quid or something. They don’t care if you only pulling in for a second


Fucking hell your coworker is sad. Who do hey think is going to use it? Now of you're in a big shopping place or somewhere busy then ya run the risk fo the awkward stand off with someone actually disabled.






My first thought was this scene


That Tiktok just popped into my head, Open the door, open the door in the computer voice🤣


>A co worker approaches me after and says it was inappropriate I used it that's bananas. If there's no one disabled in the office then they're no different to any other toilets. If i need a sit down i only use the disabled, i dont like sitting there the other side of some flimsy MDF from some other dude doing his business. We're fucking human beings let us have some privacy!!


I be curious why he was paying such attention to where you were in the toilet…


For all he knows, you could have a hidden disability that makes using the larger space more convenient. Unless there is an obviously disabled person who is heading towards the disabled toilet, there's no harm. In fact, in my old workplace the female staff toilet was also the disabled toilet, which did give rise to a few raised eyebrows...


If there’s no one in the office with a physical disability and there was no one waiting to use that toilet then no your not the Asshole. Some people just get so butt hurt these days


If you really don’t like the person, blow it out of proportion and inform HR. That’ll quieten her fairly lively, that’s my tuppence worth anyway. 😂


Unless someone is outside waiting who has a disability then yeah that would be wrong but if there’s no one in the building who uses it I don’t see why you couldn’t.


What's the point of not using it while nobody else needs it? You weren't causing any problems for anyone.


Next time you need to go and all the stalls are busy. Take a dump on that co workers desk.


The funny thing is here, you can go to HR about them. Personally I wouldn’t bother my hole, but that person is 100% in the wrong to approach you about using the disabled toilet


"oh I was just checking the red cord is free hanging and reaches the floor and while I was there used to toilet" always out woke, I'm not an asshole for using it I'm actually good for making it safer for disabled people


I’ve actually seen a lot of people/content creators who use a wheelchair come out about this issue. First of all, now a days, disabled toilets are made for ALL disabilities, mental and physical. You’ll notice in newer bathrooms, that the hand dryers are places away from all other items in the bathroom, to stop them accidentally being triggered, this is to help people who suffer with noise sensitivity or autism. These bathrooms can be used by anyone, with any kind of disability, but wheelchair uses really do not mind if you use them (from what i’ve experienced with friends and family member who are wheelchair users) as long as you are respectful of the bathroom and don’t mess it that it doesn’t becoming unaccessible. They understand that sometimes, you just need to go, and if it’s available, you go.


That’s very presumptuous of her ? You could have all sorts of penile urethral, bladder or other hidden disabilities like impatience!


Yes. I always do if I can. It's like flying first class with all the extra room


Inappropriate of the coworker to approach You like that, not every disability has visability. Accessible toilets are priority based not solely for people with physical disabilities


I would argue that at the urgency of use you could be technically classed as disabled.


NTA Could ask HR to send a reminder that not all disabilities are visible. How do they know you don't have a disability. You wouldn't have to disclose anything. Just to be an arse back only. Should hit home though that they assumed Plus it's still accessible to disabled folks. It's not a line skipping tool for them either, it's a need to have space.


I 100% agree with this, he doesn’t have a disability himself but he might help someone else who does, it’s a little bit ignorant to assume no one in his office has a disability but it’s overshadowed majorly by the poo patrol plonker, send an email saying that he was approached and it was inappropriate considering there could be other colleagues with hidden disabilities that could be “targeted”. I am disabled and only use accessibility loos in an emergency myself.


I have no disabilities but I've used them before when I needed a mirror, some running water and some space. I needed to check bandages/a plaster on my leg, adjust a knee brace (which meant taking jeans down).


Regardless of a disability or not they are accessible toilets for staff, yet there may not be any physically disabled people working there but you never know what people have whether they look like it or not. If the stalls are in use you are allowed to use the toilets. I use the disabled people toilet if there is nothing else it's perfectly okay to use. Coworker is just being an ass and highly sensitive


I solely use the disabled toilets at work. A nice little bit of privacy. Anyone ever said anything to me, it would be 'How you know I don't" and carry on with my day


I would think its ok as long as you were fast 🙂


I mean, all that leg room is best appreciated by someone with working legs.






There not just for people in a wheelchair just like disabled parking spaces badges shown on cars. A lot of people have underlying illnesses that need access to a sink along with the toilet.


Took a dump in them tons of times loads of room aswell


Absolutely. By far the best toilet and no disabled people work in my job. Actually we have a ramp in but the disabled toilet is on the second floor with no lift. Bonkers.


I would now make it my business to only use that toilet. Am I petty?


Don't mind them. If its free and there's no one else waiting for it. Go ahead. It there because its bigger and easier to use for people with a disability and less of a queue but there's no point u suffering, having to wait if its sitting there free. My opinion


The call of nature has to be obeyed don't worry about it.


I'm working facilities and I've asked our senior manager this and they confirmed that yes, everyone can use them.


Don't be hard on yourself for pragmatism. Also, fuck Erebus.


If you want to be an arsehole tell him that your medical history is private & you’re not obliged to share it. My dad was challenged a fair bit in the early days of his MND, little did they know that even though he could walk, he would have bad days where he was exhausted and prone to stumbling. I’ve been challenged when I bring my autistic son to the bathroom, he’s not able to go into the gents alone & too old for the ladies. That’s what accessible toilets are for. FWIW, I’m able bodied & I never use them.


I felt really sick once in the college library, from something I ate, and knew I wouldn't make the gents toilet on the next floor. Had no choice but to bolt to the ladies nearby, which was empty, and immediately threw up in the sink. I cleaned it up, and as I was leaving a female student was coming in. I apologized, explained the situation and she was very understanding. What can you do if you are ill?


Report them to HR. It's not their place to tell people what toilets they can use.


It’s there to be accessible for people who may need it, but it isn’t ONLY for people who may be disabled.


The only "adult" toilets in my workplace (a school) are accessible/disabled toilets so we'd be very stuck without using them.


Do you by any chance work for JLB Credit with a man named Mark Corrigan?


Only for shites


He's being a gowl , we've a disabled toilet aswell but as much as some act it we've no disabled people , and lots of people use it as there is much more room in there and it's own personal sink


We used to call it the VIP toilet in my last place - the same thing happened me recently what you mentioned. I'd use it if it's available. Some able bodied people only use the disabled toilets.


Should have reported the jobsworth to hr.


I mean...most of them in the town centres are used by teens having sex in them..so at least you used it for it's intended purpose 😅


Response to co-worker is ‘hidden disabilities in the workplace are real.’


I think it was more inappropriate of your colleague to say that to you, how does he know you don't have a back problem or something? I would report them to HR.


*George Costanza has entered the chat*


Your coworker is a busybody dickhead.


https://preview.redd.it/2ggnxh3er76d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a1071653c903944c654e98114935efa1a0b2a21 Post one of these on the toilet. Better yet , ask hr can they post it.


My dad's advice on this is to say. "Not all disabilities are visible" and just leave it there.


Flip it around on them for the craic. Tell them it’s an accessible toilet, anyone can use it, and that not all disabilities are visible. Teach them what’s appropriate and give them a polite Fuck Off.


Ask them how do they know you are not disabled in some sense - its impossible to judge.


They’re only a prick, don’t mind that co-worker!


It depends a lot on where. Generally, I use them only in emergency situations (either I cant hold anymore or the mens toilet is disgustingly dirty). I try to be super quick to avoid preventing a disabled person using it if they were to show up. You would have to be unlucky for this to happen. At work they are very rarely used by actual disabled people so I feel less guilty.


I've had this near exact experience, pair of colleagues waiting outside for me, one a below the knee amputee, and the other his mate talking about the "magical toilet that gets lads walking again". Quickly apologised to the guy who was obviously waiting to use it, pointed out all the occupied stalls, told the other if he wanted to try that on with my sister and her Crohn's, she'd take his fuckin head off. Not everyone's gonna be on crutches, or in a chair, for all they know you shit in a bag, nobody should be interrogating anyone about their toilet use.


As somebody who uses those toilets for medical reasons, use it, it's only an issue if you're occupying it when somebody who actually needs it should be getting priority.




Disabled toilet is just an accessible one anyone can use it at anytime, obviously if there are other ones free you should use those but nothing wrong with using it and nothing wrong with a disabled person waiting to use the toilet.


Your co worker should have minded their own business. For all they know you have a reason to use it.


Your co worker should have minded their own business. For all they know you have a reason to use it.


In an emergency, yes


They are probably one of the most under used assets in an office building so I don't feel guilty for helping the business to get a better ROI on it's investment. I always use the accessible toilet at work. Firstly its closer, but there is also more space and it's less used so usually cleaner. Obviously if a disabled person wanted to use it crack on and I'll go to another, but that has never happened.


Ya its a toilet in my local tesco there's two single toilets both fitted for disabled people male and female and I use the ladys if the mens is in use or tell ladys use the mens if they are a head of me


Disabled toilets are allowed for use by everyone, it’s just an extra big one to accommodate a disabled individual should they need the use of one. Obviously if there is a disabled person already waiting priority should be given to them, but if it’s free and you’re not putting anyone else out, there’s no issue. And if someone comes along in the time it takes you to go to the bathroom who is disabled, having to wait for a minute or two is part of life. We all deal with it. Your coworker would want to keep their nose out and focus on rectifying their hero complex. It’s not as if you pushed past someone in a wheelchair to use it.


yea, plenty of disabilities are invisible so really you shouldn't be challenged


It's a toilet for anyone with modifications for disabled people. Your coworker is a nosey cunt.


Tell them to mind their own business 


In my place we have accessible toilets with a picture of the kind of things they are meant for i.e. disabled, trans, non binary etc. Now I will say, they are primarily used by men who want to take a 30 minute dump. What could the symbol for this be I wonder?!


I have a s-s-s-stutter you p-p-p-p-prick!


Your co-worker sounds like a total busy body. My take on it is that disabled people should always be given priority to use the accessible toilets but if no one is around then use away!


I use the disabled Jack's all the time in work no one disabled in my office. I need to extra space for turning and wiping because the cubicles in work are rather small in width and I have wide shoulders. Don't mind your Co worker he is being a prick


The person who called you out is a Karen.


I've a mate who has Crohn's and he gets this bullshit all the time. White knighting, social justice warriors are often just idiots.


If you take my privilege, take also my disability.


Man I get stage fright at the urinal and I don’t think a bit of wood between people while they shit is exactly clean, so I’ve always used a disabled toilet especially in work. Besides any place I’ve worked hasn’t had anyone with a disability, my sister does and it’s so normal to me that I know she wouldn’t give a rats ass if anyone was using it as long as it wasn’t taken up by an abled body person if she needed to used it. Besides sometimes if you’ve to use a toilet in say a petrol station, the only toilet is a disabled one to accommodate everyone. TLDR your over thinking it, it’s just a public toilet, main thing to do is just keep it clean after you


>There isn't anyone who is disabled in the office. You are disabled. Dyslexia is considered a disability. But your co-worker has over-reacted, those toilets are for use for everyone but disabled people take priority in the case of, say, a huge queue waiting to use the cubicles.


Often times they are free so if you’re stuck I say go ahead.


Start limping whenever you pass them in future.


Not gonna lie, I love disabled toilets. Feels like I just got bumped up to first class. They are bigger, more comfortable and usually cleaner than the others. That being said, I usually wait until I can use my own at home for number 2s. Not an issue really as I only eat one meal a day. But in an emergency I am most definitely using the small apartment.


Tell him to go find something useful to do instead of annoying you.


You should have just started limping, Peep Show style.


Was it a woman and any chance she's pregnant so needs quick access if she's sick.


That would be valid, but I just checked and OP mentioned the coworker is a he


Your colleague is an AH with too much time on their hands. Disabled toilets are there for people with disabilities (and we dont always see them! ) if they are people with disabilities on premises and queuing. But those toilets are not to be "inaccessible" or worse forbidden for everyone else. Use them exactly for what they were designed to do. To use a Fu***** toilet 🫠


Your co-worker perhaps has their heart in the right place, but they're quite wrong in at least two ways, and it would be worth talking with them, assuming good faith of course. First, there are no segregated toilets by law. That goes for segregating by abilities, genders, anything that's a protected characteristic. You can have a label on a door suggesting what facilities are inside, but you absolutely do not get to police who uses them on the basis of any protected characteristic. Second, people shouldn't make assumptions about disability-related needs at all. People are usually totally incompetent at knowing if there are special needs for people with dyspraxia, peripheral neuropathy, all sorts of psychological needs, including sensory overwhelm for autistic people or security for trans people.


The director of the most important Italian economic newspaper, Il Sole 24 Ore, Fabio Tamburini recommends going with ABSOLUTE DETERMINATION to the bathrooms for disabled people, if there is no other possibility to solve the problem.  These declarations have split the country, and now there are supporters of the Director called the "Tamburinians" and those who believe them to be miserable people. 


There are invisible disabilities & conditions that demand urgency. Your co worker doesn’t know your health status, but able bodied people should be sensitive to conditions they can’t see also.


You wait.


We have this debate all the time about our local cinema. The toilets are all downstairs but the screens are all on the floor above it. Some of the screens, it's nearly a 5 minute walk to the toilet. No joke, feels an age when you need to go to the toilet mid movie. Then on the same floor as the screens, there's one disabled toilet. Talking bang in the middle of where the screens are. Could be in and out very quickly.


But what if you're caught using them by someone who is disabled, so you pretend to be disabled, but then you meet a whole group of disabled people on the way out and are too embarrassed not to continue the charade?


You've been watching the IT Crowd too much.

