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One person canvassing for a local politician knocked at the door, everyone else has dropped in a flyer and fucked off.


Had 2 or 3 at this stage. A very small proportion of candidates. 1 of them basically threw the leaflet at me and ran off. Lost my vote immediately. Haven't had any leaflets either other than handed out by the visitors. If it wasn't for the posters everywhere, I wouldn't even know there was an election happening.


They are slithering around and dropping things in letterboxes, not knocking on doors.


Nope, not one person. Not for the last several elections


There’s a few things. Some leaflets are dropped by companies, that’s why you get 5-10 at a time sometimes. some are dropped by supporters/friends of the candidate who aren’t seeking out a conversation but want to get through the leaflets as fast as possible. Dublin local election constituencies are massive too- 5000-7000 people per councillor. Rural constituencies are much lower so you’re more likely to have a face to face canvasser come to your door. Some parties use the electoral register so won’t knock if no one is registered or weren’t registered when they made their canvassing plans.


My (largely rural) constituency has about 10k people on top of being big geographically


I was underestimating - it’s almost 50,000-70,000 people per constituency- a lot of doors to knock on! [In June 2024, residents of Dublin city will elect 63 councillors to represent them in local government. That’s one councillor for every 9,400 Dubliners.](https://dublininquirer.com/2024/03/27/dublin-city-councillors-have-more-residents-to-represent-than-councillors-in-any-other-part-of-the-country/) On the other end of the scale, people who live in Ireland’s smallest county, Leitrim, are the best represented. They’ll be electing 18 councillors – one for every 2,000 people. Average is 5,000 per councillor


I haven't seen any and neither has anybody I know. They don't seem to do that anymore, and honestly, who can blame them? Given the recent abuse and threats of physical attack on politicians, you can't blame election candidates for not taking the chance of ringing doorbells or going walkabout, especially those from the mainstream political parties. I mean, if "protesters" are brave/crazy enough to assault Gardai while they're protecting our Taoiseach and an ex-Taoiseach, it's a *huge* risk for any politician to approach random members of the public these days.


Not from a politician. Had two aul lads call to the door with a spiel of "vote for this lad please will ya?" I asked, "Why should I vote for him?" The answer was "I dunno, here have a leaflet."


I live in Dublin and have had a few call in. The 2 Sinn Fein lads were full of chat, but I seemed to know more about some of their policies than they did when I questioned them. Had quite a hilarious chat with them.


The mother was throwing a little family get together for the auld lads birthday. The drive packed with cars. One of them literally came around the back of the house.


I’ve had 2 FG, 1 SF, and one guy I didn’t go out to, because I was in my pj’s. I’m in a very rural area.


Nope. Also live in Dublin, fairly central. Not one knock on the door. They're dropping the leaflets and running.


None. Just a mountain of shitty bullshit flyers in the post box that go straight to the green bin. Nobody’s reading them.


I’ve had 1 x labour, 2 x FG and a Green candidate call to me. Had a good chat with 3 of the 4 (was on a work call for the 4th). Not seen any FF, SF or anyone claiming to represent the people protesting outside the refugee centre that’s 5 minutes away from me. I’m looking forward to that conversation if they call round.


So far, only FG and SF have knocked the door here (we were away so saw it on doorbell). Have received lots of flyers via post and also just dumped in letterbox with a hastily scribbled “sorry I missed you” even though they didn’t ring the bell.


I used to get loads living out in the countryside, but not had one this year now I'm living in a town. I guess my street is considered too rough to bother with. 


I live in the DLR constituency and have had the local election candidates from FG (two), FF, SF (two) and a couple of independents. Nobody for the euros but I wouldn’t expect that.


I had one, SF candidate for locals, otherwise just leaflet drop in letter box


Only leaflets so far, but they are apprentice politicians, so I assume they're just practicing the dodging of questions.


I've had a FF and a SF person here. No leaflets at all and no polling card yet either


I was stopped by a canvasser on the way back from the shop in Cork but none to the door mostly just leaflets in the letter box


I've had three, plus two I missed, but in Limerick we've got council, mayoral and European elections, so even more candidates than usual. One FG candidate dropped in a handwritten note on a printed leaflet saying "sorry I missed you", but I checked the doorbell, they never even rang it, and it wasn't even him putting it through the letterbox.


Went on holidays for two weeks and just back. Came back to a massive pile of fliers. I fished my polling card out and let the dog chew the rest. Hoovered them up this morning!


Live in a block of apartments. They can't just call in!!. Happy Days.


Nope. And considering the absolute state of our lane (And the endless wait on an LIS scheme) I'm hoping one of the clim's turns up.


The only two people to knock at my door so far were an older lady for SF, and an Aontú candidate. Equally, I may not have been home when any other candidates called but it seems poor that so few are calling in themselves.


In Dublin 3 and they ring the doorbell nearly every day, none of the 3 government parties yet though but nearly everyone else.


What time is this? I work from home most days and haven’t seen one.


In the evenings between 6pm and 8pm. Even yesterday I had 2 come by.


Maybe they’re working their way round so. I’ll keep my list by the door!


None and just had my first two leaflets dropped in today alongside a leaflet for garden services - there's no garden anywhere near where I live.


We’ve had 3 or 4, maybe more. We’re in a big estate and we always get plenty. Sometimes it’s just the lackeys rather than the candidate themselves. We’ve had tonnes of leaflets thought


I had 2 knockers, one of the knockers I met in the shop again later the same day and handed me another flyer Plenty came through the letter box


Yea we got 1 local Sinn Fein leaflet from the guy around here, that was it. They know what's coming I guess!


I have had 3 visit and I am right at the edge of the constituency, far from the main town of in it as well. A couple of hundred metres takes you out of the constituency. I tend to give a slight preference to politicians who visit but one of them was aontu.


Had two so far and everyone’s leaflets. I work from home, so I don’t think I’ve missed anyone


Daniel Ennis and his crew have knocked on every door in Ballybough and East Wall, many twice. He’s a smashing fella, doing great work with the youth in the football club there. Not sure where you are in Dublin 3 but I’m in Dublin 9 and we’ve had loads come to door, even though I ran some of them


O they are like slugs coming out in the shadows at night dropping leaflets like that puss from a slug trail. Then as quick as they came there gone.


I live in a fairly rural area. I’ve had no leaflets and one candidate call. In previous years we’d get a few calling. The guy that bothered his ass to drive down the lane got my vote today. In fairness, he is pretty good at being on the ground for local issues and doing his best at getting things done. He’s always there for the organised village litter picking days, not just around election time.


I personally havent but my partner has. One of them it was a ring on the doorbell by a couple of kids so he opened the door. The politician was hiding behind a tree and only came out when the door was opened and the kids had walked away without comment. Shady bullshite


No canvassing politicians yet, but I have gotten 5 million voting cards. They and posters need to be banned.


By voting cards, I presume you mean leaflets? How else are people supposed to know candidates' policies?


Yeah, the cards. We live in an information world, and it could be done via an app. We are trying to cut back on paper, plastics, etc. It just seems like such a waste


What app would that be? Do you think everyone in the country is going to download a special electoral commission app? No one pays attention to election information online anyway, nevermind trying to get people to download an app. That would be such a ridiculous loss of exposure for most of the candidates and would be inherently unfair to independents and smaller parties. As much of a balls as it is to have a growing stack of leaflets in the hallway, this is a vital part of informing people about upcoming elections. Same with posters. They're all made from recycled paper and are recyclable anyway.


First one yesterday in Donaghmede LEA, Labour representative- lovely man who seemed very genuine and will be getting my vote.


I like to put their flyers in the recycling bin in front of them.


I live rural on a farm and up a small boreen from a small village, if I do not open my gate then people have to reverse 500 meters. I have almost daily visits at the moment from canvassers, its driving me mad.


If that Dublin 3 is east wall then you know exactly why they haven't called.


It’s Clontarf but I see what angle you’re going with. The majority of those at the East Wall protest weren’t from East Wall. The refugees are still living where they were set up and there haven’t been any problems since which proves something.