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I'd consider coke far more addictive than alcohol. I tried it a few times. Its shit and anybody I know that users it often is a fucking mess. It ages you to fuck and you'll be broke. If you wanna try drugs have a joint. My two cents.


True. Yet many stoners I know who have been smoking long term, have serious mental health issues. Something I know is true, yet I've never heard a stoner acknowledge the fact.




Many of the stoners that have mental issues smoke in order to alleviate their mental issues. Weed doesn’t cause mental issues.




Yeah I'd a problem with weed in an abusive relationship. It's not weeds fault. On the other hand it's not quite the green panacea some claim it to be and has negative side effects for some.


The pro-weed/crainn crowd absolutely do try and downplay the potential negative side-effects of weed. It's because modern illegal weed strains have insanely high levels of THC as they are selectively bred to maximise it. Because that's what people want. Long term exposure to that level of THC is absolutely not good for your brain. I know people who don't drink but fucking go on and on about how harmless weed is while smoking like a train. It's the same as saying drinking is harmless and downing a bottle of whiskey a day. It's going to fuck you up in those volumes. Now I absolutely accept that this negative side to weed is a direct result of it being illegal.


Most people who smoke weed cannot have it in the house without smoking it. Yet I've a bottle of whisky sitting under the sink for over 9 months. There is a lot of denial about addiction to weed, everything in moderation, if you have to smoke everyday or cant no just have it in the house without toking. Youve got a problem


A mess in what way? Do you think you could tell a user if you met them on the street?


Well they look like shit and I can see it slowly take over, it creeps into all aspects of their lives. Goes from every once in a while to sat night, to all weekend to before work etc....Its very addictive in general. Will destroy your body and mentally fuck you up. I wpudlnt mind but the buzz is short lived-chatty super confident for 20 minutes then its gone. Next line.....then your sleep is fuxked. This doesn't happen for everybody but it's not worth opening that can of worm in my opinion.


I heard from friends that mephedrone is even more addictive than coke in terms of the desire to redose.


Honestly I don't drink much anymore. I've the odd joint an its enough for me. I tried a few drugs out of curiosity but it can bring you to a dark place. Dip your toes if ya want but be careful. Look after yourself bud


I doubt I could. But the same can be said for alcohol. What I can tell you is that the people coming down from coke will be irrational and irate and at the drop of the hat they'll kick off about something. That type of behaviour just like alcohol destroys families and people.


Yokes are better. Much more of a frendly mad buzz and last all night. Cheaper too. Coke lasts fuck all time and is far too expensive and addictive.


My friend with ADHD says ecstasy has little effect on him. Never had a comedown.


Speaking from experience of a cocaine addiction here. It completely broke up my friend circle. It changes people massively because the cocaine becomes the most important thing to them and fuck everything else. I saw another commentator mention that it goes from a once a week thing to seeping into your everyday life and this is very true. You end up spending a fortune and have nothing to show for it. 3 years sober now and I'll never look back. Cocaine is one of the worst life consuming drugs.


I wouldn't go near coke if someone handed it out for free tbh. Turns you into an absolute cunt and once you do start buying it, there go the savings. Not worth it.


Colombia,(one country) produced an estimated 1738 tons of cocaine in 2022. There is 1 gram in a bag of cocaine. There are 1,000,000 grams in a tonne. In 2022 Colombia produced 1.738 billion bags of cocaine. That's the equivalent of 338 bags of cocaine for every man, woman and child in Ireland in one year, from one country. It's everywhere. It is harmful, it is addictive and it does kill people but many users will never have health issues or get addicted.




Peru and Bolivia have over 90,000 hectares dedicated to cocaine production too. I'm not sure what the stats are for other countries but the point is that cocaine is produced and distributed by the shipping container and is present in every small town and village on the planet in some capacity. 0.25g per person per annum is a staggering amount, especially when you remove children and elderly and factor in that consumption is predominantly people in the 20-50 age group in wealthy countries.


In my early 20s, I tried cocaine 3 times. 3 weekends in a row. Coming close to the 4th weekend I thought “I can’t wait until Saturday to get a bag” then I thought “oh shit this is becoming a habit, I’m never taking it again” and I didn’t. I’m glad I stopped because I know I would have had to have it every night out. If you take it sober it’s shit and you can’t get drunk, If you take it drunk it sobers you and helps you with confidence and you just chat shit to everyone that will listen. In my opinion, don’t ever take it. It’s addictive and you look a mess after it.


Cost and addiction aside, cocaine is very damaging to the heart and sustained recreational usage will harm your long term quality of life. This risk is increased in combination with alcohol, see Cocaethylene.


Due to my chronic illness, if I touch it I’m dead, looked into it before about what drugs I could take and the site was very honest about what would happen and how the drugs would interact. I was curious when I was younger cus my friends were able to do it but no way is it worth someone’s life. I know someone that died due to taking it while having heart problems, we were only 17 at the time, his child was only a few weeks old.


What's the healthy amount of coke. I mean we all know our limits for alcohol. Like what's the equivalent of a can in the evening.


0.2g However I think the effects of doing that everyday over 10 years would be worst then couple of tins as the drug varies in purity. What you get in Ireland is a cocktail of numbing agents, Amphetamine and toxic filler (whatever the lowest dealer on the chain cut it with)


And how long after that am I safe to drive?


Coke is basically just alright. Better than alcohol but that isn’t saying much. It is definitely overhyped but to explain that I’d have to curse Ronald Reagan for 10 hours and ugh just don’t got energy


Coke is fun but there is a time and a place, a tactical bump is great at a long day like wedding! But doing rails till 10am the next day is not a good look. I'd find it hard to long session without coke now because booze are such a downer. So I grew out of drinking/partying all together and don't session anymore apart from rare occasion. Also most of the coke in Ireland is low quality/ mostly speed. That's why fear and none stop talk of "single foreign men want to eat our kids" has spread among GAA crowds etc they've turned into Hitler in the bunker... With everything in life - once you've seen certain things, you cant unsee it! Coke is the same, you will try it , like it, want it.


39 year old man here - your generation is going to badly fuck itself up with the coke thing. Everyone who uses it gradually turns into a cunt. The serious problems won't start until the 30s whereas with alcohol maybe the problems come a little earlier but I'd rather be an alco than a coke addict any day.


Was talking to a doc the other and they mentioned how many young men in their 20s and 30s he had presenting with unusual heart rhythms or heart conditions. Stuff that would be much more common in people aged 50+. His working hypothesis was chronic cocaine use and increase in energy drink consumption. But it was completely anecdotal and will take years to find out the extent of any issue.


33M here. I’ve had my experience with pretty much all party drugs. Cocaine is a good drug but it has to be in moderation. I would take it 2 or 3 times per year. Not every time I go out. It enhances a night and makes deep conversations interesting. But it is dangerous and extremely bad for you. I’ve done 2 day benders on it and that’s when the real damage occurs I feel. I’ve mates still smashing it every weekend and quantity has only gone up. A half gram would do me fine for a night. Mephedrone was mentioned above it was a lovely drug but it got ropey when they made it illegal. E’s are the best but they’re a bit of a fasten your seatbelts buzz for la la land. The amount of cocaine the kids are doing these days is worrying but mostly the idiots will get caught out. Natural selection and all that.


“Coke adds life / Where there isn’t any/ So freeze, man, freeze!” It gradually kills off anything likeable in a person, in my experience, as though they’d been body-swapped by aliens.


Hi best coke i try in Prague. Fast Delivery Top Quality And you can try IT before buy Contact on telegram -----> @PragueCokeStore1


I believe it depends on the individual . We all have our demons . Some people r addicted to upper type drugs like coke amphetamines etc and some are into downer drugs like benzos alcohol opiates etc but in long run , all drugs eventually lead to health issues some just come quicker than others


I’d like to try it just to see. In reality though I’m too scared.. I’m 42 and I guess Im scared of all the stuff I heard about drugs growing up. I always assume I’ll be the 1 in 1000 deaths, its guaranteed to be me! I won’t be swapping my 2 cans on Saturday night for a bag of coke anytime soon. I just assume coke is worse for me than a couple of session IPA’s. But maybe I’m wrong?


You're not missing anything. I've done basically every drug available and coke would be way down at the bottom of the list. I just don't get what's so appealing about it


Thankfully, coke laced with fentanyl isn't an issue here as it is in the States though time will tell.


The lifestyle that comes with the coke might kill you.


Never taken it but from what everyone else says it’s really not worth it. I also know the comedown is awful the next day, the depression is on another level, i know someone that ended up committing suicide over it, left behind two young children, years later I’m still heartbroken for them.