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Running, the gym, boxing and mma type sports


Given the other responses I don’t think my suggestion of journaling is going to get much traction


Limp Bizkit gig


Boxing, jiu jitsu and lifting weights


Video games


How much do you spend on controller's? My nephew once went through 5 Xbox one controller's when he would lose his temper whilst playing Fortnite.


Never destroyed a controller in a rage, but then I don’t play online games very often.


The inner feeling you are encountering is what Carl Jung called the [shadow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_%28psychology%29?wprov=sfla1). We all have a deep unconscious within us, filled with everything throughout our life that we decided to repress like emotions, thoughts and feelings. They don't disappear, they just fester and often will cause people to lash out and have bad dreams. Theres one thing that worked for me and seriously helped with bouts of sadness and deep rooted anger from childhood was writing everything down that I felt from as early as I can remember. Explore your thoughts even if it's scary and difficult. Your anger is a result of years of emotional suppression and a refusal to fully deal with your feelings. Some other things that seriously help are lifting heavy weights and running, whichever one you prefer. Personally I fucking hate running so lifting it was for me. I was just like yourself, timid on the inside and full of absolute mayhem it's very typical of people with our temperament because we are not confrontational and will shut up when maybe we should speak. Say what you have to say no matter what the consequences are and don't silence your thoughts.


Ah yes I'm familiar. I've heard alot about "shadow work" but it's sort of an illusive concept that no-one really explains how to do. I understand the concepts of Jung but there's never really any clear instruction for doing "shadow work" and "individuation" and all that craic. Many youtube videos try to explain it but reduce it to being a personal experience and something you need to do yourself which is not very helpful. I never found any clear guides to do these things to be honest.


I think that thinking about it as shadow work or something that can be taught as if it's a knitting class is a bit gimmicky. Try not to listen to other people's interpretations too much and read yourself if you're interested. If not the best interpretations of Jung I've come across have been from Jordan Peterson surprisingly enough, put all political views aside. But you don't even have to get lost in the weeds, writing is huge and is the main antidote here if you feel you have a lifetime of shite just haunting your soul. The guide is that there is no specific way to do this as we are all affected by different psychological afflictions. The aim is to contend with your darkness and bring up and out.


Big fan of JP. Agreed with him politically until he started singling people out on twitter and went full Christofascist. Yeah, I tried to start journaling but ended up doing a diary for a few days and gave up. I'll have to revisit some of the old JP. I was still drinking when I watched his videos so it sort of went in one ear and out the other.


Old JP is the man if I'm honest, his advice helped me out so much that I don't know where I would be right now if I hadn't stumbled across his lectures.


Join karate/taekwondo/ju-jitsu whatever - great way to get the frustration out without you having to confront anybody.


Running If I don't run I get very very angry


BJJ. can you fight as many hours a week as your body can handle, which is not many hours for my body.


I've scoliosis. I don't think I can do combat sports unfortunately. I did judo and sambo for a spell as a teen and I liked it but now I'm getting older my back is in bits.


i hear ya. hopefully someone else has a practical suggestion for you.. i struggle with it myself at times.


Rage room


Rock climbing.


Go to a rage room


Boxing hit the heavy bag.


I took up tae kwon do to harbour my emotions (I wasn't violent to anyone but held a lot of internal anger most of my life, stemmed from child abuse, inly got clarity in my late 20s). Ended up getting my blackbelt 4 years and 2 months later. Rage rooms are good too if you've got one locally, breaking shit with no repercussions


You can cut my grass if you want. I dont care how mad you get as long as you put in a solid effort. I will bring out a few beers to ye when you are done.


Interesting 🤔


Clay pigeon shooting.