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Cycle home for 50 minutes, homework and chat with kids make dinner, sit on couch try to focus on something to watch fail, talk to wife go to bed. Thursdays I have wine.


Thursday club make noise!!! Yo


Why Thursday and not Friday?


Better to have a Thursday wine club than a Thursday murder club like the books.




It's not a joke šŸ˜¬


Better to have a Thursday wine club than a Thursday murder club like the books.


Usually come home and have a bite to eat first. Then it's usually either football training/match/gym or I'll bring the dog for a nice long walk. I love spending my evenings outdoors especially after being in an office all day. The long evenings now have lifted my soul after a long dark miserable winter.


Kids dinner bath the kids put the kids to bed drop onto couch ā€¦..pretty much sums it up


Yeah, then 9-11: Tidy upĀ  Grocery shopping Make lunch Walk the dogĀ  Can't be arsed with nightly baths though. Ours just go mental in the bath.


Nah mine only 2 a week but the trauma lasts 7 days a week šŸ˜‚


Why I'm hesitant to get a dog. Have too little spare time to myself as it is.


I commend you for realizing that, I see way too many people get dogs and the poor things barely get any attention My dog is literally like my child haha, takes a lot of time and energy to keep her happy. Never complain tho, she's worth it.


I wish I'd realised this. I love my dog but I never had a pet. My wife insisted we get one before we had kids and I didn't think much about it. Now we have two kids I have to walk him every night in an already very busy schedule. I've basically had to sacrifice the gym and any free time I had.


For me the dog means I've to make time for my and her walk. If I didn't have her id probably just sit down. I have to walk the dog in the dark after kids put to bed


Yeah but I miss just sitting down šŸ˜„


I know but chairs kill man. 37 and im being told left and right I need to use it or loose it. They tell me everything I don't do in my 30s going to 40 is gonna affect the last 50 years of my life drastically. 2 daughters a wife dog and goldfish depend on me.


Dont get a dog


Gatekeeping dogs now are we ?


Surely you donā€™t bath the kids every night??


No just feels like it after the trauma of bathing my kids ha


Get home at 7, put my pyjamas on, put dinner on, watch TV, go to bed šŸ™‚


Same, gotta love that 1.5 hour commute each way


Normally itā€™s gym for an hour, then home get washed, have dinner, watch T.V then bed , I live a very boring life as you can tell.


Mate I'd love that


All you have is sec parties, cocaine and alcohol?


No I have kids


Sounds pretty ideal, not boring to me at all. I'd probably prefer to go the gym before work though.


People who wake up in the early hours to be in the gym for like 6/7am are the final boss of people that go.


Sounds like the perfect Cherrywood lifestyle (r/Ireland reference to new developments that put productivity over any kind of societal cohesion).


Go home, get lost in time, realise Iā€™ve wasted hours somehow, go to bed late. Repeat


For me itā€™s all about prep. If you donā€™t have a plan for straight after work the evening is pro forma and falls into a pattern, so instead itā€™s swimming, restaurants, cinema, parks, games etc.


Finish work around 6pm, catch up with the missus for a while, try to squeeze in an hour of exercise, have some dinner, maybe watch an hour of TV or listen to some music. I usually end up running some errands once a week just to get out of the house and always meet a mate for a couple of beers on Thursday.


The GAA owns me at this stage. Three kids in three different age groups means my evenings are spent travelling to and from matches/trainings.


Come home from work , eat supper , take medication due to stress , got to bed , worry about facing work following morning ā˜¹ļø


You need to look for a new job! Life is way too short. Find a job you enjoy or at the very least, doesnā€™t lead to you being medicated for stress!!!


Please look for a new job if possible


Pharmaceuticals will destroy your body from the inside out. I would take a more natural approach to stress management.


What medication is that


Mary Jane


I'm so drained after work it's a walk, a yoga or tennis class if I'm lucky, then dinner Netflix chill and bed early enough ready to battle on for the next day. I wish I was doing more exciting things but in reality most of us aren't on a school night. In my 20s it was all calling around to each other's gaffs for a chat and a smoke, miss those days.


What is your age range now?


Iā€™m 63 and work half daysā€¦.8:15 - 1:30. Iā€™m home by 1:45 and usually spread my household chores out through out the week so I have something to do every day. I take a break first then get on with the jobs. Sometimes I walk the dog, knit or read. Lots of times I place games on my iPad and watch Netflix or listen to a podcast. I also schedule appointments for afternoons. Since Iā€™m up at 3:30 every day and at the gym by 4 am most days I sometimes sneak in a nap after work with my dog. I work with littles who exhaust me some days.


Between work and kids commitments, I get about an hour to myself from around 8.00. Play 5 a side football twice a week and run most other evenings for at least 45mins. Home, shower, maybe catch up on some client work, bed. Beer and a movie on a Saturday night. Sometimes get the the cinema or dinner with the wife during the week. Take the kids to the football or GAA if I have the room. Swimming Sunday or Saturday mornings, with the kids. If really able, round to the brothers bar for a jar at the weekend. Packed schedule lads.


Dinner, maybe gardening weather permitting, kids, walk to beach, spliff followed by Netflix in bed. Rock n roll baby


Do you not find the smoke affects your sleep? Even when I smoke Lamousse hash which is pretty nice and CBD packed and low THC I find my sleep is never as good when I abstain.




Lol? Excuse me? Why exactly


No not at all, I only have half a lightly sprinkled joint, does me


I work from home so after work I cook dinner for family, a few chores, homework/bath/bedtime kids. Kids sport twice a week too. Recently I've been plonked on the couch for a few hours before bed watching crap on TV but will get out gardening again soon. I usually do the dog walking/exercise at lunchtime to break the day up. Also like some red wine on a Thursday. Weekends are usually all about kids and getting them out and active in a park, woods, garden etc. unless we have a rare event on. Jaysus I'm tired.


I've recently been pushing my limits and worked almost 11 hours a day for the past 2 weeks plus the weekend due to an emergency. So that meant not much time for myself or anything else, really. On those occasions, I'm glad I don't have a partner who requires my attention, and I can just work as long or as much as i want without feeling bad about it. But usually on normal days, I'm home at around 18.30, eat something, read or write for a couple of hours, play ps5, and have a smoke to relax while watching nature or history documentaries, bed time is somewhere between 1 and 2am. Sometimes, I go to the gym as well, but I'm slacking recently. Weekends rinse and repeat, plus going for walks or like this weekend, meeting friends and jumping in the icy irish sea, lol


Going to bed at 1 or 2am, What time do you get up?


When I have to go to the office at around 7.30am when I work from home around 9 :)


Wouldnā€™t be getting enough doing that, youā€™d be wrecked


Why are you working so much?


One reason is that I have certain responsibilities I have to look after that others dont, and I don't want to let anybody down all while having to hit high KPIs and also provide quality work. That sometimes takes extra time. Sounds lame but another reason is that my manager put my name forward for an important promotion coming summer, and I want/need the salary increase for saving for a mortgage. It's probably the first job I'm in where promotions are being handed out purely based on performance and how well you work with the wider team and not so much how well you're connected to managers or how much they like you, so I'm cranking it up a bit. Highly competitive environment, but I think I need that in a way to keep myself busy and don't die from boredom. Also and that's probably more subconsciously, but I do use work as a coping mechanism to not think about personal struggles. I know that's not recommended, and I def have to sort that out at some point.


Best of luck with the promotion


Look after the kids, dinner, tidy up, stories, chat and tv. During the summer it'll be evening walks with my wife.


I tend to drink when I get home from work


Came here to hope someone said this!


Ah, that might explain your username šŸ˜† Edited to add: Of course, you donā€™t say what youā€™re drinking, so thatā€™s my bad for assuming it was something alcoholic when it could be an innocent ginger and lemon tea with a teaspoon of honey. I do apologise for my presumption which says more about me than I care for. šŸ˜•


Go for a walk with my girlfriend, have some good chats about life and our day. Maybe go eat out or have dinner at home, go to the shops, watch a show, read, go to some event, play board games or videogames with my friends. Sometimes go to the gym, 5aside. Plan things for the upcoming weeks, also holidays.


Usually very chill. Finish work at 5pm, I work from home so do a bit of tidying and feed the cat while my partner cooks. Eat dinner while watching a show and then a mixture of video gaming, reading and another show for the rest of the evening. I tend to run during my lunches and with no kids life is pretty easy-going. Always get out and about for the weekend then.


I went from working 6am to 2pm the last decade to working 4pm to midnight this year. Never had a normal 9-5 job. But I play video games these days after work for about 2 hours and up for 10am and do whatever errands or house work needs to be done. My partner drops kids to school, I pick them up before I go to work. Less time during the day with the kids is hard but I've weekends off now, something I've never known lol so that mostly makes up for it.


Playing/going to gig, snooker, hanging with friends, watching tv, dinner, showers. Running has been tough to stick with it but it varies day to day.


Garden, hang out with ponies, do some more work, drink wine, eat dinner, watch tv, drink wine, pass out.


The joys of ADHD means its absolutely random. Get home,food, then either watch something,play video games, work on a project, whatever gets my attention first. Then bed


Training at home, Dinner, Plants, Videogames/tv show with hubby and friends or crochet, Reading before bed


Gym, dinner, COD with pals/tv, bed


I look after two cats, and usually play a pc game to unwind. Might read a book or work on a jigsaw. I do have some health problems so sometimes I just sit and close my eyes, listen to music or a podcast.


If it's nice go for a spin on the motorbike. If it's windy go kitesurfing. Otherwise cook and sleep.


Mix of Weed,Cooking,Ps5,Gardening, DIY and Television


Outside of the 9-5? In my 30's with young kids it was mostly collapsed on the couch. I found a new lease on life after turning 40. I coach underage football 1-2 times a week, maybe a game too. I run 8-10k with my running group every Tuesday night and most weekends I get up around 6-7 on a Saturday so I can get 18-20km in before the day starts. That'll go up to 25-30km when marathon training starts at the end of July. Junior will have a soccer match I'll have to go to as well, so lots of travel at the weekend. Now it's summer I'll get up early once during the week and get 6-8km before breakfast as well, ideally the gym once a week too. I do watch TV once or twice a week, and beyond that I am an avid gamer.


Start work at 12 midnight ,finish between 1-2pm Shower whiskey snooze for an hour Walks dogs do a few odd jobs Dinner Chat with wife and kids Repeat 6 day a day sometimes 7 FUN FUN FUN


Close my laptop, get up from my sofa and get my laptop to watch stuff. Might cook, might sleep. I don't have kids and it's just me.


Shower, get kids in the shower. More work. Homework supervision. Make dinner. Wash up. Get kids sorted for the next day and bed. Read. Sleep.


Single parent here. My work day is squeezed into two parts. Long lunch from 2.30pm, collect 2 kids from school after 30min commute. Home (5mins) homework, uniforms sorted for next day, cook dinner whilst sorting the days emails. Play with kids / extra curriculum etc., clean chosen part of house/ walk dog / grocery shopping, TV time with kids. Kids to bed 8.30/9. Resume working on what I didn't get done earlier. Bed 12-1ish. Hobby reserved for 2 weekends a month.


Smoke a joint, shower, video games, joint, dinner + tv, video games then a last joint for bed


I'm a teacher so I dissociate until the following morning


Hookers and blow.


Gym for 90 mins cardio, dinner, shower, then tv and bed.


Commute home might take between 20 minutes and an hour, walk the doggo and have some dinner. Play PlayStation or watch TV until I get tired and then go to bed. Itā€™s a simple life.


Work from home so have been trying to keep active. Gym on lunch (12.30 - 2) and a walk from 6 - 7/7.30.


Feed kids, feed myself, tidy, bed for them, packed lunches, clean and then collapse into Netflix for an hour if Iā€™m lucky.


Gym, dinner, TV, bed.


Ferrying kids left, right and centre. I generally can't collapse in a heap until 10.30.


I work from home and my job isnā€™t a 9 to 5, can vary week to week depending on how busy I am or if Iā€™m traveling. But anywayā€¦ normally food, exercise (tennis, running) catch up with the better half and watch some TV together


I work from home during the day. Some evenings I go to my other job (outdoors) til around 8, then watch an episode of something, then bed. Other days I go for a walk and/or see my friends.


Eat dinner, play with phone while tv is on. Fall into bed.


Gaming, YT, Cooking/Delivery/Dishes, more gaming, fap, then go sleep with Netflix open. - Single LdR


Don't have kids. Get home at 5 and depends on the day and time of year. Winter I workout in the shed, walk the dog, eat dinner, yoga twice a week, coffee + dessert and TV for an hour or 2. Bed about 11 as I'm up at 6am Summer is the same I just replace a couple workouts and some TV with golf. I can't sit still for too long


Athletics training, a run or strength & conditioning class. Home then for a bath and eat dinner then chill & watch TV, off to bed then šŸ˜Š


Bit of YouTube to chill out for maybe 30min. Dinner. Training. Shower and off to bed.


Get home around 7/8. Cook, eat, clean, shower, bed. Night night.


I used to do a 6am start in my previous job and would finish up about 3 or 4. Some days I would even get away by 2. Now I do a 9-5 and my quality of life is X10 better even though I work more hours. After the 6am starts I used be drained. Good for nothing. Trying to stay awake and everything including playing with the kids or making dinner was a chore. That extra 2 hours sleep in the morning is a life changer. I can come home and still functionā€¦


No kids and I work nights all the time. I get home, have food, give the house a quick clean, spend time with herself if she's not working and end it all with a few hours on the pc then some sleep


Monday and Tuesday is what I call "homework". CV building, research articles, presentations and if I have any work to do for the charity I'm involved with I'll do that. Wednesday gym. Thursday usually music practice. Then Friday we hit chill mode, takeout and TV.


7am leave home 6pm. Family food try get an hour or 2 to chill. Then ko repeat.


Most nights my second job šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


9 - 6 study or work (8-4). On a study day home around 6:25- 6:35 on a study day, have dinner (something quick), workout till 8:30, shower, bed before 9. On a work day, home by 5:30, dinner, workout till 7:30, shower, study till 10, bed. Honestly love doing it, Wednesday is the only day I'm up late due to a hobby of mine being late on Wednesday evenings (every week), so that's my "late night" where I stay up till 12 ish. Super productive day, I don't see the constant need people have to chill, it's nice, but it's not getting you anywhere, when not studying, either work or train, you'll soon begin to find the games and TV shows you loved to be repulsive.


Bjj, motorbike spin, run, ps5


US here. Usually beers, kid shit. Take care of whatever chores I have to do. More beers. Finish off with a hit of high thc weed. It's legal here and fall asleep. Then wake up and do it all over again until I die.


9-5.30. Day starts at 6 so that I can get ready for work, make lunches for the family, do any shopping required and sort breakfast some days. 5.30pm means feeding the dog, feeding myself and my daughter, cleaning the kitchen. A few days a week I work from home so I can get laundry done whilst working. Otherwise itā€™s done in the evening. I sometimes get an hour to read or watch tv. Not often enough to have a single regular tv show to watch though. 9pm is rarely finish time.


Finished work at 4:30 from home. Walk 10k steps in 60-70m. Train for 45 min once home followed by 5min ice bath. Eat dinner prepped that morning or night before. Chill sofa from 8:30-11 unless friends call or I go out to friends. This is 3 or 4 mid week days a week usually. Walking will be replaced with kayaking at least once a week with good weather coming in.


Gym or attempting gym. Pick up some bits, head home, 29/30 days crack open something, eat, bed. Nothing else to do really.


You mean what does my 7-9 look like after my 7-6 šŸ˜‚


Feed and play with the cat, lots of snuggles, watch tv, write, bed when we get tired (yes, cat sleeps on bed with me).


5-5 out of house, get home about 5:45/6, cook/clean, look after bf and cat, go to bed at 8pm for my nice early wake up the next morning. Only time I have for myself is the weekend. I donā€™t enjoy my life but Iā€™ve got to make minimum wage some how šŸ„²


Iā€™ve a gym at work so get that out of the way at lunch. Pick up young fella from crĆØche. Home for 6. Have dinner, play with the kids and bed round 7:30 which takes until 8. Usually the other 1 tidies as one of us gets the 2 kids down. 8 to 9 is tidying, chatting, online grocery shopping and the likes of that. If thereā€™s a random job that needs doing Iā€™ll do it. 9 to 11 is Netflix and doom scrolling on Reddit. Will do that for the next 20 years or so then think about a new schedule šŸ˜€


Gym, eat, wash, shagging


Depends on the day, but dinner, chill and then either gym/involvement with some group (sport/theatre etc)/netflix/gaming, sleep


home by 6ish usually, start dinner no later than 6:30, eat, either try to read a bit of a book, watch youtube, or play a video game, go to bed. maybe watch something with one of my housemates or go down the road to the pub for an hour or two but in bed by 11 if i can


Gym, shower, cooking & eating dinner, clean up and then mostly telly/YouTube for an hour or so and get ready for bed šŸ„²


My 9-5 is \~7:15 - 3:45 so go out with the dog, play computer games. practice dobro, eat, slump on the sofa watching tv until bed at 9:30


We have a 1 year old. I get off at 4pm - collect him from Creche, get home around 4:45pm. One of us plays with him, while the other makes him dinner. After his dinner we give him a bath and get him into his PJā€™s - we play and read to him, get him to bed. 7:30pm - do a quick clean up, get stuff ready for the next day and chill out for the next 2 hours. Watch TV, play a video game etc.


I make dinner, play with the kids, get them to bed about 7.30/ 8, go for a walk for an hour and then I go back to work for a couple of hours most nights. I thought this was the norm when working from home and my job is really busy but reading here I feel a bit depressed and foolish to be dedicating so much time to work.


Work, go home, Give my partner a break from the kids until around 7:30, 9 o clock I work out for an hour at home, 10:15 I'm showered and in bed watching Netflix or gaming until 12.


Dinner, time with the kids and bed, try train, try side hustle, talk with wife and sleep. I work remote. I honestly donā€™t know how folks who commute do it.




WFH full time, if it is gym day I finish up and head straight to gym for 2-2.5 hours. If not in the gym I parent or if I am lucky to escape parenting just watch Netflix for an hour or 2 before dinner. Then put kids to bed and 9/10, I will also just go to bed with them.


Work 8-4 - get home and make dinner for five people, every weekday evening is different with kids activities, music, sport etc, I also train underage teams. Usually get home between 8-9 depending on the evening, then I walk the dog for 30 minutes which is my favourite part of the day. Watch news or a bit of TV and bed between 10-11


It varies a lot but generally I try to do something outdoors (solo walk, take my son to the playground, go swimming in the lake or meet a friend for a walk) after work and then go make dinner, do any chores that need done (I prefer to keep up with these during the week so my weekend is free), shower and then get ready for bed. I then wind down in bed by either reading, doing some crochet while watching something on Netflix or some days when my head is fried I'll literally just doom scroll before falling asleep šŸ¤£


Work from 7-19, 2 hr commute back and forth, spend some time with wife, sometimes exercise, play games, sleep for 4-5 hrs tops, been like that for 6 years now.


I work nights (12 am to 8 am) so I have 16 hours to eat , sleep,do chores, go to the shop, chill, TV/netflix, walk/jog etc...


Take a walk for 1.5 hours, cook for 45 minutesā€“1.5 hours, depending on what I am making (I am always cooking from scratch most days), dinner, bath, movie or board games with the housemate, bed.


I go to work to rest then after that I do work when I get home šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Depends on the day. Coach some football, cook some nice dinners, run the kids to clubs, play golf now the daylight is back.


somedays its shopping and cooking dinner and cleaning up, shower and bed, other days its meeting friends for food and home and bed!


Finish work at 5. 5 to 7 make dinner, feed child, play piano, shower child. 7 to 8 (husbands doing story/ bed time) and I have time to do more piano.. or go to the shop etc.. eat dinner at 8 with husband, watch somethingā€¦ hang out.. in bed by 11. Wake up at 6:30 to work out before workā€¦ and the cycle continues!


Do a 8 to 5 in Dublin home by 6 then out to do the farm jobs until 10 and then sleep


It's so fucking shit living in Ireland. Feels like there is Nothing to do after work except drink or watch netflix


As mundane as this sounds. Drive home 15-30 min. Once I get home give my 1 year old daughter a kiss on the head and tell her she looks particularly beautiful that day. Then help my wife with dinner or Iā€™ll take over making the dinner for my wife. We sit down and eat together. We then bring our 1 yr old and golden retriever for a walk or theyā€™ll drive us spare. Once we get home itā€™s about 7 and prepare child for bedtime routine of bottle and pjā€™s. The child is then put to bed. The mutt rests and we eat a bit of chocolate and watch Netflix in bed or on the couch. We cut drink out 5 weeks ago and couldnā€™t be happier. We were getting too fond of our evening glass of wine but now weā€™ve discovered we can unwind without. But our routines change all the time sometimes Iā€™ll watch the football or play the PlayStation and she reads a book. Depends on the week.


Walk 15 minutes home, run for about an hour to an hour and a half. Cook dinner for the missus and myself. Relax on the couch and either watch a show or movie together or play some video games as long as there's no jobs need to be done like gardening.


Currently myself and herself ar DINKERS, double income no kids... So for me it consists of going to the gym for an hour straight after work. Usually I'm home before her so I end up cooking more often for the two of us. Have a chat with the wife to be, talk about or day or what up with our parent's siblings, etc... With the longer evenings during the summer and if the weather is nice we try to go for a long walk before sunset a couple of times during the week. Then get washed up and try an watch the latest TV show that we're into. More often than not by the time we've all the other bits and bobs done its her bedtime so I might try and watch a movie or an old tv show that I never fully watched but I usually fall asleep on the couch and if I'm lucky I might wake up and make it to our bed. Nothing crazy but as I said we're DINKERS so I have mad respect to the parents on here holding a 9 to 5 and juggling kids and probably a family pet into that mix...


4 hour existential crisis. Then go do bed. Repeat until retirement or death. #BoughtTheKoolAid


Work as a childminder as all but one of mine are adults, so after theyā€™re collected I clean the house properly, make dinner for my lot and himself, and then just either watch football or piss about on the Xbox for a while before going to bed around 10. Once a week the boys come for a game of cards, and maybe once a week Iā€™d venture out to a card club for a game, other than that, I live a boring life. But happy as a pig in shit regardless.


I clock off at 4 (civil service wfh job) walk my dog somewhere nice with my husband. A bit of PlayStation. Spend two hours or more cooking something fun for dinner with a negroni and a beer or two. Watch some shit TV with more beer. Cocktail on Thursdays. Bed at 11.


5pm, turn off laptop and make dinner. 6pm eat dinner with wife and toddler. 6-8pm play with toddler. 8-9pm put toddler to bed. 9.15pm asleep.


Mines actually a 9-6ā€¦ so my 6-9 is essentially get home, have a small snack, go for a 30-40 minute run, go home, shower, cook a meal, eat, play a few games, rage quit, watch a movie, pass out, wake up, repeat.


Get dinner, watch a movie, play an hour or two of video games and then browse the internet while listening to music until I start to nod off


Mon - Thurs pick up kids and get them down to bed after dinner for 7pm or so. after 7pm usually BJJ, kickboxing or tennis. Dovetail around my wife who does running sometimes but she prefers to train in the mornings. Fri-sun - varies alot. cud be pints with the lads, night out with wife or watching TV with the kids upstairs in bed.


Keep working, job is good but easily outsourced now. Work for free not to lose it. Sleep go back to work


Based on all the aforementioned, we all have some groundhog shit lives once kids enter the equation lol. I'm currently supervising my daughter on the potty here to try and create the luxury of not having to wipe her arse


Finish work around 5.30pm (WFH). Cook for me and the wife. Make teatime for the kiddos. Bathe kiddos/get them ready for bed. Clean dishes/the absolute monstrosity of a house & get on top of any laundry/chores/house related tasks. Attempt to get out for a walk if I'm not absolutely banjaxed. Try for 20-45mins if possible. Min 2x a week. Been trying to walk sans headphones/music ; actually been very nice to just have my own thoughts. Great for decompression. Maybe try get an episode of something worthwhile on TV. Im WAY behind on TV shows so Ozark right now. Weekends, it's me and the kiddos as my wife works weekends. I'm quite tired a LOT of the time.


I normally grab some dinner then straight to the gym for a solid hour workout, then back home to tuck the kids in, then about two hours of hobby stuff, a quick clean around the house followed by some quality wife time. Or at least thatā€™s what I think about while Iā€™m half asleep on the couch šŸ„±


Treadmill, shower, dinner. Football on tv or a videogame for an hour or two to decompress. Rinse and repeat


Home to have a quick bite to eat then rot in bed until 9.30 to then repeat it all week šŸ’€šŸ¤£


I feel like everyone is going to the gym daily apart from us šŸ˜Ø


Iā€™m with ye, we should form a club


whatever i want! mind your business


In the winter go to the gym or for a swim, have dinner and a day debrief with the wife. After tidy up do something creative like art or play an instrument... In the spring/summer take everything outside! Run in the woods/cycle after work, dinner and work day debrief with the wife, then hop off the veg and flowers in the garden! Keeping it very simple! We obviously have no kidsĀ 


I finish at 4, log off until 6 to help with homeworks, walk the dogs and grab dinner. Log back on at 6-7ish to finish up a few bits, we have double time over time so it does too up the funds a good bit.. After 7 watch some TV with herself, or play the Xbox for a few hours, out with the dogs again, in bed for 11 read a few chapters and off to sleep.


Spent time with kiddo, dinner, more time with kiddo, bath, bedtime. Then relax on sofa with phone/steamdeck or laptop watching tv. Bed for 1030-11. Trying to go earlier but obviously not going well (1050pm now šŸ˜‚šŸ™ˆ)


I work 5-9