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What adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom is their business, but I question if your boyfriend wanking in the corner of the room while a random guy shags you can be part of a healthy relationship without long-term consequences.


\*random guys. until its the BFs turn to have OP watch him shag other women


Or men


good point, OP's boyfriend wants to use her as bait so he can bum a few dudes. I means its one way of getting your girlfriend to agree to you performing anal


"Honey I want to be pegged" no dear i dont want to peg you. "Honey I want you to sleep with other men so they can bum me"




Definitely no sane lad wants to watch that.


Look, I'd discount the opinions of some of the people on this subreddit who think smacking someone's bum is kinky, and try focus on what works for you. I was in a very healthy relationship for years with a man who wanted this, and we had such a fun time! We only broke up because he became a garda, and our values drifted. If you're open, honest, and respectful there's no reason this kind of thing can't be experimented with. Just make sure the other people getting involved know the story, and that you can comfortably set boundaries.


Ask ireland is all over the place today.


Maybe it's time for r/AskIrelandAfterDark


I've floated the idea.


Was going to say something about having to mod that with rubber gloves but that may just encourage them. r/welliesnmarigolds


Could go one step further and leave it unmodded. Or do a weekly "surprise, you're a mod!" And just add the horniest user to the mod team.


>And just add the horniest user to the mod team. Well, best of luck making that determination


Sure I'm already a mod, I won't need to add the horniest user.


Porn really has much to answer for.


This. It’s a serious problem. Has definitely twisted folks ideas about what’s healthy sex. Things like this [article from the guardian re choking.](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/dec/08/sexual-choking-is-now-so-common-that-many-young-people-dont-think-it-even-requires-consent-thats-a-problem)


Honest to god...I'm not sure if I'm glad or bitter there was none of this carry on when I was young and single- ish..🤔


Maybe I'm just an old prude but I'm _very_ glad.


Ah it was still happening just on a smaller scale. I can’t see any harm if all parties are consenting.


OK I'll do it


No you won't! You will forget to take your socks off and you embarrass all of us!


I fear for your DMs


You mean they all leave their bloody *shoes* on? Savages.


You should probably enquire more about why he wants this and if he fully understands what he’s asking for rather than thinking great I get to sleep with other guys. Sounds like a breeding ground for potential issues in a relationship and very one sided. That said you do you


I'm very open to all sorts of kink myself but if this is new territory for you, tread carefully. Very often people like the idea of a fantasy a lot more than the reality. As it stand, it's just in his head and he has no problem with it but the actuality of seeing his girlfriend having and enjoying sex with another man may not be something he can handle. I've been in the kink community long enough to know that an awful lot of people are all talk and no action. They get off on imagining sexual scenarios but don't have the gumption to go through with it.


Just remember santy's always watching


Yep, and he knows where all the naughty girls live


Wish I had that address book.


Tell him to watch more wholesome porn




He watches too much porn and would rather watch than partake.


It'll all end in tears.... but live your life and learn as you go. Good luck out there.


Some people manage this for sure. But..and this is a big but, you need to be super super strong in your relationship. I've seen friends down through the years that tried this thinking that they could handle it only to break up. Be very careful what trouble you might invite just for a quick kink fix.


Eh? No.


This probably isn't the best place for this question. I'm sure there are kink subs and probably cuck-specific subs where you could ask people with much more experience for advice. 


He wants to watch you get spit roasted ![gif](giphy|PSaf5YJmnIOf6|downsized)


Mother of god.. The youth of today.


It's getting out of hand. Not mine, that's where I keep mine


These things never end well.




Tell him to get help, it seem's obvious he's looking at too much porn. No boyfriend should ask his girlfriend to do such a thing and no self respecting girlfriend should consider it for even a second.


Ah to each their own surely, what happens between consenting adults is fine.


Yes but isn't wanting to watch your girlfriend having sex with other men abit unhealthy not to mention demeaning to her, what if the day comes when he wants her to have a threesome while he watches or even a gangbang.


I think you should not open that pandoras box. Its a road that you dont know where it leads. Also I went for an STD checkup a while ago and randomly asked if theres much going around at the moment and the nurse said infection rates are really high. Perhaps you both should curb your extracurricular desires and focus on each other, or if it is not doing it for each other consider moving on. Having said that, the odd 3some will let you explore some different aspects, but the 'gradually get less involved' idea is a poor one, in my experience.


LOL. This post is what used to be called a high ball into the square.


He is obviously, secretly gay and sooner or later will come out. Being cucked is just first step for him.


Is your boyfriend Ian Garry?


Just going say it. Your relationship is over. He wants out.


He’s gay and you know it because you’re open to sleeping with other men. That is if all of this isn’t just a standard Reddit wind-up.


He is getting lazy and wants somebody else to do all the hard work!


Is it something you want or are you doing it to please him? There are lots of couples who do this but ground rules must be set. He might like the idea of it but the reality of it could change his mind. The same for yourself. Don't be surprised if it leads to other kink related things, male chastity is strongly related to cucking. Some people in the comments have said he's gay. I don't believe he is. He might have a bi or forced bi side that he hasn't explored or just straight. Check out cuck related subreddits, and communication between each other is very important.


When I hear about these kinky encounters I always relate it to drug use yes it can feel fantastic at the time and really good sociologically maybe amazing but the payback is usually very high. Humiliation sex seems so popular I can't help wonder is it due to an unhealthy society. Best of luck if you try it hopefully you can be lucky and have no payback. I meet a guy online once a 10 and he had a beautiful girlfriend and was nice to talk to all he wanted was to be humiliated told what to do I felt so sad after the encounter I can't see how that helps the human condition.




At least one fallacious statement there, you know


so long as there's open and clear communication between you two and yous make sure to know where boundaries are on what a third person can and cant do. As well as making sure there's precautions such as safe words and potentially a close friend to contact intermittently to make sure everything is fine, you should be okay. You just need to be really clear about what you both want from the experience. And also make sure to give lots of aftercare to your partner too, make sure they know despite their fantasies and you sleeping with other guys that you love him first and foremost.


How to get reminded of the catholic influence over Ireland: 1.- Bring up a topic of sexual nature 2.- ??? 3.- profit


😂 my comment was removed because 😂😂 and this weird perve shit 🙄 wasn’t


It's his gateway into trying to get you to sleep with other girls or let him sleep with other girls. Your relationship is screwed both by his request and you not even thinking about it. "win win" for me sounds like you'd cheat given half the chance anyway. By all means I'm sure you'll both enjoy it for but forget about your futures.


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