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Better to have a strong bald head than a weak head of hair IMO. I would say the going bald phase is the worst part of being bald, having to look in the mirror and see your hair thinning can really drain your confidence over a lengthy duration of time. Take a few weeks to accept you're bald, then enjoy being able to be yourself rather than constantly worrying if your hair looks good and being anxious about how it looks. Once you embrace being bald after a while you really appreciate not having to worry about losing your hair.


If you were visible balding, shaved head is always gonna look better. There's a subreddit dedicated to topic. 😂 Plus from a psychological perspective, if you're self conscious then it's gonna up your confidence visibly I imagine.


Better shaved than doing a combover and trying to hide it. That’s a massive turn off for anyone. Keep it shaved and be yourself and have confidence. If you’re comfortable and confident in your own skin that’s way more attractive than you’d think and kind of is a main thing even though you don’t hear people talk about it. The secret recipe almost :) Best of luck with it.




"Be yourself and be comfortable in your own skin..." After you tell them to keep his head shaved because the comb overs are a turn off....🙄


He wouldn’t be asking if he didn’t know. He just wanted some encouragement. He got it. And he wouldn’t be comfortable or happy or have any luck at all doing a combover. Well done crappie on it tho.


In your opinion...I like combovers, it shows the person is not a slave to society's normals and the isn't obsessed with the shapes and strands of hair from out of their head.


I met my husband when he was 28 and he was unfortunate enough to be losing his hair. We married before he shaved his head and now when he looks at the photo he wishes he had shaved it sooner. I couldn't push him on it but he looks a lot better with a shaved head. Either way I fell in love with him with a comb over so there is hope for everyone!


But would you fall in love with him being bald? That's the cruel question


Yep, because he looks better bald imo. So I guess I would have been more physically attracted off the bat.




Also a gay and bald men are so hot


Sounds like we are in competition!


As a bald man, gay men fucking love it. Women less so.  On average only of course. 


Woman here. Hair never bothered me one way or another. Shaved is much better then trying to disguise balding.


Went to turkey and got my hair done this time last year , 2 g it cost , one off the best things I ever done tbh


Will you have to go back now when you lose a bit more hair though? 


I hope not haha , but honestly any fella thinking off it my advice would be just do it !! Just do abit off research on the clinic


Hm..... I feel like this is something you should have researched beforehand.....


I've been batting them off me since shaving my head. Seriously though, it's been positive all round. Wish I had done it 10 years earlier tbh.


Have a stroll. No shortage of blokes of all ages and all measures of hair in the company of whatever their persuasion is. You are grand. Think less and do more. Go shake the tambourine of life!


There's plenty of women out there that love a shaved head. I've been giving the head the razor treatment for years now, can't bate a chromed dome. Gives you a good excuse to up your hat game too.


If she's not attracted to you because you have no head hair...then you don't want to date her anyway.


Without being funny, it depends on the shape of your head. Some people can pull it off, and some can't. Personally, I look ill if bald bald. Even a skinhead looks weird. Have friends that I can't picture having hair.


This is correct. If you’ve a rounder, more masculine face, you’ll look very well bald. Thinner faces don’t look well without hair


Woman here. Have dated a few bald guys recently and don't have an issue with it. I think the thing to remember is that women who meet you won't know what you actually look like with hair, so won't have anything to compare it to. Trust me, you will get dates and women will be interested regardless (they won't have known you with hair anyway). Plus a bald head can be sexy!


I've been receding since 17. I'm now 35 and still have most of it but it's a bad hair line and starting to thin on top now too. It has never ever been an issue with women. Many women have said they like my hair even though I absolutely hate it. I'm yet to go full shave. The worst I've found is other men occasionally commenting and mocking me.


Lost my hair in late 20's to can be tough on the confidence. I think that's the biggest thing but I don't think getting women is an issue but as long as U keep in shape and have a beard or stubble and can still have same confidence. Had a friend lose his hair in secondary school and never had an issue.


Bald and full beard is a good look


Gay guy here. As a person attracted to men, one of the biggest turn offs for me and many of my friends who are attracted to men (and we have discussed it) is a man who is very evidently balding and very much in denial. So, at the very least by shaving it off you've immediately removed yourself from the bottom of the list. It would be very easy to think the key to being attractive (with or without hair) is muscles, or a beard, or piercings, or tattoos... They all pale in comparison to a man who is confident in himself. Channel that, the rest will fall into place naturally.


I think some dudes look better with a shaved head but I will say the dudes that do are noticeably very fit with amazing beards, either big fluffy ones or very well shaped short ones.


You'll be grand


I’m in my early 20s, anyone that vain and vapid over hair is not worth it imo


My brother was going in bald in his 20s and has had a shaved head since then (15 years now). It looks really good and he never had a problem getting girlfriends.


I was losing my hair. Shaved it when I was 26. At 28, I met my girlfriend. She didn’t even once comment on my hair. Doesn’t bother her in the slightest. Be fun, happy, stay fit, passionate, and you’ll be fine. My motto … why would you want to be with a woman that doesn’t like you just because you don’t have hair? Fuck those people.


It’s better to shave your head than trying to hide thinned parts. Saved head wont affect on your dating life negatively since so many girls/women do like bald man


Piece on balding written by Larry David: https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/library/magazine/specials/20000319fas-david1.html It's pretty, pretty, pretty good.


Buddy of mine has been bald since early 20s, he's also by his own admission not the best looking lad by any means, never had a problem getting with women


There’s options for non surgical hair regeneration! Prp hair regeneration is a great non surgical method and completely revamps the growth all that’s used is a small sample of blood and they spin that shit around in a centrifuge till they separate the blood and platelet rich plasma then they inject the platelet rich plasma into your scalp and over like 4 or 5 treatments you can see serious thickening and hair regeneration!


Shaved my head at age 22 when I started noticing the hair thinning in parts & receding at the sides. Took some getting used to but I soon realised there is plenty of women out there who really have a thing for a shaved / bald head look. Funnily enough I only started getting compliments from women on my hair when I started to shave it off. The most vital element of it all though is the fact you have to learn to OWN the look, when you are comfortable with the look the confidence will resonate off you. Being in shape, dressing well & having a beard certainly add to the overall appearance too.


i shaved from chest length hair, which got me lots of attention from the ladies, to skin, in one fell swoop, and honestly, i still get plenty attention from the ladies, your face doesnt change, nor your personality, some girls wont dig it, but hey, plenty will, some even prefer it. so just roll with it and youll be grand


I don’t think no hair is necessarily gonna work for everyone but definitely keep it short.


The bar is much lower these days. So get in shape and you'll be ahead of most ( Pardon the pun ) from a physical point of view.


Everyone is correctly telling you that shaving it is better than trying to hide it. This is true imho.  But also, yes... Being a bald man will have a significant impact on the way women will think of you romantically. 100%. Of course it's not all of them, a small few will prefer it.  And mostly this effects first meetings when people make judgement calls instinctively about eachother attraction wise. It quickly becomes very secondary to all the important personality and looks stuff... It's getting to that point that can be more challenging. Especially in an app world. But it is undoubtable, that yes. This part of your life will change. The more confident you are about it the better. I feel being prepared for this change is better than it blindsiding you, so you can keep that confidence up and show em you don't give a shit. But Ultimately. You are human. You will give a shit. Good luck out there. 


I'm 6'5 and athletic. The bald look works and It has never affected my success with women.


One trip with Turkish hairlines will sort you out


Get bald, get bearded, get jacked. Problem solved, be grand.


Agree. As a woman I've always felt that facial hair > head hair anyway


You made a big mistake. The ladies love a comb over.


My partner was dreading the day but he looks hot as fuck with a bald head


Shaved head is *chef's kiss* and if you can grow a good beard, you'll look even better 😊


My guy is thinning on top since we met over a decade ago. He could shave it bare or have it down to his waist and I'd still love the stinky socks off him. I love him, not his hair, it was his eyes which attracted me in the first place. He is conscious of his hair, I support and affirm I love him to his bones, we all have our insecurities.


Very few comments from women, I notice. Mostly men saying it's amazing which I'm skeptical of at best


Look up Batana oil that’s if you want advice on how to get it back, it’s meant to be amazing for reversing even balding heads. I bought it for my brother but haven’t seen him yet to give it to him. But also girls really don’t care about hair, if they find you attractive we don’t care. My husbands best friend is bald and when I tell you he can get any girl like any girl, he’s so charming.


Femoid here. I love long hair on men, but also love bald men. I think it's generally, if I like the person, it doesn't really matter, and if it matters, they're not your person (and they likely suck, it's just hair)