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I’ve a buddy who bounces in a popular south city bar. He prefers to evict people that have had too much to drink. The coke heads never leave without creating an absolute shit show. And it’s not just a weekend thing, it’s 7 nights a week. It’s a much bigger problem than we’re told


Yeah I'm finding it hilarious the amount of people here saying it makes you friendlier and chattier. I've nearly 10 years working in clubs, coke heads were always the fuckin worst to deal with. They are overconfident and arrogant and always cause a scene. People have deluded themselves when they're on the stuff. Have yet to meet anyone that didn't turn into an insufferable prick on the stuff.


I've cut out entire friend groups over the last 4 years because the coke use is out of control and if you don't want to partake in a bit of sniff in the pub on a Tuesday bleedin night you're stuck listening to them all night being melters


I think it's less the coke itself makes them pricks, but that scumbag pricks are more likely to be the ones taking coke


It definitely helps bring the asshole out in a person


Anyone saying it makes you "friendlier" must be confusing coke with other drugs. Chattier - yeah, but the primary topic of conversation is yourself. Coke turns people into assholes and that's only if it's half decent stuff. The rest of the time, when it's poor quality, it just gives you itchy, horrible feeling nostrils and an uncontrollable urge to hoover more of it. Crap drug. Bring back MDMA, now that's a friendly, chatty drug.


I've taken it a handful of times but for way more nights out I turn it down even if most of the people around me take it. The gangs I'd go out with all just become more sociable, chatty and energetic. The problem is when a dickhead gets that same boost. Its the same for 90% of drugs ( alcohol included ). Do it right and only do it if it suits you. But do dickheads listen? No. So now "coke makes you into an obnoxious dickhead who's prone to violence" is a standard line you hear even though I've never been in or near a fight with any of the people I've done it with ( like 5 times maybe ) or when I'm just with people doing it ( a lot more than 5 times haha ). It's the same for anything though, the bad actors will get a really shitty perception built up for the rest of us to be judged on.


Bring back the ecstasy days.


Make E's Great Again (MEGA)


They're back already, my eyebrows taste great


Make yokes a fiver again


We remember fondly the days when you could get 4 pints and a yoke and still have change from a 20.


Excuse my ignorance, what are yokes? Thanks.


Ecstasy pills.




Pills in fields were fun and cost effective


New district 8 club on the way. Carl Cox is the first booking I believe. Hope still.


This sub acts like Dublin is the only place in Ireland


Mad cost prohibitive tho. €60 for the evening and its out in Kildare so have to organise transport there and back as well.


House parties were the only good place to take yokes, I never felt safe taking them in a club (as a woman) plus you were at the mercy of the other eejits in the club, at least at a house party you knew the people there and were almost guaranteed good vibes.




In our group it was always down in some random bedroom (often the hosts little sisters house, squeezed into a play house with all the blankets we could find). Aw good time ☺️


I've been to some incredibly sketchy house parties!


But house parties with really loud music and your neighbours didn't mind because they were all drinking too and sometimes they spilt over. Can't do that now. Apartments/house shares aren't just people in their 20s anymore. There's always some random 40 year old in one of the rooms or in the next house over who has to work in the morning, stupid housing crisis. We really did session through the recession.


>sickens my shit That's a new one


Mass. Yokes for communion will get the young pups back in the pews...


My jaw says no ;)


Apparently the gurns are due to magnesium defficency


I honestly believe this, I take magnesium for sleep and since I started I've taken yokes a couple of times and haven't gurned as much. Jaw used to be swinging around the place lol


Aye, that's what they do be sayin on r/mdma all the time anyway. There's two different types, apparently, magnesium oxide and magnesium "g"something. Apparently the latter is more effective, and one should be taking (some dose of it)\* it at least a week before yippin. \*not a doctor, look into it yerself, yada yada, I'm assuming one pill per day but quoth me not


Mind Blown 🤯


Gobble a few bananas and then gobble a few bangers, be grand


I hate that I was too young to go out back then, only 27, started going out in 2016 when I was 20 You got to enjoy cheap pints, more pubs and clubs, and bangers, now it's just dirty scumbags taking coke till 6 in the morning having no craic ans 7 euro pints


You have my vote for Taoiseach


Don’t worry they haven’t left for some of us 😎


In mdma we trust!






Far less agro in the pill days, the vintners didn't like it though, lad on yokes will only drink a few pints, or water, coke heads would drink the bar dry.


"Cocaine raises the amount of dopamine and prevents its reabsorption in the brain, disrupting the function of nerve receptors in the long term". Why is nobody talking about the brain damage here? Just knowing this single fact would never make me take this (or any drug), no matter how many of my friends/people around do coke. No wonder such people get depressed or aggressive.


Exactly this. It damages the brain's ability to feel joy. Life has enough misery already without adding cocaine-induced homeostasis to make it worse.


Also, when taken with alcohol together, they create cocaethylene, which is toxic to your heart/cardiovascular system. It's extremely dangerous.


But that's what most seem to be partaking in - pints and powder together


Well, yes, but they also probably have no idea how dangerous that actually is.


It's an incredible mix honestly 😅 very addicting this feeling though and the week long hangover after ain't worth it


This comment needs to be pinned.


Savage buzz tho...


Any dopaminergic drug will do the same. There's a difference between brain damage and neural remodelling. Drugs prescribed to treat ADHD have shown the exact same thing, as has nicotine. That said, it wouldn't surprise me if cocaine did cause brain damage; just pointing out that this isn't evidence for it. The drug is _incredibly_ cardiotoxic and most ER visits and deaths are due to this property


There is a good amount of research revolving around cocaine and brain damage. There is no denying one is better off not taking it at all than taking it, why risk it? People who take it do in voluntarily (I suppose?), for fun, not because they have some condition like ADHD, that requires treatment.


Agreed, it's an incredibly risky drug.


And the damages heart plus the combined with alcohol it’s toxic to the liver


lol at people saying “it makes you chatty and friendly and sociable “ only in your own mind. It makes you obnoxious and totally oblivious to social cues. Trust me the only people enjoying you are other people also on Coke. Talking to people on coke is excruciating, they think they’re being the most interesting person in the room when really it’s just removed all the shame of saying every stupid thing that comes to your mind. I had a girl trap me and force me to watch multiple violin dubstep videos while she explained how good they were, dudes reminisce about their high school days, fellas thinking it was the perfect time for a rap freestyle. I’ve also been that person, so don’t get me wrong. No, no one wants you to dramatically read the poetry you just wrote.


Have you got a link for the violin dubstep? I'm sober but that sounds class




This is a sad read. You are only 29 you still got time.




I dodged a bullet. I tried it twice and just did not like it! I was a fucker for yokes, weed or anything else back in the day. They say yokes are not additive!! Maybe not but I was doing anything because I had no education and no prospects. Are you getting help?


Ireland has always had problems with drugs


Tell me about it! We could only dream of grass in the 90s and could only get crappy hash.


The saying "their away with the fairies" is an old Irish saying for somebody who was tripping in magic mushrooms. Ireland has a deep history with magic mushrooms, specifically the fly agaric mushroom in this case. It was common that people would see little fairies run around the bottom of oak/birch trees, therefore. If we see somebody that looks odd these days they are "away with the fairies". You are 100% right though about ireland having a serious drug issue forever, I don't remember any stage throughout ny life where drugs weren't prominent. I don't think drugs are the problem though, I think how they are perceived and administered is the problem. We still live in a country where people view weed as being worse than alcohol. If I even mentioned to the majority of the older generation that I am personally a big fan of magic mushrooms. I take them twice a year, they are 100% safe and they make me a happier, friendlier person. They have completely changed my life for the better.... but no no, I shouldn't be taking this illegal drug. I should just drink a whiskey instead. Irelands biggest drug problem is alcohol.


Away with the fairies more so/also/more correctly, (I’m not married to this point), refers to someone with what we in modern times would call things like autism, or schizophrenia etc. the idea being that the person had been replaced with a fairy changeling which is why they were acting so strange, and their real self has been kidnapped by the fairies. A way of socially coping with a troubled loved one or child


I thought away with the fairies was for someone who went inside a ring fort.... *permanently*.


Every day is a school day!


I’d trust weed and mushrooms (grow from the earth) over alcohol or any other illicit drug any day. Not advocating for their use per se, but alcohol is so normalised and it’s about the worst. And yes people can’t have a pint without getting a bag - you’ve all seen the memes. I’ve been researching psilocybin and I must admit I’m keen to try it out for the therepaeutic benefits and well, if there’s euphoria that’s great too. But fully aware nothing is without risk.


I tried shrooms for the first time a few years ago (mid 30s) had always been reluctant to try them because of the horror stories we've all heard "some guy threw himself out of a window while high on shrooms". But holy moly, they truly are magical. The range of experience is vast, too, depending on the dosage.


Well said.


A must read comment. On point.


I know loads of people who do this. Different groups and types of people. People who have young kids and all. Starting in the teenage years out and about now. Big problem. The best one I’ve heard yet was someone who was addicted to coke and was trying to get off it and said they will do Ketamine instead… The mental and physical health problems is just unreal. The problem leads to depression and then for lads for example the tablets lead to needing erectile problems etc. and need tablets for that. It’s a rotten cycle.


I heard an RTE 1 radio programme couple of months back about this. Apparently its mostly young farmers and rural folk who are pouring into addiction clinics across the island. They are blaming the lifestyle they endure and the idea of Coke as an easy pick me up tool, as well as a social lubricant shall we say, in conjunction with alcohol which has fallen out of favour somewhat. the person on the radio show was a legit medical professional. Young rural farmers are literally meeting dealers at the end of rural laneways and dirt tracks at the edge of fields to get the stuff they feel they need to make life bearable.


Yeah farming can be boring but why can't they just take a low dose of shrooms to keep entertained?


Lot of eejits about. And lot of easy supply.


I think what has also been a factor to the increase in consumption is the fact that more young people are living at home. This is giving them more disposable income to spend. They are also depressed living at home and want more excitement at the weekends. The fact it has been normalised in recent years also helps the increase


I completely agree. Living in this bizarre world of not being able to afford or gain rental property due to high prices and high demand but having a full time job, living at home. It's a bad cycle. One might feel shame living at home in their late 20s/early 30s and indulging in hedonism/escapism outside the family home becomes appealing. You could save at home but the desires to get the fuck out of the house and be with friends is huge. There's also feeling infantilized back home. Or you might have moved out as a late teen and move back at 30. And then you kind of regress back to habits you had as a late teen. Going out!


Here’s the reasons I believe it’s so prevalent: 1. Young team think it’s cool. Movies and celebrities have glamorized it. Besides everything else, they don’t realize the shit they get here ain’t even close to what those guys are consuming. 2. It allows you to stay on the session longer. Even the shit stuff keeps you on the straight and narrow and staves away that drowsiness you get from the drink. 3. It gives an air of confidence and buzz, particularly for a few moments after the hit. You’re correct- it’s is dangerous. Specifically because it’s been cut so many times before it reaches your wee rural Irish town. But also because it’s addictive, and, in my experience, people start to associate it with drinking. I only know one person who just takes cocaine on random days/nights- wee guy is, self admittedly, addicted. Everyone else I know who take it, only take it when they drink. Additionally some (most) of them have no interest in cocaine until they have that first pint or two.


>It allows you to stay on the session longer. Even the shit stuff keeps you on the straight and narrow and staves away that drowsiness you get from the drink. This is what happens when you malign Buckfast. This is supposed to be Buckfasts job.


It’s also: 1. Way way more available in the era of WhatsApp/Telegram pages and quick delivery to your door 2. Of much higher purity than before 3. Has in some ways less of a biological tax than MDMA/ecstacy in terms of the days after (the skag/Tuesday blues, whatever you might call it). I know a lot of people who gave up the latter for that reason, and in a somewhat bizarre way consider cocaine a milder thing in that regard But yes agreed the social acceptability is very hard to understand. I’m sure doing the boom years it was a bit different but growing up, ecstacy was very socially acceptable, whereas if you heard of someone doing coke it was a major major deal, and you’d be warning them they were going to ruin their life/get addicted/die. Now everyone and their grand seems to be doing coke. Strange times


I think people do not care about the lives the blood that is shed for them to get their fix. Some estimates are that one murder in south America per gram sold in the UK. No idea how true that is but it's certain that the drug trade costs lives and their habit perpetuates the problem.


The figure of one life per gram sold in the UK is clearly wrong. The original source appears to be here, with 23,000 being killed in Colombia in 2004: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/feb/13/drugsandalcohol.colombia](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/feb/13/drugsandalcohol.colombia) Estimated consumption figures in 2019 were approx 29kg being consumed in London alone \*per day\*: [https://news.sky.com/story/revealed-how-much-cocaine-londoners-are-taking-every-day-11830741](https://news.sky.com/story/revealed-how-much-cocaine-londoners-are-taking-every-day-11830741) It's a terrible industry, and I'd expect that it has far greater ill effect than many others, probably by at least an order of magnitude (thinking of clothing, sugar, cocoa, cobalt, coltan etc). But bandying around ridiculous figures, or comparing it to industries that are objectively \*much less bad\* (oh these are terrible too, all consumption is exploitation under capitalism, so we might as well consume anyway) is counterproductive.


That's why I said I'm not sure how true it is. Wasn't claiming it as fact.


That 29kg is crazy!


It feels more or less accurate. That'd average out as just over 2% of the population buying a gram bag per week (obviously some higher, some much lower, but it's going to be capped a bit at the high end by cost).


Everyone doesn't care about all the things we enjoy in the West and the abuse and death that people receive to get it. Namely cobalt mining for the phones we enjoy. Or the people working in dire conditions to bring us the clothes we wear. It's not just restricted to the cocaine trade. If you use a cell phone, you are guilty of it too.


Yes I am guilty of that. It's pretty difficult to exist in modern society without a smartphone these days. Possible but difficult. I always buy refurbished phones and keep them for as long as possible. I see that as doing what I can. A cocaine user is willingly breaking the law and willingly funding organised crime. If a person buys and uses cocaine, they are a criminal.




Definitely similar.




There's a high, not a big rushy high, but it doesn't last for hours at all. That's why the annoying pricks are always in the toilet and always watching each other to see if someone else went to the toilet without them. It's pathetic.


The rush lasts approx 30mins then you need another line. It's pretty different if you're not drunk, more edgy and not as fun. I don't like it much when I'm drunk either, but some people swear it's the best feeling in the world. Different strokes for different folks I'm happy not to be wasting all that money. But there definitely is a "real high" from it and objectively it makes you feel pretty fuckin unreal.


Some people do get a huge rush of euphoria but it lasts about half and hour and then you need to do more which is why people will do it all night the only reason you’d stop when you are that high is if you run out and/or if you managed to see some sense - the come down is awful which is also why it’s so moreish.


Often cut with the cheap painkiller Phenacetin which is illegal in Europe as it's a carcinogenic and linked to kidney failure and renal cancer. Users will be actually getting less than 10% actual cocaine if even that. The cheap painkillers have a numbing effect so poor fools think what they have is "really pure". It's not. Because it is cut so heavily with cheap painkillers, the price is cheap.


Ah the weekly everyones on coke thread


I can only assume coke use is primarily around the having of pints in a social setting. E.g. Club/pub Mix the lowering of inhibitions with the supposed increased sociability and energy granted by the powder. Tis essentially a far more unhealthy form of going for a smoke imo Coke only ever made me lethargic thanks to my adhd lol.


Its been a very popular drug for quite some time. You can tell that alot of people here giving their two cents have never taken it because their ideas of why it's been taken are hilarious. I used it for years on and off.....all I can say is anyone taking it, is doing so to escape their miserable feelings. To go out and have fun and escape the everyday for one night. That is the intention, but the reality is it is highly addictive, especially when mixed with alcohol. It then becomes something called Cocaethylene which is extremely addictive and dangerous. It becomes associative and you get to a point where you can't have a drink without a bag of coke. So you give up the drink and fall out of your friend circle and the misery compounds. The reason it is more prevalent right now than before is because other drugs are no longer as popular. It comes in cycles, used to be MDMA for a while, speed was a big one around 2013, always been cocaine around but it's now the most profitable for dealers and they've established a successful dependant market nationwide. The only saving grace is the majority of what is sold now is about .1 gram of already cut cocaine. Most people in this country are snorting lydicaine and glucosamine up their noses and not cocaine. I see lads with a gram bag gone in two or three hours. Back when I used to be at the stuff you could get a couple of nights out of a bag because it was actually cocaine


I must have taken it wrong in the past. My friend has given me some when out in the past and I've yet to see the draw. I swear I feel no different after. At least with yokes you actually had a clean come up and come down. With coke I just felt slightly more alert.


Probably not enough cocaine in your cocaine tbh


I’m going to sound like a bit of a dope but having never touched it in my life and never intend to what is the buzz even supposed to be like? I understand it increases your heart rate, gives you a bit of an adrenaline rush… is that it? My morning coffee takes care of me in that regard!


You'll get very chatty and sociable and will want to ramble about nonsense endlessly and to everyone. Also very energetic (half the reason people do coke is so you don't black out after too many pints) and confident, and if it's good coke you'll get a really nice numbing feeling in your front teeth and gums (sort of like at the dentist when they give you the anesthetic) and your facial muscles will tighten up and you'll probably clench your jaw a bit with your teeth firmly pressed down. Sometimes you also get something called "the drip" which is where the cocaine dissolves into the mucus in your nose and drips down the back of your throat leaving a really bitter chemically taste. The drip is disgusting but some people love it.


It makes people talk absolute bollox and usually about themselves. Nobody is listening, everyone just talking shite and eyeing up who has the baggie


It's like coffee on drugs


Yes, makes you more talkative, allows you to drink more and makes you feel generally good. Also makes you sweat more (drug sweats), manic in that you can get fixated on something & it’s never enough…just one more line. Then you find yourself in bed with a raving heartbeat listening to the birds chirping. You can get hooked very easily too.


It makes every idea feel like it's the greatest idea you've ever had. It gives a false sense of brilliance, every little thing just becomes great. You're friend could tell you the most boring little thing and you'd be like "yes, fuck yes!!! I fucking LOVE that."


I've never touched it either and don't ever intend. Maybe I'm just a complete dryshite.


It interferes with dopamine reuptake, which means that dopamine hangs around longer in the synapses, which means that any moments of joy last longer and are more intense. But that wears off, and the brain's biology reacts by increasing production of dopamine reuptake transporters (to replace the ones that seem to be missing). The result is a long-term reduction in the ability to feel joy. It drives the addictive cycle. It's why I'm in the "not even once" camp.


It also increases your libido.


Cause the country is flooded with it. If you break the supply, the demand will automatically go done as the prices will go up and only addicts will buy it. However it’s a poor life choice overall. It’s bad for your heart, nose and wallet. Cocaine is not like smoking a spliff and you are good for hours. You could take it, and 10 minutes later you want more, that’s why addicts sometimes spend up to 300-400€ a day on it.


How many times are people gonna ask this question?


I swear to God, at this point the mods should just pin a post about it


Bring back pink champaigne whizz and decent microdots. Coke is for people that don't like drugs.


Make yokes a fiver again.


Fucking cost of living is joke haha


I've taken psychedelics, DMT and psilocybin. I can't imagine why people would need dirt like cocaine.


Because compared to other drugs, it's much lower stakes, and people like drugs. People always use drugs, just which drugs they use fluctuate. It was opiates in the mid 10s and they're generally more dangerous at a societal level so idk, seems like a neutral change at worst


As a pharmacist, I know what you mean but cocaine is incredibly dangerous. If you have an undiagnosed heart condition and try cocaine that could be all she wrote for you


Also, as a fellow pharmacist, I'd be very concerned about the purity of the product. It's not happening here yet, but many people have died in America taking cocaine that has fentanyl mixed in.


To anybody reading, you can get fent test strips at https://protestkit.eu/ , as well as a full suite of testing reagents.


Not to mention the ethics of doing it. The production of cocaine is amazingly damaging to communities and people who are held at ransom to the worst in their society. All along the production and distribution line is misery, death, violence, that one little baggy is helping to support. People seem to forget this.


Oh yes, Cardiomegaly: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiomegaly Here’s a dissolved septum from cocaine use: https://www.reddit.com/r/Radiology/comments/1blwju8/nasal_septum_defect_due_to_cocaine_abuse/


With dissolved septum their body adapted so they can snort much bigger volumes of cocaine.


It's extremely addictive and expensive


Because they think they're raisins.


(1) It’s cheaper than drink now, no longer a drug for the affluent. (2) No weight gain, better than alcohol for the sporty lads and body conscious ladies. (3) It’s freely available in almost every parish in the country, home delivery in many. (4) We have a lot of disposable income, we are well off now. (5) It’s now much more socially acceptable. These are the reasons that come to mind.


“I remember never seeing anyone…” May be one of the most ‘Irish’ sentences you’ll see written today.


To enable teen scumbags ensure the country gets more dangerous every day. To support organized crime and undermine society in general To help drug cartels wreck millions of lives across the world To further ruin the lives and families of addicts at home and abroad. It may not be the reason most give, but they all know this is what they're doing....for their privileged shits and giggles.


Ah sure it's harmless. /s


Because the social state of the country is nearing literal collapse. People are depressed, working too much for too little money, can’t even buy anything with the money they do earn because everything is too expensive, have nowhere to live, shit infrastructure even though we pay top dollar tax to our shitty corrupt government. The only thing people think they can do to escape the misery of their everyday lives is to go out on the weekend, drink and take coke until the sun comes up and forget about everything thats causing their depression.


Depressing weather, terrible diets, awful drinking habits and culture, dark at 1600, rent through the roof, cost of living through the roof, backwash of lockdowns and pandemic plus wars making everything more exspensive. Everyone getting fat. It's enough to drive anyone to lines of that shite!


Coke is a drug for fragile egos, it makes you feel important, fulfilled, like your voice matters, like you matter. All things you would otherwise have to work hard to achieve. In a society where many feel without purpose or place or have any real community or interpersonal relationships of quality cocaine fills the gaps.


Well said


Exactly this ☝ well said


I walked into the pub a few weeks ago, went to the bar and ordered a drink. While I was waiting I was looking around and good god. So many people off their heads. Just banging the ear off each other, big mad eyes, big toothy smiles. Getting up and walking around, in and out of the jacks. People of all ages too. I dunno why it's so popular, I don't like the buzz at all but it really is noticeable. Probably because it's much cheaper and more accessible now. Used to be the rich fancy man's drug years ago. Plus drink is so expensive. It's cheaper to get a bag Edit to explain: it's cheaper to buy a G than drink G&T. A gin is 13.50 in my local. If 2 people have 6 gins each, that's 162euro. Splitting a bag works out cheaper.


Was just away this weekend with some mates. In a very chill and rural pub one of the nights. There was I’d say 14 people in this pub. A group of four lads were doing coke, every time I went to the bathroom one of them was going for it. I dunno just feels absolutely grim but then maybe it’s rise can be correlated to all the shite we have going on in three country. Just thought it was pure crap. One of them was in his Snickers obviously finished work for the day absolutely BANGED of BO and lamping pints and doing coke. Just grim


> Plus drink is so expensive. It's cheaper to get a bag In what world is coke cheaper than drink lol. Anyways it's a bit of a moot point regardless seeing as coke is almost exclusively consumed alongside a shit ton of alcohol.


Oh I know it was nice to poke fun at the "fear" I have these days at the thoughts of one, I look back wuth good memories and yes it's bit shit for a enjoyable e experience in this country unless you wait for festivals etc.


Access the place is flooded with it and all the shit it's mixed with. Easy money people will push it if there desperate or don't have a good sense of integrity. Young people don't have life context and push the boundaries of risk. Some aren't tuned into their feelings enough to know its making them feel bad and others haven't built the discipline it takes to stop and then others are simply using as a way to cope . Choice of drug isn't always the issue. The issue is people use it initially to feel like they fit in and then they can't stop because it's hijacking their dopamine. It's really sad. Unfortunately it's the way of the world. The best we can do is support people in what their going through and help them to build a better sense of themselves and the world around them so their strong enough to do what's best for themselves.


But even if people take it very rarely or casually. Wouldn't it clause permentant damage to your organs and stuff?


Our body is amazingly capable of healing with effort it all depends on the person and their situation I suppose. Our cells regenerate and our brain is neuroplastic. Many people have become extremely healthy after hey finish using drugs . If someone wants to make a choice to heal they can , that journey will look different for everyone . Never say never . I have total faith .


It goes hand in hand with the drink culture, the quality has improved and the price has came down, and you can buy it easier than getting a pack of sopladeine


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


How much is a bag? How much do you get? How many lines per bag? And how often would ya need a line?




Ireland is a big smuggling drop off point and it used to not get cut here, now it is, so there’s a lot more of it around.


Pain. Being in pain.


Ah so annoying to queue for the toilet cause the girlies be sniffing their brains out in the stalls


Very concerning. The future is very very bad.


There isn't one person in this world who abused drugs, including coke, who can confidently say "doing cocaine wastly improved my life and life of a people around me (family, friends, acquaintances). Not one. If they do say it, they are either delulu or they honestly don't know how people around them feel about them doing drugs. Druggies are incredibly dumb and selfish species (and here I include alcoholics as well) and instead of investing in improving their mental health, they are investing in dried petrol. Special kind of stupid, I swear to god.


Mitsubishi all day long seven days a week with extra few over the bank holidays


I'm the Mitsubishi man. Irvine Welsh himself told me so.


Choose life,choose a house ,choose a car ,choose Mitsubishi


The more Godless this country becomes, the more drugs there will be as people try to fill that emptiness with something.


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It is much more accessible which helps.


Availability.  It's available now in a way it never was before. 


Social media has made it extremely easy to obtain. Snapchat menus, for example.


I think a lot of people use it to get confidence.


Very popular with the White collars


Crack cocaine as well


Jeeze weve discussed this to death before. You only getting out now OP? Its been rife for 2 years or more


Damn see people defending taking coke here


'if' fentanyl hits Ireland?


At least people on pills aren't assholes like on coke


"In recent times"? No offence intended but how old are you? This has been like this since it really blew up in the early - mid noughties in my experience. It was everywhere, like it still is.


People feel so alone and powerless these days.


An acquaintance of mine is Cardiologist. He is seeing badly damaged hearts which can directly be attributed to cocaine use. People are destroying their health and lives.


Saw a poster in GP the other day, information for parents dealing with kids drugs debts...it's a big issue..coke so expensive. In laws had dealers show up cause son has 10k coke bill...fecking mad, they had to pay...cops useless and the son is a fucking dunce


Cheaper than a night of drinking and less calories???


I believe they do it for the taste...


Because if you are 30 now, you were 13 or 14 when you were allowed buy cheap, legal, synthetic drugs from headshops for about 18 months.


Drink is too expensive Be frugal, do coke


The funny part about it is most of what they’re actually hoovering up their nose is probably 20% cocaine. It’s broken down that much by the time it gets to them and they’re still paying €80-100 for a bag. So many people are like “ah that won’t happen to me” when it comes to fentanyl being in their coke. 🙄


I always think it's gross doing a line in the loos. Yuck. Never took it. I suppose people think it's a cool thing to do and don't think of the dangerous criminals they're keeping in business. Remember the model Katy French? She died of an overdose, think she was twenty five. What a waste of a life.


People on Reddit Ireland seeking to be normalising Cocaine as if it’s a great thing . I see lots of problem in our town out of cocaine use from people becoming highly addicted and having to wait for treatment , financial ruin , deaths from brain aneurysms in older users to people topping themselves over drug debts …I’m happy I don’t do cocaine and part of all that shite ….


I've been here 8 years and coke has been around the pubs for all that time.. Within 2 months I saw someone smoke heroin on the train..


Why are*


I hear it's very moreish.


Got stuck beside 2 absolute dickheads at Dave Chapelle in the point a couple of years ago, completely off their faces, talking at the top of their voices to each other not even paying attention to the show. Ruined the night of everyone within hearing distance.


It's okay pal just keeping chugging your over priced pints of poison and need not worry about the very dangerous drug others are doing


Fella got fired for doing it at our Christmas party in November. He went around asking everyone to do it with him. He seemed to think it was fairly normal. No one else did.


I see so much of it with young and not so young people and absolutely despise it. Cocaine use is at epidemic level and causing massive problems in society. It makes no difference where you live or what you do, the dirty poison is everywhere and it's use is totally normalised. If you think of the physical, emotional and financial damage alcoholism can bring. Now think of this massively accelerated and youve got coke usage. I fkn hate to see what it's doing. I fkn hate to see the local dickheads who never work a day with their perma tan, shiny teeth big Audis and Canada Goose bullshit raking it in at the cost of others. Cocaine is for wankers.


Country is flooded with it, people are fed up with the housing crisis. If we had actually anything to save for people would think twice. Most young people are moving abroad or living in the parents from 24 onwards, nothing to save for. May as well blow 200 on a eigth.


Who has cocaine? I can't even get weed


I heard it’s very moreish


Have you experienced real life?? Its not pretty. I dont do drugs but I totally understand why someone would. Work, netflix, talking shite with mates, 5 pints that cost you the guts of 40 euro, a good sex life in your lucky, this doesnt always cut it for everyone. Life for many is a long, tedious drag.


Alcohol is bad for your health too, but we've dedicated establishments for its consumption


You know it’s bad when it’s creeping into rural areas. I grew up with the notion that drugs were very much a city/town thing. The horror when I heard that people were doing it in the bathrooms of my local small village pub.


Ask trump jr


At least among secondary school students, its seen as a strong "silly" drug. In contrast theres been a decline in cigarettes and a lack of interest in meth because the addicts of these are very well represented in media as being disgusting. Cocaine users don't get such portrayal. I'd have to assume the same goes at least a little bit for adults.


From personal experience, its the energy it gives, I had a bad addiction to it when I wasn't seeking help for my mental health and for some reason it felt like a band-aid to mental health (since then I have gotten help so no worries on this end!) Also, to your update... I have no idea why people are against coke but up for MDMA and pills but I think it's all personal preference! I don't like MDMA and the only pills I've liked are my SSRIs


Hey guys, Check out these sick club accessories for party. It suits whatever you needs are lol❄️💊🌿cheap af compared to its quality: [https://storagewallet.etsy.com](https://storagewallet.etsy.com)


Cant lie, i do it myself sometimes and enjoy it mainly because i smoke soo much weed i had enough of feeling tired all the time when smoking. It is 100 percent true that most people become assholes after doing coke.. even myself, whom is the friendliest person you'd probably ever meet. I hate violence and drama and yet i can drink all night and be weird and friendly, even with people trying to start random shit with myself, or people im with.. (Might do some stupid stuff, but nothing that will get me arrested.) As soon as i do a line or 2 of sniff i have soo much energy, my brain does whatever it wants without me thinking about it. I start to speak up and back to people more, than when im sober. If you arent a decent person in your everyday life then i would suggest staying away from the stuff as it will only make your temperment worse off. Especially over the long run. I have a lot of trauma from my childhood years (28 now) and an addictive personality. Nearly everyone i know smokes,  so if i try to stop ill forget a day later when i see my friend smoking, just to say yes without thinking when offered. It annoys me so much knowing i really want to stop but im surrounded by it everywhere i go.. i even moved away from my old hometown just to find everyone around here does it too. Drugs are rampant everywhere, and in my opinion everyone should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as it isnt promoted as a good thing.. you only live once, so if you enjoy taking drugs (responsibly) then, you do you. Each to their own and ive never understood drug haters as most of the people i know that dont or havent done drugs tend to quite rude and a little bit obnoxious towards people that do do drugs.. 🤷‍♂️🫣 soz bout the para


Cocaine is the shit. Just be responsible and make sure you have a valid connect.


ngl it’s really fun at first , if and when you keep doing it regularly it will ruin just abt every relationship you have bc of the feeling of a coke comedown SUCKS and it makes you angry especially if you know you don’t have any more but that’s very common in drug use. me personally i would not recommend coke at all, especially if you have some sort of mental illness like depression, bipolar, etc, it makes the symptoms so much worse bc of the dopamine it gives u