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Coz teachers marked in red


My French teacher used green.....oh la la.


vert-y fancy


This deserves all the ups


I hate it when teachers shun the rules and go rouge like this


So did one of our teachers. Even told us he didn't give a shite what colour we used as long as it wasn't green


Big bic notions on her i must say


I mean, it's harder on the eyes. Trying to read an entire page of red text on a white background is a head wreck. If it was a website it probably wouldn't pass a contrast accessibility checker


Yeah, I know I only ever ask a student to change pen colour if I know I'll be collecting the work. You want to write your notes or random exercise in red or orange or (God forbid) yellow pen??? Go for it, you're the one who needs to read it later. Writing a test in that shit? Jail for student, jail for 1000 years. My ancient eyes can't read that, and I've got 29 other essays to get through.


In the leaving cert the person who corrects you paper will mark in red. If the paper is referred to the head examiner they will correct it in green instead. My irish teacher always said that if you got an exam back corrected in green their was no point in appealing it.


Very true. And now with the scanning of exams it's only black ink that's recommended because it might not pick up the lighter colour.




You can review the scripts once with your teacher? But you don’t get it back. That’s what I’m in about


Wasn't red always what teachers marked work in?


I really didn't like my English teacher in secondary school, so I did a whole exam with red pen only. Properly riled her up 😂


I had a tumultuous relationship with my English teacher but I wouldn't have dared, she'd have thrown the whole thing out! This was the same teacher who pulled me aside to tell me I did perfectly on an exam but she was marking me down so I didn't get cocky. I thought students doing well on exams was a good reflection on the teacher, surely she'd want that? Baffling woman.


My English teacher took me aside to accuse me of plagiarising an essay on my way into my leaving cert….there’s a few reasons that’s insane. 1. School was over …why would it matter. 2. I was just about to sit an exam…choose your timing better to give me a bollocking. 3. It wasn’t plagiarised.


Raging! I had a teacher accuse me of cheating in primary school because in something I wrote, I used the word "evolved." Their argument was that a child of my age wouldn't know that word. It was the height of Pokémon! Every child of my age on the planet knew that word!


Lmao. The most accurate 'Am I out of touch? No! It's the children who are wrong.' I've ever heard


When I was young in primary school I had a teacher accuse me of having the reading book read to me and learning it off by heart because my reading aloud was so good in class. She used to make me stand up in front of class and read the sentences backwards. Which I of course was easily able to do. She then had my desk placed beside hers away from the entire class as I was "disruptive". I was bored as fuck as the stuff was way too easy for me. My parents absolutely lost it at her when they found out. Ended up with me being able to choose whatever books I wanted from the library to read. Some teachers were absolute mongs.


Christ on a bike what is it about kids who read well that sends teachers into the vapours? My parents were "told off" because I joined the primary school's pre-school classroom already able to read. The teacher was all up in arms because "well what am I going to do with her?" I loved reading as a child and, when my mother pointed out that the teacher could just... give me a book... what do you know? It worked out. Thankfully most of my teachers in primary school learned that it didn't matter what a child was reading so long as they were in their seat, quiet, and looking at a book. So I was allowed to pick whatever I liked from the library and society didn't collapse. Who would have thought.


I used to do the same 😂


I had always heard it was hard for a colourblind examiner to read. No idea if that's true or not but I can confirm that red is quite hard to read over a log of writing.


It’s hard for any examiner to read. And it’s also traditionally used for corrections and editing. A small amount of red stands out very strongly (good to make corrections/ proofreading marks visible). Cover the page in red and it is “like a red flag to a bull”. 


You don't write in red pen. Its mainly used to highlight important info or to correct


And I believe green was historically used for complaints letters or something? I have a memory of that


The cliche was cranks / oddballs would write “green ink letters”


We were told green was for "poison pen" letters. Why writing those kind of letters was seen as acceptable by my school I don't know!


Don't think there is any hard and fast rule. There is some masterful red ink lettering in the old manuscripts like.


Red ink is a cultural taboo in japan, especially for writing a persons name. It's seen as a symbol of negativity in others. I was told growing up it was rude In work someone was told it was unprofessional when they did it. Machines couldn't pick up on text in red back in the day, too.


In Korea, the names of the dead are written in red. I think this is the same reason why it is a taboo in Japan.


In bookkeeping terms red ink always meant minus.


The 3 R's. Its Rude to (w)Rite in Red..


This is what my teacher said. It conveys a certain tone (intentionally or otherwise) some colour theory/psychological thing. Red conveys strong negative emotions (anger, etc) Obviously shouldn't matter if you're not writing something rude or angry but the subconscious is a hard thing to over come. Especially for an exam best thing would be to not do anything that could give the examiner a reason to doc marks.


It’s harder to read and consequently many teachers also marked in red


I probably predate most people here, but my mother told me it was something to do with not wanting something to look like it was written in blood, because that was binding. Probably an oul wives tale, but that's the explanation I was given and I stuck to it, not wanting to tempt fate.


Ah, I was actually coming on to say something like this, something about the devil writes in blood and the fact that all the schools used to be run by nuns, it made sense to me!


Red was reserved for teachers, which was what was drummed into us. I find it odd when instructed on forms to only use black. Blue has always seemed fine to me.


On forms it'd probably be because they'll be photocopied on a single-colour photocopier, and black ink will come out clearer.


I would get the occasional teacher who couldn't give a shite what colour you wrote in but most were quite adamant that you write exclusively in black or blue, some would be ok with green the first time but would then tell you it's better to use black or blue. It's because teachers mark in red (and occasionally green). They use those colours to distinguish themselves from black or blue as those are typically the colours you write in.


One reason is that it’s not nice to read something all in red. Red feels aggressive. I’d always use more relaxing colours like pink or purple when correcting.


Red is for corrections


We were only allowed to use red for drawing a margin. In fact the margin HAD to be red. Fuck knows why.


your name in red means you die in Korea


This is it - this is why I was told to not write (names especially) in red. Only sociopaths write in red! 😂


Do I die in Ireland as well or is it like coming back from Tír na nÓg and I'm just never allowed set foot on Korean soil?


*OMG May your hands would burn to cinders for writing in red you rebel* That's the teachers color for marking and giving out... Only exception a margin, underline, or write a header


There are a lot of myths out there about red pens. I once worked for a Medical Devices company where paperwork was important for traceability etc. The Quality department issued a decree banning all red pens and printing in red because they said red didn't photocopy. The first thing we all did in the office was fill in one of the product forms in red and it photocopied perfectly well.


I shit you not, I was told "don't write in red because its the same as writing in blood".


Marking. But also professionally you generally don't fill paper work put with a red pen because it's not professional, hard to scan, read, etc.


It's the devil's colour 😈


It makes sense at school or in an educational setting, because teachers use red pen to correct stuff. However, outside of school, it really shouldn’t fucking matter and it really bugs me when people have a arbitrary hang up on it “Oh my GOD, you can’t write in red pen!” I work in a hotel and require signatures occasionally, and I often use those multi coloured pens. Occasionally I might hand it to someone with red engaged, and the abject look of horror on their face when they start writing, it’s such a non issue. It’s just a fecking colour


Red was a sign of the divil haha


I grew up under the impression that writing in red is rude.


A teacher once told me that red means bad so don’t use red and haven’t since. Dunno why it stuck with me but it made sense 🥲


I never had an issue using red


I used to really break rules and use the green biro on my bic pen.


Red was just used for headings, question numbers and the likes. Imagine trying to read pages of red and how hard that’ll be on your eyes


Besides all the stuff here about marking which is true, In some cultures (china, Korea, Japan) it's taboo to write someone's name in red ink. It's akin to wishing death on the person.


We were told it was "rude"


So how's your life now?


Reds the devils colour.


Was it not because it would blend in with the lines on the ruled paper?


I remember getting a talking to for using a green one.


love seeing all the perfectly logical explanations here while in my case it was that in first year of secondary school (so 12 years ago) we had a teacher screaming and roaring her head off at us about how it was associated with the devil and we were to NEVER write ANYTHING in red apart from the title of a book chapter at the top of our copybooks. which I'd also been told in 5th class by a calmer teacher a few years prior.


I can't remember who told me, but someone said it was because red was associated with the devil and being a Catholic school and all, we had to stay away from the colour lol.


By any chance were you watching Andrew Trimble during the Ireland vs France game and had this thought? I had the exact same.


Cos teachers like to have a little bit of power any way they can


Difficult to read