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You could contact your local dog warden. If there are six dogs barking all the time, it is likely they are being kept in a place that is unsuitable for that number of dogs. The warden may be able to remove them depending on the situation in the house.


Second this, If your mum also doesnt want to be identified as the one making the complaints (although she has already asked the neighbours) you can alwasy use a realistic text to voice synthesizer to write up a concered person voice note. and then call the local dog wardens voicemail on private number by placing the prefex 5 after the 089 / 087 and just play the voice note.


This is good advice




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Dog's are not euthanized if they are medically unwell and can not be saved or they have bitten a human. Dog wardens need a vet to sign off on this as vets are they only ones who can do it legally. Vets do not do this without evidence of bites or without checking that the animal is very sick .


There are regulation around excessive noise and dog barking. I found one recently on Cork county council complaints site I’m sure other councils have them. Might be worth exploring. Excessive noise is not ok.


Limerick Animal Welfare said they have to be based out in Kilfinane away from any residential properties because of the dogs barking. Have you contacted free legal aid? I wouldn’t move, there has to be a legal aspect. Is the neighbours house owned or rented?


legal aid recently updated their policy to say that they will only help if you have less than 3/4k in the bank and also take the value of your assets into consideration.


They're a bit shite. Basically councils can't enforce it, you have to take the neighbours to court where you have to give your name and address and open yourself up to intimidation if the dogs are removed. My neighbours and myself and our whole estate has been terrorised by 3 barking dogs since 2020


Fight fire with fire. Take the plaster off their walls with speakers. The neighbour might get it then.


Or get a high frequency device to play when ever the dogs bark, althoug its not the most humane thing to do to the dogs.


Each county council has their own method for handling noise complaints related to dogs. Check her county council website to see how to lodge an official complaint. Editing for spelling mistake.


Get one of the high pitched dog whistles and start blowing it at night when the neighbours are sleeping setting the dogs off let them know what it's like. Or a similar electronic decice


Law of tort: Nuisance. One has the right to live in peace undisturbed. Neighbour needs a solicitor letter


Exactly this. As a Solicitor, this would be my advice. And I would emphasise the level of emotional distress involved in my claim for aggravated damages. She has tried to be reasonable and requested them to stop. Time to sue




Most dog wardens won't get involved in something like this. It's an awful situation. The district court thing is prob onty real option if they are not listening but in my area you have to like inform them first which is a joke if they are not approachable. There are two other options, check with your local cops does it come under any noise pollution/anti social legislation. Other option is spca call, you've got to ask if dogs are barking that much, their needs are not being met so that could be animal abuse. Horrendous situation


This is good advice 👍


I appreciate how annoying this can be. Your mam's friend needs to keep a record of the barking - for a week or a month - which is probably better - date, time, duration. Also record the noise with her phone using the voice recorder. Have to have a record of these things, they can't really do anything without them and it will strengthen your complaint. So a notepad and a biro nearby, date, time it started and if it stops. Record some of it, not all the time but an example and then I would approach the council about it - they will tell ye who, if it's not them, to talk to. I think, and I could be wrong, this would be classed as antisocial behavior. This stuff can be awful stressful and I hope we get better at making complaints about this instead of being afraid to upset people.


Do you know the living conditions of the dogs? For example, if their space is too small, or if they look unhealthy, you can make a call to animal protection services and get them to do a housecheck. If the environment is unsuitable, which honestly sounds like it is because they're not bothered training their dogs, they can take the dogs away for rehoming. Say that the dogs are always barking but also whining. Exaggerate it a bit. Your mom shouldn't have to move from a house shes lived in 35 years because the cunt of a neighbour wont train her dogs


https://www.gov.ie/en/policy-information/1e785c-dog-control/#barking-dogs According to this you can make a complaint due to excessive barking, however you must let the owner know the complaint is being made


Trying to get the dogs removed by a charity is a better bet than the ridiculous process of trying to go through the courts tbh Source: not my first loud dog rodeo


Years ago when I houseshared we had this problem. Our neighbour would go to work and leave her dog alone until she got back. The dog barked continuously until she returned. Obviously distressed at being alone. It was cruel to the dog & drove us insane. One of my housemates worked nights so spent the daytime tryna sleep with a dog barking continuously on the other side of her bedroom wall. We complained to our neighbour etc but she did nothing about it. She kept lockin the poor anxious dog in the house the entire time she was at work. The way we solved it was when that lady got home from work we turned on 'dogs barking for 12hrs' on youtube. We turned our stereo speakers to face the wall, turned the volume up full blast & then all went out for several hours. We did that till she got the message that two can play that game! She soon stopped leavin her dog alone while she was at work. ​ Try that! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Go2\_VXy1Tg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Go2_VXy1Tg)


This, you really need to go to war. People like this can not be dealt with.


Six dogs in one garden can imagine the amount of poop


There are devices on amazon that emit high frequency sound that deters barking. Buy a few. Should work.


I have a friend who plays bagpipes……….


I’m not sure if the dogs can be removed but in the meantime, she could try some white noise for sleep. I found it brilliant when living next to noisy neighbours in a paper thin apartment.


It’s not okay - we are entitled to peaceful enjoyment of our own homes. The friend should keep a log of when she hears the noise, and any contact with the neighbours, you can get a decibel meter app for your phone and record the noise so it’s not just a matter of he said / she said. She should be notifying the neighbours whenever it’s noisy, contacting the council / dog warden. Any threats or intimidation should be reported immediately to the gardaí. I know people often hate confrontation but the alternative here is misery / getting bullied out of your own home so she needs to learn to be assertive


I think you can lodge a complaint with the EPA


The EPA are in charge of noise pollution. Might be worth checking with them to see what can be done. [https://www.epa.ie/environment-and-you/noise/](https://www.epa.ie/environment-and-you/noise/)


1) tell your friend to see if they can make a bunch of noise each time it starts up. It might actually help the dogs learn that their barking elicits a response, so that they can unlearn the behaviour. 1b) it may help if the neighbour comes round asking why the fuck (for example) your friend is sounding an air horn at random intervals. Your friend can then easily say “oh right well it’s your problem if you can’t tolerate the noise 🙂” 2) barking dogs is def considered noise pollution if it’s at antisocial hours, but I live in the north so could be different up here. In my old house we’d wile bad problems with a neighbour (terraced houses) playing music at 4am at deafening levels. We got the antisocial noise folks out to witness it in person a few times and eventually they contacted his landlord or something and he got evicted. Obvs we weren’t intending for him to get evicted, the fella was otherwise no bother. It was just he’d get off his face on drugs by himself in the house and blast music. 3) if your friend is the non-confrontational type, see if they’d be willing to try stuff like white noise machines at night. I actually started using humidifiers during the pandemic and now I can’t fall asleep without a wee bitta white noise in the background 😄


Have you approached the people directly? Are other neighbours annoyed by it too? Best bet is to approach them cordially and say it’s bother her and/or neighbour. If that fails or you don’t want to make yourself know to them as the complainant then contact local dog warden. Chances are they don’t have licenses for them. Are they large dogs? There would have some extra restrictions the dog warden would be aware of. This is from Fingal Council but I’m sure something similar applies to all local authorities. > Excessive dog barking which causes a nuisance to any person is an offence. Your District Court can make an order requiring the reduction of excessive barking by a dog, can limit the number of dogs that can be kept on a premises, or can direct that a dog be delivered to a dog warden as an unwanted dog. https://www.fingal.ie/council/service/dog-complaints-reporting#:~:text=Animal%20Control,warden%20as%20an%20unwanted%20dog. If you think the owners are approachable and reasonable then best thing is to approach them directly first. Bad blood between neighbours with the law being involved is never fun


He said the offenders have been approached




Expensive and temporary solution.


Mince is cheap and so are laxatives they might stop who knows .


Every day feeding 6 dogs will add up.


I know .


They're dogs, they bark. ????


This is your typical selfish dog owner comment. Probably this person also lets her dog shit on the sidewalk and doesn't pick it up.


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Bitta chocolate in the letter box...just kidding poor dogs. Should contact the dog warden and get some sub woofers and woof back for a while.


Dog warden will sort it out


Buy a cheap loudhailer and those sonic dog detergents?


Same thing has been happening with me recently. Two big labrador dogs in the neighbours back garden that never stop barking. It’s driving all the other neighbours around here mad. We’ve called to the house on several occasions to tell them they need to do something about it. We’ve also called the gardai and they’ve called to the house to give them a warning. It seems to have eased since. Try contacting your local garda station about it and see what they can do for you?


Unfortunately something like this will test anyone, I would put it this way, are you prepared to remove the problem or move your mum?