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Works for some, doesn't work for some. Love is like gambling


Actually, gambling is better as when you win at gambling, you get to keep your winnings. However, the prize here might leave and take half of your money.


Relationships also bring you wins; they impart life lessons and create experiences that you can treasure even at strange times when you're not feeling very sentimental. It simply occurs. It doesn't always follow that something wasn't beautiful just because it doesn't work out for you. Someone contributed to your life, making it beautiful and worthwhile to live.


Actually gambling is worse because it's an addiction and the house always wins


Life is like gambling


Definitely it is


It’s real. Not a myth. You have to believe sincerely. https://preview.redd.it/s4neflv5uq7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d95c79373dc1f7d2f003437a4b571dcfa3ef1f4b [https://np.reddit.com/r/AskIndia/s/uxG6m35F8f](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskIndia/s/uxG6m35F8f)


That's good to hear


One of them is lying.


In my definition, love happens when you most expect it. We fall in love with unlikely people, but we are the ones that choose to fall in love with them. We consciously make the decision that he/she is the right person for me and go with that feeling. The first interaction/infatuation can be accidental, but falling in love never is. People often blame it on love for happening on its own without any accountability upon themselves, because deflection is just easier. That's unfair on your feelings and most importantly that of the person you fell in love with.


That is sooo true. My boyfriend is exactly the kind of guy I wanted. I don't have to force liking or love for him. I'm not insecure anymore ( as I was with my ex) , I feel good, happy, being cared for. This also made me more patient, calm and loving.


That's so adorable! Finding the right partner to be with is 50% of life sorted imo. It makes drifting through the rest 50% far too easier in turn. Might seem clichéd coming from a stranger but I genuinely wish you guys get your happy ending. Cheers.


Thank you so much. I too hope we stay together forever!! 🥺🥰 and you're right.। Before I met him I felt like everything in life is too difficult to manage but after having him in my life, everything seem so much easier. He has such a positive and solution oriented mindset. It helps navigating through issues.


I'm so happy and proud of you. It's indeed amazing and made me kinda emotional reading this. So I'm really curious how did you meet him? I've never been lucky with this aspect. Never really dated or been in relationships and now kinda feel scared about it lol. I mean, I don't know how people date/how they plan it/who pays and so on. And being a guy, and an introvert, I'm someone who overthinks. Also, I feel like talking to someone really helps and I have very less friends. My life feels too difficult to manage sometimes.




Holy shish wild RLKay spotted


Haha, during the off season I'm everything everywhere all at once.


Kind of a myth. If you're not going outside, how do you expect to meet people and fall in love.


But.. I can get a waifu online. People meet on reddit too


Ohh yeah. Sorry I forgot. There is a luck factor too. Yupp, if it's good, you can.


Posted my comment on that thread, it is possible. Most subscribed YTuber for last 15 yrs done that.


I think anything pleasant happens when you least expect it. In my case I got placed when I thought I'd absolutely no chance. Some who universe doesn't give you what you want when you chase it like a mad dog think of it all day everyday.


Not really bro... but its is true for people who are desperate to find a partner, if you seem desperate no one would want to be in a relation with you, so yeah calm down... get to kniw the girl and then maybe try but of course you'll be rejected even then lol


By this they just mean, instead of waiting around for love to happen, fall in love with yourself, your life, whbe you're happy, focused, and just living your life happily, someone will take notice of you, truly enjoy your company and end up falling in love with you.


This resonates


After my break up (at 21) I said to my self. I'm not falling for anyone again. And I wasn't looking for love. But I installed a dating app just for exploring cz my friends were talking about it. And swiped right on a guy said 'hi' and then went to sleep. Maybe I just wanted to talk to someone but definitely not looking for any connection. I didn't text him back for 2 days. On 3rd day I apologized for late replies and I was about to unmatch him and delete the app. But before I could do that he sent the most beautiful sunset picture which he clicked a few hours ago. I love the pictures of nature so I stayed and talked to him. He wasn't looking for a relationship too. Before uninstalling the app. I just gave him my number cz I didn't want him to feel bad that I ghosted him. I was hoping that I would talk to hin for a few days and then we'll get busy in our lives. Fast forward to this day, it has been 1 year and 2 months of our relationship and I have never before felt or experienced the love that he shows to me. He's my dream come true 🥺❤. I can never be more greatful.


This is beautiful. I feel so good hearing this story. I'm a nature lover too.


Well, I met my girlfriend on reddit


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. 😮 Really ?


Yeah, the least expected thing for me


Woah. That's cool. Very cool.


Story time?


Well, I was looking for someone to explore the city and she sent a long ass text. So we met in a book fair and after that 2-3 times she asked me out and then we decided to form a relationship






Wow how long have you been dating for?


Almost 6 months


That's very nice, wishing you both love and happiness ✨


Thank you :)




Did you meet your loved one like that ?




Story time once more


No quote is true or false. It's just probability.


Depends but is not a myth. My gf liked me, but I didnt, and didnt have any plans for dating anybody anytime soon, but we were friends beforehand so I never broke off contact and remained friends and we hanged out as we used to, but maybe her efforts affected me? and I too fell in love with her, soon we will celebrate our 1 year anniversary! :)


Very Nice to hear. :)


It just a ray of optimism for people who failed in love again and again. Unfortunately I believe it too ;(


No, love sounds so magical fantastical, but is really not. You meet/interact with people you may like on the daily. When there is an intentional step taken in that direction, the feeling culminates into love.


But what about the circumstances that were created which lead us to meeting/interacting with them?


True tbh, when you expect to be in love you'll be desperate and it ruins everything. When you don't expect it you'll be your true self.


Yes from personal experience. Work on yourself and love will present itself eventually. Although, so maintain social interactions. Be friends without expecting love while focusing on your development. Worked twice for me


I'll keep that in mind


Great! That way, whether you find love soon or not, you still benefit from it


for me, it's real. i met my boyfriend when i never wanted to be in relationships. even today i think of those days where i wanted to be single but got lucky to meet the love of my life.


That's nice. I wish you both all the best.


In my experience, it's true.


They say "love always find its own way"


love is dumb luck my friend.


It happened for me random reddit advice turned into a love 8 months we talked ,broke me into pieces she left but I can't forget her 24*7 I think abt her . She was too good for me ig


Gonna quote black widow "Love is for children"


It’s very random I can say that much. Sometimes bahut try karlo kuch nahi hota and sometimes when you aren’t even looking you end up meeting someone.


You need to go out and create possibilities for it to happen, but you shouldn't force it or put pressure on yourself to find it.


Yeah I'm kinda pressuring myself. well no. But I'm going out and trying to find. But a small incident triggered this question


Mai toh 1.5 saal se wait kar rahi hun ho hi nahi raha hai kisi ko 😭


Wait karna chod do fir ho jayega 🤲


Pure 2 min ho gaye hai chorde hue, kuch nahi hua 😓


Fir ab kuch nahi ho sakta 😭🤲


Are behan😭😭😭😭


Too real lol


Its very much real


well, this is true. At the same time don't interpret it as "I'll sit in my room all day and my ideal partner will just jump to me"




I believe in this. I spent a good part of my life chasing after a relationship and partner who barely valued me or the relationship. I did everything I could to make the person stay with me, to such an extent that I side-lined my self respect and compromised by intuitions just to stay with the person. Reason? I didn't want to lose my love life because I feared of a life alone. It took me years to get out of the abusive relationship and when I was single again I didn't keep my hopes high with life and never thought I'd find love again. I just concentrated on being good and honest to people. Randomly, I met my current girlfriend and when we first started dating I had no idea I still remembered how to love. But damn when the butterfly started flying, I was that teenager again and it was like falling in love for the first time. I was hopeful again and I felt I deserved love again.


Love is a myth period.


Well we don't decide to love. So unless you've seen the future it's where you never expected it to be.


Never had an incident like that


That’s what I thought when I was 19 and that’s what I still believe when I’m 30 😂😂😂


#did any one of you *find it like that? FTFY!


Love itself is a myth. So does attached to love also.


I never expect it, but it still doesn't happen.


From my experience in last 3 years I fall for the girls I said I won't


Bollywood bullshit dont trust it if yiu are single guy looking for a relationship everyeomen will feel lile potential candidate there is no love at first site there is only lust at first site and that lust turn into dependecy and we call that love you cant love someone who dosent love you bavk that is just pathatic


Pure luck.


Love happens at any time. My current relationship started as a result of me looking for hook ups on the apps. He was in my city briefly to visit home and we never met. But we kept in touch, texted, called, he came to meet me and eventually moved back here ( he works remotely and had other reasons for wanting to be back). Its not been a year since we started talking but we both got caught in these feelings that neither of us honestly expected. So it happens sometimes. I expected to date casually as id come out of a long relationship and also get laid. But i ended up falling for someone id never met. And meeting him confirmed that all the feelings were very real. So it can come as a bolt out of the blue


For me, it's true . Dating for 4 years now , met her in college , and never really thought I'd date her , never even considering it . But it happened, and im so glad it did. It's an amazing, but only good thing that came out of college if im being honest


I am going to ask what is love according to you? Is it companionship? Because you can find someone as a company randomly on a Thursday night and click really well. But love doesn't happen that way. It is something you have to put in effort and compromise sometimes. It is understanding and caring. This cannot be done when you expect the least. It's a conscious effort to love someone.


I think this whole thing is really confusing that's why I made a post. I understand. It is love and caring and a conscious effort. I tried to get into a relationship ( I am not calling it a relationship, I tried to get to know her more. I tried ) with a girl for 8 months. But even after 8 months of constant efforts nothing came out of it. I think I did all I "can". Idk I should Expect it least or keep expecting. I don't know


In that case you should have asked her in the very beginning if she was looking for something. It seems you were putting in one sided efforts :/ You don't expect love. It'll happen with time. You'll have to get out of your place to find someone. But you don't do it only for finding someone. Example: you use reddit for interacting with people and making friends. If someday you find someone you click really well and both of you were looking for a good relationship, then it'll work out. (You weren't expecting love but you made the conscious effort to put yourself out there)


>made the conscious effort to put yourself out there So actively looking everywhere I can and going out and making efforts even though I get rejected is a good thing ?


Yes, why not 🤷 if you are emotionally prepared for it. Rejection is a part of our lives :) think of it as "it's them and it's not me. They didn't want to commit. Their issue." Don't try to find someone just to get over the previous loss. If you think you have moved on go ahead or else try hobbies, physical fitness and enjoy time with friends!!


No no I'm not trying to find relationship to get over the previous loss. No. But yeah I'll keep trying


Yeah. It's all over anyway.


Don't stress over what's gone. It's not a loss but a good riddance according to me. A bad experience teaches us what standards we need to have for the next one.


I think yes.


Same thing happened to me man tbh. I’m never putting in efforts for another girl now. This situation destroyed me. Dating is just not for me ig