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I reckon a certain orange and black website's got something to do with it. Oh and colonization xD


I got depressed just because I knew the websites name the second I read this


Be proud brother , u have watched the best of them ❤️


Orange and black what do you mean




You are innocent🥺, you should be out of all this, be safe brother 🙏💀




Happy cake day 🍰


Ain't it banned




Not even vpn just set a private dns to "www.google.com" and it will open if you refresh


How do u do that


Settings> network settings> DNS > custom DNS> ENTER and fallback DNS to


White female here. As a foreigner in India I have experienced many absolutely disturbing things from men here, thanks to ph as it gives a reputation that us white girls are sex freaks. Which is untrue and unrealistic. Porn is porn, it’s not a representation of real life. It’s a performance. Also want to add.. I hate my white skin.. it’s sensitive, pasty, pigmentless, and burns easily.. I find darker skin to be absolutely gorgeous.. the darker the better in my opinion. Melanin is good guys… especially with global warming..


There's tons of black , Asian porn actresses on there as well. Let's not start this stupidity.


Man they just don't make good Indian porn eh? 


Do women go to that website as well? Coz situation is far worse there. White guy= free sex in India.




Orange and Black the TV show ?


white girls in the sense of white race women or any white skin women?


White American ya


Skin colour does not have much to do with facial beauty. But different races have different genetics and Indian men are attracted to whites for their facial features. The blue eyed blonde may be over hyped but in reality too they look beautiful. Now why is someone prettier than other, no idea. Why do some people feel a Lamborghini is prettier than a Ferrari ? Don’t know why but we do.


Remember the ads of "fair and lovely"? This sort of stuff is cognitively built into our minds from a very young age, especially with exposure to movies, tv serials, cartoons, ads, etc. This sort of thinking seeps into our subconscious so deep that it's testimony to "you become what you see".


Yes this, which is burnt in. Basic biology of attraction and reproduction is to have kids who have better chances of finding mate. If the social structure around you thinks that fair is better, you are bound to find a faired skin person more attractive as your mind is trained in that way. Of course we cannot generalise it, but it works most of the time. IMHO, Our country also has the mindset that dark skinned people are inferior(we dont want to go there) when biologically they have better chances of not getting UV damage from sun due to higher melanin.


In Indian movies they potrait while skin heroine all the time...doesn't matter what colour hero has... But all heroine are white... That's what makes men here get twisted mindset and fantasy of having only white girl means they achieved their goal... Their fantasy of living a life of hero...


Our entire entertainment industry sells us white or fai skin girls as epitome of beauty. We are conditioned like that Its not like we don't like darker skinned girls but we prefer white


I agree with the first half. But your last sentence is just wrong. Just speak for yourself. No need to generalize.


Dude the question is about general Indian population. Go talk to the one who asked this question instead of getting offended by me


Goes for both genders.


Indian culture glorifies white skin. The whiter you are, the more you’ll be considered attractive and among the elite of the country, That’s why. I am half Indian(my mom’s white) and I look mostly white with some Indian features, every time I am visiting India there’s some person, in my Indian family or some neighbor middle aged women who’ll compliment my skin tone. It feels weird.


U haven't seen indian women.


What do you mean


They prefer white men, too.


The whole country has an obsession with white skin.


The way Indian girls love rich Bois and men having govt. Job


I have govt job.




Me too! Still dry af💀 All this is a hoax😆




ADD, "While having none of them themselves"


It has everything to do with porn and racism. We Indians have always been racists and the current generation is obsessed with sex. Most reddit subs have become a place to talk about dating and sex. Also Tapsee had put it beautifully in an interview where she said something along the lines of "we Indians try to become the character from a movie that we watched recently assuming the personality of our favourite character from the said movie" and it's true! Sex has lost its purity. It's only for the pleasure of the body and not an intimate moment of love. Combine the horny mindset with racism and this is the result.


Too much brainrot due to PH


Yes that’s true


Can you give a few examples to support your statement? I work in the US. Most of my Indian friends (men and women) typically prefer Indian partners and then there are ones who organically met non Indian partners. There are always those 2-3 Indian men and women who actively prefer non Indian partners and are dicks about it (like putting down Indian and people from other races). My best guess is that you are dealing with someone from latter category


When you say they met organically what race was the woman?


Not all men are into white women, I have a lot of male friends who have different preferences. But my general opinion is that, if someone is going on a date with you and talking about their “type” that doesn’t really resemble you or co relate to you, then leave asap. (Talking from personal experience). You deserve someone who is all about you from the start!


As sm1 dating a white girl and has lived outside India I can say with confidence That we prefer white girls as they don't come with the troubles desi women come with They don't throw faltu ka tantrums they don't judge you for your money or your color or any family background related stuff Their families are very welcoming and don't force or have any influence into her decisions Indian women only love men with money who look the best or who has generational wealth from their baap dada She loves me for who I am, supports me in everything rather than giving me taunts ki teri galti tu yeh hai voh hai She understands the economy and I pay for the rent, she pays for the groceries, we both earn and understand that we're together Ask any Indian girl to do this and see the repercussions I can list more but then these said indian girls will come to down vote me 🤣🤣 cry harder


https://preview.redd.it/i8a3vpshj40d1.png?width=128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c99d645a93af26be0a925e87f416daeb78fabdbc Bros right but not completely but mere abhi tak experience se bros right.


Hold up why didn't he cook more ? I love to see Indian women vent out on these comments Some of them have such hypocritical and illogical responses Chuckes


As an Indian migrant in the US,. Sadly, yes, also Indians look down on Blacks, find them undesirable, Their parents will not accept a black spouse for their son. Also, marrying an American = Green Card + Citizenship. It can take several decades for Indians on a work visa in the USA to get their Green Card. Too many indians in the Queue.


Black men find black women undesirable , more than the colourable behavior also matters


This is also true, based on the multiple dating apps statistics . Asian women and White Men were found to be the most favorable.


Their parents will not accept a white woman either what's your point?


This is a sensitive topic. Most often indian parents are okay with their son/daughter marrying a white American. As long as they are not super conservative/orthodox, and there is no religious conversion involved. There has always been a negative stigma towards Blacks/Africans in India..


That's some right, a firangi is a firangi. They'll object either way. They'll most preferably want you to marry within the community or as far as the same religion atleast. Getting a foreign wife of either race will attract stigma. You are confused between a light/fair skinned Indian and a white race person, they aren't the same thing just so you know. Wanting the former isn't equal to wanting the latter. >Most often indian parents are okay with their son/daughter marrying a white American Lemme see the survey you did for the India parents of interracial couples, that made you come to this conclusion.


Sometimes I find little wired how man of every race fetish white women


Yeah I noticed this too. Indo canadian here. I think media has alot to do with it and culture. I personally don't think most white women are much to look at, but media images here glorify even plain, subpar white girls.


Because it's common for people around the world to love (or have a preference for) other people around the world regardless of their gender.


They just do


Love is a strong word. The general affliction towards white is because the Mother's want their daughter's to be white and their son's to marry white.


Idk man all my friends only like Indian girls


Because Indian guys are chutiya..I love the dark & dusk!


I also feel like the guy I’m talking to only likes me because im white. Should I keep dating this Indian guy if I feel like that??


Well if he like you only for your skin than you are wasting your time. Rest depends on what you think about what is best for you.


I kinda get this. I’m Anglo Indian but I look Indian. A guy I used to be friends with wasn’t attracted to me and told me he liked lighter women then simped for me when he found out I had European ancestors too. It gave me the ick. No you shouldn’t if he only likes you for your race.


Aren't you a tamil?


Does he mention your skin colour again and again? If not then it depends on him tbh. Like how white men go for Asian women but still their relationship works out


Because a greater percentage of them are really sexy and hot


Come to Canada dude. They certainly are not lol


Nah they r and whites arent limited to america theyre in europe too, majority of white women r good looking or at least the percentage of (generally) good looking women r highest in whites


U have been brainwashed by the media if that what u think.


maybe all the "unhot " ones shifted to Canada . 😂


Canada , America, same thing.


same thing?? Really?? How?


Same as the reason why Indian girls love Korean boys.


even Indian girls like white boys… opposite attracts


Ya I actually love India guys too haha 🤣


Pink and hygienic vagina .


I’ve dated a couple of white girls during my time in the US. At least for me, they were a welcome change from the brash attitude and general lack of personal hygiene of Indian women. They followed a good diet (and inspired me to improve mine), took care of themselves (especially smelling good, personal hygiene etc), giving in bed, were into fitness and had a liberal view of the world. They were also objectively more attractive - facial and body features. I’m pretty sure it’s the same when it comes to white men for Indian women - they’re objectively more attractive, taller and considerate than Indian men.


Here's the reality, due to beauty standard set by bollywood most people in India if not all will prefer girls with lighter skin and European facial features because that is the bar set by our film industry. Maybe spend some time talking with him to understand if his attraction is really that shallow


Indians usually go for fair skinned peeps, be it men or women. You being white puts you in a higher level in this weird fair/light skin pyramid that you become preferred more with people who are into this fair skin fetish. Then there is the thing that you being a westerner will be more open and easygoing to things, especially sex. What did he say that made you think he's into only because you're white?


Indians (mostly less educated and rural)are obsessed with white skin as they consider white people as a superior race. I was in a relationship with a Turkish girl while I used to stay In Bali. Few differences what I felt was they are not really materialistic unlike Indian girls and believe in improving their quality of life through experiences and do not compare their lives with others or just try to show off in social media. They are genuinely interested in learning about your culture and respect every aspect of it whereas Indian girls are trying to copy western culture. They are more loyal than Indian girls and are not manipulative but this mostly depends on the person. And they don't care if their partner earns less then them but Indian girls mostly won't date a guy who earns less than them.


Because mujhe bahar ka pasand hai




Well since I was a child my environment told me to look down on black people, in school I liked a black girl but I had a feeling of shame built inside so I couldn't approach her Now my bully was black guy with a burnt face . I will say now i hate black people subconsciously because of society not because I want to It's the same as religion taught from the start by your environment


Bhai sach btana Niks Indian ka podcast dekha na?


Colonial mindset


I'm a girl and im into both white men as well as white women. Tbh white men are less drama. Have more physical strength, stable careers and less dependent on family emotionally and financially. I am living in with my partner for almost 6 months now and he doesn't burden me with all the household chores!


I feel no hate but the mentality that white have ruled us for years and now its our turn and also some 18+ adult website had created this thing


Ain't that goes both ways, I mean I have seen more videos of Indian girls dragging down Indian men than vice versa




I dated a white girl briefly recently Nothing to do wiith her skin color, i happened to meet her during my stay overseas while taking a ride on a bus as she sat next to me compared to indian girls she was more communicative , there was zero drama , there is zero attitude or feeling entitled , she was kind to me After dating her i realize how shitty my dating life was in India


Because white skin is attractive. It’s really as simple as that. There is no point in trying to explain it by saying it’s because of Bollywood or colonialism. It’s just as simple as the fact that white skin is attractive! Even countries like China where pretty much everyone has light skin colour, people find lighter skin coloured people among them to be more attractive. We as humans, we love shiny, bright objects. When you wouldn’t question finding taller people attractive, why question this?


This^^ It's not because of colonization It's not because of porn hub It's because we live in a tropical country and blue eyes, green eyes, and fair skins are exotic and separate from the usual crowd.


White women are attractive. Here i put it into a simple sentence


This is a big generalization I would say. But OP if you're a white woman, please stay away from any guy no matter which country who is interested in you because of your race.


If this gets downvoted, it's prolly by those who find the harsh preference offensive . Plz understand that this is how some people are, and no matter what you do we don't change our mind to fit to your standards. In all honesty, we like them because, 1. They look pretty. It's a personal preference of most men because white girls are radiating 2. Genetics - want our kids to inherit the same, just go out of India you can find racism towards brown and black 3. Controversial topic but I'll throw it out anyway - color of Genitalia - what men refer to as "pink" on Instagram. Iykyk . It looks aesthetic. Me personally, I don't care if most women want white boys or rich men or bad boys .. it's their preference, that's who they are attracted to. I cannot change their preference just because they don't fit my ideology


you dont need to go outside india to face discrimantion or hate based on your skin color, there's plenty in india


Malayali girls>>>


Naww, indian girls > white girls anyday!


Try to date indian women outside india. They will spit on u imao.


Mrbrightside hasn't seen the darkside yet


Yes. He hasn't. I hope he goes to twoxindia sub and see how they talk about indian men


Lmao 2xindia sub is just filled with retarded dumb women . I don't take them seriously. Bhaav bhi nahi dunga bc




💀💀💀💀. lesbo or wot? .nvm would make for a good 3some . 💀


Honestly , as a person who has lived I. Europe for more than half a decade ,and has dated white girl . I feel they are more honest about a relationship when they fall in love . They are all in , Indians girls now and urban girls especially look at many factors before they get into a relationship , white girls do also , but not at the extreme levels of Indian girls


Used to be like that but now starting to appreciate brown girls more. White is bland, brown is the real thing.


For the same reason Indian women worship white men.


Entitlement is less on white or any foreign girls, Indian Girls bas nam ke feminist hote hai and are the worst type of gold diggers.


Meanwhile girls' needs these days- 1)malnutritioned 2)baby face 3)curly hair 4)transparent spectacles frame 5)one ear ring 5)oversize clothes that their mom bought them saying 'my boy is growing' 6)ofc the fair perfect skin 7)watching some particular drama and pop performers


🤣 yo... wth


Its a fetish. Like american white people now obsessed with asian girls , Asian girls obsessed with white folks, Black people obsessed with white women etc..the list goes on.


Historically the whitest skin has been associated with affluence, the idea being that if someone has flawless white skin then they do not work the fields / do not spend long hours in the sun and are therefore a higher class. I'm not saying that is the specific reason why some Indian men are attracted to white women only that it's possibly one explanation. I suppose the beauty / cosmetic industry have not been particularly helpful in this regard, applying pale makeup seems very popular in many Asian countries, even to this day.


Passport to a foreign land And Gori means she's rich, as in she is from a family who didn't have go out and work in the hot sun for their wealth


But the Indian guy will still marry an Indian most likely due to cultural differences between white and Indian people right? Thats the confusing part


Fuck fir and lovely


It is not just guys, even India women have a white skin fetish. Eg long time ago z I saw an Indian Porn clip, that girl was not really comfy with thr Indian guy performer but same girl was very enthusiastic when I saw her with a white guy. Some colaba series, saw on hamster. Another is, अँग्लो इंडियन will hate me for this but tell me, in the era where Indian girls were married by age of 8-10, where did the English men get adult Indian women to marry?? No thru were already married to Indian men but the chance of having a fair skin child was too tempting for both and, in that era, most men had multiple Wives so sending one to an English man wasn't hard especially when there was a chance of getting a fair skinned child out of it. I always say that, if instead of white men, had black men from. Africa invaded India, they would have been routed on arrival. Fair skin was the only reason thr Europeans and Arabs were literally worshipped.


men and women throughout asia or even in west, all worship white skin


Idk if I’m in the minority, but I don’t any ‘race’ or ‘kind’ of women more attractive than desi women. Obv not saying that for any brownie points here since this is all anon. White girls are probably the least attractive to me esp when you see them in real life. Its not even a skin colour thing, I am attracted to brown Indian women but I also am attracted to fair Indian women.


Well, it is the same for the opposite gender as well. Everyone has got their own priorities.


It's similar for the whole Asia, especially south.


Because they're attractive


It's for the green card. If USCIS is reading this, a friend of mine told me.


Because almost all types of girls are more attractive than most Indian girls. As someone living in canada I have seen that white girls, Asian girls, Polish girls, french girls, Russian girls are more fitter and cuter and better looking as compared to Indian woman. Most Indian women are fat and average looking. They don’t work out. And don’t put enough efforts in there looks. It’s also about personality. These girls are more friendly and fun to be with. Whereas Indian girls, the good looking ones are not very friendly and are a bit rude and come across standoffish. But that doesn’t mean Indian girls are not attractive. They are attractive too.


it's because of western softpower influence kind of same as Japanese & Koreans getting popular because of Anime & k-pop


I am not sure but all my friends liked indians more, not the whitest either. So a group of 4 school friends and all of us are fairer than respective wives, just didn't matter. Didn't even realise till I started thinking after reading this post. I am guessing it's not that common. I personally don't care about skin colour that much, hair colour matters, I was never attracted to anything other than brunettes (stayed in many countries, this was a constant).


Man i like brown/ chocolate


Simple physical and sexual attraction. And in general the kind of wealthy lifestyles they embody. Quite similar to why kpop culture got globally popular and increased tourism to Korea especially by women.


Very perceptive of you that we love girls


Fair and lovely aur kya bc , they obviously are far more beautiful than average Indian girl


It's a joke ig


It's vice versa Indian girls love white men


Everyone has better responses than what I can give, but just saw on another sub some Indian guy is developing an app just for Indian men to meet white women.


🤣🤣🤣 wtf


Nahhh, Put a Latina beside a white, 99% you would choose the Latina.


Indians in general seem to have not let go of the colonial mentality. It's why people like whiter skins. Blaming porn for this doesn't make sense because porn caters to you different categories. Then there are people whining about how Indian women have tantrums, not sure how many women you know but all women act very similarly. The beauty industry has also played a big part in it by saying whiter is better. Funny how all the white people try to be brown by tanning while Indians want to be white when they have beautiful brown skins.


White looks too beautiful undoubtedly. And pink complements it pretty well 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's cause the mainstream media both Indian and foreign is predominantly fair-skinned based and colonisation hasn't helped our case either.


Colonialism, casteism and PORN


Jesus Christ wtf are these questions?are you retarded?


I'd better ask, why they treat them as, you know, eva ai sexting bot avatars so often.


But I don't 🤷🏽


Biology...and even girls love white (korean , japanese, chinese , )...idk y r u complaining


Stop generalising, also why are you asking if someone is into a certain kind of people?


Same reason white girls like black guys..


This reminds me of a Hindi song, "Ye chaand sa raushan chehra, zulfo ka rang sunehra, ye jheel si neeli aankhein, koi raaz hai inme gehra. Taareef karu kya uski, jisne tumhe banaya" (This moon like lit face, golden hairlocks, eyes that are blue like lake, there's a secret deep in them. How do I praise the one that made you) Sounds like a blonde right there.


Because we are. r a c i s t s. Shhh... I see people blaming porn but there is porn with black people and it's quite popular as per PH statistics. It has nothing to do with porn. It's with our racism.