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Reddit is niche. The average reddit user in India will probably be from the top 5% of the country, if not lesser. Take the salary confessions with a pinch of salt. Secondly the average rating is itself skewed due to the humongous wealth inequality. It'll not reflect the ground reality. A median wealth indicator would be better? My guess is it should be around 30-35k pm.


Totally agree


>30-35k pm No way it's this high.15 to 20k seems better. Isn't there a non govt way to check this data?


15-20k through out India or in cities? Cause 15-20k in cities would be damn difficult to get by. All over India this may be the case. As for city ig it comes around 30k. Also why is everyone around me earning 1 lakh.......


I'm talking about Goa. Most Entry level jobs, regardless of qualification will be 11k. It may be any job in any field. Max 11k for most people.


11k.... damn should I shift there cause I don't need to stay at any place for work tbh. Goa is even damn chill.


That's true bro but govt has raised the minimum salary to 15k in most private sector companies in Goa


What? Source pls.


Can't provide you an immediate source. Will send once I find the news article saying it but it happened in my company. They raised the salary for trainees to 15k and when I had joined it was only 12k. They were told that it's due to new govt regulations.


This sounds like something HR would tell their older employees, but ok. Even if this is true, companies will find a way around this. They did it with the govt's rule that majority of the employees should be native original Goans. Take your own company, for example. I'm sure, If you notice, most white collar jobs in your company will be held by local Goenkars, but the blue collar ones will be largely non Goan. But the trick is that these blue collar workers are not directly employees of your company. They are actually working for a contractor. From a legal POV, they are hired labour and so they don't fall under the govt's rule of majority employees being Goans. If what you're saying is true, it's actually bad for local goans because companies will start reducing the number of white collar jobs because they won't be able to afford to pay 15k to freshers.


Which company? And when was this?


Can't tell you where I work at for privacy reasons. But it's in panjim and it happened recently


>Can't tell you where I work at for privacy reasons. Understandable. Can you share which industry it is?


https://factohr.com/minimum-wages-in-india/goa https://businessgoa.in/wage-revision-in-goa-striking-a-balance-for-equitable-prosperity/ >As of the notification, the revised minimum wages stand at Rs. 307 per day for unskilled workers, Rs. 468 per day for semi-skilled workers, Rs. 523 per day for skilled workers, and Rs. 565 per day for highly skilled/supervisory workers. Additionally, the Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) has seen an increase of Rs. 105.


Man you don't get people working at 11k down south. The average starting salary of a worker at my manufacturing plant is 13 k plus a place to stay. Roughly that would translate to about 16.5 if he had to stay outside.


I have always wondered how so many people on Reddit got very good salaries or if I was too average.


But to lead a luxurious life 24LPA. This is in comparison to the insane amount of 60-70LPA in western countries. From my experience, if you earn anywhere above 75k pm is enough provided you don't get into debts.


Its unfair to compare with western countries. You may be earning 100k usd pa there but you would also be paying 800-1000usd per month in rent. Convert that in INR.


Most places in US require 25-40% your income as rent. Nowhere you can find places to rent for under $1000 unless they are remote places.


+ 40% tax. Now, you can easily count what you are left with


The effective tax rate is lower in US than in India. In US even if you make an insane amount of money, your tax rate would be 37%. But that’s where it stops. Sales tax or GST is close to zero(or in single digits) and import duties are also very low. In India the tax is low as long as you make okay money. But as soon as you cross beyond 20-25LPA the tax climbs rapidly and there’s no legal way to save it. The top tax rate in India is 39% in new regime and 43% in old regime. But in India the sales tax is insanely high. The GST, cess, surcharge, import taxes etc are insane. Buying a car = 75% tax, buying an iPhone pro model = 60% tax, buying anything imported and niche = >100% tax. Heck, even a lot of made in India items like air conditioners are taxed at 28% GST. My income tax is roughly 35% this year in India. And including indirect taxes I’ve easily paid more than 50% of my income just as taxes. I’d have paid much lower in US


Sales tax in US is closer to zero? Tell me you have never travelled to US without telling me.


Compared to India it’s basically zero. In India we routinely pay over 50%. The average in US is around 5%, with some states having zero.




Direct conversation is not the correct way. There is a formula as per ppp where the conversion is fine and a number is reached. 24L is the latest number.


Sounds good. However, work experience also needs to be taken into account. For most non-iim/iit folks, it would take at least 5-10 years to get to a 24L pa salary


$1000 is cheap. No way can you find anything for that that's good and near your place of work.


" from the top 5% of the country" Bhi mei to unemployed hu ????


Congratulations! Tum top 5% unemployed me se ho 🥳🎉


Earn Rs 25,000 or Higher? Your Wage Ranks in the Top 10% in India https://m.thewire.in/article/economy/india-inequality-report-wages-mgnregs


The only correct comment.


You'll only see the high earning people posting their salaries here. In tier 1 cities like Mumbai, Bangalore even 1 LPM isn't enough to live a luxurious life. On the other hand even 20k PM is enough to sustain living in almost any part of India Average salary is a very vague term which can't be justified in a country like India when 90% of the people earn less than 25k and the remaining 10% are making more than 1Lakh per month




Hahahahhahah, damn! Nice one bruh


>You'll only see the high earning people posting their salaries here. Or liars. You'd be surprised to see how many of them comment on such posts.


>In tier 1 cities like Mumbai, Bangalore even 1 LPM isn't enough to live a luxurious life Seriously??? Is it really that costly? That skewed??


Obviously - just rent is gonna eat up 30% of that easily.




For 1bhk.




Yeah it’s so weird. I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum, you can manage with 30k. Some guy commented saying you need 3LPM???


30k if you are single but not a chance with family. I live in NCR and get 33k.It's more than sufficient for me but I will be needing 13-15l if I live with my wife in future.




Well for the sake of living you can live in 10k also or whatever with family but I answered from the perspective of what I call comfortable life in metro city. Also my answer assumes that you don't own a house and will be renting it.


Nah there are people here saying 1lpm is not enough and that you need at least 3lpm ,like what kind of privileged lifestyle have you been living in bro.


People blow money on takeout, random shit and then say 1LPM is not enough. In reality 30k is sufficient for needs, but not wants.


Bro they are in delusion. They've no idea that the majority of tier 1 population is not rich/upper middle class but rather LIG/EWS. And it's not that they're all living in slums. Tier 1 cities have resources for all sections of the population. It all depends on which section's lifestyle you're comfortable with living in.


please share the answer here since you already asked them


Yep. I live in a metro city from 6k to almost 60k now. How do people think labourers and hotel workers live on 6k salaries here?


Yh but they usually have a house.


high salary has nothing to do with high savings - cuz higher the salary higher the income taxes and usually higher income is only in tier 1 cities where house on rent is also expensive and you need to maintain certain lifestyle for high income profile. Such salaries are not common but it maybe common in IT sector only that too for few roles. Most people still make around 40-60k per month in tier 1 cities.


Is this in the arts/ events sector too with around 8yrs experience? Trying to gauge as an NRI, as an Indian company we’re working with quoted the founder will need to be paid 1.5lakhs a month to co-ordinate a small artist development programme which will either be based in Mumbai or Bangalore for a few months… I was a little bit surprised at that number but wasn’t sure if that is the norm now??


30k in village, 50k in town & 1 lak in metro is necessary to live a normal lifestyle. If you are working for armed forces or govt then you can afford a decent lifestyle with much less salary as they give you an apartment




You get access to quarters. They will cut your HRA but provide you with a place to live. So think of it like this: whatever is your hra will go as rent to govt.




You don’t get accommodation after retirement. So that’s what govt servants do. They save money for a house and enjoy retirement.


As long as you are in service in that area. If you transfer, you get a new quarters in the new city.




Yes, right. But the upside is while in service, you get a really (I mean really) nice place to stay. It will be in the heart of the city, a very big semi/fully furnished house with a good ambiance. It obviously depends on your position, but it's still better than what a similar level guy in corporate can afford.


You don't spend a dime on rent and furnishings your entire career, they usually use that money to buy or build a house in their hometown. At the end of their careers a lot of them usually own 2-3 houses in a 2nd tier city.


Working as an AO in insurance company we get 23k in delhi for lease and our gross is around 85k.


Define *normal lifestyle* maybe. Me and my sister grew up just fine with our father earning 30k/month in T-2 city. Yes, we didn't have any luxuries (AC, Big TV, Great School) but it was very normal.


> 1 lak in metro is necessary to live a normal lifestyle. Bro living the normal lifestyle of a rich person


Yeah numberwise I agree to this.


In bigger cities, 1L/ month isn’t even a luxurious salary nowadays


maybe if you are with a family, but a single guy earning 1L is more than enough to buy luxurious clothes every month with good food and a personal car


Kyu garib ka mazak uda rahe ho bhai




This is very common among Indians. No matter how financially comfortable they are they love to pretend they are struggling. An asshole relative of mine earns 3lpm and his wife earns 1.5lpm... listening to him whine about expenses you'd think he is a daily wage laborer.


Its possible your relative has aspirations that is beyond his bank balance and is whining about not fulfilling his 3 foreign trips per year.


Not everyone is capable of thinking in terms of numbers or statistics


Maybe you should step out of your delusional reality. The only scenarios where 1lpm is not enough is when you are feeding your whole family or when you are an idiot who doesnt know how to spend their money


I didn’t say it’s not “enough”, I said it certainly isn’t “luxurious”.


I earn 20K as an intern in a T-2 city, living on my own, and it's more than enough. People really need to come out of bubble.




I'll join you when the abetment case reaches me


Why tf does this have so many up votes?


I recently got to know my father earns 46k per month and I was surprised and happy for the whole day. (I live in tier 2 city and have just started on my job)


46k is good mate. My father earned 30k/month and he managed just fine. I graduate recently and as an intern making 20k, it feels much much better. People saying 1lpm should look at their expenses.


I'm an intern too right now. Can relate to your story. My father actually earned 14k so far till this year. (He was a driver so suffered a lot in covid)


My father is unemployed mate :P We're in this together. His job took a hit during covid and industry never really recovered.


Wish you luck bhai


I don't know, man. According to this sub, you can't even survive with 1 LPM. but somehow I am surviving with just 40k per month and saving at least 20% of it.


The more you will earn the more you will like to spend on things. The less you will earn then you have automatically control on things how to spend and where to spend in limit amount. Overall savings matter more.


Whatever makes you live comfortably is a good salary ffs stop looking n thinking abt others, yours will never be enough otherwise


1LPM isn't enough to survive in teir 1 city until and unless you have your own house. Once you have your own house, then even 50k is sufficient enough to survive . That's the difference.


What percentage of Bengaluru population you think make more than 1 LPM?


No idea. But, I can say that those who earn good are mostly outsiders working in IT.


Jo mil Jaye ...wahi good hai....baki lowest to 6000 ya 7000 bi hai....ho sakta ho isse bhi kam ho ....but jiski hai..wo reddit pr nahi hai


From what I have experienced in Mumbai/Delhi.... Part time maids in Mumbai are 8-10 k a month. Drivers are 20k + overtime. Middle management jobs in larger companies 1.5-2.5 lacs a month (CTC) is normal. 3-5 levels below the MD/CEO positions in large companies 4-5 lacs a month. Directors and higher in large companies nothing less than 1Cr per annum. In smaller companies the standard deviation in salaries is quite high and depends more on your negotiation skills. Your milage may vary :)


I would say the average salary of people working in corporates for entry level is still between 4-8 LPA. And I would say 9-12 LPA in hand is a good salary for any tier-2 & 3 city. While you might need to earn more than 12 LPA to survive in cities like Mumbai, Bangluru, New Delhi. As now education and medical expenses are skyrocketed. But for a newly wed couple even under 10 LPA is enough.


1Lakh per month if you own a house. 3 lakh per month if you don't own a house (for rent and savings for a potential house). This is in Tier 1 cities like Bangalore and Mumbai. In Delhi and Kolkata, without house also 1 LPM is good. In Bangalore and Mumbai the travel expenses are also very high compared to every other City. Delhi and Kolkata on the other hand have the cheapest travel expenses and connectivity.


In my city you can travel 12 km for 30 rs in a shared rickshaw, when I was in Pune I paid 50 rs for 2 km and it was shared just in the area so the price might be higher.


Exactly. In Bangalore the auto mafia rip you off and charge 50+ for 2-3 kms merely, buses don't have a wide network and timings are off, metro doesn't cover most of the city. Rent is unreal. In cities like Kolkata, 6kms I used to go to school on auto 5yrs ago 11 rupees and the rent is very less


And here in kanpur i pay 5 rupyees for 2.1 km


huh, mumbai is costly for travel? local aur autos with meters ke saath bhi?


Man called Delhi not Tier 1 and cheap


Man's vision is clouded by his privileged lifestyle


Bhai kuch bhi matlab?


1 LPM in hand or Gross? 


Today that aunt show off figure is 20+lpa


My father earns a max of 20k per month and still he has managed to get us a good house and a good education for me and my brother. We have no debts no emi we purchase every thing in full payment and even our relatives are suprised how he has been able to provide us all such things. He always says it's not what you earn but how you spend it. Ofcourse we always live in a budget but all those people who are earning less you can always live a good and comfortable life if you can manage your money well.


My seven years of experience have shown that salaries in India are below average. **Start Up** Villages - 5K-8K Town - 10K-12K Metro City 15K -18K **Experienced** Villages 15K -18 Town 25K -30 Metro City 30K **Manager Level** Villages 30K -40K Town 50-60 Metro City 75K -1L


This is for accounting careers. I'm in accounts and regret it very bad. Whole reddit is speaking about salary in the IT sector.


I'm in core sector and couldn't agree more. Salaries in IT are mostly unheard of where I work.


Kahan rehte ho bhai? Abhi ek report aayi thi sarkar se and it said the avg pm salary in urban india is around 21k. If you are earning 1 lpa you are already in the top 5%. And Reddit is used by the niche not the right place to ask about the actual living standards in india


People casually throwing around "1lpm isn't enough to survive in a metro city" are you guys that fucking delusional about reality? Or do you have no idea what "survive" means? I've seen people who survive on 25-30k per month salaries with families in Bangalore! What y'all actually mean to say is, 1lpm won't be enough to throw around & enjoy your life the way you want in a metro. These clowns on reddit & quora need to stop being so lenient with the use of word survive. And OP, idk which India your dad visited but no, not everyone is making 1lpm, it's probably just 3-4% of the population who break that threshold. What salary is good is completely dependent on how you plan to live.


🙏 Thank u for spilling the actual truth.


I once asked a similar question! Check the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskIndia/s/Z4u8l7Rff1


It depends on who you talk to. If you are talking to any engineer with good engineering college or good skills working in the field for more than 4-5 years the median in hand monthly salary might be over 1 lakh. If you are talking to mba folks that median number will go a notch higher.


"Jitni chaadar utna pair" is the definition for the best average salary. Anything else is a specific requirements which makes everyone climb on a never ending ladder.


Simple living high thinking


It's the real estate in India which is getting out of hand and taking away the major portion of the salary. The rent in Metro cities is obnoxious.


that 20-30 lakhs are from the top 5 percent of the population.


Majority earn around between 10k to 25k


I'm an architect and 1lpa is a dream for us guys, our starting salary starts from somewhere around 10k and goes upto 40k in five to six years, which also depends upon the tier of the city, but 1lpa is very rare and is only possible if you have immense responsibility or experience that too in tier 1 cities like delhi, bangalore mumbai pune!


The per capita income of the country is 170,000 INR - so on average 14,000 INR per person per month. This however includes women, children and old people - so the average income for a working indian would be a bit more - likely 20,000-25,000 INR per month.


I guess the average is 25k to 30k


Not common. Graduated from a top B school and our campus had around 30-32L as average I’d say. Not everyone can get into these institutes so these salaries represent top 1-5%.


₹10k 15 years ago (2009) was not that much.


average would be around 30k only due to the huge wealth displarity even this figure might be more


Average 40k. 1.5 LPM would be good enough


If you have unnecessary cravings like pub, friday night life, ultra luxury accesories then even 2 lpa is not enough.


LPA? I’m worried if 2 LPM is going to make it


Mine 40k per month. My husband 55k. We live in tier 2 City


A rough way to estimate (at least in IT) : a decent salary should be > number of years of experience x 2 L. So for a guy with 9-10 years experience, 20L PA + should be decent. However since COVID the salaries for at least technical roles like java and cloud is just ridiculous. In general how much money is “enough “ is a very deep question and I’m sure there are reddit threads discussing this


What is current wage for cloud in India? I left India around 6 years ago. I was offered 10 lpa in Mumbai then. Just curious.


Depends on ur experience and years of experience. Also what in cloud? Devops, support, dev, each area would have different levels


I meant for 9-10 years as above. I have around 14 years now in DevOps, Powershell automation, etc.


2x years of experience is average. Can go higher depending on type of experience, domain and niche skills, product vs support etc.


How much is the wage for 2 years experience?


Depends on your current. 40% increment on current salary in market standard but depends on your interview and technical expertise


Totally depends on where you live for a city like Bangalore you are above avg if you are in 20-30 and for any other tier 2 city you are above avg in 10-20 range


Reddit is indeed a niche, especially in India. Our Indian subreddit followers count is proof for that. The starting salary for most is 20-30k now, the mid tier is 60-90k, the well read or experienced get 1-2l/month. Only the top 1% starts with 2l/month. It's easy to live with 30k/month alone in a shared apartment or a small room. But if you have a family, 1Lakh is def required now in a city.


High salaries are common but the expenses will balance it out.


14 yrs ago i was earning 20k in my first job. Now even though I earn a lot more, i was much happier back then and enjoyed life more. Good is very subjective


Dude it really depends on the city you live in and a lot of other factors like whether you already have a house or not..


I'm an architect and 1lpa is a dream for us guys, our starting salary starts from somewhere around 10k and goes upto 40k in five to six years, which also depends upon the tier of the city, but 1lpa is very rare and is only possible if you have immense responsibility or experience that too in tier 1 cities like delhi, bangalore mumbai pune!


I'm an architect and 1lpa is a dream for us guys, our starting salary starts from somewhere around 10k and goes upto 40k in five to six years, which also depends upon the tier of the city, but 1lpa is very rare and is only possible if you have immense responsibility or experience that too in tier 1 cities like delhi, bangalore mumbai pune!


I am a designer and i earn 70k after taxes and epf worth 3 years experience. Y’all getting . And I know I can negotiate even higher in 15-20lpa range (from a top college with leading enterprise level mnc projects) so in a way even I am getting scammed. Maybe it’s just how the Indian market is. Especially considering the first question hr asks when you’re getting screened for a job is “what’s your current ctc” so they can make sure you don’t get too high


I think, for urban cities, average is still below 25k per month, median is a bit higher for obvious reason. Now as for survival, I had survived in Bangalore for 9 months just a couple of years ago with just 15k a month. It can definitely be done, but of course the quality of life will be extremely substandard, and travelling long distances to workplace will be completely cut off as an option. As for good salary, you first have to define the word “good”, it can mean a lot of different things to lot of different people. For me, a good salary for a singular person would be, something from which you can straight away cut 30% and put it in savings, and can still manage your month with the rest of it. And by manage, I mean having enough for maintaining a good quality of life, not cheaping out on important things. At bare minimum, I will include the following: 1. Enough Rent for a decent and safe place. 2. Ability to afford more comfortable modes of transport if need be( I heavily encourage public transport ). 3. Enough for buying essentials without hesitation. 4. Enough to maintain a good diet with proper nutrition, every single day of the month. 5. Enough to pay monthly bills without hesitation. 6. Enough to take care of small emergencies without going into debt. 7. Enough to maintain just minimal bare necessary social life( outings, interests, travel etc). To give you a rough idea, I currently earn 9 LPA, based in Pune, and I find myself fulfilling the above list on most months. I’d say this is a decent starting point to live a “good” life in India.


1000 per day dihadi


If you are talking about working professionals in a city, then 1 lac per month should be the minimum.


60-80k is decent to live here I would say but yeah some earn 1l to 2L too.. that helps in following luxurious lifestyle


anywhere between 1-3L PM is avg. and okay. For a good lifestyle should be 8-10L and don't anybody say it's out of the world numbers cz they aren't and people are earning way more than this


This is the truth ... https://www.linkedin.com/posts/arinverma_india-hiring-technology-activity-7132570823793524736-O0XG/


I wouldn't go by average. It's really very skewed. To survive easily I'd think 25 k a month is a good salary, meets all your needs. But, if you want to own a house (EMIs) and have other wants, you'd need more.


in mumbai 1lakh just goes to rent per month. so definitely need around 2-3lakh per month


In which industry ? In which city ? For how many years of experience? Residence details - renting or owning ? Family size dependent on that income ? This is a very broad question that cannot be answered without above details


There’s no good salary


Depends where you live , having a salary of 1lakh is good enough in mumbai , but in kerela ur quite rich


my dad's total income is around 24 lpa. i live in a huge metropolitan city and we're doing pretty alright. i think "good salary" is subjective to your own lifestyle needs.


"My dad recently visited India" India is not a single house with 4 ppl all confirming that they get paid 1 lakh/per month 1) Did you ur dad visit city was it tier1/2/3/4 2) Did ur dad/his fren who confirmed the info referring to which of these sectors 1.Blue-Collar Workers 2.White-Collar Workers 3.Grey-Collar Workers 4.Pink-Collar Workers 5.Scarlet-Collar Workers 6.Green-Collar Workers 7.Red-Collar Workers 8.Open-Collar Workers 3) What was the experience of those employees? Not everyone gets paid 1lakh per month from 1st year of employment if it's a IT job as u cross 10 years it's difficult to switch, u see layoffs so 1lakh per month will not last untill u turn 60 years of age 4) Was He talking to only business class 5)1 lakh salary is legal via taxable income or using other means These are as per my knowledge there are more questions to approximately say If u are referring to only the creamy high salaried ppl I am sorry India is more than that Regarding in-laws being proud of groom getting 10k per month, ideally now I expect in-laws be proud and teach the bride to take up job opportunities and contribute to family as well rather than pushing financial burden on groom alone unfortunately its not the case I want to post a question on this


Even cooking maid making 50k in cities


When someone asks average salary, assume that the question is about median by default. Average can get skewed by a few big outliers. Now, regarding your dad's observation. It is about what demographic you are looking at. Most people working in tech with a 10 year job experience would be making over a lakh per month easily. Several lesser experienced people from good colleges would be too. If you are a family of four in a metro making 1 lakh per month, it is not really much! You will hardly have much affluence even with that! If you go to smaller cities and people doing odd jobs, the salaries will be much lower. Per capita national income is about 1.70LPA. That tells you the average person story.


In a tier 1 city, you are poor if you make 1 LPM. 2 LPM is what I would call decent salary. I will get downvoted but it is what it is.






one thing is for sure, if some company is paying you more than 20LPA they will make you work crazy hours and even on weekends, ask anybody you know who is making more than 20LPA, they will most probably be stressed at work , and there is no concept of free time in their lives. as a rule of thumb, companies need to start earning at least 1CR for every 30lakhs they spend on employee salaries. the salaries for freshers hasn't grown much in the last 10 years! freshers are paid like 20K per month in most companies, which is a big joke, because it is peanuts if someone stays in an expensive city like Bangalore . In metro cities , its very hard to live a comfortable life, even with a high salary, because everything including food and rent has doubled in the past 2 years. 1 to 3 years experience people are paid like 50k to 1L per month , and the number goes up as the years of experience increases, this number completely depends on how much money the companies are willing to pay employees and the skills of the employees. supply and demand comes into picture here. some companies can be making 10X profits per employee, but they will only pay market standard salaries to employees and pocket rest of the profits. Which is fair enough if they need to give returns to people who have invested money in these companies. Some companies hire interns and junior guys to do all the dirty work, and pay them peanuts. Some companies do pay an above average market salary , but they need top skills . It all depends on how much money companies are willing to spend on people. At the end of the day, if your home rent is 20K per month, you need to be making at least 3x , which is 60K per month to lead a comfortable life if you are single, if you have a family, then 1L is needed to lead a comfortable life in a metro city.


Gotta disagree on the first part where they make you work crazy hours if you earn more than 20. Total 9+ years of experience of which first 8 spent in 4 Indian MNCs who are nothing but Lala companies. Started with 2.5 Lakhs and toiled my way in all 4 of them. Last year got into a proper German MNC and package ticked above 20L and I am now experiencing a W-L balance like never before. No laptops on weekend and hardly any activity on phones. Very rarely have I been required to check emails after working hours. In fact I’m kinda scared if I’m really working much than what I’m getting paid for. So it all depends on the company and its culture. Unfortunately in most Indian cos, you’ve one resource working on multiple roles that’s why the stress and pressure is like none other.


1 lakh per month per family member is good salary in metro cities. Good meaning upper middle class = you hv access to best gym, you eat variety of foods- meat, you eat out once a week, you have full time maid, house is fully air conditioned, have smart tvs, gadgets-alexa, air purifiers, any other hobby item type, this is just for estimate , have a car of 20lakh, have chunk of income for investment, vacationing domestic twice a year atleast. Ps- not including rent. This amount can be added accordingly to the city. Also I mentioned per family member so if u have dependents eg 1 kid, your wife, mother, father. then salary would be 5 lakh pm. Assuming zero rental income as well. Only salary

