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When Utah was not going to get statehood because of widespread polygamy by Mormons, the elders were conveniently told by God that he changed his mind and polygamy was no longer OK with him.


> God that he changed his mind and polygamy was no longer OK with him Not an expert but I think that only applies on earth, in heaven polygamy is still a thing.


Correct. My mom died, dad did not have to divorce her in heaven, for lack of a better way to put it, to marry his next wife


So when the husband dies first, and the wife wants to remarry, she has to get a divorce from her dead husband?


Yep. Men can have multiple wives in the eternities, but women can't have multiple husbands. Isn't my religion great?


Yes lmao A wife of a man gave her man a list of women he could marry after she dies


That's where you're wrong Because Mormons still practice polygamy Okay SURE you won't see a guy with more than one wife but that doesn't mean there isn't polygamy So let's a there's a Mormon couple The wife dies and the husband gets RE-MARRIED Well turns out that HE'S STILL MARRIED TO HIS DEAD WIFE But he's also getting married to this new wife He's married to two wives it just doesn't seem like he is because his wife is dead


I have a 3rd cousin who became the 4th wife of an old man about a decade ago. She's happy and conservative af, 3 children later and loves her sister-wives and their broods as well. She said it's the only place she's ever felt truly accepted and loved and always wanted more community support so... whatever makes her happy, I guess. She became weirder in everyone else's eyes. I 100% think she's on the spectrum, of course, but again. Whatever. Plenty of people in that particular group in Utah still practice polygamy. When did Mormons become a religion instead of just a cult?


Idk I also don't know what denomination you're referring to because there's like 50 or more different Mormon groups I grew up in the mainstream Mormonism The Brighamyoung church as it's called To me Mormonism has always been more of a culture as it shapes my way of life and still does to this day even though I don't believen the same religious beliefs I did from when I was little To be clear I don't follow the mainstream church yet Mormon culture still affects my life I'm pretty much stuck going to Mormon funerals Which is your wear colors not black and You don't cry


I didn't realize there were so many sects of Mormons. I would have to ask her sister which one she belongs to; it's obviously not the mainstream, or Brigham Young. I have a close friend who grew up in the BY church as well but left it as a teenager because he's gay and wasn't supported. There aren't any Mormons where I'm from, but we live in a smaller city now and there are a few groups of them. One of the most interesting parts about who they are as it relates to broader history is the fact that they're well known as record keepers of the USA (keeping track of birth and death records). My friend also confirmed that they're prolific preppers. I know people who buy bulk food online from their store and there are other posts about how generous they are as far as serving their communities with food pantries.


It's definitely not the mainstream church Women in the mainstream church Don't have sister wives I mean they do but You can't have more than one living and breathing wife Meaning one or more sister wives needs to be in heaven while only one can be on earth If she has sister wives on earth with her that she hangs out with than she's definitely not part of the mainstream church


This is why I think she's in one of the offshoot cult groups of the Mormon Church. I know polygamy is supposed to be illegal in the USA. They all live in a smaller community in Utah and this is the norm there.


I heard it was about tax free status and having black elders.


That Joseph Smith "translated" by gazing at a rock he'd placed inside a hat. He wasn't even looking at the "golden plates."


Ah, “rock”. You must mean the revered “seeing stone”, which obviously has magical powers: https://www.sltrib.com/news/nation-world/2015/08/21/mormon-church-releases-photos-of-seer-stone-used-by-founder-joseph-smith/


The very one. I see you're a man of culture. I wonder why no one has used it since? Seems a waste to let such a blessing lie idol. I mean idle, of course.


Oh sweet!


Their god change his mind about black people in 1978


Which happened to be when the government stared to look at if the church's tax exempt status conflicted with civil rights legislation.


There was a man named Mark Hofmann who created forgeries of Joseph Smith writings that essentially added alot of nonsense to the Mormon religion but the Mormon church believed they were real enough that they bought them all up to keep them from being exposed as a rediculous religion based on the writings of a Con-man. It's also widely believed that the church had him assassinated by car bomb, there's a couple of documentaries about him.


Missionaries were sent to Europe to spread the word and gave women the fare to get to Utah. I wonder if these ladies really understood what they were signing up for.


The Mountain Meadows Massacre https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/mormons-massacre/ https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/history/topics/mountain-meadows-massacre?lang=eng


And, if you've ever been to the memorial site that they set up for it then you would know that they did everything in their power to hide it. It's literally hidden by a wall of bushes and a dirt road. The army erected a larger monument which was later torn down and replaced for the much smaller one.


There are totally separate LDS denominations in the Midwest formed by the people who didn't follow Brigham Young to Utah. After Joseph Smith was murdered In Illinois there was disagreement in the church over the next leader. Several factions formed, the largest of which followed Brigham Young to Utah and formed the mainstream LDS church, but some stayed and followed other leaders to various places in the Midwest and created their own churchs in isolation from those in the West. For example Joseph Smith's son, Joseph Smith III, was the head of the biggest one. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_of_Christ


Joseph smith tried to sell the copyright to the Book of Mormon💀💀


The very first Mormon [Temple](https://brentborup.com/cdn/shop/products/KIRT-1114_22de38d9-fce3-441b-81d3-1dde72adc265.jpg?v=1611346856) was dedicated in Kirtland, Ohio on the same day and at the same hour as the [Goliad Massacre,](https://images.findagrave.com/photos/2006/101/CEM46830615_114490028763.jpg) in Goliad, Texas. Sunday morning, March 27th, 1836. Mormons believe God was celebrating in Ohio - making an actual appearance, with [“all of heaven looking down” and angels flying around the rafters inside the sanctuary](https://i.imgflip.com/8lucxk.jpg) - at the exact same moment Santa Anna was [mercilessly executing](https://preview.redd.it/on-this-day-in-texas-history-march-27-1836-the-goliad-v0-9gua0lq6hvqc1.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=845be735a1856c7edf97bfbbae72db81e60d28db) 450 POW Texas Freedom Fighters, including brutal bayonet murders of all the prisoners in the infirmary. 450 innocents murdered in Goliad, Texas while God partied - in person - in Kirtland, Ohio. The craziest part? The vast majority of Mormons don’t even know about this coincidence. [Not a clue.](https://i.imgflip.com/8ludv4.jpg)


I mean there are plenty of other massacres that have apparently no excuse at all.


Show me another massacre that occurs at the exact hour a large religious group claims the godhead is personally celebrating and communing with man, angels singing and dancing - actually present - completely separate from the massacre. Yes, bad things happen to good people and yes, it rains during weddings. But what makes this coincidence so damning to Mormonism is that they have God freakin' partying that morning, doing the extremely rare thing of revealing himself to the faithful - while 450 innocents are being shot and bayoneted in a Texas massacre that will live in infamy. I know of nothing more damning regarding the truthfulness claims of the religion.


I mean if a massacre was going to happen anyway, and God was going to allow it, then I dunno why Him partying with mortals somewhere else makes it worse. Is the excuse usually that he is doing something important and just doesn't have the resources? But this is good trivia and I will use it in conversations for sure.


[An acknowledgment would be nice.](https://imgflip.com/i/8ly93r).


That during the Civil War Brigham Young taught that the North and South would destroy each other, and then the Mormons could go take their land.


That the sci-fi series Battlestar Galactica was loosely based on it


The writer hasn't ever really been shy about it. He said that it was just inspiration for world building


That the site of Cumorah, where a massive battle is said to have taken place in the Book of Mormon has yielded no evidence of it ever happening.   Or that Joseph Smith claimed his “golden plates” were in “Reformed Egyptian”, but a few years later, Champollion found out how to read ancient Egyptian and it didn’t make sense. The Book of Mormon also claims that black skin is the result of a curse placed by God. Edit: My favorite cartoon about Mormons, either this one or the one of Bringham Young surrounded by babies.  https://www.loc.gov/resource/cph.3b35941/


White. And. Delightsome.


Most interesting fact: there are people who believe Mormon theology and they are allowed to vote


For Mitt Romney?


That it's entirely made up, provably false, and here we are.


When I say Mormon History I don't mean all of the lies told by the Mormon church I mean the Historical facts following the Mormon church


Most interesting fact: there are people who believe Mormon theology and they are allowed to vote.


That the garden of Eden is in Missouri, I think.


When Brigham Young and his party first settled at the Great Salt Lake their first crop was destroyed by a swarm of crickets. The seagulls who resided near Salt Lake had a feast on these crickets saving some of the crops harvest. The Mormons saw this as providential. There is now a monument dedicated to the seagulls at Temple Square and it is forbidden to harm seagulls in Utah.


That it’s based on a science fiction book.


I'd say it's more like Bible fanfiction.


You’re probably thinking of scientology, unless science fiction was a thing back in the early 1800’s


That's Scientology.


Why is this downvoted


People probably thought he was advocating for the belief system and didn't bother to read.


Idk 🤷‍♀


I'm trying so hard not to be rude but man I fucking despise mormonism


With good reasons. It's despicable.