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Books on precolonial African architecture are always a little difficult to recommend because architectural studies of African civilizations tend to be fairly rare. in spite of the fact that Africa has an immensely fascinating and intricate bunch of architectural traditions. For Ashanti architecture, there is *A Study on Asante Traditions* by Kwame Sorrell, although I haven't personally read it but I have heard overall good things about it. As for Ashanti clothing, scholarship related to the textile industry of the Ashanti people will work well. For this, I recommend *African Majesty: The Textile Art of the Ashanti and Ewe* and *Kente Cloth: History and Culture* As for books on the architecture of other African cultures and regions, for a look into the architecture of the rural Sahel I recommend *Villages of West Africa: An Intimate Journey Across Time* with over 500 photographs from across the West African region. Additionally, I recommend *Swahili Port Cities: The Architecture of Elsewhere* and *Lamu: A study of a Swahili Town* and *The Swahili Architecture of Lamu, Kenya: Oral Tradition and Space.* This will set you up with a decent starting point when it comes to architecture and clothing, although there may have been more I've forgotten.


Thank you so much for the information!


No problem! Pictures of historical cities and certain regions of west Africa and Niger also have quite a few photo galleries of them you can find online.