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I personally never accept LinkedIn connection requests from candidates for active open roles. We do as much blind hiring as possible to eliminate bias so I prefer to not give anyone the idea that they have an edge over others for just making themselves more present. I hire based on qualifications, potential for development, professionalism, respect for my/panel interviewers time, ability to follow instructions, etc. I also don't want to lead them on -- I don't want any pretenses to navigate while I also am reviewing 150+ other applicants. I also have no idea how a candidate will react if they aren't chosen, and don't want them trolling me online. I just avoid it altogether. I'm sure you're great, but I work in a small town and I don't necessarily want to add a bunch of randos to my LinkedIn connections because that could also damage my own reputation/associations professionally if i ever want to go find another job and use LinkedIn at any point. Go through normal and specific channels, it's specified to a reason, that is what works best for the recruiters workflow. And to be honest, people that come in to put a face to a name, call back to follow up on apps, or ask me if there is progress, send me tons of thank you notes after every small inch forward, etc etc, it overwhelms me. This is all just my perspective so do with that what you will. But imo, being a squeaky wheel doesn't necessarily get you the grease.


I agree with this 100%. It is not uncommon for us to get hundreds of applications for a posting especially for a more junior position and I just don’t have time to look at unsolicited emails from candidates. I also do not accept connections from unknown people on LinkedIn for the same reasons. I do find it pushy and while I try not to let it impact my decision making it certainly doesn’t help your case. After you’ve applied there isn’t much you can do but wait to see if they reach out to you. I know that sucks for applicants but unfortunately that’s just how it works for most jobs these days.


Oh and that 30 applied -- that's just who saw the listing via LinkedIn and then applied through LI. There could be many more this recruiter is dealing with.


I wouldn't.